How Sam and Dean Winchester Say “I Love You”
You prove it in other ways.
You do anything to get them back when they are taken.
(1.15 “The Benders”)
You speak around it.
And they just know.
(2.15 “Tall Tales”)
You give them Christmas.
Because it makes them happy.
Even when it breaks your heart.
(3.08 “A Very Supernatural Christmas”)
You hug them back.
Because they need it.
Even when you’re not exactly sure what’s going on.
(3.11 “Mystery Spot”)
You silence their apology with a hug of gratitude.
(8.20 “Pac-Man Fever”)
You use your dying breath to say how proud you are of the both of you.
(9.23 “Do You Believe in Miracles”)
You tell them how much you need them,
How important they are to you.
(10.12 “About a Boy”; 10.18 “The Book of the Damned”)
You’re always there for them to talk to
You have your own secret code.
(10.16 “Paint It Black” & 11.04 “Baby”)
You demand promises,
And make promises
That you don’t know can be kept.
And seal them with nicknames.
(12.22 “Who We Are”)
When all else fails,
You say the words.
Just not those.
(13.08 “Scorpion and the Frog”)
As the old adage says,
“Actions speak louder than words”
And the Winchesters are masters of that.
Please share reactions, questions and additional examples of the brothers’ love below!
Enjoy Pathryn’s Picture Poetry Essays on the Brothers:
What Makes a Hero?
It Must Be Hard Being Sam Winchester
14 years of Broments: Supernatural’s Epic Story Told through Sam’s Hugs, and through Dean’s Hugs
and Supernatural Characters Regressions: Dean!
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