More 12 Days of Christmas: Day Nine
Nine dead Deans…
Eight Metaliicar moments…
Seven sneaky Johns…
Six bitch a-facings…
Five anti-demon rings…
Four future Deans…
Three shirtless Sams…
Two badass wings…

Nine dead Deans…
Eight Metaliicar moments…
Seven sneaky Johns…
Six bitch a-facings…
Five anti-demon rings…
Four future Deans…
Three shirtless Sams…
Two badass wings…
I’m learning something fun. If an idea worked brilliantly last year, it’s worth repeating! Last year, as part of my look back at Supernatural in 2009, I recalled several of those little moments that made me smile. You know, good episode or not, there was at least one tiny moment in each episode that reminded me…
THEN: If you’re new to the Sockchester Supernatural fan fiction series, this is Episode 5 in the epic saga of Sam and Dean Sockchester, hunters in one of Chuck’s universes that exists parallel to the Sam and Dean Winchester we all know and love. The Sockchesters’ are also in the ‘family business’ of saving socks,…
Yes, I believe I promised this when I published season three back in December. There are so many Dean Winchesterisms in season four though, so due diligence was required (aka some extra time and a lot of season four rewatching). So enjoy this one. Twice as many quotes as other seasons! Being in Hell might…
(Slideshow works better if you click on the image and scroll through the presentation) Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSaveAlice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and…
We have so much talent in the Supernatural fandom! Fans draw, edit photos and videos, write fan fics, create costumes or props, make jewelry and much more. It’s time to showcase the #SPNFamily’s talent and ask the people behind the creations some questions! You may know her as CatCurl. She makes awesome paintings for…
We have so much talent in the Supernatural fandom! Fans draw, edit photos and videos, write fan fics, create costumes or props, make jewelry and much more. It’s time to showcase the #SPNFamily’s talent and ask the people behind the creations some questions! Let me introduce Shelley, the co-founder of Con*Quest Journals™. We talked…
Hi Ardeospina
Awwww Poor Dean!
Talk about having a few bad days.
I do love the Retriever standing on the letter I.
Love the Impala pictures too.
I love ‘Mystery Spot’, it is my favorite episode of all. 😀
But are you insane, Dead Dean is not amusing. 👿
Then, I look over 8 Impalas, 7 Johns, 6 bitchfaces, 4 future Deans, 3 shirtless Sams, and of course one bad ass angel with a pair of bad ass wings, and I get over the Dead Deans.
Bring on 10. 😆
Of course I went here! Nothing is sacred for me, as most of you know, and I can make fun of anything! Plus, golden retriever, ha!
As I said on Day 6, you, Ardeospina, are a goddess. 😀