The WFB Supernatural Season 13 Fan Choice Awards – Results!!
It’s time for the big reveal! The votes have been counted, the data analyzed, and we can now announce the winners of our Supernatural Season 13 Fan Choice Awards! As usual we had some runaway categories and some really close ones as well. There are a few surprising winners here too. An episode that pretty much swept the nominations ended up falling short in our vote for several categores, thus shattering our predictions. Another big nominee did very well, just not in the categories that were particularly flattering. It just goes to show, you never know what’s going to happen when the votes are counted!
Below for each category I list a winner, the runner up, the second runner up if the voting is particularly close, and then the Editor’s Choice, aka my vote. After all, what fun is it being editor-in-chief and awards administrtor if I don’t get my say? 🙂 The results of the poll can be viewed as well, just so you can see how well and how poorly your choices fared.
So, with all the formalities out of the way, I now present, the WFB Supernatural Season 13 Fan Choice Awards.
Best Supernatural Season 13 Episode
“Beat The Devil”


Editor’s Choice

While I respect the results and the voice of the fans, I have to vehemently disagree with the popular vote on this one. I get that many don’t think of “Scoobynatural” as a normal “Supernatural” episode and therefore was not a legitimate candidate for the voting, but “Beat the Devil” actually makes my season worst list. I have a scathing review to prove it! For me, “Scoobynatural” was the only episode I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end all season long. In the Eric Kripke era, the episodes had serious and horrifying stuff, but they also had many light hearted moments in between to offer some balance. The later seasons seem to have forgotten that light heartedness and have been very heavy and depressing most of the time. Outright dark at times if you ask me. So when something goofy and fun like this comes along, with our three leads all smiles at the end of it, then I’m clinging onto that fond memory like glue. I haven’t enjoyed a “Supernatural” episode this much since season 11’s “Baby.”
Worst Supernatural Season 13 Episode
Winner (by a landslide)
“Wayward Sisters”

“Devil’s Bargain”

Super-duper close to Runner-Up
“Let the Good Times Roll”

Editor’s Choice
“Wayward Sisters”

Honestly, I don’t think “Wayward Sisters” was a total train wreck and it was an improvement over season nine’s “Bloodlines,” which I rate as one of the worst episodes in the series. But honestly, it was bad. I did a detailed review as to why, but bottom line the expectations were very high for this one since it was the pilot for the spinoff and it didn’t deliver. If this had just been a normal episode, it still would have been one of the worst but not “the worst.”
I know many had their hearts set on this series going forward, but the CW was wise to pass on it. There are better options out there for them to go forward with, despite the passionate pleas from supporters. In the end, it’s a business and running forward with a mediocre premise didn’t make sense. The storytelling with these characters was cliched, not very bold, and outright confusing come the end. There was no clear path as to where it was going. It was very hard to sell female empowerment with two male writers on a show that has been very tone deaf with it’s female characters.
The choice to make Claire Novak the lead, a character that rubs many of the fans the wrong way, was the core reason why this concept didn’t win over a lot of the “Supernatural” faithful. Sadly, the CW wasn’t about to make a show starring middle aged characters Jody and Donna. Then enter Julie Plec and her pitch of a storyline that got the “Vampire Diaries/Originals” fans very excited, and “Legacies” gets the nod. The stars just didn’t align. I just hope upon hope that when they return to “Supernatural” in season 14, they get better material.
Funniest Scene in Supernatural Season 13
“The Scorpion and the Frog”

Sam and Dean sending Luther involuntarily through the poison darts
“Various and Sundry Villains”

Sam and Dean wrestling.
Editor’s Choice
“The Scorpion and the Frog”

Sam and Dean sending Luther involuntarily through the poison darts.
Is it sad that this season was missing so many LOL moments that this is our clear winner? I mean aside from “Scoobynatural,” which was overall one big funny moment for me, there wasn’t another bit at all that made me laugh out loud except this one. The others got nothing more from me than a light chuckle. Not only was this well shot visually, but it was actually written with some great comedic timing! Sam and Dean’s reactions during the whole thing were priceless. Talk about a clever way of getting yourself through a jam.
Although, I did find myself sending a few votes by the way of the season finale. Surely that scene between Dean!Michael and Lucifer flying in the air had to be a comedy, right? Did anyone take it seriously? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…no?

Most Tear-Jerking Moment in Supernatural Season 13
Winner (by a landslide)
“Beat the Devil”

Dean reunites with Mary, delivers the single perfect man tear when she asks about Sam.
“Beat the Devil”

Sam’s horribly gruesome death.
Editor’s Choice
“A Most Holy Man”

Father Lucca’s speech about why they keep fighting.
Let me explain this choice. I think I made it very well known during my review of “Beat the Devil” that the episode pissed me off to no end. It was too contrived a setup that served no purpose whatsoever than the screw over Sam Winchester again with his nemesis, aka the same damn ploy that’s been happening for a few seasons. So, when I see Sam’s death or Dean’s single perfect man tear, it has no legitimacy to me. It all happened out of pure, utter bulls***.
Why this speech then? Because it was a rare moment of optimism and faith in an otherwise crappy and depressing season. It reminded me exactly why Sam and Dean keep going after all these years. These stories have the brothers going through the motions so many times it’s so easy to forget why they’re putting themselves through all this. This speech explained it all, they do it to try an improve things and make every day better. It brought a few tears to my eyes. If anyone didn’t think that was also meant for our spirit in this horribly screwed up Trump era, then I suppose the optimism was definitely lost.
However, my true pick didn’t even make the nominations list. The only part that got me absolutely bawling this season was in “The Big Empty,” when the shapeshifter therapist morphed into Kelly Kline, giving Jack that moment with his “mother” than he never dreamed he would have had. The whole thing was tender, beautiful and really appealed to a mother with a son like myself. It gave Jack a chance to move on, something that no doubt helped him accept Sam and Dean as family.

Best Brotherly Bonding Scene in Supernatural Season 13

Sam and Dean’s hug after Sam returns from being dead.
“Unfinished Business”

The whole “we die together” conversation.
Editor’s Choice

Sam and Dean’s hug after Sam returning from being dead.
I know, in the last category I just blasted the whole setup of Sam’s death as contrived plotting. Why did I pick this then? Simple. Just look at their faces!

Two pictures tells a thousand words. These simple looks captured the utter devastation that both brothers felt inside over the whole incident more than words would ever be able to do so. This is how actors rise above a particularly crappy story. It reminded me of Sam’s desperate hug at the end of “Mystery Spot,” a moment that evokes a tear or two to this day. Just priceless and it so reminds us how lucky we are to have Jared and Jensen on this show.
(More results on Page 2)

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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