Dean’s Den: The Dean Winchester Discussion Thread
Want to talk about Dean Winchester but your thoughts are off topic from any of our articles? Well then, this thread is for you! It’s all about Dean here – his burdens, his hangups, his tragic losses, his badassery, his “make me explode” death stare, his awesome lines, his devotion to family and friends, his just about anything.
This page is a “safe place” for Dean fans. Sam fans, please do not argue, disagree, debate or otherwise defend Sam here. We know there are two points of view to every issue! We know this show is equally about TWO brothers who love each other. Nothing will change that for us! This is “Dean’s Den”, though, i.e. the place where Dean can lick his wounds and Dean fans can explore their ideas and discuss perspectives without fear of offending others, or being attacked, for their viewpoint. Be assured, Sam hate will not be allowed!
Standard WFB courtesy is still strictly enforced. No attacking or insulting other posters, EVER, period.” Our rules can be found here.
The discussion is free form so go ahead, say what’s on your mind about Dean. No post is too long, too small or too shallow!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I love Dean Winchester. I love that he acts like a badass but has a marshmallow heart. I love that he loves his brother and will do whatever it takes to save him because he knows that despite what Sam says he’d do the same. I love his stupid jokes and how good he is with kids. I love that he loves Baby. I miss Dean even though the demon story is interesting and I hope when we get him back he’s still the Dean I know and love.
I love Dean Winchester. I love everything about him. I love that his first thought is always to save his brother. I love his loyalty to his family and his friends. And even though I really want Dean back Jensen is absolutely riveting as DD. His creepy, skin crawling performance is absolutely rocking. This is Devils Trap on steroids. From the moment we first met him in the pilot Jensen has portrayed this very complex character so masterfully many of us think of Dean as a real person. Dean Winchester really is the Wayward Son.
I’m more than a little afraid of the Dean we are going to see in 10.03…
Me too, Nightsky, me too.
I really love DEANMON and wish we did not have to lose him next episode.
This guy is a GREAT ACTOR, I said it before and I shall say it again best actor between 30-50 of any color or nationality. JMO
Over the seasons I’ve noticed the pattern with Dean is that he is more and more embracing the killer that he was forced to become. In S2 Bloodlust his conversation with Gordon and his ruthless killing of the vampires gave me the first glimpses of the Dark Dean. When he was in hell he got off the rack and started torturing souls and enjoyed it or embraced it. While in Purgatory he appreciated the purity of the kill. There wasn’t any moral dilemma, it was black and white. And now faced with the choice of becoming a demon or trying to be saved/cured Dean chooses to become a demon, embracing the killer or succumbing to it. It was always Sam that was portrayed as having a darkness in him that he couldn’t control but Dean has had it as well if not more so. Given the choice Dean seems to choose being a pure killer. He is such a complex character which is why he fascinates me. The only thing that seems to bring Dean back to humanity is Sam. I wonder if that is why he clings to Sam as hard as he does. I think now that it isn’t so much that he wants Sam to survive at all costs because of the parent/brother issue. I think it’s more that Dean is afraid of what he will become (like now) if Sam isn’t there anymore. Just random thoughts that didn’t have anywhere to go but here. This is such a complex show when it is firing on all cylinders.
I think you are right. Someone said once Dean was a natural born killer and I said in reply that I really didn’t think he was born that way. I DO think it started the night his Mom was killed (how could that not have traumatized a child?) and got worse as his dad trained him to be an efficient killer. He learned that being a good hunter/killer pleased his Dad. I believed it warped him, and taking care of Sam gave him worth and a person to share all the hardships and trauma they were both exposed to. So yes, I believe Dean feels that Sam keeps him human. I also believe his time in hell gave him an opportunity to unleash that sadistic killer inside him. he chose torture over being tortured. He wasn’t proud of it. I think that his compulsion to save Sam is equal parts love for his brother, selfishness, and a fear of what he would become without his brother at his side. I know he is a fictional character, as is Sam, but I love to try and analyze them.;)
Cheryl42- That is what is so complex because Deans is MICHAEL’S TRUE vessel. Michael is however gods best warrior [soldier, killer] and most LOYAL. I LOVE THIS SHOW.
Am I the only one hoping for a solid 10 minutes of brothers talking stuff out in 10.04? After everything that happened in the second half of season 9, I want Dean and Sam to get back to being brothers! Dean was such an awesome big brother in seasons 2-3, and now that he and Sam are more or less on even footing for Terrible Things Done(tm), I keep hoping they’ll be able to find their way back to that space.
I know how you feel but I would be surprised if they EVER talked about anything heartfelt for a solid 10 mins. 🙂 I would be happy with a few conversations in or over the roof of the Impala or maybe a few exchanges over beers in the bunker. I really hope that they don’t just act like business as usual. That would not be good. Sweeping stuff under the rug isn’t going to fly.
[b]DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM SPN DESIGN CHALLENGE SITE![/b] as much as i love the show ![b]i have lost 100$!![/b] they didnt deliver the order and do not reply to any of my messages! it has been 3 months since i placed the order! i just dont want u to lose ur money!