The WFB Supernatural Season 14 Fan Choice Awards – The Results!
Yes, this is definitely delayed. All the hoopla of Comic Con set the reveal of the results way back. But hey, better late than never, right? Right???
The votes have been tallied, analyzed, and now they can be shared! Thanks to all of you that voted and made your opinions known, both good, bad, and indifferent. In the end, the power of collective minds generated some interesting results.
So, without further delay, I present The WFB Supernatural Season 14 Fan Choice Award Results!
Best Episode of Supernatural Season 14
Winner (by a two to one margin)
“Mint Condition”
A Very Close Third
Editor’s Choice
No, it was not a perfect episode. For a 300th episode, given the high expectations, it did fall short. But it was still hands down the best episode of a very weak season fourteen. You can’t beat a Winchester family dinner, which was something we’ve been craving since the Pilot, which was some 300 episodes ago! I enjoyed the sentiment and it really did feel good to see some closure finally to the Sam and John rift.
The overall results:
Lebanon – 37%
Mint Condition – 19%
Byzantium – 17%
Moriah – 16%
Peace of Mind – 11%
Worst Episode in Supernatural Season 14
Runner Up
“The Spear”
Editor’s Choice
Don’t get me wrong, “The Spear” irked me to no end. I hated female Michael, the attempt to recreate Die Hard fell very short, and dammit, Garth is still in the trunk! But Moriah, that was the biggest “F*** You” to fans I have ever seen. I’m still fuming. This show was based on the foundation that the world is a s*** show, but two heroes carry on despite horrific circumstances because they know that what they do makes a difference. Chuck and his temper tantrum wiped all of that out in one snap. It was like the past fourteen years was useless. They better get creative in season fifteen otherwise I’m going to have to pretend the show didn’t exist after season five.
Overall results:
Moriah – 25%
The Spear – 16%
Jack in the Box – 13%
The Scar – 11%
Ouroboros – 10%
Unhuman Nature – 9%
Game Night – 9%
Gods and Monsters – 7%
Funniest Scene
Winner (By a mega landslide)
“Peace of Mind” – “Justin” chewing out Castiel for his “language” (H-E-double hockey sticks!)
Runner Up
“Optimism” – Jack (to Dean on the phone) – “I need to know everything about sex. Go.”
Editor’s Choice
“Justin” chewing out Castiel for his language – “Peace of Mind”
I’m telling you, Jared’s next project MUST be a sitcom. I don’t care what he says. He’s funny as hell.
Justin chewing out Castiel for his language – “Peace of Mind” – 58%
Jack (to Dean on the phone) – “I need to know everything about sex. Go.” – “Optimism” 16%
Dean listing the duo costumes – “Mint Condition” – 13%
TedTalk!Sam talking about the benefits of a raw food diet – “Lebanon” – 7%
Sam and Samantha’s geeky Wonder Twins moment – “Mint Condition” – 6%
Most Tear Jerking Moment from Supernatural Season 14
“Prophet and Loss” – Sam’s emotional plea to Dean to not give up on them.
Runner-up (Tie)
Sam dying with Dean near his side – “Game Night”
Dean crying in the woods – “Jack in the Box”
Editor’s choice
The tearful family goodbye to John – “Lebanon”
Oh sure, I adored the brotherly exchange in “Prophet and Loss”. It was classic Sam and Dean. But that scene just put a lump in my throat because it is a scene we’ve seen before. The Winchester family goodbye after all the fangirlish excitement of finally seeing them together…yeah, waterworks.
Overall results:
Sam’s emotional plea to Dean to not quit fighting, “Prophet and Loss” – 38%
Sam dying with Dean near his side, “Game Night” – 19%
Dean crying in the woods, “Jack in the Box” – 19%
The tearful family goodbye to John, “Lebanon” – 16%
John reuniting with Mary, “Lebanon” – 4%
The loss of Mary Winchester…all of it, “Absence”- 4%
Best Kick it in the Ass Moment from Supernatural Season 14
Sam’s proclamation that there will be no new King of Hell and all demons must go through him – “Stranger in a Strange Land”
Sam shoots Chuck/God – “Moriah”
Very close to Runner-Up
Dean locking up Michael in the bar and declaring himself “The Cage” – “Nihilism”
Editor’s Choice
Sam’s proclamation that there will be no new King of Hell and all demons must go through him – “Stranger in a Strange Land”
No contest! Seeing smoking hot Sammy, in total grief beard, telling the demons who’s boss. Tingles man, tingles. A great way to kick off a season.
Overall results:
Sam’s proclamation that there will be no new King of Hell and all demons must go through him – “Stranger in a Strange Land” – 37%
Sam shoots Chuck/God – “Moriah” – 24%
Dean locking up Michael in the bar and declaring himself “The Cage” – “Nihilism” – 22%
Jack kills Michael – “Ouroboros” – 13%
Old Cas vs. Sam and Dean in the Italian restaurant – “Lebanon” – 4%
Best Guest Star of Supernatural Season 14
Winner (No contest)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan – “Lebanon”
(Looks down the list to see if anyone else got votes…Ah yes.)
Adam Beach – “Don’t Go Into the Woods”
Honorable Mention
Sam’s Grief Beard
Editor’s Choice
Are you kidding me? There’s only one choice in this category. John Winchester FTW! But I do wish the Grief Beard had a season long appearance.
Overall results:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan – John Winchester – “Lebanon” – 55%
Adam Beach – Sheriff Romero – “Don’t Go Into the Woods” – 18%
Sam’s grief beard – Episodes 14.01 – 14.03 – 12%
DJ Qualls – Garth – “The Spear” – 10%
Veronica Cartwright – Lily Sunder – “Byzantium” – 5%
Best Ending to a Supernatural Season 14 Episode
“Prophet and Loss” – Sam’s tearful plea to Dean in front of Baby.
“Moriah” – Chuck/God shows his true self and all Hell breaks loose.
Editor’s Choice
“Lebanon” – John waking up from a “good dream” in Baby.
Sue me, I’m a sentimentalist. That’s the only ending that gave me warm fuzzies all season.
Overall results:
Sam’s tearful plea to Dean in front of Baby – “Prophet and Loss” – 42%
Chuck/God shows his true self and all Hell breaks loose – “Moriah” – 23%
John waking up from a “good dream” in Baby – “Lebanon” – 19%
Dean!Michael snapping his fingers – “The Spear” – 8%
Lily goes to Heaven, The four guys are reunited – “Byzantium” – 5%
Sam says, “I think I just need some time” and Dean pats him on the shoulder – “Peace of Mind” – 3%
Worst Ending to a Supernatural Season 14 Episode
“Moriah” – God is evil? Sam and Dean never had free will? All their good deeds unraveled?
Michael just leaves Dean? It ends with Nick on a bloody rampage? – “Gods and Monsters”
Editor’s Choice
“Moriah” – God is evil? Sam and Dean never had free will? All their good deeds unraveled?
It’s interesting isn’t it, how the “Moriah” ending made both the best and worst results? It goes to show just how polarizing it was. To be honest, all the nominees were adequate choices. But there’s nothing like unraveling 14 seasons of story in five minutes to annoy the most loyal fan.
Overall results:
God is evil? Sam and Dean never had free will? All their good deeds unraveled? – “Moriah” – 43%
Michael just leaves Dean? It ends with Nick on a bloody rampage? – “Gods and Monsters” – 29%
Mary is dead…again – “Game Night” – 13%
Sam’s team of hunters die and Jack steps toward the dark side by killing Michael – “Ouroboros” – 8%
Dean!Michael snapping his fingers. How did he re-possess Dean? – “The Spear” – 7%
What is the Best Character Bonding Scene in Supernatural Season 14?
Winner (By a 3 to 1 margin)
“Prophet and Loss” – Sam’s emotional plea (and a frustrated punch) to Dean to keep believing in them in front of Baby.
The Winchester Family Dinner – “Lebanon”
Editor’s Choice
“Prophet and Loss” – Sam’s emotional plea (and a frustrated punch) to Dean to keep believing in them in front of Baby.
The Winchester family dinner put a huge smile on my face. But the brotherly scenes are the epitome of bonding, proving once again that it’s season freaking 14 and Jared and Jensen still bring the wickedly amazing chemistry to the table. This one had impact to the season arc too, making it just a bit more important.
Overall results:
Sam’s emotional plea (and a frustrated punch) to Dean to keep believing in them in front of Baby – “Prophet and Loss” – 50%
The Winchester Family Dinner – “Lebanon” – 22%
Jack and Dean’s road trip – “Unhuman Nature” – 12%
Dean and Pamela in Rocky’s Bar – “Nihilism” – 6%
Sam, Dean and Castiel (and Baby!) saying their goodbyes to Mary at the funeral pyre – “Absence” – 5%
Jack and Castiel’s talk about dying (it’s a rite of passage) while eating sugary cereal – “The Spear” – 5%
Best Quote in Supernatural Season 14
Dean: Yeah. I used to think that, too. But, uh… I mean, look, we’ve been through some tough times. There’s no denying that. And for the longest time, I blamed Dad. I mean, hell, I blamed Mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send Dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I got to be honest — I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is. And I’m good with who I am. I’m good with who you are. ‘Cause our lives — they’re ours. And maybe I’m just too damn old to want to change that.
“Prophet and Loss”
“You have one card today! But we’ll find another tomorrow. But if you quit on us today, there won’t be no tomorrow! You tell me, uh, you don’t know what else to do. I don’t either, Dean. Not yet. But what you’re doing now, it’s wrong! It’s quitting! I mean l-look what just happened. Donatello never quit fighting. So we could help him because he never gave up. I believe in us, Dean. I believe in us. Why don’t you believe in us, too?”
Editor’s Choice
“Game Night”
“You — you always, always put — You always put me first. Your whole life.”
Let me explain this choice. I just love quotes that say so much with so little. Yes, the whole death scene was a little contrived. We figured a miracle cure was coming because it always does. But here’s Sam, knowing the lights are about to go out, and this is what comes to mind. He’s acknowledging everything his brother has done for him at a time where words are hard to say. It’s just a really beautiful moment, albeit way too short.
Overall Results:
“Yeah. I used to think that, too. But, uh… I mean, look, we’ve been through some tough times. There’s no denying that. And for the longest time, I blamed Dad. I mean, hell, I blamed Mom, too, you know? I was angry. But say we could send Dad back knowing everything. Why stop there? Why not send him even further back and let some other poor sons of bitches save the world? But here’s the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Well, maybe. But I got to be honest — I don’t know who that Dean Winchester is. And I’m good with who I am. I’m good with who you are. ‘Cause our lives — they’re ours. And maybe I’m just too damn old to want to change that.” Dean, “Lebanon” – 34%
“You have one card today! But we’ll find another tomorrow. But if you quit on us today, there won’t be no tomorrow! You tell me, uh, you don’t know what else to do. I don’t either, Dean. Not yet. But what you’re doing now, it’s wrong! It’s quitting! I mean l-look what just happened. Donatello never quit fighting. So we could help him because he never gave up. I believe in us, Dean. I believe in us. Why don’t you believe in us, too?” Sam, “Prophet and Loss” – 25%
“Enough! There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anybody wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? So, what’s it gonna to be?” Sam, “Stranger in a Strange Land”13%
“You — you always, always put — You always put me first. Your whole life.” Sam, “Game Night” – 8%
“Sir, using language like “H-E-double hockey sticks”– You should have your mouth washed out with soap.” Justin!Sam – “Peace of Mind” – 8%
“A serial killer clown. I mean, this is like the best/worst thing that’s ever happened to you. You know, ‘cause you love serial killers but you hate clowns.” Dean, “Lebanon” – 7%
“But you’re here now, right? And even though the last couple of years have been a little rough, just knowing that you’re around, that you’re alive. Mom, that’s meant everything to me. And everything to Sam. And how great is this, hm? You and me sitting here, eating the real thing, not some bologna version of Winchester Surprise? You know, we’re not fighting any monsters. There’s — There’s no clouds on the horizon.” Dean, “Damaged Goods” – 5%
Best Gratuitous/Sexy Moment in Season 14
Two words – Grief beard!
Dean welding the Ma’lax Box – “Damaged Goods”
Super Close to the Runner-Up
Dean eating pizza on the bed watching horror films – “Mint Condition”
Super Super Close to the Runner/Runner-Up
Sexy nerds – “Mint Condition”
Editor’s Choice
Sexy nerds – “Mint Condition”
I work in IT. I married a nerd and we had nerd babies. Sue me.
Overall results:
Two words – Grief beard! – 27%
Dean welding the Ma’lax Box – “Damaged Goods” – 24%
Dean eating pizza on the bed watching horror films – “Mint Condition” – 23%
Sexy nerds – “Mint Condition” – 22%
Sam as Justin – ponytail, red cardigan and those horn rimmed glasses – “Peace of Mind” – 4%
Best Plot in Supernatural Season 14
Sam being the leader of the hunters – Multiple episodes
Pleasantville meets SPN – “Peace of Mind”
A Very Close Third
“Time to slice and dice!” All the classic horror goodness – “Mint Condition”
Editor’s Choice
Pleasantville meets SPN – “Peace of Mind”
I love the sentiment of a simpler, better time. I love that Sam was hurting enough from the loss of his team to fall into the spell of “Justin”. I love that they managed to work some comedy gold out of it. But most of all, I loved that Castiel got to play the hero for once and being an angel finally worked to his advantage. All in all – a very enjoyable story.
Overall results:
Sam being the leader of the hunters – Multiple episodes – 28%
Pleasantville meets SPN – “Peace of Mind” – 25%
“Time to slice and dice!” All the classic horror goodness – “Mint Condition” – 22%
Jack’s death arc – Multiple episodes – 13%
Ma’lax Box – Multiple Episodes – 12%
Worst Plot in Supernatural Season 14
Winner (by a massive margin)
Nick’s investigation into his family’s murder and his desire to be reunited with Lucifer, which came with useless killing spree. – Too many episodes
Dark Kaia and the Spear – Multiple episodes
A Narrow Miss For Runner-Up
Jack becomes the big bad – Multiple episodes
Editor’s Choice
Nick’s investigation into his family’s murder and his desire to be reunited with Lucifer, which came with useless killing spree. – Too many episodes
The worst plots, all of them, proved one thing. 20 episodes is still too many hours to sustain a strong story for this show. Even with three less episodes this season, the filler was just painful. I mean really, how did an ordinary guy like Nick become so super human and kill so many people so easily without landing on the most wanted list? There are better ways to show someone completely unhinged than having him kill everyone he meets.
Overall results:
Nick’s investigation into his family’s murder and his desire to be reunited with Lucifer, which came with useless killing spree. – Too many episodes – 65%
Dark Kaia and the Spear – Multiple episodes – 12%
Jack becomes the big bad – Multiple episodes – 10%
Mary’s death – Absence – 8%
Ma’lax Box – Multiple episodes – 5%
Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers in Season 14
Winner (by a razor thin margin)
Abandoning every arc, story line, and foreshadowing in season 14 (and earlier) just so they could abruptly go with Chuck is evil and it’s the end.
Very Close Runner-up
The annoying amount of time wasted on Nick just for the plot to go nowhere.
Very, Very Close to the Runner-up
Abruptly ending the promising Michael arc for no good reason and shifting to Jack being the big bad
Very, Very, Very Close to the Runner/Runner up
Just about all of season 14.
Editor’s Choice
Just about all of season 14.
Hee, this one was a close one. So many good…I mean bad choices. To be honest, I was not a fan of the season, so the choice was easy for me. However, if I was forced to pick one of the options that wasn’t the catch all, I would go with the winner. I mean come on, how in the world did the Dean!Michael arc, then Jack going off the rails just abruptly in one episode go to Chuck was evil? I did the math, I drew the graphs, and the answer is…NO. It was just pulled out of their asses.
Overall Results:
Abandoning every arc, story line, and foreshadowing in season 14(and earlier) just so they could abruptly go with Chuck is evil and it’s the end – 19%
The annoying amount of time wasted on Nick just for the plot to go nowhere – 17%
Abruptly ending the promising Michael arc for no good reason and shifting to Jack being the big bad -15%
Just about all of season 14 – 14%
Bringing back characters only to screw them up – Garth – or kill them – Mary – 7%
The failure to find a meaningful story line for Sam – 6%
Poorly writing Mary Winchester since her return and then giving her a sudden redemption after killing her off – 5%
Dean was possessed by Michael and Nick was recovering from possession by Lucifer, and with all the talk about how they felt being possessed, there was nothing from Sam about his possession(s) – 5%
The failure to find a story that went anywhere with Dean – 2%
The teenagers in “Lebanon” and “Don’t Go Into the Woods” – 4%
The failure to again do anything with Castiel – 4%
Best Use of Classic Rock/Any Song in Season 14
Winner (by a freaking lot)
“God Was Never On Your Side” – Motorhead, “Moriah”
“Let it Ride” – Bachmann Turner Overdrive, “Unhuman Nature”
Editor’s Choice
“God Was Never on Your Side” – Motorhead, “Moriah”
So yeah, I didn’t like the plot twist in the end of the season, but that ending scene, Jack in the empty, the dead rising from Hell and surrounding Sam, Dean and Castiel while this song thunders in the background, it was pretty wicked from a sound and vision perspective. The music was definitely the key to its success.
Overall results:
“God Was Never On Your Side” – Motorhead – “Moriah” – 46%
“Let it Ride” – Bachman Turner Overdrive – “Unhuman Nature” – 17%
“Till It Shines” – Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band – “Lebanon” – 14%
Shot Down in Flames” – AC/DC – “Stranger in a Strange Land” – 8%
“No Time” – The Guess Who – “Damaged Goods” – 7%
“Ode to Joy – Symphony No. 9 in D Minor ‘Choral” – “The Spear” – 6%
“Stayin’ Alive” – The Bee Gees – “Optimism” – 3%
Best Shoutout to Pop Culture
Winner (by a 3 to 1 margin)
All of “Mint Condition”
All the wonderful Easter eggs in Rocky’s Bar – “Nihilism”
Very Close to the Runner-Up
Dean on Sam’s grief beard – “”Duck Dynasty” called, and they just — they want it all back.” – “The Scar”
Very Very close to the Runner/Runner Up
AU Sam and his “Ted Talk” – “Lebanon”
Editor’s Choice
All the wonderful Easter eggs in Rocky’s Bar – “Nihilism”
I did love everything that “Mint Condition” gave us, but the items in Rocky’s Bar just meant something more to me. Perhaps because I love bars more than I do cheesy 80’s horror movies.
Overall Results:
All of “Mint Condition” – 43%
All the wonderful Easter eggs in Rocky’s Bar – “Nihilism” – 17%
Dean on Sam’s grief beard – “”Duck Dynasty” called, and they just — they want it all back.” – “The Scar” – 15%
AU Sam and his “Ted Talk” – “Lebanon” – 14%
Mirror Universe (Star Trek) and the stapler woman (Office Space) – “Moriah” – 6%
Winston Mathers and his “Stayin’ Alive” strut – “Optimism” – 3%
Griffin: He comes in looking like he’s been running all night, asks for my phone, then he just… went all Scanners. Castiel: Was it more Scanners 1, 2, or 3? – “Peace of Mind” – 2%
Best Callback to Previous Supernatural Seasons
Sam and John FINALLY making peace over the big fight they had when Sam left for Stanford (closure!)
Dean trapping Michael in his mind and telling Sam, “I got him”, mirroring Sam’s “I’ve got him” from “Swan Song” – “Nihilism”
Editor’s Choice
Shoutout to Hell Hazers – “Mint Condition”
Sorry, but you all know my all out love for all things Edlund. “Hollywood Babylon” is a fav. I was also pretty thrilled with the teens watching “Ghostfacers.” See what Ben Edlund has done for this show? Apparently not many of you did! But yeah, aside from that piece of sentimentality, Sam finally getting that closure with John? Epic.
Overall results:
Sam and John FINALLY making peace over the big fight they had when Sam left for Stanford (closure!) – “Lebanon” – 56%
Dean trapping Michael in his mind and telling Sam, “I got him”, mirroring Sam’s “I’ve got him” from “Swan Song” – “Nihilism” – 19%
Jack kneeling, waiting on Dean to kill him – big vibes of MOC Dean about to kill Sam in “Brother’s Keeper” – “Moriah” – 10%
The camera zooming into Jack’s burned out eye, showing him in the Empty, mirroring the end of “No Rest for the Wicked” showing Dean in Hell – “Moriah” – 8%
The teens were watching the Ghostfacers – “Don’t Go Into the Woods” – 4%
Shoutout to Hell Hazers – “Mint Condition” – 3%
Best Set in Supernatural Season 14
Rocky’s Bar – “Nihilism”
Ice Cream/Soda Shoppe – “Peace of Mind”
Editor’s Choice
Rocky’s Bar – ‘Nihilism”
As I said before, I’m a sucker for a cozy bar. Plus, I’ve had the Cosmic Cowboy. It’s pretty good.
Overall results:
Rocky’s Bar – “Nihilism”- 48%
Ice Cream/Soda Shoppe – “Peace of Mind”- 28%
Comic Book store – “Mint Condition” – 17%
Donna’s cabin (and shed) – “Damaged Goods” – 7%
Thanks again to everyone that voted, making this another great annual award event. We’ll do this one more time next year, and then that’s it! We’ll have to make sure it is something special.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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