Top Six Favourite Episodes: Supernatural Season 4
Welcome back to “Top Six Favourites Episodes”, this time for season four. These are, still to this day, the nearest and dearest to my heart, my comfort episodes, the ones I go to when I need a laugh or a cry or the comfort of an old friend.
Before you read my list, make your own list of season 4 favourites! It will be fun to compare your unbiased choices (before you are unduly influenced by my memories or picks) to mine. If you’re joining Nightsky and The WFB in the #SPNSummer2019 Rewatch, or rewatching at your own pace this hiatus, the episodes should be fresh in your mind! Save your list then, because you’ll need it for TOP 100 Episode challenge that The Winchester Family Business is running all hiatus! Nightsky reveals her Top 6 season 4 favourites after mine, so you’ll have two WFB staff lists as a comparison!
So without further ado, here’s my list of Season Four Favourites! The list is by order of appearance only, as they all are equal in their importance to me.
1) “In the Beginning”
Castiel sends Dean back to 1973.
Dean meets a younger John……
…. and Mary, who he finds out is a hunter …..along with her parents.
Dean gets to meet his grandparents.
Dean persuades John to buying the Impala.
Dean learns that Mary wants out of the hunting life and doesn’t want it for her children.
We learn how Mary met Azazel and why she made a deal with him.
It was to save John.
2) “Metamorphosis”
Dean catches Sam using his power (with help from Ruby).
Dean strikes Sam out of anger and frustration from being lied to.
Sam explains to Dean why he has felt he had to lie to him…”This disease pumping through my veins and I can’t ever rub it out or scrub it clean! I’m a whole new level of Freak!”
Sam trying to help Jack,
but ends up having to kill Jack.
3) “Yellow Fever”
Dean get’s affected by a Ghost Sickness the makes him fear everything,
like Yorkies….
…. cats locked in lockers…..
…and snakes.
Sam trying to be patient with Dean’s reset fear of everything.
Sam learns that Bobby is fluent in Japanese and we get to see him drive the Impala.
A scary moment when Sam’s eyes go yellow,
and the return of a very creepy, young Lilith.
“Eye of the Tiger”…
…being lip synced ……..
……….by our one and only….
Jensen Ackles .
4) “I Know What You Did Last Summer”
Introduction to Anna.
We learn how Sam met up with Ruby,
and how Sam became romantically involved with Ruby.
We learn of the 66 seals that need to be broken in order to raise Lucifer.
Introduction to Alastair, one of Dean’s torturers from Hell.
5) “The Monster at the End of This Book”
The brothers learn about LARPing (Live Action Role-Play)…..
… and that their lives have been documented in books.
Introduction to the prophet Chuck Shurley, aka Carver Edlund.
First time seeing our boys doing their laundry.
We meet the adult version of Lilith.
6) “When the Levee Breaks”
Sam is held in Bobby’s ‘Panic Room’, so he can detox from demon blood.
Sam hallucinates being tortured by Alastair………
and having conversations with his mother…..
… his younger self……
… and with Dean.
He also goes through a demonic seizure……
….forcing Dean and Bobby to hold Sam down and ……
…strap him to the bed.
Shockingly, Castiel frees Sam.
Sam escapes, but Bobby catches him. Sam, however, overpowers him and gets away.
Sam reunites with Ruby, who feeds him demon blood.
Dean finds Sam and they end up in a horrible, physical fight.
Those are my top favourites for season four! As promised, here are Nightsky’s “Top 6 Favourite Episodes” for season four, in order of preference:
- “I Know What You Did Last Summer”
- “Lazarus Rising”
- “When the Levee Breaks”
- “Lucifer Rising”
- “Heaven and Hell”
- “Yellow Fever”
Now it’s your turn! Which episodes make your top 6? What surprised you, either by inclusion or exclusion, from my or Nightsky’s lists? Make your lists now, if you didn’t before you read our favorites. You’re going to need them for WFB’s Ultimate Top 100 Hiatus Challenge!
Having fun comparing favorite episodes? Keep going with The WFB’s Top 6 Favorite Episodes for Season 5!
If you missed seeing our earlier lists, catch up on:
Top 6 Favourite Episodes, Supernatural Season 1, and
Top 6 Favourite Episodes, Supernatural Season 2
Top 6 Favourite Episodes, Supernatural Season 3
Enjoy The WFB’s many other Supernatural Top 10 lists.
Please share your thoughts below!
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