The WFB Gazette – Results of SFX Awards 2011
The WFB Gazette’s own Jaspala Wesson is proud to announce the outcomes of the Reader’s Poll of Britain’s number one Sci-Fi Magazine.
In an act of unprecedented response thousands of readers headed online to vote for their favourites in contemporary sci-fi and fantasy, in fact more than 200 000 votes were cast. The results represent what fans ‘˜enjoyed in the realms of TV, books, film, comics and videogames’, says Editor-in-chief David Bradley, ‘˜demonstrating again the influence of the SFX readership.’
Among the many awards, there are some categories that hold Supernatural in its ranks.
Who would have believed that Britain’s fans deemed Castiel to be the sexiest male to grace the small screen? Well, they did, and I know some fans across the great pond will equally rejoice (here’s looking at you, Ardeospina’¦). Actually, Misha Collins was voted for in every single category of the SFX awards. The magazine’s editors expressed their (not too far-fetched) notion that ‘˜his fans may be a little crazy.’
Here are the results in descending order:
Sexiest Male:
Winner: Misha Collins
2: David Tennant (Doctor Who)
3: Alexander Skarsgard (True Blood)
4: Matt Smith (Doctor Who)
5: Josh Holloway (Lost)
6: Jensen Ackles
7: Aidan Turner (Being Human)
8: Joshua Jackson (Fringe)
9: Zachary Levi (Chuck)
10: Nelsan Ellis (True Blood)
I’m a subscriber to SFX and I also voted (guess what for) but I didn’t expect Supernatural to do as well as it did. SFX is unabashedly Who-centric (not that there’s anything wrong with that)and as cassi mentions it favours the Sci over the fantasy fiction. I’m very impressed that Misha beat the likes of Alexander SkarsgÃ¥rd.
Hello KatieV, well done, dear 😉 ! I was also quite amazed to find the great positions Supernatural achieved in this poll.
I have to admit, I would have liked to see Skarsgård in more categories, since I do love his multifacetted portrayal of Vampire Eric (to my mind the sexiest vamp in a long time), but I am very very pleased about the high scores of our show!
Cheers, Jas
Hi Cassi! Perhaps Misha’s tweet powers actually extended to every possible voter in Britain? 😆 I love a slightly insane man… Bless him.
I love to read both magazines, SFX and Sci-Fi, and only because my bookshop orders Empire for me on a monthly basis, those became available in our – rather small – city here in Germany (meaning: the retailer deemed it lucrative to send those too). But, I’m in the lucky position then to get their great reports on some of my fave shows.
Weeeeeeee! Hooray to SPN cast and crew, and the FANS!
I share the same feelings with Jas. I am a Dean and Sam woman, J2 as well, but I wish JARED made it to the lists, too.
(Well, maybe he did. Just not enough to make it to the Top 10).
I’ll go with ‘he made it’, FMJemena! Perhaps he was number 11?
Let’s just imagine he was… 😆
Thanks, Jas
And that is something, eh?
But…was there ever a better doctor than Paul McGann? oops… well, I just like that actor… 🙂 , and it just looks like the McGanns are everywhere…. hehehe…
Cheers, Jas
The overall results were ok but it is begining to become grating the underating and snubbing of Jared. Jensen is a good actor but Jared is up there with him and this season has been in my opinion outstanding. I wish people would acknowledge the fact there is two very good actors on the show .
Hi Ellie, thank you for your comment, but I have to say that I disagree with your notion of Jared being snubbed.
It’s a question of popularity, I’d say, and this time Jensen has been the more popular one.
Jared has become an outstanding, actor, true, but this business thrives on unfairness. There are countless talented actors out there and only a few, some very few, ever get the chance to show their qualities. And then there are always ‘popularity waves’…
Being a big Jared fan, I missed him in those lists, but, there is always another chance. And since he is continuing to grow, perhaps next time it will be impossible for voters to ignore him.
this is meant as some kind of consolation, not picking at you, just in case you might get me wrong… 😉
Wasn’t Jared Padalecki voted sexiest man on TV a few years ago?
I think these results are great. As was said, take out Doctor Who (which is prime material for SFX magazine readership) and Supernatural is topping a lot of those polls. Also, take into account that SFX is a British magazine and the advertising of SPN on Sky is less than minimal, plus the fact that season 6 isn’t even being shown yet and I think it makes these results even more impressive. It shows how many people go out of their way to watch the show so it must mean something huge to them!
HOw right you are, Enchanting Tim – this show means a lot to the voters!
I’m quite happy actually, that Sci-Fi now and SFX often have a nive coverage of Supernatural (usually when a new season starts and fine episode discussions), that’s by far more than we get in German magazines…
Was Jared voted sexiest man? That must have eluded me or, woman, you’ve just pulled my leg to Timbuktu 😆
Love Jas
Thank you for this article – it’s great to see Supernatural receiving positive press. 🙂
I have to admit that when I was reading this article, the reference to Ellen and Jo (Best Death Scene list) cause a lump in my throat …
Misha!!! SFX readers have very good taste, I have to say. Thanks for the report, Jas!
awwwh, Flamey, yes, they do have great taste, don’t they? 🙂 , Love Jas
Jas! I love it! Thank you for this! Supernatural is a global television show.
Also, I agree with you in your comments re: Jared. I actually think his talent is understated and natural, so much so that he is able to take on a character’s skin with little notice. It’s the nuances that count in Jared’s talent. In my opinion.
It was my pleasure, Linda, to point these poll results out to those that didn’t know how wonderfully ‘global’ (indeed) this show is.
About Jared… Personally, I’m a big fan of small gestures, of understated acting, and Jared is getting better and better at it. You don’t have to stand knee-deep in Kleenex yourself to convey sadness, as I love to describe it. The audience will respond more to it when the actor struggles to fight the tears back, in an understated way…
Jared is a very fine actor. And I hope, some day he will be on of the greats…
Thanks, Linda, Cheers, Jas
Hi CalifornianLeslie, I was just as glad when I discovered the results to this poll. Since it is one of the best, if not [i]the [/i] best, shows on TV, that was just logically necessary…
Take care, dear, Jas
Thanks Jas. I surely would have missed that poll hadn’t you put it up.
And you had my mind working hard while reading at the beginning. I was like what is Jaspala doing? Putting up a poll were Supernatural is not at the top in all catagories. Wait she didn’t mention Jared at all. Something is not right here. Or might it even be a real time result.
Thanks for clearing that up for me before finishing the article. And I am extremly happy that our “under the radar” show does so well outside of the states too. Just wish we had something like that here in Germany too.
You know, Yirabah, I thought I’ll keep you, as my kind readers, a bit on your toes… 😉 sometimes Jaspala Wesson will report on true stories, like this one, sometimes she will bring up news of the incredible (and the untrue…)
Thanks for commenting, dear. Jas
This was great, Jas, thanks! Supernatural needs to be recognized all the time as far as I’m concerned. And I agree with you completely about Jared. In fact, over the years, I have become more and more impressed with his talent. One of my favorite episodes is “Mystery Spot” and it’s all because Jared wears his heart on his face.
And that is, indeed, very hard for an actor to do and keep it real.
Thanks for appreciating this report, Kayo, Cheers, Jas
Thanks, Jas!
It is wonderful to see the show & the guys be recognized around the world. I agree that Jared should be in those polls too!
It was my pleasure, Dawn, to bring these news. I will continue to do so whenever I find something noteable…
🙂 , Jas