On The Side Of Angels

Here’s another fantastic analysis from Faellie about season four and the influence of angels and demons.  I send my sincere thanks to her in allowing us to sharing another worthwhile read. ***************** This is a look back over what has been learnt about the major players in Season 4 of Supernatural, and some speculation as to what…


Rock, Paper, Scissors – Winchester Style

I’m proud to offer another article from another guest columnist!  This one I don’t consider a stranger though.  Tigershire was the very first person to post comments on this site when I first started it back in October (back when I used a boring blue and white standard blog template thrown together in a day) and she’s remained loyal ever since. …

Why Corporate America Will Never Be Like Supernatural

Why Corporate America Will Never Be Like Supernatural

Yikes! I don’t think I’ve seen a scarier horror story in all my life. Supernatural takes on Corporate America. Those tricky angels put both Dean and Sam in a situation so horrific, so vile, that hunting looks good. I could see Sera Gamble, this week’s writer, pitching the idea. “Oh, I got it, put them in an office!” Even the head…

What Are Your Supernatural Blue Funk Episodes?

It’s the afternoon, I’ve spent all morning cleaning the house and running errands, after spending all day yesterday cleaning the house and running errands, after spending Monday”¦    Anyway, it’s mid week and I find myself in a deep blue funk of futility. Whenever this happens, there are two choices. Go dig through the kid’s bag of…