Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Mothers Love The Winchesters
Mother to the Man or Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Mothers Love The Winchesters
Before I begin my dissertation on Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Mothers Love The Winchesters, I should declare my bias, and cite the facts about me.
2. I am a Dean Girl. That’s because Dean reminds me of my husband. (I’ve been lucky enough to know my husband, and love him much longer than I’ve been acquainted with Dean. The bonus? Hubby is real! And he rarely goes to Hell, except when I inadvertently offer that suggestion during a heated discussion. “It frustrates me when you”…) Dean and my husband share the same haircut and much of the same personality. Sarcastic cynic on the outside, covering a mushy marshmallow centre oozing with love, and the need to nurture and protect.
3. I am Canadian. Doesn’t really matter much except that I’ll play to the stereotype of my nation, and mention ice hockey, at least once.
Hockey is actually where my thesis begins. My husband and I share a spot on a co-ed team. One Friday night, during Season 4, it was his turn to play, and my turn to stay home with our daughters (now 9 and 7). After they were safely tucked into bed, I started channel surfing. I landed on this really handsome man, with his leg down a hole, saying “Please, nothing grab my leg. Please, nothing grab my leg”.
I was intrigued, but still flicked some more. I came back just in time to see the same handsome man (Dean) talking to a darker-haired handsome man (Sam) about how, when he was in Hell, he liked causing others pain, because it made some of his go away.
Hook. Line. And Sinker, I was caught. I was fascinated that there was a show, which would send a main character to Hell, and then have him engage in, and ENJOY!! some fairly unsavoury activities. And, I liked the honesty of the writing. Let’s face it. The human psyche does resort to inflicting pain as a way to try and erase pain. That’s how we get bullies, and frosh week for freshmen at university!
Obviously, my first episode of Supernatural was “Family Remains”. Therefore, it’s kind of poetic that this little ditty is about the fact that Supernatural simultaneously appeals to our parenting sensibilities and instincts, and to all those hormones and emotions that made us parents in the first place! So, here goes”¦
1. Go Out There and Make Your Momma Proud!
As parents, we’re raising the adults of the future. We try to instill our values, and we hope they grow up to be kind, thoughtful, considerate people who will make a positive contribution to the world (maybe even save it!!) We also hope our children don’t share our shortcomings. So, we teach them about generosity and tolerance, and how to be slower to anger, and quicker to help. Our children in return (and I think we’re hard-wired to do this), strive to make us proud. How do they do this? They go out there and try to be better people.
I see this all the time on Supernatural, right from the first season when Dean says “My Mom ““ I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave”. It’s echoed again in the attempts by both brothers to learn, and grow from their mistakes, and the mistakes of their father. The sentiment is there in Sam’s heartfelt apology to his dad in “The Song Remains The Same”. And it’s even there in Season 6, with Dean talking about how he wants to give Ben a different life from what he had.
2. Stop Fighting and Go Play Nicely With Your Brother
Ah yes, sibling rivalry. What would our show be without it? All the bickering, the punching, the teasing and the hugging (albeit those are fairly rare). It’s so real! That’s probably why we appreciate it, and buy into it. I see elements of Sam and Dean’s relationship everyday with my daughters. They can fight viciously (and anyone who believes girls aren’t physical fighters is welcome to drop by my house!) but they are also each other’s best friend. When one is hurt or upset, she always seeks comfort from the other.
As a mom, I would never want my girls to have the relationship as described by Zachariah, “You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right?” But, there is something admirable, and worthy about the strength of their relationship. After all, it was the power of love that pulled Sam and Dean through the Apocalypse, and it’s likely to be what gets them through the ramifications of their latest soul-searching adventure.
I really hope that when my girls grow up they retain the loving, close, supportive bond they have now. Siblings know us, and our faults and strengths intimately, and that’s what makes them so valuable to have around during times of joy, and sorrow. I realize, in the future, my daughters are likely to face some difficult times (hopefully not Armageddon!). Knowing they have a sister to lean on will surely help them through those rough patches. So, I do what I can to nurture my daughters’ relationship, and remind them of the importance of it.
3. Wash Your Hands so We Can Have Dinner and Discuss World Events
Have you ever noticed just how often Sam and Dean discuss a case over a meal? As moms, we’re constantly reminded of the value, and importance of the family dinner. We’re told it’s where kids learn about nutrition, and that it builds relationships. In my house, it’s where we share some of the stories of our day, and talk about what’s happening in the world.
Granted Dean, or at least Season 1 to 5 Dean, and Season 6 Sam, could do with a few more vegetables, but give them credit. They actually share a meal quite often! At the table (and over the top of the Impala) is where they debate, and challenge and listen. That’s all stuff we’re supposed to be doing over our own meat & potatoes, and rice & beans. Sam and Dean are family dinner role models!
(As an aside, I appreciate how the show itself makes me think about world events, everything from torture.. to death.. to the price of love.. to the eternal questions of “do the ends justify the means”, and “do you place the good of one ahead of the good of many?”. Pretty heavy philosophical issues, but they’re important to ponder.)
4. It’ll Take Hard Work and Sacrifice
Yup. That about sums up parenting. I’ve heard it said “Parenting, it’s not just a word, it’s a sentence.” Some days it feels that way. On balance though, the hard work is totally worth it for the joys of a hug and a kiss, a smile and a giggle and a million shared moments and memories.
I raise this topic because of the sacrifice theme running through the show. I totally get it. As a mother, the sacrifice starts the instant you get pregnant. You willingly hand over your body to a parasite for 9 months! (I’m being Scully here, scientific and analytical). However, once you meet that beautiful being, there is nothing you wouldn’t do for him, or her.
When my youngest daughter was just 10 days old, she went from being a robustly healthy newborn to a seriously ill baby in a matter of hours. She developed a fever of 104, could no longer nurse and was rapidly dehydrating. Everytime the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) nurses tried to start an IV, her veins would collapse. They tried both arms, her head and one foot. We were down to the last limb, and the nurse suggested we pray to the IV gods for assistance. Luckily, they were listening and granted some help.
But the fun was far from over. Her fever just would not break. When the nursing shift changed, the looks of pity became more intense, because my daughter was not improving. The doctor suggested a lumbar puncture to see if that might tell them something. Thankfully, I was not allowed to watch that procedure. We were told the antibiotics she was being given were so powerful there was a possibility she would become deaf. Night became day became night and over again. And, still they didn’t know what was making her so sick, or how exactly to make her better. (It reads a bit like a show plot doesn’t it?)
Because of her mystery illness, and the fact I was breastfeeding, we were both in the isolation room. It wasn’t standard practice, but I eventually convinced one of the nurses to help get my daughter and all her IV and lines out of the crib, and into bed with me. Up to that point, I’d been allowed to hold her and nurse her, but in bed together I could really cuddle her. I could wrap my body around her. Somehow it made me feel like I could transfer my strength to her, and shield her. Not too long before that, I’d taken a quick walk up and down the ward. I saw a dad, also on a bed, and also holding his son in exactly the same way. The boy looked to be about 6 or 8 years old and was starting chemotherapy. Strange how instinctive it is to use our bodies to protect our children.
The cuddle seemed to help my girl because after what felt like forever, but was really only about 3 days, her fever broke, and she started to recover. The doctors never figured out what made her so ill. The best guess was a virus, and since newborns have no immune systems, she was hit hard.
I share the story only to say that, in the terrible early morning silence of a hospital, when all is dark but not quite still, if someone had been roaming the halls, and had popped into our room, offering to make her all better, it might have taken me a moment to remember to ask the price, and then to say No.
5. It’s Okay Sammy, I Got You (And I’ll Give You a Hug and Kiss and Make the BooBoo All Better)
One of the toughest lessons you learn as a parent is that your child can, and will get hurt, physically and emotionally. You just keep your fingers crossed that it’s not too badly. You brush up on your first aid, and you learn to read your children so that you know when they’re injured, when they just need some attention and when they really need to talk. What’s neat is that it turns out kissing the injury really does seem to have magical healing powers! (I’ve found it works equally well for skinned knees, and bad days at school!)
Sam and Dean know how to tend to each other’s physical injuries very well, and how to handle the other brother when he’s in pain. I’ve even picked up some First Aid pointers from the show. For instance, now we all know that you should relocate the shoulder on One, not the previously agreed upon Three!
But, I must say, the Winchesters could certainly use some advice on how to deal with the emotional wounds. And that’s really where all of us mothers (or just motherly-minded women) are so valuable. We could give them so many tactful lessons on caring-and-sharing, and the cathartic value of a chick flick moment, coupled with a good sobfest (which is more than the Single Manly Tear, although that is beautiful in it’s own right) I mean really, who hasn’t longed to reach out and give one of the boys a comforting hug, and a big kiss to make that BooBoo go bye-bye?
This is where the hormones kick in and things start to get a little Oedipal, so thank you Jasminka for having an Open Couch!
6. When the Bedroom Door is Closed, Mommy & Daddy Are Having A Private Conversation
I have a confession to make. I don’t look like a Victoria’s Secret model. Although since I got my teeth fixed when I was a teenager, small children no longer run screaming in the other direction! (Well, mine might but that’s just because I’m their mother, and they’re probably in trouble.)
I’m middle-aged. I have some grey hair, a few wrinkles near the eyes (I prefer to call them laugh lines) and some scars and marks on my body that tell the story of my life. But I try to stay fit, and people are often surprised when I tell them my age. I think that’s more due to the age of my children, but I’ll take compliments wherever I can find them!
Okay, I’ll just blurt it out. In my mind I’m still in my late twenties, and prone to the occasional fantasy crush. But there’s really nothing wrong with having a fantasy crush, right? It’s healthy right? Staves off Alzheimers by stimulating the imagination, right?
For awhile my 20-something alter ego kind of liked it when my hockey-playing daughters waxed poetic about Sidney Crosby (youngest captain ever to win the Stanley Cup; golden goal scorer for Canada at the Olympics; and all around nice guy with lovely brown eyes and a remarkably full set of teeth for someone who plays hockey). Then I realized I was a year or two older than his father. That was just gross! My girls can have him! (please!! He’d fit into the family just fine. We’d all sit around and be polite together!)
Truth is I find most people on TV or in the movies too young, or too pretty-boy or too fake, which is my big problem with the entertainment scene these days. (I can’t stand it when the “ugly girl” is really a beautiful actress who gained 10 pounds and put on glasses. Gimme a break! Go the British way, and have your actors look like real people”¦ Oops veering wildly off topic!)
Then, sigh/drool, enter the Winchesters, and the genetically-blessed men who portray them. (Because really, I do know the difference between fictional characters and real actors!) Mr. Ackles and Mr. Padalecki are very, very attractive, almost too handsome to be plausible as guys who’ve lived such hard lives, and been punched in the face so often! (See rant above.) But through their acting and the writing, even the clothes the costume designers put them in, they have created a Sam and a Dean who are completely believable and real. And because of all the horrendous experiences the brothers have faced in their lives, they also seem older and wiser, than their chronological years. In fact, some of their life issues are just like mine on a bad day – my job sucks, no one thanks me anyway, and my family either doesn’t understand me, or takes me for granted. But they have such big shoulders for handling those big problems. And that’s so comforting , because you can imagine melting into that embrace. Did I mention sigh/drool?
These days, the mere mention of Supernatural is enough to put a big, goofy grin on the face of my 20-something alter ego (It’s remarkable how much she looks like me!). She puts little Supernatural pictures up over her desk at work, smiles and blushes when her husband teases “Bring me some pie!”, and plays air guitar on her leg, while her daughters sing “Eye of the Tiger”.
Ah, the gift of family. The ones we make through blood and friendship, and the ones we fantasize about. It’s kind of like what Chuck says, “They chose family. And, well.. isn’t that kinda the whole point?”
Are you me? No, seriously! OK, I only have one girl, but still… Anyway, something funny hit me when you mentioned Dean reminds you of your husband – something about Dean’s music choices kept giving me a funny feeling, as I was compiling a playlist. Then it hit me – exactly the same as my husband’s. Except I used to give him so much grief about it; now I kinda can’t 🙂
Well writtten! Thanks for an interesting article. 😮
Oh wow, what a fantastic article. It was a very enjoyable read. Thank you for writing it and deciding to share something so poignant from your own life.
Where have you been? Or have I been blind that I’ve missed your past articles? Because right now, I’m putting in a vote for you to hearken back to (or unleash) your 20-something alter ego and write the “Why Happily Single Not Quite Yet Middle Aged Women Love the Winchesters†dissertation. Or am I simply being greedy?:-)
While I can’t say I’ve ever felt particularly motherly toward the boys, the protective instincts definitely kick in of which you wrote. As well as the other instincts, of course. 😉
I’m with you on the too pretty/too fake plane. Except when it comes to those two. On the same note, how many times have they been knocked unconscious, hit over the head, face punched, thrown into walls? And yet they are still in possession of their full intellect? Gotta love tv land!:D
It cracked me up, you holding them up as a family to model oneself after. I agree with and see your points, but still. I’m pretty sure if you look up ‘dysfunctional family’ in the dictionary, there will be an entry for Winchester. You are right though, the relationship and caring they show each other is inspirational.
I should have noted earlier, this is Pragmatic Dreamer’s first ever article for us! I’m really pleased she shared this with us, for I love everything she said. Please let her know in this article’s comments how we’d love to see more from her.
Thank you Pragmatic Dreamer for this fine article.
I am one of those you wrote about and yes I do have that 20 something alter ego too. Except I do have 2 boys. I though understand what you said about the hospital. There was a time when i was afraid that my younger one would be physical and mental handicapped after an accident and the days following that mental pain was like hell. If a demon would have showed up then I sure would have sold my soul if my boy would have been healthy after that again.
I might add that for me I am not only intrigued with the show but also with Jared and Jensen. I kind of hope that when my boys become men that they might have some of the some character as the Js. Being kind, nice, friendly, helpful but also go for what they want in live but without going over dead bodys.
Thanks again and I hope to be able to read more of your fine writing.
Thanks to you I know now that I´m not mentaly ill because I have a twenty something alter ego.
I have a little daughter (5) and a little son. My daughter told me when she saw a picture of Sam and Dean. “Mom I´m going to marry this one (Sam). The other one looks like Dad (Dean). So I´m plesed I will have Sam as my son in law and I´m marryed to Dean. 😀
Welcome, Pragmatic Dreamer! Dear Canadian Supernatural lover, I loved your article.
I can relate to so many aspects you touch on here, even though I don’t have children of my own. I came close to having one once, but I lost that early in the pregnancy and I was told it might be difficult at all to have children because of injuries I sustained a few years prior to that. But – I am a happy aunt to children of my friends, well, sort-of, and I’ve heard some of the sentences you refer to from my own parents.
I think – the sacrifice issue comes the minute you love someone. It surely is strongly developed with parents and their children (or children regarding their parents), but it is also to be found in close friendships or romantic relationships. I guess it is one of the prices we pay for allowing love to enter our souls. And it’s a price we pay gladly, isn’t it?
I am sorry to hear about the ordeal your baby girl went through in the early days of her life and am happy it worked out well. And I think you are absolutely right – it’s our instincts that kick in the moment we are needed. When we need to be protective. It’s just there. And isn’t it wonderful to find that to be an asset we can rely on when in need? To me it’s incredibly comforting to know that I can sometimes reach out and do the right thing (which doesn’t always shield me from making major mistakes, ah, well, but my dad, God bless him, used to say to me: ‘the next time you’ll do better’ and when I was complaining about weight, even though I was never fat, but a moaning teenage girl, as it often is the case (you’ll get there some time, CanadianDreamer), he would say: ‘you know, a dog also prefers the bone with some meat to it.’ He had a very wry, Dean-esque humour).
I hear you – I too have that 20something alter ego, simply because I don’t feel as old as I am. I am fitter than I was in my twenties, and feel much better about life in general (mostly) than I used to do then, so I sometimes can’t believe it myself when I look at my passport. And about those laugh lines – we bloody need them! They tell that we laughed a lot. They speak of wonderful moments we need to have to get through the hard times. And just look at the faces of Helen Mirren or Judi Dench or Meryl Streep. These women have never seen a botox doc and they look just beautiful. Perhaps not in the sense of Vogue, but they have a deeper beauty that has nothing to do with age or superficial perfection. It’s what comes from inside. And that is the kind of glow every one of us can find… Sometimes by having a 20something alter ego, hehehehe..
I’d like to second Yvonne’s vote about the “Why Happily Single Not Quite Yet Middle Aged Women Love the Winchesters†piece. I had not felt overly motherly towards the Winchester guys, but that didn’t save me from feeling protective like a lioness sometimes…
Oh, and – I’ll happily provide Open Couches in the future for all kinds of problems, Oedipal or not and am happy that you found it comfortable there.
Thanks for this fine article, dear! Jas
PD, thanks for your article! I love your perspective on the brothers. I am one of those (ahem) older female fans, and you hit the nail on the head with your descriptions of some of the reasons why we love the Winchesters.
I came late to the show and caught up by watching all the episodes on dvd up to the beginning of season five, when I started watching in real time. I was completely hooked one or two episodes in. I am a woman in a man’s world (only sister in a house of brothers, and now the only female in a house of husband and almost grown sons) and the male world of the Winchesters appeals to me. I can relate to duffels full of flannel and denim and boots and boxers!
One of the main appeals of the show for me is the portrayal of how these two boys were affected by the loss of their mother. My heart was broken in the Pilot by Dean’s fierce protectiveness of his mom’s memory, and Sam’s devastating reminder that he had no memory of her at all. Oh, boys.
The heart of the show, for me, is how the brothers with such tragic and untraditional childhoods grow up and make their way in the world as adult men. I see in Sam and Dean the contentious older brother/younger brother relationship that I saw (still see) between my oldest and youngest brother, as well as the loving “I’d die for you” brotherly bond that I see between my close teenage sons. I can suspend disbelief, and watch a show about monsters and vampires and fairies because the show gets that basic foundation so right.
Your article was wonderful Pragmatic Dreamer. I too am a middle-aged mom with a 20-something alter ego. Everything you wrote wrung true for me in so many ways. And though I agree that they physically alway seem to recover amazingly well from the worst beatings, the characterization is so very human and real and that is what keeps me coming back again and again.
One thing that particularly spoke to me was your story about your daughter in the hospital. It made me think of my own experience. When I was pregnant with my son, things went terribly wrong very, very quickly. One moment I was blissfully pregnant and the next we were both dying. It didn’t really hit me how bad it was until the doctor said we had to go into emergency surgery and I panicked. I began to hyperventilate as they rolled me into surgery and I begged them to save my baby. In a sense, I was telling them that if a decision had to be made between the survival of my child or me, I wanted them to pick him.
Knowing how I felt at that moment, if a demon had come up to me and whispered in my ear that it could save my child, I would have taken it without hesitation.
Things worked out though, we both recovered and I have a beautiful, healthy little boy. But we don’t know what the outcomes are going to be when things appear to be at their worst and I think it’s why I never thought less of John for making his deal. He did no less than what I would have done for my own child.
And this is why I love this show, it speaks to me in ways that very few TV programs do. I can relate in so many ways to the characters, their actions, and emotions. Sure, they are the extremes more often than not but it doesn’t make it any less relateable.
I loved your article Pragmatic Dreamer! I too have a 20-something alter ego, but on the far side of middle-age in reality. I guess that’s why I have both motherly and romantic feelings towards the boys, especially Dean, who I adore.
Dean’s love for his family was plain in the first 3 episodes and the soft inner core of the snarky badass came through in the episode “Dead in the Water” with his relationship and confessions to little Lucas. Who couldn’t love such a guy?
Sam said he would die for his brother, and Dean actually did more than die, but gave up his soul for Sam. He shouldn’t have, but I can’t fault him for it as I can empathize how devastated he was, losing his little bro Sammy so suddenly. The love between them is what makes this show so special to me.
I’d love to read more articles from you, PD, as I think they would be most uplifting and entertaining and in no way a downer as some are. These characters have become so real to me that their ups and downs colour my own outlook on life. (that’s why I need Jasminka’s couch) 😕
I’m doing the happy dance here cause your article put such a smile on my face! Thanks for putting it words we can all relate too!
Oh my, I had a twin sister and I never knew?
PD, you practically took my words from my mouth and made an article with them! I’m a Happily Married Middle Aged (40) Mother-to-be, so I still haven’t had parenting experience, but I always had strong protective feelings towards the smaller and the weaker (I’m an older sister, that has to count something!) and when I watched movies and tv shows I felt so much protective towards the hero when he got hurt, suffering, broken or tormented. So Supernatural for me is the hurt/comfort fest, but is also a story so “real” in emotional and psychological ways that I can relate to it and to Sam and Dean very well, and find inspiration or food for thought in my real life.
I agree about the “too handsome to be real” issue, but somehow the Js never seemed to me some of the hundreds “pretty (and young) faces” we see everyday on tv. For one, they never seemed “too young for me”, even if I’m definitely older (maybe me too I have a 20something alter-ego… well, actually, in my mind I still feel 35-36, which is just 3-4 years more than Jensen, so…
). Maybe because their acting is so good, much better than the average of the actors of their age, that I can actually *feel* their thoughts and feelings, and they are thoughts and feelings so much older than their years. I don’t fall easily for “pretty young faces”, nor for the “young hero” of a story, I always preferred mature men, or at least the older, scarred and experienced hero. But these two… ok, Dean IS a scarred, experienced hero, but come on! In S2 Jensen is 28, for god’s sake! And I was 39 when I was totally hooked to the show, watching IMTOD in a re-run on a secondary tv station (I live in Italy). Still I fell totally in love for this character, then for both brothers, ALSO because of their… ahem… “genetically blessed” appearance 😳
But I’m sure that if the characters weren’t so well written and performed, and I didn’t feel so strongly that the Js were much more than two pretty faces, I never had such experience.
Wow! Thank you all so much. I’m honoured, and thrilled by your positive reaction! I never expected so many kind words. I’m really gratified that it touched a chord with so many of you. Your feedback was really inspiring, and encouraging so I’m sure I’ll be hit by the muse again!
I’m a 40something with a 20something alter-ego too, single now with no kids except the 4-legged variety. However, I have plenty of human nieces & nephews, & veterinary patients as well as my own dogs, that provide me with a chance to exercise those motherly & protective instincts. I found myself nodding my head in agreement many times as I read your article. I just love your description of Dean & you are a very lucky woman to have a husband like that!
What a brilliant article! Although I am in the Happily Single Not Quite Yet Middle Aged Women club, it rang so true with me (I love the 20 something alter ego idea too. Thank you!)
And the fact that you have a husband who teases you with ‘Bring me some pie’? Sounds like you have someone who is as amazing as you sound. Being married to a Dean must be lovely 🙂
Really looking forward to seeing your future articles.
Hi Pragmatic Dreamer
Thank you for this wonderful and insightful article.
I enjoyed reading this and could relate to pretty much everything you have written here.
I too consider myself a Happily Married (Well…majority of the time), Middle-Aged (however more on the ‘Aged’ side than the ‘Middle’ part), Mother (of a nineteen yr old), Who Loves the Winchesters.
From the first episode I watched, both Sam and Dean’s characters reached in and found a permanent place in my heart. When any of the brothers get hurt or are in danger or are anguishing over something my hormones ignite and my maternal instincts goes into overdrive, all I want to do is protect and comfort them. I am as fiercely protective and loyal to Sam and Dean as I am to my own family. I will never be able to explain it or understand it, all I know is I can’t help it. Maybe it comes with age and being a parent or maybe I just need to seek professional help. 😕
Either way I love this show and these two characters (plus Bobby and Cass) and would not have it any other way.
Also I’m so happy things work out well for your daughter. My daughter was prone to ear infections when she was young and at times her temperature would rise out of the blue. Its pretty scary stuff.
Thank you for your article! Here I am middle-aged woman, two little kids, two cats (brothers btw named Sammy & Tiger, he he) and my husbands resembles Dean with the character of Sam. And all I can think of that article is: Yes, true!
Dear Pragmatic Dreamer,
I am still a twenty something single girl and it is good to know some version of the person I am now will survive even if it is just a voice in the back of my head 😉 I loved your article. I always say that there is food for thought everywhere (even TV) if thinking is what you want to do and your article was a perfect example of how true that is. I too love the Winchester boys and am very protective of them, so your words were wonderfully familiar like talking to an older version of myself. So thanks for your insight and keep on writing!
Well as I told Alice yesterday in an email after I discovered this site, I am late to the party, oh but what a classy party it is! I won’t tell you how insane I am about this right now, but I am 41 and this show has me acting like I’m 14. Of course some other thoughts are indeed more the 20-something variety, but darn it yes. I am a 40-something with 2 kids and I ADORE this show. I saw it when it first started in 2005, liked it but didn’t get hooked. I don’t know what the heck happened or changed but I watched again in Jan 2012 and bam! I can NOT get enough! I’ve watched every single episode more than once by now, thanks to streaming Netflix, and because I came back to the party in the midst of season 7, there are still earlier episodes of that I have yet to see – and I’m glad! Keeping it fresh for me!
Thanks for writing this, PD, and for confirming that I am not insane to have multiple pictures on my desktop at work of that beautiful Jensen (yes, I was a Dean girl from the word go. Bad boys, bad boys, what ya gonna do?) I really do feel like I have some addiction I kind of have to hide from the world – well, ok, my family. My 8 yo daughter will watch the show with me – BUT I REALLY WANNA WATCH ALONE! (I’m bad. Sorry.) I can’t bring myself to put JA’s picture on my phone because my kids are nosey and as much as I love my hubby, I just don’t want to share this with him! 😉 So I express my insanity at work where there are 5 other females in my small department – 4 of us married, 2 not – and I have pulled 2 of them into this with me and am currently working on my boss. (Hmm, we may be a little co-dependent ourselves in a weird way.) Oh and did I mention I have an app on my cell phone where you have to guess who said what or what episode a quote is from? Talk about SPN Prep! I WILL be an expert, darn it! (I jones for this show and will pull that app out just to get a quick SPN fix.) It’s barely been 2 months! Is there a support group I can join? Oh wait. This is sorta that, isn’t it?
I can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to express this angst among like-minded folk and maintain my 41-year-old dignity. THANKS!
Oh and uh, I went to bed about 3 a.m because I was up on this site AND watching the show; am now working off 3 1/2 hours sleep but still got up to run back to this site just to look more and TODAY is the day my daughter gets up EARLY?! Can’t a woman have her fix ALONE?! Got to get ready for work now. (I will chill out. I will chill out.)