TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: Reichenbach

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: Reichenbach

I love the titles that TV Fanatic’s Sean McKenna comes up with at times.  His tagline for this week’s Round Table on “Reichenbach” is “No More Mr. Nice Dean.”  I’ll say so!  Anyway, we all had plenty to say about this mind blower.  About Castiel, Crowley, Sam, and what Demon Dean is really doing to…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.02 “Reichenbach”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 10.02 “Reichenbach”

The monsters, demons, angels—and hunters—that populate the rich world of Supernatural excite, entertain, and thrill us each week. But its what they represent that keeps us coming back. Dig deeper, and we can see that each one captures a facet of ourselves. They can represent our hopes. They can represent our fears. They can represent…

The Supernatural 200th Episode Party: The Photos and Tweets

Last night marked another momentous occasion for Supernatural, the 200th episode party!  It seems like only yesterday we were geeking out over the 100th episode one.   In attendance at the red carpet were series stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and Mark Sheppard as well as Executive Producers Jeremy Carver and Robert Singer,…

Gerry’s Supernatural Review: “Reichenbach” – Who Are You?

Gerry’s Supernatural Review: “Reichenbach” – Who Are You?

Life conspired to keep me from my keyboard the last couple of weeks, but I can’t resist sneaking in a review of “Reichenbach,” late in the game as it is. I wasn’t as thrilled with “Black” as I’d hoped to be, but “Reichenbach” hit all the right notes. I’m really looking forward to seeing the…