I Wuv Hugz

I Wuv Hugz

  Recap Then: We start with a montage of some of the Winchester brothers’ most memorable deaths and Bobby’s voice saying “how many times have you two died anyway?”  This can’t be good news for what’s to come.   Castiel’s trying to find God, and wants to do it using the amulet that Sam gave to Dean…

In re The Body and Soul of Sam Winchester

In re The Body and Soul of Sam Winchester

The lawyers for Supernatural have probably been busy working on the contracts for Season 6, and one can only congratulate them on their choice of priority.  But a number of issues arise in the episode Swap Meat which appear to require a little lawyerly attention and analysis. Disclaimer: the arguments below are based on general legal principles in use in common law jurisdictions. (NB “Common…

SPN 1085

Tactics and Strategies in the Supernatural World

I have another great one to share today (but hey, isn’t everything here great?  No, this one is really good, honest.  Faellie sent this to me a week and a half ago and I finally have the right occasion to share it.  Enjoy her indepth and well written analysis on the roles of tactics and strategies in Supernatural.  This…

Faellie’s Recap – “Free To Be You and Me”

Faellie was kind enough to let me share her recap and opinions of “Free To Be You And Me” from her livejournal site, http://shopstewardess.livejournal.com/8442.html.  If you would like to share this recap, please link to this site or Faellie’s livejournal.  Thanks so much Faellie for another unique viewpoint!  Happy reading everyone ————————————— Eat It Twilight Then:…

What Makes Sammy Run?

What Makes Sammy Run?

Faellie, in a follow up to her popular article “Dean Winchester Is A Feminist” gives her very thoughtful take on Sam.  This can also be found on her livejournal, http://shopstewardess.livejournal.com.  I request no reposting of this article.  Either link here or at Faellie’s LJ site.  As usual, comments and debate are welcome! ——————————————  What makes Sammy run?   Taken…