Top Six Favourite Episodes: Supernatural Season 3
Welcome back to “Top Six Favourite Episodes”, this time for season three. These are still, to this day, the nearest and dearest to my heart, my comfort episodes, the ones I go to when I need a laugh or a cry or the comfort of an old friend.
Before you read my list, make your own list of season 3 favorites! It will be fun to compare your unbiased choices (before you are unduly influenced by my memories or picks) to mine. If you’re joining Nightsky and The WFB in the #SPNSummer2019 Rewatch, or rewatching at your own pace this hiatus, the episodes should be fresh in your mind! Save your list then, because you’ll need it for TOP 100 Episode challenge that The Winchester Family Business unveiled last week! Nightsky reveals her Top 6 season 3 favorites after mine, so you’ll have two WFB staff lists as a comparison!
So without further ado, here’s my list of Season Three Favourites! The list is by order of appearance only, as they all are equal in their importance to me.
1) “Bad Day at Black Rock”
Sam and Dean go to John’s storage unit and find old family treasures.
Sam takes hold of a possessed rabbit’s foot,
which brings him good luck, until it gets stolen from him.
Sam loses his shoe down a drain.
When Dean asks what’s wrong, Sam replies with ‘I lost my shoe’
and then pouts.
He also catches on fire.
We get the return of Gordon,
and this was the introduction to Bela.
2) “Sin City”
Ruby helps Bobby fix the colt…
…and Bobby tests it out by shooting Ruby.
Dean and Casey get trapped, and he and we ….
….learn the back story of Yellow Eyes/ Azazel.
Dean walks by a parked limo with a woman coaxing Dean to join her….
…however Sam gets Dean back on the case.
The motel was pretty kinky with mirrored ceiling and ……
…Dean’s favourite “Magic Fingers.”
3) “Fresh Blood”
Gordon becomes a Vampire.
Sam’s heartfelt talk with Dean,
and Dean listening and understanding his brother’s feelings.
A scary Sam and how he kills Gordon.
Sam seems at little shocked by what he was able to do.
The end scene was another great brotherly moment with Dean working on the car while Sam helps.
Dean decides it’s time to teach Sam how to look after the Impala.
So now Sam takes over working on the Impala while Dean sits and enjoys a cold one.
4) “A Very Supernatural Christmas”
We get to see a lonely Christmas that Sam and Dean had as children,
and when Sam finds out about monsters.
We also learn how Dean got his amulet.
The pagan Gods Madge and Edward were quite the experience,
including their tortuous rituals.
A touching moment at the end when Sam gives Dean a Christmas.
The brothers exchange gifts.
I loved the end shot with Sam and Dean watching the game in the motel room and with the Impala outside guarding over her boys.
5) “Mystery Spot”
Who would have thought that an episode that has Dean dying many deaths could be entertaining…
… Mind you the first death was quite shocking ….
…especially to Sam. But after the ‘Ground Hog Day’ effect begins,
… Dean being crushed by a desk……
….slipping in the shower……
….. and being electrocuted becomes more comical , as we know it won’t last forever.
It isn’t just Dean’s death but also actions and conversations that are funny, where Sam knows exactly what Dean is going to say.
We find out ‘Ground Hog Day’ is being controlled by the Trickster.
Unfortunately, the Trickster has Dean die permanently.
We see Sam living stoically, hunting non-stop, stitching his own wounds, but seeing him eat with an additional plate of food set out, knowing that it’s for Dean, we see that he is deeply hurting.
Sam’s hug to Dean when he finally returns ……
is adorable and heartbreaking.
Sam’s expression as they are finally able to leave the motel, shows how emotionally devastated Sam is by this experience.
6) “No Rest for the Wicked”
Until the bitter end, Bobby is at their side… “Family don’t end with blood.”
We have a light moment of the brothers singing along to Bon Jovi’s ‘Wanted Dead or Alive”.
We meet a very scary Lilith.
Sam defeats Lilith who is now possessing Ruby’s body.
Tragic end to Dean and Sam crying over his death.
Dean in hell crying for Sam.
Those are my top favourites for season three! As promised, here are Nightsky’s “Top 6 Favourite Episodes” for season three, in order of preference:
- “No Rest for the Wicked”
- “Mystery Spot”
- “Jus in Bello”
- “Bad Day at Black Rock”
- “A Very Supernatural Christmas”
- “Dream a Little Dream of Me”
Now it’s your turn! Which episodes make your top 6? What surprised you, either by inclusion or exclusion, from my or Nightsky’s lists? Make your lists now, if you didn’t before you read our favorites. You’re going to need them for WFB’s Ultimate Top 100 Hiatus Challenge!
Having fun? Keep going with our Top 6 Favourite Episodes, Supernatural Season 4!
If you missed seeing our earlier lists, catch up on:
Top 6 Favourite Episodes, Supernatural Season 1, and
Top 6 Favourite Episodes, Supernatural Season 2
Enjoy The WFB’s many other Supernatural Top 10 lists.
Please share your thoughts below!
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