Day One
This is normally the part where your crack on the job blogger gets to spill all the wonderful details about day one at “Salute To Supernatural” in Cherry Hill, NJ and it’s amazing events. Except I wasn’t here for most of it. I was on the PA turnpike instead. I had resolved to take my time, plus I had to do a quick alcohol run in Delaware for cheap and tax free spirits. I totally endorse Total Beer and Wine in Claymont, DE by the way. It’s the holy grail of wine and beer stores for it’s the size of a freaking mega mart.
Anyway, I wasn’t in a rush, since the only two guests scheduled for Friday were Chad Lindberg and Jason Manns, two guys that I saw in Chicago. When I arrived at the hotel around 8:00 pm, I instantly met up with fandom friends at the bar, and the reunion was thrilling. It’s great how you connect just as well in person as online. I had my drink in no time, and unlike the really crappy lounge at the Wyndham O’Hare at the Chicago con in November, these bartenders actually knew what went into a purple nurple (coconut rum, blue caraco, cranberry juice and triple sec, not the Chicago version of vodka and cranberry juice). That drink of course came up because Richard Speight Jr. (The Trickster) was a few seats away, chatting with fans and trying to eat.
Actually, I have nothing but praise so far for the Crowne Plaza in Cherry Hill (once I found it. New Jersey traffic patterns are quite bizarre). It’s a much nicer hotel than the afore mentioned Wyndham O’Hare, with a much larger and cozier lobby, nicer ballroom and eating establishments that serve good food without requiring you to take out a second mortgage. They also offer free parking and free wireless internet (concepts lost on the hotel in Chicago), so they won me over quickly.
I was having so much fun drinking in the bar, enjoying their margarita special, the pleasant atmosphere, and catching up with friends, that I completely missed the Jason Manns concert. According to the people that I rode up with in the elevator after the concert let out, “it was good.” I held them to that quote.
I didn’t totally miss out though, for I got to experience all the action at the karaoke party after the concert. The organizers setup the karaoke in a separate meeting room, which was nice for an intimate fan experience, but bad because there was no bar or beverage service. No drinks and bad singing make Alice go something, something (Simpsons reference for those scratching their heads. The eventual answer is, CRAZY). Most in our group eventually went to the bar across the lobby and brought their drinks back. I went the cheaper route, and went up to my room and poured some wine that I picked up on that quick detour to Delaware.
Once alcohol was involved, the evening picked up. Chad, Jason, and Richard were in the room and chatted with fans the entire time. They were a blast to hang out with and very gracious with the fans. They were all in a great mood and happy to be there, giving me the impression anyway that mingling among the fans was the huge perk of their trip. Getting to know them like this was way better than sitting in a mass audience and hearing a panel.
I had the most fun with Richard, who was kind enough to offer a formal introduction before I talked with him. Right after he said “pleased to meet you,” I told him I met him in Chicago, so he played along with that. My good friend Lindsay has a great picture capturing that reaction, so I’ll have to get that from her and share it later (3/10 ETA, it’s now below. Thanks Linds!). As a matter of fact plenty of fans had stories to share about Richard, so he got around.
Yep, the cat’s out of the bag. I’m a redhead. This is the fan experience I missed out on in Chicago, and that becomes the advantage of this Cherry Hill con despite the absence of both Jensen and Jared. This is a much smaller con, so the smaller crowds make the setting more personal and more enjoyable for everyone. In Chicago, the special guests were a little more intimidated and were kept on a tighter leash by the handlers. Of course judging by the behavior of many fans in Chicago, I didn’t blame them.
Karaoke fizzed out before long, so we ended up in the bar until they kicked us out well after last call. The bartenders joked around with us even though it was clear it was time for them to close up and go home. Yep, it’s official, I love this hotel. In Chicago, getting served drinks in general was an ordeal.
Afterward we went back to the room to play the clips for “Death Takes A Holiday” that I had received a few hours before from Warner Brothers. Just this simple act reminded me why these cons are so memorable. It’s so much more exciting to watch these clips with a group that shares the same love and seeing their reactions rather than me squealing with glee in front of the cat and dog at home.
There’s plenty to report on Day two, so I better get cracking. More coming tomorrow.
See, I knew you would have fun stories to tell. GRIN
I’m so glad we have someone like you to capture every moment of these cons so eloquently.
Pix coming your way! 🙂
id like to see some chad lindberg photos please and bobbies photos photo ops please..
i do like to see olde jared jensen photo ops
its cool…..