Why I Write Recaps

Normally by Wednesday I like to have the recap up, but this week has been one extraordinary circumstance after another.  I at least started the recap for “I Believe The Children Are Our Future,” so that’s a start.  I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but I thought I’d share why I started…

“I Believe The Children Are Our Future” – How Was It?

Hmm, it smells like a Thursday…looks like a Thursday…acts like a Thursday, it must be Thursday!!  Oh, and it’s one of those magical 22 Thursdays each year we are blessed with.  Yes, I’m talking about episode night. So, after you see the episode in whatever time/space you’re in, take a few minutes to share your…

Second Episodes of The Season: The Character Showcases

The second episode of any season is a tough sell. It’s kind of the red headed stepchild, instantly thrust into the shadows of the often superior (but not always) premiere. It’s the episode that most people either DVR, choose to download at a later time, or just skip altogether and wait for the DVDs to come out. Expectations…

“Good God Y’all” – Share Your Thoughts

Updated 9/18 – I’ve heard a few complaints that some people had problems seeing the last scene with Sam and Dean due to an issue with a cable and/or satellite provider.  Since it’s so good and maybe others would like to watch it anyway, I’ve got it for you right here.  {flowplayer}http://www.jesterz.net/images/video/Misc/S5-2ending.flv{/flowplayer} Happy dance!  Happy dance! …

“Sympathy For The Devil” – Post Your Thoughts

IT’S HERE!!!!  IT’S HERE!!!!  Those long hot days of Hellatus are finally over.  As I started at the end of last season, as soon as you see the episode, come here and post your reaction.  ALL opinions are welcome, however, there are ground rules.  -  San fans, Dean fans, Castiel fans, Sam haters, Dean haters, Castiel…