Illustrated Song for Two Brothers: Blame It on the Love of Rock and Roll
I watched a wild mix of older episodes over the last couple of days, and I felt the need for a Happy Dean moment. So, this comes with the not-only-on-occasion-rocking Bon Jovi and some of the pretty of Dean when he was happier, more relaxed and more smiling than he is these days… Enjoy a Dean love fest…
I watched a wild mix of older episodes over the last couple of days, and I felt the need for a Happy Dean moment. So, this comes with the not-only-on-occasion-rocking Bon Jovi and some of the pretty of Dean when he was happier, more relaxed and more smiling than he is these days… Enjoy a Dean love fest…
Blame It on the Love of Rock & Roll
By Bon Jovi
First time I heard the music
I thought it was my own
I could feel it in my heartbeat
I could feel it in my bones
My momma thinks I’m crazy
My dad says I’m insane
I got this boogie woogie fever
That’s burning in my veins
They tried to take me to a doctor
But it’s too late for me
Then they took me to a preacher
That they saw on their TV
Who said that for a small donation
My lost soul would be saved
I said I don’t think so preacher
I’ll come back another day
All I want, is to be a Rolling Stone
They don’t understand what we all know
It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a phonograph needle
I’ll never grow up and I’ll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll
My teachers didn’t like me they always
Tried to put me down
‘Cause I wore my hair too long
I played my music way too loud
Every little boy wants to learn to play guitar
So he can pick up all the chicks
And be a rock-n-roll star
They said it won’t last, but they misunderstood
If people think it’s bad then I’ll be bad for good
It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a phonograph needle
I’ll never grow up and I’ll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock & roll
Blame it on the love, blame it on the love
Dad don’t understand what the little girls know
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll
All I wanted, all I ever needed
My guitar gave to me
Every song I’ve sung blame it on love
Every war I’ve won blame it on love
Everything I’ve done blame it on love
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll
That is soo cute!! I love it.
And guess what I was althougt rewatching old episodes in no type of order. Only 8 days left (well for me more like 9 Days 🙁
Ahhh Jas,
I had forgotten about this one.
One I can really relate to.
Perfect choice of lyric and pictures which, of course, I loved too
Thanks love Ju
Yep, I love it too! The happy less stress Dean is easy to love tho. Not at all saying that I could miss out on any new shows. Have it marked on my calender! cant wait! Hope we will see that guy again now that Sammy has his soul back!
Dean is such a happy camper! I like when Dean’s a happy camper. He’s got a real ‘smile and the world smiles with you’ vibe about him when he’s happy. (When did we last see Dean smile, properly, as a matter of interest?)
Gotta say, I’m looking forward to happy Dean as I am soulful Sam.
Thanks for this, Jasminka
Hi Jasminka
Absolutely love this song and your choice of pictures. Seeing these pictures made me realise how much I have missed that Cheshire smile and those bright child like eyes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we will be seeing this Dean again before the end of the season. And keeping them cross we see our old soft hearted and brooding Sam.
“He’s just a little lower
Than the angels in the skies,
An’ the reason is that he can smile;
Therein his glory lies!”
You know I’ve been re-watching Season 1,2 and 3 this hellatus so that I can get a good dose of happy funny Winchester Brothers.
Thanks for doing this Jas!
Jas, I love this so much! Thank you.
A happy Dean is one thing that I miss the most on the show for the last couple of years
I’m currently rewatching season 1 and enjoying it immensely again. Loved the boys just “saving people and hunting things” before everything got all world ending and stuff. 🙂
Hey, Junkerin, Julie, JLP, EnchantingTim, Karen, dmakdavis, and Bevie, thank you guys! I was hoping to bring a smile to your faces with this – the famous, endearing and absolutely enthralling happy Dean.
I am certain, we will see some of that, again.
Cheers! Jas
yes, Dany, isn’t he just lovely? 😀 Glad you like this! We needed a bit of happy Dean, don’t you think?
;-), Jas
Dean is always so serious! Especially with Souless-Sam. I just want to hear the awesomeness of:
Ahh…. You have just made this Deangirl very, very happy! Thanks Jas
Oh, Dean. I do love it when he’s angsty, but I miss his happy-go-lucky-ness. This was very sweet, Jas. Thanks for making it!
One of my fave “crank the radio UP” Bon Jovi tunes AND a happier-days Dean. Just awesome!!
Oh, how I love that smile!
Thanks, Jas!
Oh, hi, HotChocolateInSummer (melting, eh? ;-))boobula, Flamey, Lori and Dawn, thank you! So glad you found a happy moment with this little, cute trip down memory lane…
Jerk – Bitch.., sigh… whenever I watch old episodes, those moments make me smile. A lot.
Grinning like a fool right now, Jas
Hey, CalifornianLeslie, you are speaking to a SamGirl! Don’t worry, Happy Sam will come up. It would be quite impossible for me to not think of happy Sam pictures…
And yes, they will be back again… ta-ta, Jas 😀
There is one particular shot that you left out…one that is a favourite of mine: in Hell House, after Sam wakes in the car with a plastic spoon in his mouth, and Dean’s laughing. I love that scene.
I’ve been meaning to go back to Season 1 and do a partial (if not full) rewatch, just to offset the angst and hopelessness I regularly feel while watching Season 6. It’s time.
Nice but I have an ambivalence feeling about the exercice.
What is this song about, Jensen Akkes or Jensen Akkes as Dean Winchester ?
For me there is a difference. Particularely concerning the smile. Jensen Akkes seems to be a joyfull personality which is not really the case for Dean. The smile is not the same.
I prefer when the two are not mixed together for such an illustration.