Promotional photos and Promo for Supernatural 10.18 with additonal photos
Here are the promotional photos and the promo for episode 10.18.
Book of the Damned first preview
Book of the Damned Extended Preview
And the promotional photos
Charlie’s back, and she found The Book of the Damned. The photos indicate that she mostly interacts with Dean. Cas is posing as an FBI agent for some reason. The promo gives us Cas and Metatron on a road trip. The additional photos show LOTS of Cas Metatron on a road trip. Sam meets with Rowena. Dean believes he must destroy the book because it wants him to do something evil What do you think? What hints do you get from these pictures? Will the book have answers to curing the MOC or will it influence Dean to do evil things? Will Charlie be vital to saving Dean? Will Sam let Dean destroy the book, or will he take the dark route and not let it be destroyed? Will Metatron actually help Cas find his remaining grace? Or are they just going to be travel buddies? Will Rowena lead Sam astray? We won’t know until April 15, so we have plenty of time to speculate. Let us know in the comments.
Uh I certainly don’t like the look of that one particular picture at all. If they are going to keep secrets from each other that would have been one to keep Dean.
Which picture didn’t you like? I just feel bad for Cas that he has to be on a road trip with Metatron.
You mean the Sam/Rowena tete-a-tete? Yeah, that one doesn’t promise good things a comin’!!! Is that THE BOOK on the table? Oh Sam. I like in the clip where Dean says that the book is calling to him!!! Very cool. So not only the MOC is trying to exert it’s influence but an evil artifact? Yaaaasssssss! One more hiatus to get thru – thankfully it’s short – and then it will be full speed ahead to the finale! Smoke ’em if you got ’em!!!!
Book of the Damned is a spell book, hence consult with Rowena.
I do not have a good feeling about Sam meeting with Rowena, but I love that he’s actually doing it. Does that make me crazy? He’s going to get burned.:(
Call me crazy but a book of the “damned” can’t be a good thing.:)
I’m still on such a high from last night’s episode that I’m incredibly anxious for the next episode. But if Sam “trusts” Rowena and it goes bad and prompts harsh blowback from Dean I’m going to be ticked off, unless Sam is then scripted reminding Dean of the fallout from Dean trusting Zeke, and Crowley and Cain. Is it possible that there will be 2 great episodes in a row? The foolish optimist in me says YES! bring it on! I just hope there’s not too much Charlie in the episode. Now that the focus seems to be returning to the brothers and the Ms, I want it to stay there.
Not sure its a good idea to bring that book along with you Sam. Although, what’s he supposed to do? Leave it with “It’s calling to me! It’s evil!” Dean? Yeah, I guess Sam is firmly in the “no choice” catagory. Poor Sammy. I love that he’s seeking out help even from the vile Rowena. Can I have a show of hands of those who think that meeting is destined to go sideways? I wonder what Rowena would do with the book? It’s not like I trust he to tell Sam the truth or not double cross him. I dearly hope that Sam isn’t made to look like the worst kind of fool. Who wrote this ep? If is Adam Glass, Sam is in for a rough night.
What I’m wondering is whether Rowena will mention to Sam what transpired between her and Dean. As far as she knows, Dean told Sam, and it would seem likely that the matter will come up if she is talking to Sam about ways to get rid of the MOC. I think we’ll probably get a good indication in this episode, based on how things go with Rowena, whether the ongoing story will be hero Sam or screw-up Sam. I suspect it will be the latter based on all the talk about Sam’s dark path this season, because so far all that has amounted to is the unintentional (on Sam’s part) matter of Lester selling his soul. Also, I believe this is a Robbie T. episode, as all of the Charlie eps have been.
interesting… so Dean says that the Book of the Damned is calling on him to do evil. Maybe there is a cure in the book, and the Mark of Cain is compelling Dean to destroy the book to protect itself? No Crowley this week, and hopefully a minimal amount of Rowena (though she wasn’t bad in the last episode). Whatever happens, please, please, no Mary Sue to the rescue this week.
I agree about Rowena. I didn’t mind her in the last ep, other than in the first scene with Crowley. And in her scene with Dean I saw how she had the potential to be a pretty good villain if they hadn’t made her so campy and over the top. I also second your motion for no Mary Sue.
I don’t want Charlie to save Dean PLEASE writers NO!! It has to be Sam’s job. Sam deserves this. Not some secondary character who hardly knows him. Rowena said in the promo a couple of weeks ago that the MoC is a curse and a curse can be removed. So she knows the where with all to do it, or finds away. Either way she understands the lore supposedly. But will she be will to give it to Sam. She hates her son being at the beck and call of the Winchesters, so why will she help Sam? Will she find some way to get the mark of Cain to work for her? There has to be something in it for her…..
Well, she did say to Crowley that if the MOC can be removed then she can kill Dean. That provides a motive for helping Sam. As for why she wouldn’t just do it herself, maybe the process is so dangerous that it could injure/kill the one using it, so if Sam followed her directions she could take care of both Winchesters in one blow. And I COMPLETELY agree about Charlie. I hope she just delivers the Book and then heads off for parts unknown (unlikely, I know).
Rowena can also go with “I have to be in the MOL bunker to do the spell” and use curing Dean as her way in to all that power.
Because in the very next episode Sam is trying to use one of Magnus’s special boxes to get rid of the MOC, it seems that whatever Rowena tells him, he is too smart to fall for it (I hope). Actually, since in one of the pics it looks like Dean is destroying the book, maybe that is the only reason that Sam doesn’t get a chance to follow Rowena’s instructions. I prefer the scenario where he is too smart to trust Rowena.
According to the synopsis Sam gets into trouble by opening the Box in Magnus’s house. Dean by all accounts has to save Sam and gets into danger too. So this sounds rather fun. What is in that box that could initially cure/help Dean? When Sam is in Danger, what Danger will he have to face to find the solution to the problem?