Recap – “Lucifer Rising”
Here we go, the last recap of season four! I hope the ten of you that read these things enjoy this one, for its one of my longest yet. Too many scenes triggered the thought process!
I tingle with anticipation the second “The Road So Far” comes up, because I know what’s coming. The season summary to the traditional season finale theme song, “Carry On Wayward Son.” So, is it awesome compared to the other seasons? Hell yeah, maybe even more so, since this season was so good. I’m calling season four the series best. There, I said it. I especially got all stoked at the “Don’t you cry no more,” as Sam walks out on Dean from the previous episode. Awesome.
It’s the St. Mary’s Convent Ilchester, Maryland in 1972. There’s a chapel, and you know since this is Kripke’s episode that some very wicked crap is about to go down. In this case, a priest at the alter gets a pretty big stream of black smoke crammed down his throat. Must be a high on the food chain demon. This priest now comes with cavalier attitude when lecturing nuns, who are scared over his behavior, but not scared enough to run for their lives. Silly nuns.
We pretty much know it’s Azazel before even seeing the yellow eyes just by the way he talks. After blah, blah, blahing his way through The Lords Prayer, he mentions how he feels like he’s been wandering the desert for years. Considering in the Book of Enoch, Azazel was bound and cast into the desert as punishment, that’s pretty much correct. He locks the door and mentions he’s been looking for his father, whose in jail because their dad put him there. Ah, get it, he’s looking for Lucifer.
He goes on to reveal that the very convent they’re in is the place where his father’s cage door is. “Life is funny.” A nun tries to interrupt and gets a “Shut your freaking pie hole you little slut!” Okay nuns, this is the point where you guys are supposed to start running because something isn’t right. The priest smiles and goes on over the irony of the place. The location does kind of make sense, since his dad used to be an angel. He theorizes that some dumb bastard got a jolt of “holy juice” and decided to build a “nun factory.” “Right idea, wrong angel.” His eyes go yellow, he pulls out a knife, and says “So um, if any of you gals are the praying type, now would be good time to start.” Then behind the closed (and locked) doors we hear nuns screaming while the camera moves in on a heavenly angel statue. Nothing is sacred with Kripke, is it?
Bird of the apocalypse and yes, they’re for real this time.
A slow focus on a very pensive (and somber) Sam. There’s an abandoned house, and Ruby’s yellow classic mustang. Other than the fact it’s a 69 Mach, I’ve never been impressed with Ruby’s car. Maybe because I’m more partial to the 1965 convertible models. Plus I hate that color. Sam is lost in his own depressive funk, and Ruby tries to play friend, but sucks at it. Sam is ready to go, but Ruby presses further. She tells him Dean was wrong for what he said to him but Sam says he was right. “I don’t blame him after what I did.”
Ruby tries to give him the consolation, they’ll patch things up after. “You’re talking like I’ve got an after,” Sam replies. “I can feel it inside me Ruby. I’ve changed, for good. There’s no going back now.” Ruby tries again, but Sam insists on staying in self-loathing mode. “Look, I know what I gotta do. It’s okay, I’m just saying, Dean’s better off as far away from me as possible.” Sam’s ready to get this done with and they get a move on. Enough with the pity party Sam! Call your brother.
Now, it’s time for the same slow focus onto Dean’s pensive face. Oh you two, you’re killing me with this family strife! Bobby calls out to Dean, and instantly Dean has the better end of the deal. I’ll take Bobby over Ruby any day! Dean is in Bobby’s library, looking out the window. Bobby asks if he’s heard a word he’s said. Dean refuses to call Sam. “Don’t make me get my gun boy,” Bobby tells him. Mental note, don’t get on the wrong side of Bobby. Dean defends they are too close to Armageddon and they’ve got “bigger fish to fry.” Bobby tries to talk sense into him, trying to remind Dean that no matter what Sam’s done he’s his brother and he’s drowning, but Dean has a pity party of his own. “It’s too late.”
Bobby tells him to try again, but Dean is being a whiny brat. “I’ve gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life, ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it’s like deja vu all over again. Well I’m sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants. Sam’s gone, he’s gone. I’m not sure if he’s still my brother anymore. If he ever was.”
Bobby, not being the fan of whining, turns around, throws everything off his desk in one clean swipe and let’s Dean have it. “You stupid, stupid, son of a bitch! Well boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, PRINCESS. Are you under the impression that family’s suppose to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie maybe? They’re supposed to make you miserable! That’s why they’re family!” Bobby, this is the most awesome you’ve been in a LONG line of awesome. I bow right now to your greatness. Another thing I bow too? Kripke for not killing Bobby. We get him in season five! I’m so relieved that I don’t mind that this is his only scene in the episode.
Dean brings up how he told Sam not to walk out the door and he did anyway, and Bobby not only points out that Dean sounds like a whiny brat (see!), he sounds like John. He calls John a coward. Dean takes offense, but Bobby has a great point. “He’d rather push Sam away rather than reach out to him. That don’t strike me as brave. You are a better man that your daddy ever was. So you do both of us a favor, and don’t be him.”
Dean swallows his pride and says nothing, turning back to the window to think it through. He turns around when he realizes Bobby is right, but suddenly he’s not in South Dakota anymore. He’s in Jupiter and the Infinite Beyond from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kripke you twisted bastard. Castiel greets him with that trademark, “Hello Dean,” and tells him it’s almost time, like the world’s gonna end or something. Oh wait, it is.
Time for Kripke to twist that proverbial ‘worst nightmare’ knife in our guts, for possessed nurse from last week has found herself an adorable newborn boy to snag. She wheels this adorable sleeping baby down the hall after he’s been with mom and dad and does a very twisted version of “pat-a-cake,” all while looking at the child like he’s a delectable entrée. No, I’m not bothered by this (sarcasm). Of course just as it seems she’s made her getaway, she goes flying against the wall courtesy of an amped up Sam Winchester. “We need to talk.” Whew, no babies were harmed in the making of this episode.
Back to Dean, who’s checking out the room and being strangely calm for someone being kept there against his will. He passes by a table with a lovely red vase (what’s the accent color in season five, black?), admires the luxury surroundings complete with pictures on the wall of idyllic settings, then is suddenly stunned as his favorite beer from “What Is And What Should Never Be” and a huge plate of thick cheeseburgers are there on the table. Do these angels actually think Dean can be bought so easily?
Suddenly with Castiel is the big boss angel himself, Zachariah. He greets Dean with a warm smile and tons of enthusiasm. Yep, he’s evil. Dean still has his sense of humor, for he says in return, “Well look at this. The suite life with Zack and Cas.” The angels don’t get the reference, but I’m dying! My kids watch that nauseating show on the Disney channel daily. Isn’t Kripke’s kid too young to watch that show? How does he exactly know The Disney Channel that well?
Dean tries to explain the joke, then says never mind. He gets to the point. Why is he there? Zack says that it’s like a green room and they’re closing in on the grand finale. They want to keep him safe before show time. He offers Dean a burger, mentioning they’re his favorite, from that seaside shack in Delaware when he was eleven. Considering I’m often visiting family in Delaware, somebody better cough up the name of that place now! Those burgers look good.
Dean isn’t hungry. Aww, remember the days when he’d never turn down free food? This whole apocalypse mess has changed him. Zachariah is going out of his way to be accommodating, even offering up every young man’s fantasy, season two Ginger from Gilligan’s Island (when the show went to color) and Mary Ann for free. So does that mean Dean likes redheads? Hot dog! I’m so in.
Dean only has two words for that. “Tempting, weird.” He wants to “bail on the holodeck,” and pop culture references in this scene are swarming like flies! Dean asks for the game plan. Zachariah doesn’t want to share, and tells Dean they’ll worry about that while Dean stays focused and relaxed. Dean gets madder because he’s all about getting answers, and he threatens to leave. “Start talking Chuckles.” Aww, Dean and his pet names again. I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but I never get tired of saying my secret pet name for Dean. “Pookie.”
All the seals have fallen, except one. Dean jokes “That’s an impressive score. That’s right up there with the Washington Generals.” Man has it been a long time since I’ve seen the Harlem Globetrotters play. They used to be on TV every Saturday afternoon. Yes, I’m showing my age. Dean is harshly reminded that he’s the one that started this. Yes Dean, people in glass houses. Oh, but the final seal is different, for only Lilith can break it and its happening tomorrow at midnight. Dean asks where, but only gets a “we’re working on it,” answer. Like he expected something straight forward from these guys.
Notice how during all this Castiel is just standing like a statue in the background? I’m sure Misha read that part of the script and said “Alright!” Anyway, Dean asks what he’s supposed to do. He doesn’t need to worry about that right now. He wants to know how he’s supposed to stop Lilith, like with the knife or something. You know Dean that doesn’t work. “All in good time,” Zachariah tells him. “Isn’t now a good time?” Dean shoots back. He’s told to have faith. Dean asks for one reason why he should. “Because you swore your obedience, so obey.” Oh, if looks could kill, Zachariah would be stone dead.
Baby cooking demon wakes up to find herself pinned to a table. Badass Sam arrives and man is he hot when he’s like this. She asks where the devil’s trap is and Sam mentions he doesn’t need one. “Well look at you, all roided up. It’s like A-Rod and Madonna over here.” Hee, she’s a funny smart-ass demon.
Sam asks where Lilith is, but the demon isn’t scared. She asks what’s her up side since she’s in a no-win situation, for either Sam will kill her or Lilith will. Sam snarls and tells her she should worry about what happens before she dies and pulls out his hand of doom. Demon screams her fool head off. I also noticed that they’re in the same abandoned house as from “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” I always loved that set, despite the hot demon monkey sex that happened in that room.
Dean holds onto the cell phone and finally realizes he has nothing to lose. He gets Sam’s voice mail. “Hey, it’s me, uh, look I’ll just get right to it. I’m still pissed, and I owe you a serious beat down, but (long pause), I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m not dad, we’re brothers, we’re family, and not matter how bad it gets that doesn’t change. Sammy I’m sor-.” Phone cuts him off. What’s really cool is the next shot shows Dean all alone in this beautiful room, looking pretty small in the middle of it. Awesome directors trick in the story telling. He’s truly isolated.
Sam does his thing on the demon more, she screams bloody murder, and she’ll tell him if he kills her. She reveals Lilith will be at the St. Mary’s convent in Ilchester, Maryland tomorrow night at midnight. Sam wants to know the final seal is, but she doesn’t know. Uh, Sam, I know you’re getting really good at your demon torture with your mind thing, but wasn’t that a little too easy? Something tells me they want you there.
Sam wants to kill the demon as promised, but Ruby stops him. They need her alive, for Ruby doesn’t have enough blood and this one will give him what he needs. Demon calls Ruby a bitch (which is what she is), and Ruby just gloats that you can’t trust anyone these days. No Ruby, no one can trust you. Then, other demon gets ruthless and goes deep into the subconscious, thus letting the nurse she’s possessing, Cindy McKellan surface. Nurse pleads for help, Sam and Ruby aren’t happy.
Back to 1972, and Azazel in priest suit bows at the altar surrounded by slaughtered nuns. So lovely, isn’t he? He confesses he’s not the praying type, but mentions he did make the sacrifice. “I got you a bag full of nuns. So, uh, can you hear me? Can you whisper through the door?” Sure enough, Lucifer ends up channeling through a dead nun draped on the altar. Gotta love the imagery. Azazel mentions he’s been looking for him for so long. The others have lost faith, but not him. After being told he’s done well, Azazel asks what he can do to get him out. Lilith will break the seals. Azazel isn’t sure how that’ll be possible, but asks what he can do to help. “Find me a child, a very special child.” Azazel is confused, and asks “what child?”
So, next shot, there’s Sam! Special child himself. Sam’s on the laptop and its great abandoned houses get wireless Internet access these days. He reads about the disemboweling of “a bag full of nuns” at St. Mary’s in 1972. “What’s black and white and red all over?” Ruby jokes, but Sam doesn’t have his sense of humor today. Oh come on Sam, lighten up. He goes on about how the priest said he was possessed and even remembered the demon’s name, Azazel. Since this place involves the A-listers (there’s only two demons on that list?), it must be where they have to go. Ruby tells him they need to grab “nurse betty” and leave.
Sam is hesitant because, you still, he has an actual conscience. He asks Ruby if they can’t let the nurse go and find another demon. Ruby switches to cold hearted bitch mode (okay, she was always there) and points out its all an act. There’s still a hellbitch inside her. Then Ruby really twists the screws. “Come on, it’s not like you haven’t done this before, right?” Oh, bring that up! You left him high and dry you bitch, so he had to snack somewhere. Sam just pouts. Come on Sam, you choked Dean over talking trash to you, but you spare Ruby?
Sam drags the desperately pleading for her life nurse out to the car. She tells him her name and that she has a husband who’s probably worried about her, but Sam is acting all mean and dangerous and stuffs her into the trunk of the Mach while she screams. Sam closes the trunk, and the guilt tears him apart as he hears her muffled cries. This isn’t you Sam, don’t do it!
Meanwhile, back in Shangri-La, Dean is still being a bit too patient for my tastes. He looks at an angel statue, gets this wicked impulse and casually knocks the statue over. Then Castiel shows up and Dean acts like he’s busted. Gotta love Dean’s inner mischievous streak.
“You wanted to see me?” Castiel asks. Dean wants a favor, he needs to see Sam. Castiel asks why. “There’s something I want to talk to him about.” “What?” “The BM I took this morning, what’s it to you?” Ah, that’s what you get Castiel for being a nosy angel. Cas doesn’t think it would be wise, to which Dean points out he didn’t ask for his opinion. Castiel asks Dean if he’s forgotten what happened the last time they met. Of course Dean hasn’t forgotten, so that’s exactly why he wants to see Sam. He wants to tie up this one thing before going off to do his mission. Castiel says no anyway. Oh Cas, you know never to tell Dean no. It makes him angry. Dean pushes farther, asking if he’s trapped there. I love this rapid fire dialogue between the two:
Castiel: You can go anywhere you want.
Dean: Super, I want to see Sam.
Castiel: Except there.
Dean: I want to talk a walk.
Castiel: Fine I’ll go with you.
Dean: Alone.
Castiel: No.
Dean gets disgusted and says he’s out of there. He goes to the door, but Castiel in a creepy way tells him “Through what door?” Dean looks at him puzzled, turns around and the door is gone. He turns back to Castiel and he’s gone too. I’d say that’s a pretty good hint that he’s trapped.
Sam and Ruby are in the Mustang, and Sam looks on his phone at the voice mail message prompt from Dean. Ruby tells him to play it, he tells her to mind her own business. You know Sam, that doesn’t work with Dean, and it won’t with Ruby either. They’re into your business, like it or not. In the background are the horrifying screams of nurse Cindy. This is tearing Sam apart, while Ruby is pretty calm. Sam wishes she would shut up. Ruby, all smug, says she can arrange that. Sam looks at her like she’s evil, which she is. “I don’t get it,” she says. “All the demons you cut with the knife, what do you think happens to the host? How is this any different?” “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Sam asks. Um, no Sam, it isn’t. She’s evil, remember?
Ruby points out they’re in the final lap and now’s not the time to be feeling this way. Sam is really appalled by Ruby’s heartlessness. “I’m about the bleed and drink and innocent woman while she watches.” Ruby, being the lying bitch she is, replies “And save the world as a result.” Okay, your definition of saving the world anyway. Then Sam has this awesome moment of clarity (which doesn’t last) and finally says it. “I don’t know, I’m starting to think that Dean was right.” “About what?” Ruby asks. “About everything.” He is right about everything Sam! Listen to your inner voice. Ruby asks if he’s going see this through, and Sam has that look of uncertainty..
I can’t help but think this is the end of “Jus In Bello” coming full circle. I finally get that ending now. For whatever reason, aside from it being totally demonic and evil, Ruby is getting kicks out of throwing Sam into these moral situations where there is no win and pushing him toward the darker path. He has to go against everything in his nature in order to make one sacrifice that supposedly will serve the greater good. Except it doesn’t, something Dean saw in “Jus In Bello.” Such a sacrifice involves throwing away the rule book. Now, without Dean to intervene, Sam can’t wrap his head around the rule book and is probably thinking about those six deaths he could have prevented when they refused to sacrifice the virgin. Except he doesn’t realize that he likely couldn’t have prevented them, for Lilith would have killed them anyway. It’s all part of the demon manipulation plan, and Sam’s only voice of reason through it all is Dean. Without him, he’s vulnerable. That’s likely why they were eager to get Dean into Hell.
Okay, now for the dinger! Dean is pounding into the drywall with a candlestick base when Zachariah shows up. Dean turns and the wall is miraculously repaired. “Quit throwing feces like a howler monkey,” Zachariah tells him. Come on Zach, he’s technically a caged animal right now.
Dean is angry, and demands they let him out of there. Zack points out its too dangerous out there, demons on the prowl. Liar! Dean isn’t buying it. “I’ve been getting my ass kicked all year, and now you’re sweating my safety?” Then he tells Zack he’s lying. He wants to see Sam. Zack says that’s ill advised. Dean goes off, throwing an insult about being sick of seeing his fat face and demanding to know why he can’t see Sam and how he’s supposed to ice Lilith. Oh Dean, you know what happens when you start demanding answers. You get them, and they suck.
Zack essentially gives the jig up. “You’re not.” Dean is shocked. Zack goes on. Lilith is going to break the final seal. “Fait accompli at this point, the train’s left the station.” Asshole. While unveiling the dastardly plot, Zachariah sits in front of a large mirror, and that mirror shows his reflection in endless repeating pattern. How cool is that? It’s the house of mirrors; its all an illusion and we don’t know what’s real.
Dean says they can stop it, and then realizes Zack doesn’t want to stop it. “No, never did. The end is nigh, the apocalypse is coming to a theater near you,” he says with absolute excitement. Dean is dismayed. “What was all that crap about saving seals?” It seems it was just a ploy to keep subordinates like Castiel in line. Otherwise they’d have a full scale rebellion on their hands. “Think about it. Would we really let 65 seals get broken unless senior management wanted it that way?” Well that plan worked. I guess that’s what happens when you’re dealing with a few thousand years of trained monkeys.
Dean asks why. Zack goes into an evil diatribe that essentially equates what’s happening to Ali-Foreman on a slightly larger scale. I’ll say. As Zack goes on boasting about how much they like their chances, Dean looks up at the pictures on the wall and they aren’t so serene anymore. They depict dark battles involving demons and Hell. “When our side wins, and we will, its paradise on earth. What’s not to like about that?” Dean ain’t feeling the warm fuzzies.
Dean has a good question. “What happens to all the people during your little pissing contest?” Zack has all the answers. “Well, you can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. In this case, truckloads of eggs, but you get the picture.” Then, just like Ruby, Zack goes for the less than consoling reality of things. “Look, it happens. This isn’t the first planetary enema we’ve delivered.” Asshole. Dean looks at an angelic statue, which is now dark instead of white, and Zack points out to Dean that bashing his head in wouldn’t be a good idea right now. True, but I’m sure it’ll make Dean feel better!
Ah, but Dean still has hope. He asks about Sam, and says that he won’t go quietly, he’ll take care of Lilith. Zack mentions that Sam has a very important part to play in all this, and might need a little “nudging” in the right direction, but Zack will make sure he plays it. Now Dean is all worried, and wants to know what that means and what he’s going to do to Sam. The spectrum of emotions Dean is going through in this scene is incredible. Jensen, again you’ve blown us away. I collapse in his greatness.
“Sam, Sam, Sam, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.” Now Kripke is pulling The Brady Bunch? Wow, will he stop at nothing? Zack brushes off Dean’s concern with Sam, and tells him they weren’t lying about his destiny (“Just omitted a few pertinent details). They still have greater plans for him. He’s chosen, he will stop it, just not Lilith and the Apocalypse, that’s all. He’s going to stop Lucifer. “You’re our own Russell Crowe complete with surly attitude.” Ha! I’m willing to bet Kripke had that line tucked away for a while, dying for the right chance to use it. He did!
When it’s over and they’ve won, Dean’s rewards will be unimaginable. “Peace, happiness, two virgins and seventy sluts.” Dean isn’t laughing. “Tell me something,” Dean says, “where’s God in all this?” “God? God has left the building.” Uh oh, something’s rotten in Heaven. Then Zack leaves the building too. Dean is all alone, now more chilled than ever. He looks at the graphic painting of Michael defeating Lucifer and realizes how screwed he is.
A security guard is at the abandoned convent, and we know he’s toast. He turns and sees Lilith all dressed in white. Yep, toast.
Back to Dean, who isn’t so calm anymore. He tries the cell phone, it doesn’t work anymore. The camera shows Dean alone, then goes behind a post and suddenly Castiel is there. The king of cool entrances. “You’re outside of your coverage zone.” I’ll say! Dean’s thoughts are of only one person, and his worry really gets me. “What are you going to do to Sam?” Aww, he does care. “Nothing,” Castiel replies, “he’s gonna do it to himself.” Dean wants specifics, but Castiel just gives him that evasive look away. Dean understands, Cas has to tow the company line.
Aww, now Cas cares. “We’ve been through much together, you and I, and I just wanted to say I’m sorry it ended like this.” Dean isn’t in the mood for apologies. He hits Castiel, and apparently it’s like striking Superman. Castiel turns a cheek but is unaffected, while Dean winces and shakes his stinging hand in pain. I don’t think he’ll be doing that again. “It’s Armageddon Cas, you need a bigger word than sorry.” Castiel tries to make argument this is long foretold and Dean’s- “Destiny,” Dean interrupts. He thinks all this talk of God and destiny is a bunch of crap to keep them both in line. “You want to know what’s real? People, families, that’s real. And you’re gonna watch them all burn?” Castiel doesn’t understand what’s worth saving, since people are in so much pain. He sees Dean’s guilt, anger, and confusion and assures him he’ll be at peace, even with Sam.
Oh Cas, do you not know Dean? He’s not a peace loving kind of guy. “You can take your peace and shove it up your lily white ass.” He’ll take the pain, guilt, and Sam as is, for its “a lot better than being a Stepford bitch in paradise.” Castiel is confused as hell. Dean tries to appeal to Castiel’s sense of right and wrong, and makes Cas turn around and look at him. These two are so deliciously explosive on the screen together. Anyway, Dean guesses Cas was going to help him once and warn him about all this before they dragged him back to “bible camp.” He pleads for Cas to help him now. Castiel isn’t sure what Dean wants him to do. Get him to Sam and they can stop it before it’s too late. Castiel knows what that means. “If I do that, we will all be hunted, we will all be killed.” Dean, who apparently still has his “going down swinging” mindset, says “if there is anything worth dying for, this is it.” Castiel shakes his head, not convinced, and that sets Dean off more. “You spineless, soulless son of a bitch. What do you care about dying, you’re already dead. We’re done.” Castiel tries to talk but Dean repeats they’re done. Castiel leaves and Dean is again alone in the big room, isolated. Love that shot.
Sam and Ruby have stopped at an old road marker that says St. Mary’s is in two miles. Sam is really wrestling with his conscience now, for the choice has to be made. Ruby is standing behind him, cleaning out her nails with a knife, eager to get to the gory part. Bitch. Sam needs a minute. Ruby protests and he shouts her down. He pulls out his phone and finally listens to Dean’s message, but it’s not the one Dean actually left. It’s actually very heartbreaking, and this is the one part of the episode that chokes me up, for those words crush Sam. “Listen to me you blood sucking freak. Dad always said I’d have to save you or kill you, well I’ll give you fair warning, I’m done trying to save you. You’re a monster Sam, a vampire. You’re not you anymore, and there’s no going back.” While Sam closes his watering eyes in devastation, Ruby smiles behind Sam’s back. Bitch. He hangs up and tells Ruby to do it. Next we hear a scream as Ruby slices.
Okay, a few thoughts there before I go on. Zachariah told Dean he had to take a few steps to push Sam in the right direction, so he probably tampered with the message. Of course Ruby judging by her smile knew what the message was, so did she do it? Or did Zack do it, and they’re in cahoots? It would kind of make sense that Ruby was working with the angels. I remember seeing a deleted scene from “It’s The Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester” where Castiel and Uriel were walking in the forest. Castiel was reminding Uriel that their orders were to not only leave Sam alone, but Ruby as well. They both had a purpose. It makes sense now, the higher angels were working with Ruby to play Sam and Dean. It’s brilliant, but it’s also tragic.
Also, poor Sam! Since fakeDean called him a monster and he thinks he’s not coming out of this alive, he can’t do what’s right in the end. He’ll go out a monster and be done with it. Talk about self-esteem issues. Did he think about the consequences if he survived? I wonder if we’ll see his intense guilt over this next season. I wonder if he’ll continue on his death wish more than ever.
Okay, onto the drama. Dean is pacing back and forth pretty frantic now, and sees the burgers in front of him. He goes to eat one but Castiel comes up behind Dean, slams him against the wall and covers his mouth. Aww, come on Cas, wait until the poor boy eats. They look into each other’s eyes and come to an understanding while Castiel pulls out the knife. Cas lets Dean go, slices his arm and begins to make the angel banishing sigil in blood on the wall. Hell yeah Cas!! You’re going rogue!! That sets up plenty of possibilities for you in season five.
Zachariah arrives asking Cas what he’s doing. Cas finishes what he’s doing and puts his hand in the center of the circle while Dean is wise enough to shield his eyes. Zachariah disappears in a flash of white light. Cas tells Dean he won’t be gone long and they have to find Sam fast. He doesn’t know where Sam is, but he knows who does. Also he says this while giving Dean back the knife. “We have to stop him Dean, from killing Lilith.” “But Lilith is the final seal,” Dean says. “Lilith is the final seal!” Castiel proclaims. “She dies, the end begins.” Dun, dun, duh!
There’s a screenshot of a computer monitor. “Lucifer Rising,” by Carver Edlund. It’s Chuck the Prophet! Chuck is on the phone, inquiring about rates for hookers. One thousand an hour. Good, he wants twenty for all night. “Lady, sometimes you gotta live like there’s no tomorrow.” I guess he knows what’s coming! BTW, anyone notice that Chuck’s house looks rather similar to Bobby’s? Hey, if it saves the budget. Chuck turns around and is shocked to find Dean and Castiel behind him. “This isn’t supposed to happen.” He hangs up on the service.
Lilith is at the altar with a chalice of blood and sees all her minions in the hallway collapsed. Sam turns the corner in super hopped up mode and with the wave of her hand Lilith closes the door.
Dean reads the pages, and asks if St. Mary’s is a convent. Chuck says yeah, but also points out they to aren’t supposed to be there. “You’re not in this story.” Castiel replies, “We’re making it up as we go.” Ha! Cas, a funny at a time like this? Dean is rubbing off on you. Suddenly a golden light appears and the room starts shaking. The archangel is back too! Castiel tells Dean to get to Sam while he holds off the archangel. He plants a palm on Dean’s forehead and poof, he’s in Maryland. Angel transport is cool! That even works faster than a transporter.
Dean arrives in the hallway at the convent and goes searching. Meanwhile Chuck and Castiel are still dealing with the bright light of the archangel. Chuck puts his hand on Castiel’s shoulder, and Castiel intimidates him enough with his look to have him take it back. Oh, how I love the subtle humor in the most intense of circumstances!
Sam barges into the convent chapel, and with quick hand strike in the air flings Lilith against the altar. He looks at her with those revenge filled eyes and pins her against it. Dean arrives in time to see the scene, but Ruby is the only one who notices him and smirks before closing the door with her hand. She’s powerful enough to do that? That lying bitch. The camera does this weird thing where it gives several rough cuts of Sam’s dying for revenge face. Interesting technique. Sam announces he’s been waiting for this for a very long time. “Give me your best shot,” Lilith tells him. Oh come on Sam, can’t you see right through this?
More jagged rough cuts between Sam, Ruby and Lilith before Sam sends a few jolts Lilith’s way. He stops and turns his head behind him, for he hears a voice. “Dean?” We see a livid Ruby shouting frantically at Sam (but we can barely hear her) asking what he’s waiting for. Then Lilith starts laughing at him, and he hears that. “You turned yourself into a freak, a monster and now you’re not gonna bite? I’m sorry, but that is honestly adorable.” Sam gets really angry, because everyone know his trigger words are “monster” and “freak.”
Sam’s eyes then turn completely black! Oh no, he’s a demon! Okay, he always technically was, but now he really is! Sam puts his hand out all pissed off and zaps the holy hell out of Lilith all with black eyes. He’s freaking scary like this. The spark eventually goes out after a few intense jolts, and Lilith gasps falls to the floor dead. Considering there’s a whole act left to go in this episode (not to mention a promised cliffhanger), something tells me there will be some fallout from this.
Final act and suddenly a stream of blood oozes from Lilith, and begins to form a pattern on the floor. Sam is puzzled, Ruby is joyous. “I can’t believe it, you did it. I mean it was touch and go there for a while but you did it.” An alarmed Sam wants to know what he did. “You opened the door, and now he’s free at last. He’s free at last.” Sam still hasn’t caught on, proclaiming that he stopped Lilith, so Ruby recites the scripture. “And it is written, that the first demon shall be the last seal.”
Sam clutches his forehead, it all hitting him now, while Ruby gets pretty stoked. “Now guess who’s coming to dinner.” Another pop culture reference Kripke? How do demons know these so well? Sam in the meantime is still absorbing the shock over the fact that he just started the apocalypse. No, that doesn’t look too good on a resume. “Oh my God,” Sam says. “Guess again.” Ruby is having fun now.
The blood has formed a full circle, and Dean is still trying to bust through the door, which is a great setup for more Ruby monologuing. She tells Sam he doesn’t know how hard this was, and goes into full gloating mode. “I was the best of those sons of bitches, the most loyal! Not even Alastair knew! Only Lilith. Yeah, I’m sure you’re a little angry right now, oh but come on Sam, even you have to admit, I’m awesome!” You think he’s a little angry Ruby? Think again.
Sam gets all furious and calls Ruby a lying bitch. He puts out both hands to zap her one and ends up falling back in pain. Ruby points out he shot his payload at the boss. So he has limits to his demon killing supply? Interesting. Then it all starts to unfold for poor Sam. “The blood, you poisoned me.” Ruby denies it, claiming he didn’t need to demon blood, and all Ruby did was present him with choices. He chose the right path every time. No Ruby, you kept berating him with choices and kept pushing his guilt and anger buttons until he caved in. I have to admit though, looking at how all those little choices unfolded over the last two seasons, the manipulation was quite brilliant.
Then Ruby drops the bombshell that takes us to season five. “You didn’t need the feather to fly, you had it inside you all along Dumbo.” Okay, that reference had to come from Kripke watching Disney DVDs with his kid. I know Dumbo is over sixty years old, but who remembers that lesson unless it involves a recent viewing? Ruby tries talking sense to Sam, even coddling him and calling him Sammy, while talking of a miracle. Everything Lilith and Azazel did to get him there, and he was the only one that could do this. “Why? Why me?” Sam asks. “Because, because it had to be you. It always had to be you.” In other words maybe we’ll get an answer in season five. Ruby goes on, telling Sam he “set him free” and “he’s going to be grateful.” “He’s gonna repay you in ways you can’t ever imagine. By this time Sam looks like he’s going to lose his lunch and doesn’t share her enthusiasm.
Oh goody, goody, time for the totally awesome part! Dean breaks through the door, and he’s pissed! He comes briskly charging forward and yanks out the knife. Ruby gets up, leaving a totally despondent Sam on the ground. “You’re too late,” she taunts. Dean doesn’t stop his brisk charge. “I don’t care.” Suddenly Sam comes in from behind and grabs Ruby, holding her firm while Dean plunges the knife right into her! She sparks and Dean twists the knife harder! And meaner! Awesome! Finally the sparks go out and Sam drops her on the ground. The wicked witch is dead!
While I’m visualizing munchkins coming out from the woodwork singing and dancing (or maybe a group of slaughtered nuns), our cliffhanger happens. Sam looks at Dean with the most intense remorse I’ve ever seen and says “I’m sorry.”
Suddenly, a huge bright light comes from the circle formed by the blood. Dean grabs Sam and says they need to get out of there. Sam grabs onto Dean and they’re both clutching onto each other as the light gets more intense. “He’s coming,” a panicked Sam says as they’re both bathed in white light, followed by the credits. Noooooo!!!! You can’t do that to us Kripke!
Oh but he can, and he did. Thanks a bunch. Oh, and “Damn You Kripke!” See you in September! In the meantime, I need to wrap my head around all that’s happened this season. I’m exhausted!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I love your recaps, Alice. The commentary you add cracks me up and you also notice many details that I missed during the first (and thus far only) viewing of this episode.
Zachariah was one of my favourite characters and since he wasn’t killed, I really hope to see him again. He was evil but in that self-righteous, puritantical way that’s even more disturbing than just regular evil. I loved the snarky exchanges with him and Dean. Zack was a great verbal-sparring partner.
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. Now, knowing her diabolical endgame, I have to go back and re-watch all the episodes involving her. The fact that Lillith was in on the plan allows many other things to click – like, for example, why Lilith was able to allegedly boot Ruby out of her blonde-body in NRFTW but then Ruby was able to climb her way out of Hell again so quickly. The other thing that comes together is why Azazel opened the door to Hell – because they needed to get Lilith out. I love the common, yet subtle threads that run through and connect just about every episode. Everything on SPN has such a great pay off.
I’m eager to see where Cas will be taken next season. So much potential.
Thanks again for the recap and accompanying pictures, Alice! I think that first picture with YED is one of the creepiest shots, ever.
Actually, now you mention it, the hot-monkey-demon-sex was one of my favorite bits … 😆
This was such an enjoyable episode it’s really hard to pick out high points but ‘ere goes anyway …
Bobby’s rant. What a guy … sigh.
Ruby revealed and promptly skewered. Hurrah.
Cas crosses the Rubicon. Yay!
Chuck and his laydeez. Bless … please don’t die.
Sam sees the light. His face when he listened to the doctored voicemail nearly finished me off permenantly.
Dean being Dean. Dude.
Mutual clutching at the end. The boys are back. JOY.
So it’s all good and roll on September, and Alice, you’re just being paranoid, I’m sure there’s at least 15 of us hanging on your every word …
Awesome, just awesome!
This season was fabulous from start to end and gave so much character growth and exposition and a very satisfying end to Ruby…her story is awesome! Still, I’m totally glad she’s gone!
I loved the whole point you made about Dean so isolated in the big golden gilded room…that is an excellent shot. Like you I thought Dean knocking the angel to the ground and smashing it and then looking guilty when Cas caught him was too funny. Also, love the foreshadowing there…an angel ‘falls’ to the floor and Cas appears — knew you had it in you Cas.
You reviews and recaps are great for I get to go back and pick up little bits that I missed the first time around.
I’ll be honest, I’m glad hellatus is here, time to process all the greatness of this season and the series as a whole. Processing…processing…processing
its Carry on Wayward son. Its a misconception that it is Carry on my wayward son because of the lyrics but I own the album and its Carry on Wayward son. Just thought you should know otherwise great article.
“Awesome” review Alice! Love your recaps and all the other interesting items. Your sense of ‘fandom’ is exactly what many of us want.
Who cares if we are a select few?? 🙂
I look forward to many more articles that keep us busy over hellatus.
ps it’s ‘fait accompli’ 😉
I LOVE the theory that Ruby was in cahoots with the angels. In some ways it’s the only thing that makes sense. Yikes, Sam never really had a chance. One issue I have with this season though is why were the angels so against Sam using his powers? The head angels knew that killing Lilith was the final seal, and that Sam was the only one who could do it. So…why instruct the “grunts” on the ground to stop him?
Also, this season has been incredibly polarizing within the more hardcore (some would say obsessed and overinvested) fans of the show. For some it has become a blame game. My opinion is that the true blame lies with Castiel. He is the only “good” character that had all of the information and chose to do nothing until it was too late. In fact, he was actively working towards the apocolypse until the very end.
Trina, you raise a good point with regard to the “grunts” and the threats to stop Sam if Dean didn’t. Hmm. The only explanation I can think of is that it was meant to keep of appearances on the part of Heaven. They needed to appear opposed so that, outside the upper echelon, nobody caught on to their ultimate endgame. Interesting to ponder though, isn’t it?
I don’t think that Ruby was working with the angels, as she stated only Lilith knew about her double-agent status, but I wonder if the angels didn’t deduce that she was evil based on the fact that (1) she’s a demon, (2) she wanted Sam to kill Lilith too (3) she’s a demon. I guess at this point it’s a little up in the air as to who actually twisted the voicemail. I tend to think angels because I don’t know that Ruby would have the power to manipulate it. Maybe her smirk had more to do with reading Sam as he listened to the vm and knowing it was the final push based on his reaction. Hmmm. Now I really want to know. Maybe a deleted scene with satisfy the mystery.
With regard to Castiel, I respectfully disagree with blaming him. Recall, that he only had very few of the facts and when he did learn that Heaven was trying to bring about the apocalypse, he attempted to warn Dean and was ripped back ‘upstairs’ for some reindoctrination. In the last two episodes, following his stint in Heaven, I think that his action stems from a few things:
1) That he was actually reprogrammed, for lack of a better word, with the “God’s will” thing – we’ve seen that Cas has serious issues with questioning his Father. Thinking back over the season, it was only as Cas grew closer to Dean (and by extension, to understand humans better) that you begin to see his discomfort with his orders. It takes him a long, long time to even vocalize his doubt (and this, similar to the motivation in his decision to defy Heaven in LR, is the result of witnessing Dean’s complete and utter desolation and torment upon learning he broke the first seal – Cas takes many cues from Dean and/or the going-ons around Dean). Suddenly, it’s not as black and white anymore because he’s beginning to experience just what this humanity thing is all about. Emotions, sacrifice, suffering, family, friends – he doesn’t have grasp of this at first. Think about how stoic he was in the first appearance versus the last few. It was very apparent that Cas had become Castiel again after he was pulled back to Heaven in “The Rapture†– more closed off and inhuman again, superior even.
2)He really wanted to believe that this was the best way to bring about peace for all involved, especially Dean. As his humanity barometer, Dean is Castiel’s measure of the world and he witnessed the pain and suffering Dean was undergoing and couldn’t understand what was so wonderful about the status quo if people like Dean were made to suffer for always. Cas explained to Dean that he would have peace after all was said and done. Deep down, I don’t think he believed it which was why he finally broke down and helped the boys even at the risk of his own existence.
So I don’t think he was actively working towards the apocalypse until the very end because he wasn’t aware that was where his orders were leading. Really, the only thing he did was release Sam. Yes, he did get the pledge from Dean to follow the orders of Heaven, but it seemed that he struggled with that too. He was quietly assessing and evaluating things in his own silent Castiel way for the majority of LR. The fact that he felt the need to defend his position and explain himself to Dean says to me that he was still trying to convince himself that he was doing the right thing. Very similar to Sam struggling to come to terms with the idea that he has to kill and drink this nurse, who aside from the demon guest inside is still an innocent human being. Means to an end. Cas couldn’t justify it, ultimately, because he was too close to Dean.
Poor Cas falls under the same heading as Sam and Dean – pawn.
Alice – I have to say I love love LOVE your recaps, even though I never (I think) ever commented on them.
There are so many great comments and analyses by others that I don’t feel I would be contributing. I always feel that to just say I love them isn’t enough. Not very interesting post. LOL
Anyway, please don’t feel you do all that work for 10 readers. I’m sure there are many like me who enjoy but don’t comment. I love the screencaps and the emotional way you do the recap and that there is no nastiness to spoil it for me. Also, I miss a lot of the dialogue and get it through your article.
I guess from now on I’ll comment even though it is only to say “I love your recap”.
I enjoy all of your articles. I only come to the friendly blogs now, and they include yours, Bardicvoice, Tina Charles and Gaelicspirit. Can’t stand the stupid rivalries going on at others.
I love Supernatural, the boys (Dean I adore) and hope it goes on for a few more years with Kripke aboard.
Thanks Alice for all that you do for us.
I totally agree with Elle, i dont think Cas is to blame at all.
I think Cas cared about Dean because he wanted Dean to be in peace after he had seen all of Deans pain over Sam.
Anyways, the recap was brilliant like always. I didnt get into Supernatural till the start of this season so i ended up going back and watching it through the internet. while i was looking for it i found this website and read all your recaps while i went along and it made me see all the different things that i had missed. I love your recaps there fab 😀
I love that Ruby is dead Finally!
Castial has finally come to his senses and seen th bad ways of the angels (hahaa, weird much).
Cant wait for the next season! I’m sure its gonna be explosive 😀
Elle, it had never occured to me that to free Lillith was the reason for opening the Devil’s Gate – good point! YED plan was more involved than I thought!
I don’t think that Ruby and the Angels were working together rather that Zach and the higher angels knew what she was doing and made no effort to hinder her activities. I also think that Cas and the other grunts on the ground didn’t know what was going on or Sam’s role and they were just saying what they thought,ie Demons powers are bad, they have something to do with YED he should stop using them. It’s like a big company where the senior management don’t tell the workers what’s going on so they decide to make decisions based on the intel they have which they think is for the best not realising that it actually goes against senior managements master plan. Methinks the angels need to work on their communication and me on my grammar that was a long sentence!
But pretty much awesome, my heart nearly broke at Sam’s face hearing the faux VM. The episode started out slow but it just sped up so that by the end it was just hitting us over the head with one revelation after another. My mind is still racing about it and I first saw the episode, what was it two weeks ago it aired?
Final point I promise – It’s one of the things that I love most about this show that you do get the action and the drama and the angst but it still manages to retain it’s sense of humour. Dean’s face when Cas caught him breaking the statue, Cas saying “we’re making it up as we go along” (welcome to team winchester Cas – we have cookies!) and the moment where Chuck puts his hand on Cas’ shoulder in a moment of soildarity and Cas gives him the ‘no touching’ look. Priceless! High drama, yet you can’t help but laugh but it still never detracts from the gravitas of the moment, it doesn’t pull you away from the situation or danger they’re in, rather it adds to it. That is a difficult line to walk and yet this show manages to pull it off time and time again. Only one other filmmaker/showrunner (whatever you call them) has managed to pull that off – humour within the drama that doesn’t take you from the moment and that’s Joss Whedon. I may anger some Whedonites but I think Kripke is easily in the same league.
Oh and Dean likes redheads? Yay! I’m also in!
Alice, you officially have a new fan 😀
Oh and I just have to say, the part when Sam was listening to “Dean’s” voicemail, I ended up on the floor, somehow both choking and screaming. That was way too painful to watch. DAMN YOU KRIPKE!!
I tend to lurk here more than post….sorry! But I bet you have far more than ten readers!
I enjoyed replaying the finale again in my mind as I read the recap. Kripke did well on this!! And he let Bobby live, which means a lot to me.
As many before me posted there was a two year plan to get Sam to fold. Bet the powers that be (and I bet Ruby was in cahoots with Zach) never imagined it’d take two years to break Sam. It only worked with him separated from Dean.
Now the brothers need to realize that only together can they save the world.
Bethany, I’m a Jossgurl from way back and I think you’re quite right about he and Mr. K being cut from the same cloth. The combination of black humour and little shafts of sweetness they sprinkle on the action is very similar, and ( dirty secret alert … ) at the moment I’m far more smitten with Supernatural than I am with Dollhouse!
With regard to the whole who knew what and when thing, my feeling is that the Higher Powers ( Zach et al ) knew that the best way to manipulate Dean was to threaten Sam so they let the footsoldiers ( Cas, Uriel etc ) think he was the enemy. I don’t think Cas knew about the grand design at first and when he found out ( via Anna? ) He rushed off to tell Dean and was nobbled and brainwashed back to the party line which only lasted until he got a facefull of stroppy humanity from our boy and promptly had a relapse.
I think there could be some kind of a free will verses blind obedience plot strand going on here … Zach said that God has left the building but I’m thinking more along the lines of he’s hiding behind a curtain to see how things pan out when his minions think they’re unobserved …
I think it was Zach who doctored the message on Sam’s phone, Dean’s mobile didn’t work unless he ( Zach ) wanted it to so he let the call go through because when he’d finished twisting it he knew it would push Sam over the edge … Nasty bastard that he is ( Zach, that is not Sam, obviously … Sam’s a poor hard done by sweetheart and needs a cuddle )
probably some people read your reviews first from Blogcritics and does not bother to click here too?
I did so for some time, until I understood that often the recaps are more detailed here, and well, pictures does not hurt either.