Next scene, Dean explains what happened to the cops and notices Sam playing disturbed bystander. Copier, fax, pencil sharpener. Now phone! Sam answers, Dean wants to see him now. He enters the office and Dean asks who Hell he is. ”I’m not sure I know,” Sam answers. Ha! Do any of us know who we really are? Then he gives his name and mentions he’s been there three weeks. Yes, I caught the Smith and Wesson reference. Pretty clever, but rock stars would have been funnier.
Dean is obviously bothered, but won’t come out and say it. Instead, he reveals he started there three weeks ago too and pulls out his jar of “master cleanse.” Sam catches on and asks if he saw something in the bathroom. Like maybe a ghost? Dean isn’t sure what he saw. Sam speculates that maybe these aren’t suicides, and might not be natural. Dean asks if Sam is trying to telling him ghosts did this. Suddenly, they both at the same time reach for chairs and sit at the desk. See, they are brothers! There’s that natural intuitive behavior that only happens with someone you’re comfortable with.
Dean wants to know why Sam thinks it’s a ghost. Sam waffles, but has a good answer. ”Instinct.” Dean reluctantly admits he has the same instinct. Sam sees the connection, he’s dreaming about ghosts, and then there’s a real ghost. ”So you’re telling me that your dreams are special visions and you’re some sort of psychic?” Sam denies. ”No, I mean, that would be nuts.” These writers know how much fans love meta, don’t they?
Seems that Sam has been digging around a little, and pulls out emails the others got from HR. Dean is shocked that Sam could break into their private email like this. ”I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity.” ”Nice,” Dean replies. Both dead tech support guys were sent to room 1444. HR is on the seventh floor. Dean thinks they should check this out. ”Now?” Sam asks uncertain. Dean backs off, accepting it’s getting late. ”I am dying to check this out right now,” Sam confesses. ”Right,” agrees Dean, and he says that a lot in this episode.
Seems that Sam has been digging around a little, and pulls out emails the others got from HR. Dean is shocked that Sam could break into their private email like this. ”I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity.” ”Nice,” Dean replies. Both dead tech support guys were sent to room 1444. HR is on the seventh floor. Dean thinks they should check this out. ”Now?” Sam asks uncertain. Dean backs off, accepting it’s getting late. ”I am dying to check this out right now,” Sam confesses. ”Right,” agrees Dean, and he says that a lot in this episode.
Sam and Dean arrive and hear a scream, so they rush to the door. It’s locked, so Sam, using that primal instinct, kicks the door in. Dean’s blown away, Sam is impressed with himself. They find yellow shirt pinned underneath a fallen shelf, and go to help but old man ghost flashes behind them. He throws Dean into a shelf, and then Sam. The ghost’s fingers light up and he goes for pinned down yellow shirt. Now it’s Dean’s turn for primal instinct to kick in, and he grabs an iron wrench. Ghost goes poof! They help yellow shirt up, and Sam is floored by Dean. ”How did you learn how to do that?” An equally shocked Dean replies, “I have no idea.”
Back at Dean’s luxury high rise condo. You know, the one in the mountains of Ohio. They’re freaking out over what just happened. ”I could use a beer,” Sam says. Dean’s on the cleanse and got rid of all the carbs in the house. Oh Dean, those angels really turned you into a pansy, didn’t they? Sam wants to know how Dean knew that ghosts were afraid of wrenches. Dean wants to know if Sam’s a black belt like Jet Li, kicking in the door like that. Oh, two quick pop culture references!
“It’s like we’ve done this before.” Sam says. ”What do you mean before? Like Shirley McLaine before?” Dean answers. Three! ”I just can’t shake this feeling that I don’t belong here, that I should do something more than sit in a cubicle.” Even though Dean is out of character, his gut still knows how to throw a low blow insult at Sam. ”I think most people who work in a cubicle feel that way.” Sam doesn’t take offense. ”No, look it’s more than that. Like I don’t like this job, I don’t like this town, I don’t like my clothes, I don’t like my own last name. I don’t know how else to explain it, it feels like I should be doing something else. It’s just something in my blood.” Uh yeah Sam, it’s called demon blood.
Sam thinks he’s destined for something different, while Dean doesn’t believe in destiny. He believes in dealing with what’s right in front of him. Sam agrees, but asks what they do now. ”We do what I do best Sammy, research.” Sam agrees, and then realizes what just happened. ”Did you just call me Sammy?” ”Did I?” Dean asks, surprised. ”I think you did. Yeah, don’t.” Oh Sam, you’re learning to get over that all over again.
Dean hits the jackpot. He finds real actual ghost hunters on the Internet. It’s the Ghostfacers! I’m picturing Sam and Dean being very embarrassed when this is all over. BTW, that is the Ghostfacers actual website, so everyone can go there and watch this. Step 1, “Figure out what you’re up against!!” Sam and Dean do that rather quickly. It’s P.T. Sandover, founder of their company. He died in 1916, had no family and said he was the company. There were 17 strange suicides back in 1929, when the Great Depression started. These are the worst economic times since then. ”Yeah, now sucks, my portfolio is in the sewer. I don’t even want to talk about it.” Just wait Dean until you don’t have one again.
So Sandover is zapping people into model employees to help the bottom line, making them so devoted to the company that they’re driven nuts. Now for another twist. The building wasn’t always that high. It used to be 14 floors, and 1444 was P.T. Sandover’s office. They’re thrown back by the next instruction of the Ghostfacers. ”Kill it!” Don’t you love this lesson in Supernatural 101? Salt (which is acid to ghosts), iron (which is why the wrench worked), and shotgun shells filled with rock salt. The last tip came from those “useless douchebags” the Winchesters, who suck. I would have loved to have heard Dean or Sam make on offhanded comment about those Winchesters. That would have been priceless.
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