Supernatural Fan Projects: February 2017
Fan Fic Writing and Art Projects
This is a collaborative project between our fandom’s writers and artists to produce original SPN or J2 novellas (20,000 words minimum) with accompanying artwork or vids. And we can’t wait to do it again.
A 7.5k SPN fic & art challenge, all genres and pairings welcome. The 2017 theme is setting. Posting begins in June.
Are you tired of coming across the same goddamn coffee shop romance time and time and again?
Do you fail to remember where was the last time you saw the Impala on the way to gank some non-human uglies?
Are you done with your favorite characters’ personalities getting lost In translation from one setting to another?
Do you feel like in the ocean of AO3 there’s no way to find a canon-based fic or there’s no chance to make it shine anymore?
“Canon-based?” What does it mean?
To put it simply, if your characters end up in an alien setting with different skills and that is not explained at any point using canon-related possibilities, you’re doing it wrong. Alternately, if the plot of your fic could happen in the show at some point (without Zachariah-like meddling), it’s most probably fine.
Ultimately, we leave the decision to your best judgement.
Can you give some examples of what is and isn’t okay?
The fics the events of which start at some point in the show and then change due to different decisions, circumstances, lucky or unlucky accidents are fine, for example, Dean and Sam finding a different way to stop the Apocalypse or Charlie following Gilda into the Fairy world. As well as fics about the characters outside of their appearance in the show, e.g. Becky’s adventures on the Second Supernatural Convention, Crowley’s sleepover at Bobby’s, are a go.
If you’d rather write a fic that has no connection to the show, other than the characters names and appearance, you might consider joining a different challenge. There’s no place for shady chef Crowley messing up Sam’s Valentine’s date, here. That is, unless he first stepped down from his throne in Hell and rebranded.
In short:
The Winchesters defeat another big bad and decide to raise chickens? Go for it.
Sam is a McDonald’s foot soldier and falls in love with a green eyed fbi agent that is unrelated to him by blood? Probably healthier but no.
Dean secretly being Obama the whole time is not fine.
Kevin retiring from the Prophet lifestyle and becoming the first Asian-American President of The United States? Hell yes! (if you make sure he avoided being killed and is old enough for the office by then).
The schedule for Supernatural Canon BigBang 2017
Note: Slight changes have been made in the schedule to make the process easier.
February 1 – Author and artist sign-ups open
March 1 – Author sign-ups close
April 15 – Author Check-In
May 17 – Drafts due
May 18 – Summaries are posted
May 20 – Art claims
May 22 – Claims masterpost
May 24 – Posting schedule
June 15 – Artists Check-In
June 30 – Art drafts due
July 3 – Posting begins
Posting here so that it’s compatible with the mobile app (hope it works now! :))
To join, fill the Author Sign-Up form or the Artist Sign-Up form (or both!)
A Sam-centric Bang event now in its third year and scheduled to begin posting in Feb 2017. Gen, pairings, angst, whatever — as long as Sam is the central figure.
There are two categories for this event:
- The Mini Bang (a minimum of 5k words plus 1 piece of art)
- The Big Bang (a minimum of 10k words plus 2 pieces of art)
Fics must center around Dean Winchester.
- Any ship or pairing (or general fic) is allowed, as long as Dean is the central character.
- No RPF’s please – unless writing something in the French Mistake ‘verse.
- AU’s, Rule 67’s, etc. are allowed, but we will not be permitting Crossovers at this time.
- Any rating is permitted.
The Artbook is a project that showcases the art of one amazing fandom through the works of over 200 artists from around the world.The Artbook is made up of five chapters:
- Hunters
- Angels & Heaven
- Demons & Hell
- Supernatural Beings
- Civilians
We’re 100% funded and we’ve sold out of physical copies, but we have an unlimited amount of Digital Editions on our Indiegogo, and you can purchase your own copy by clicking the link below (credit cards only):
All money raised after production and shipping costs are met will be donated to five charitable causes close to the hearts of the SPN cast, and they are:
- Random Acts (Misha)
- To Write Love On Her Arms (Jared)
- The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas – Team Levi (Jensen)
- Camp Conrad Chinnok (Mark)
- My Hope Chest (Ruth)
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