Memorable Moments: Supernatural 3.12 – Jus in Bello
Welcome again to Memorable Moments of “Supernatural” Past. For season three I chose Jus In Bello. This very action packed episode was the last episode aired before the Writers went on strike.
Best Broment
Sam patching up Dean after being shot by a possessed Agent Groves.
Brother’s in Unison
Sam and Dean showing their Tattoos.
And slumping down the wall after being released from the demon spell.
Best Sam Moment
Sam sitting back barley listening to Henriksen’s until he makes a nasty comment about their father.
He then sits up beside Dean, making it clear you don’t mess with his family.
Best Dean Moment
Dean and Henriksen’s conversation about the real world.
Henriksen: So turns out demons are real.
Dean: FYI ghost are real too. So are werewolves, vampires, changelings, evil clowns that eat people …
Henriksen: Okay then.
Dean: If it makes you feel any better, Bigfoot’s a hoax.
Henriksen: It doesn’t.
Coolest Moment
Sam recording the exorcism on the recorder to trap and exorcise the demons.
Most Chilling Moment
Seeing a sweet little girl, become the demon Lilith.
Saddest Moment
Dean and ……
…Sam’s reaction after finding out that all the Officers including Henriksen had been killed.
Funniest Moment
Henriksen recovering from being possessed and realizing ‘I… I Shot the Sheriff’
And Dean responding with ‘ But you didn’t shoot the Deputy’…. this of course led to ….
Best Bitch Face Moment
Sam responding to Dean’s comment.
Best CGI/VFX scene
The many demon’s smoke approaching……
and attacking the Police Station.
Best Camera Shot
The shot of Henriksen’s head in the toilet with the rosary/crucifix floating around him.
Best Angle Shot
The over view of Henriksen shooting the Deputy.
Best Guest Actor Scene(s)
Henriksen (Charles Malik Whitfield) entering the Motel room and looking down at the brothers after they had been busted by the FBI. “Hi Guys, it’s been awhile’.
Sam and ….. (312vlcsnap 00009)
Dean both looking up at Henriksen, knowing they are screwed.
I hope you enjoyed my “Memorable Moments” review for Jus In Bello. Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own!
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