CHCH Promo for Supernatural Episode 11.08
We meet Sam’s imaginary friend and other kids’ imaginary friends as well. It looks like someone is killing them and Sully, Sam’s friend needs his help. Dean is reluctant saying it isn’t their kind of thing. What do you think? Is this their kind of thing? Is Dean right to not want to help a quasi-supernatural creature? Will we learn something about Sam from Sully? Let us know in the comments or in the episode 8 discussion thread.
Someone is killing imaginary friends… Hmm.. I’m sorry what? That sounds like the dumbest plot I’ve ever heard. But I’m sure it wont be that bad. I have faith..
It could be ok if they go with the skewed reality of the world now. Imaginary friends becoming real might be funny, but Sam kind of picked an odd friend.
Not thrilled that they keep making a joke out of Sams childhood and hope there’s a bit of sensitivity and depth here instead of a running joke that seems to be getting staler by the minute. Because a little boy who has no friends except the one he made up is just a laugh riot: hilarious. Not thrilled with Deans attitude either. “It was dumb then and it’s dumb now” is not that helpful and now we get “it’s not our kind of thing”. Since when has dealing with supernatural monsters and creatures not been their kind of thing?
this wont be good im sorry :(:(
I will see how the episode is when it airs. Jared and Jensen has told about this episode a lot and the quest star was great in their opinion. So keeping an open mind as I can’t predict the future. (I wouldn’t even want to really) Also I am interested to see how it connects to Sam’s past. Speight directed it so can’t wait to see how he did. And imaginary friends are fun. They help the children that see them to cope with troubles they have. If the episode mixes serious stuff with humor that is normal thing with Supernatural episodes. 🙂
– Lilah
Well Sam had a imaginary friend for a reason so I hope it is not dismissed with ”it was dumb” but we get a ”why” wee Sam had Sully as a friend.
I’m feeling optimistic about this ep. I have loved every flashback ep throughout the series (except for Bad Boys). The boys’ past has never been depicted strictly for laughs, but instead the flashbacks have provided a poignant look at the brothers’ childhood. We have received some of the brothers’ best POV from the flashbacks, and I’m going to assume that JC (who did the most outstanding flashback ep of all- A Very SPN Xmas) has insured that this ep will accomplish the same thing. My main concern is the actor playing young Sam. He has very big shoes to fill, so I hope he can pull it off. Because this season has been outstanding so far, I’m giving JC and the writers every benefit of the doubt- which is a huge shift for me from last season! I’m loving being a happy viewer, I just hope it lasts.
It’s true that the flashback episodes by and large have been pretty good (though I agree, Bad Boys was and exception and AWEFUL). Still though, for the most part Sam’s child hood has either been a place for laughs (Clown phobia) or disregard (Bad Boys). Hopefully since they’ve decided to spend a whole episode on it there will be a bit more depth that just “Sam’s funny childhood friend.” Jenny Klein has been a little hit and miss for me. Hopefully the careful crafting of the episodes that’s been going on so far this season will continue here.
I wonder if anyone in the writers room noticed in that last episode Plush that they re-introduced Sam’s clown phobia in an episode that also alluded to child abuse. I mean, the show has never quite gone “there” with the why’s of Sam’s clown fears, but geez, we’ve probably all been thinking it……or at least I have. Was that a deliberate nod to the idea that something bad happened to Sam as a kid? Or do you think that this was a careless oversight? They were still playing Sam’s clown thing for laughs in Plush but it did have some cage references too so I wonder…..what all do you guys think?
I was wonder the same thing BoGirle not so much child abuse though. Although there is no half abuse. Sam had it hard as a child that has been made obvious throughout the seasons. Unlike Dean who appears to have been thrown into the life with no thought as to the result. Which at times can be a twisted, angry, bitter young man who hides his disappointments with humor. Because of the circumstances behind Sam’s birth they protected Sam greatly, and tried to keep him a child as long as they could. With no mother figure a father away all the time and a young big brother doing the best he could Sam’s life was going to be difficult. His thoughtful. sensitive, and always wanted out of the life (till recently) In the early clown episode, Dean metioned he dropped Sam off at Pennywhistle’s so he could go cruise for girls. I think what we know of Sam & Dean’s childhood (I’m being careful) they were both abused in some way. Emotionally and even verbally. They were both affected in different ways which shows in their personnalities. Sam really had no chance of normality since his 6 mth birthday The moment that demon blood was given to him he was marked for life.
I’m thinking Sully his imaginary friend may have come into his life around the times that Dean dropped him off at Pennywhistle’s. Monsters where real to Sam by now and clowns may have been a representation of that — I’m going around around here I’ll say it Yes I think there was some form of abuse by Sam with a clown
[quote]Was that a deliberate nod to the idea that something bad happened to Sam as a kid? Or do you think that this was a careless oversight?[/quote]
I hadn’t actually considered that possibility E, but it would make sense. It always struck me as odd that Sam had such a phobia about clowns just because Dean dumped him at Plucky’s when he was a child. I mean, Sam by that time knew that the things that go bump in the night were real, so you’d think that he would have a phobia about the actual monsters rather than about clowns. So maybe Jen’s right and his imaginary friend first appeared when Sam learned that monsters were real. And maybe something occurred that triggered his clown phobia. I don’t know that the writers will ever explore such a story, but I admit I’m extremely curious about when/why Sully first appeared to sam. I will be very disappointed if this ep doesn’t fully explain, in a sympathetic way, why Sam felt the need for Sully.
SD you always show your great Love for Sam I often read your posts and your care and love for Sam always shine through. Sam is my boy as well but I feel selfish if I don’t mention Dean in my comments. I agree with everything you say regarding the character Sam Winchester. I often feel we have a better idea as to who Dean is His character is more up front for all to see. I know his life has been as hard but Sammy is more complex and they havn’t done him justice over the years. I sometimes think its to hard for the writers so they blow it off. Sam is serious can relax and have fun but at the end of the day he is more pragmatic (hope thats the right word) I find when they give Sam comic lines if not placed properly they are shocking I hope this ep is light hearted with a serious edge and gives us more into who Sam really is. Maybe this is something Dean doesn’t know about ??!!
The boys do appear to be digging up a body ?? at the end of the clip. Maybe it is someone Sam had to deal with on his own at a young age. Maybe Sam killed a clown, and Sully appeared to help him cope
Oh crap! You mean people can tell that I’m a Sam girl?!! I thought it was my own little secret.;) I agree with your post Jen. I love Dean, but right from the start I was strongly drawn to Sam. I think he’s such a rich and complex character that I find him endlessly fascinating. And as horrible as both brothers’ lives have been, I think that Sam has had it worse for reasons that I could write about at length (but won’t:)). I think he’s just about the most tragic TV character of all time. But all of that being said, my favorite parts of the show are when the brothers are together and displaying that incredible bond that I find touching beyond words. BTW, I’m still waiting for a very long overdue bro-hug. It has been way too long since the last one!
PPS This has absolutely nothing to do with anything. But I’m wondering when Sam is going to get his new protection tattoo Remember we saw it in the photo with Stephen Amell
I believe that tattoo was for a flashback. Pretty sure Jared confirmed it at a con.
I often wonder why Sam needed that tatoo at all after 5 season finale, can anybody imagine a demon bold and stupid enough to try to possess a person who took down their demons’ god???
It’s funny you should say that disgruntled. A lot of people have speculated that one or both brothers might need to be possessed by their designated archangels in order to defeat the D. And at first I thought that neither brother would be crazy enough to consent to that, and that we’ve been there and done that with Sam. But it struck me last night that maybe Sam could consent to being Lucy’s vessel, with the intention that he vie for control over himself. It would be really interesting to see Sam wresting control back from Lucy whenever he thought it was necessary, and it could be an exciting plot line. He’d have the powers of an archangel, but his own conscience and judgment. Of course it will never happen, but I kinda like the idea of it.
Hey now I like that idea of Sam in control of Luci’s powers. If it was only Lucifer in control it’d be a bit samey :/