
Sam and Dean are many things. Hunters. Heroes. Antiheroes. Criminals. Saviors. Lovers. Brothers. And they are orphans. They are no longer anyone’s sons. As young adults they have to live without both their parents.    The phenomenon of the adult orphan is not really on the radar of most people. Perhaps, because we tend to…

Open Supernatural Couch:  “And Then There Were None”

Open Supernatural Couch: “And Then There Were None”

Open Supernatural Couch And Then There Were None Or ‘Just because you’re blood doesn’t make you family. You gotta earn that’     Ten little soldiers went out to dine; One choked his little self, and then there were nine.   Before the episode follows loosely the plot of Agatha Christie’s genius crime novel after…

Open Supernatural Couch –  Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Open Supernatural Couch – Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

Open Supernatural Couch –  Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Or The Glass Half Full Is there anything more terrifying than seeing a person you love on the floor, unconscious, unresponsive? I bet some events come close, but this opening sequence send chills down my spine, and as Sam is trapped in his flashbacks, feeling his skin…

Illustrated Song for Two Brothers: Blame It on the Love of Rock and Roll

I watched a wild mix of older episodes over the last couple of days, and I felt the need for a Happy Dean moment. So, this comes with the not-only-on-occasion-rocking Bon Jovi and some of the pretty of Dean when he was happier, more relaxed and more smiling than he is these days… Enjoy a…