The WFB Supernatural Season Ten Fan Awards – Vote Now!
The nominations have been collected and now it’s time for the vote! There are 16 categories (and one bonus) about Supernatural Season Ten where you can choose the winner. Make your opinion heard! Vote with your heart and vote as often as you like!
Voting will continue until 11:59 ET on June 30th. The winners will be announced some time during the 4th of July weekend.
Let the vote begin!
(ETA) 7/1/2015 – Thank you everyone! Voting is now closed. Results will be announced Friday July 3rd Weekend of July 4th. There were definitely some surprises!
Bonus (we had a couple of requests for a fan choice category, and this one was selected).
We needed an option of all of the above for the last question.:(
I am pretty sure that on the last poll question, first quote, it was Sam that told Claire that not Castiel. Great options on all. I really had to think on some of those.
I just loved the reference to 42 as the gate to Heaven. It was also the the apartment number of Mulder’s on The X-Files.
Guess what me and the Sam fans put for [i]What was the Worst Crime Against Supernatural by the Writers?[/i] 😉
I regard myself as a Sam fan and no. I didn’t choose that choice + don’t agree on it at all. 😉
PS. I guess I should have mentioned because I am also Dean, Castiel and Crowley fan and keep all at the same level doesn’t diminish that I am a Sam fan too. Mostly that was my point. And what I chose was “killing quest characters still off” because yeah. Enough is enough. But this has been going on for years.
– Lilah
This bibro fan picked the sidelining of Sam as the crime. Though I would have said the treatment of any decisions Sam DID get the opportunity to make as being inherently wrong – predominantly because it is SAM deciding to do them – was worse. IMO. However yet again I am willing to give the writers the benefit of the doubt for season 11. Me and Charlie Brown.
Me too, YellowEyedSam. In fact, I think it was a terrible crime against humanity!!;);););)
Me Too!!!
Typo – the name next to Timothy Omundson’s character is incorrect; should be Cain, not Castiel.
I love my MacBook with a passion, but I fucking hate the autocorrect feature. I know I typed in Cain! What’s worse is, Castiel always comes up as being misspelled in my spell checker, but it enters Castiel instead of Cain? Probably because I type it way more.
Anyway thanks and I fixed it.
Alice, don’t know if you want to fix these or if you are thinking in some way I am not understanding. But I think when I read these through there were few things that caught my eyes (Nae shoot me! I come in peace) 😀
1. I think demon Dean story line was 3 episodes? Same also with Claire if I remember correctly. The one she came back – The one where she tried to get Dean killed – Angel Heart. But don’t know if you had other view on DD.
In last the first quote was made by Sam. 🙂
– Lilah
Two really on Demon Dean. “Soul Survivor” was the cure. It really wasn’t counted since it wasn’t all Demon Dean on the loose. The point was we needed more Demon Dean and a cure episode. We only got two episodes and a cure. So I’ll leave that since that was the rationale.
That goes to show how uninterested I was in Claire. I totally forgot she was in “The Hunter Games.” I don’t even remember what that episode was about! 🙂 I’ll change that.
I can fix the worst quote too. The person who submitted that for nomination said it was Castiel. That was the last category and it was 1:30 am and I was trying to get this out. So, I didn’t get a chance to verify it with the Superwiki transcripts and took that person’s word for it. I certainly didn’t remember, since that was a one and done episode for me. I probably should have just left the bonus category out.
Thanks for pointing these out!
Some of us have been playing around creating quizzes on the discussion page this past week Alice, and while I always appreciated the work you all put into your articles and these sorts of things the amount of RESEARCH that is involved in checking everything before you can put your puzzle/information to the world is currently very clear in my (our) minds 😀
Or to put it another way: We knew what you meant! Thank you 😉
Agreed. My little quiz, just 10 questions took FOREVER to research and post. So, thanks for all the great work you do Alice!
Thanks so much eilf and BoGirle(E), I appreciate the support! Usually I know all these things off the top of my head, but there are a lot of episodes this season I only watched once.
Ah, I get it then. I was wondering if something like that was with the DD in the mix. My bad.
And no worries! It was actually funny if it was put that Castiel had said it. 😀
– Lilah
Hi Alice. I was the person who nominated the worst quote about teaching Claire to steal via credit cards and I was not wrong. In my nomination I stated it was Sam to Claire and did not assert that the quote was made by Castiel. Check it out in the original article for nominations. I remembered it because I really hated the whole Claire / Angel Heart story. Also I usually do and did check the exact wording with that awesome resource superwiki. Maybe your autocorrect just inserted Castiel’s name again. Thanks for this fun little poll. It certainly had me thinking of the overall season Also thanks for using one of my suggested bonus categories.
Ugh, I just read my comments, and it did sound like I was blaming you. My sincere apologies. I was blaming myself for throwing that together at last second without double checking. My notes had it down as Castiel, but again if I had done my check, this wouldn’t be a debate. Thanks for your suggestion! It was a good one. The execution blame is clearly on me.
Any chance Cas’s speech about being there to see Dean destroy the world can be added to best quotes? Thanks.
Sorry, but I can’t change these options once they’re there. We had a nomination process a week or so ago where people could submit their favorites. That wasn’t mentioned! The nominations had to be in before the deadline. With some of these, especially quotes, there are so many options. But I agree, we didn’t get hardly enough Castiel suggestions. I ended up submitting most of the ones here myself.
Actually, could Brother’s Keeper be added to Worst episodes too? So many fans thought it was awful.
Sorry, again, that wasn’t nominated for worst, only best! I would have put it there if someone had said that during the nomination process.
The first quote in your last question was not made by Cas, but Sam
I think My Brothers Keeper should have been added as One of Worst Eps and also ep with worst ending. Many ppl disliked S/D being portrayed and selfish morons destroyed the entire world for the sake of their codependent bro-bond
Cas speech to Dean re his destroying the world should have been included.
Biggest crime of the writers should include repetitive story lines for the bros.
Timothy Omindson played Cain, not Castiel (typo)
I could have done without your remark about Claire’s leaving at end of Angelheart.
Apologies for the remark about Claire, but she wasn’t the only person. I was being snarky and as you can tell, all the options had biting remarks. It was just me being satirical, which I do tend to do that in a lot of my pieces, especially after working on putting together something like this all day. So please take no offense.
I so agree about the repetitive story lines, but no one mentioned that in our nomination process. If people don’t nominate, it doesn’t get included! Happens every year sadly.
Here was the article where we asked for nominations:
Thanks for checking out the awards!
Hey Alice,
As always, thank you so much for the hard work in general and for putting together this quiz in particular. I’m a long-time lurker and not a huge active participant in the fandom (never been to a con, for one) and this yearly quiz is my favorite way to wrap up each season. That being said, I was honestly disappointed in the negativity in this year’s quiz, especially in regards to Claire. I happened to love Season 10, even if it did have its shortcomings, and while I understand you and others didn’t feel the same I was hoping for a more balanced tone to the wrap-up. I know the choices are fan-suggested (as they should be,) but I could have done without the Cas and Crowley being useless “admin” option, and definitely without the teenage girl comment.
Again–thank you for putting this together. Though it wasn’t quite what I was looking for, it was still a great way to review the season, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results!
I appreciate the honest feedback! Thanks for coming and voting in the awards.
Your comment brings up a huge struggle we are having at the Winchester Family Business right now. We are trying to find our voice tonally in the changing fandom. I come from an “old school” type of blogging world. If you want to call Television Without Pity old school. I guess it kind of is anymore since they no longer exist. 🙂 We have several positive award categories, but there have always been negative ones too. I created these questions based on the way Television Without Pity used to do their awards. The negative ones I tend to be more “snarky” with. It’s more fun. That type of humor seems to polarize though and while many love it, I accept some don’t as well. This is tonally where I differ from all the others who write on this site. It isn’t meant to bash as much as approach the bad stuff with tongue in cheek. So apologies, and maybe I’ll hand the awards over to Nightsky next year, who is far more diplomatic with wording than I.
However, the options were fan driven. We do have a lot of fans on this site that weren’t happy with things, and these awards exist so that those complaints can get heard, as well as the praise. It’s not all rainbows and puppies for a lot of fans, especially the old timers. As for Claire, again I apologize, but she was not popular on this site. As a matter of fact, the options with her name on it are leading in the vote so far. She was not well liked.
There will be another set of awards coming too along with the fan choice awards, the editor’s choice awards. Those are my choices and the categories are a bit more fun. I’ll make sure that those have a more equal balance of praise and criticism.
Sorry to butt in here Alice, but I had a thought about your remark about the tone of the WFB. I’m one of those who appreciates the diverse voices and opinions on the writing staff. Many of the writers accentuate the positive aspects of the episodes/show, whereas you are more outspoken about your frequent unhappiness with the show the past couple of seasons. I tend to agree more often with your opinions, so I enjoy reading your (often snarky and funny) take on things. Critical commentary tends to lend itself more to humor in my opinion, based on the comments/reviews this past season, and I for one enjoy that. On the other hand, because I’m not ready to give up on the show, I also greatly enjoy reading the more positive reviews. They highlight aspects of the episodes that I hadn’t really considered and at times make me rethink some of my complaints. Bottom line, I really appreciate the broad range of tones and opinions in the episode reviews and commentary. Just thought I’d toss that out there.
Thanks samanddean10. We are building a new plan for the WFB and I don’t see myself in it, as a writer anyway. Fans want PC behavior, so does our Managing Editor, and apparently I’m too negative. I’m the only one allowed to violate our policies on content because I obviously founded the site and I’m still the #1 writer. That doesn’t really seem fair to the others. You’re going to start seeing a lot of my Supernatural writing over at TV For the Rest of Us after Comic Con (I’m going again this year and will be interviewing Jared, Jensen, Misha, Mark and Jeremy Carver). My style of writing fits that site better. Plus I founded that site too, so I have creative control there!
Too negative? No no when you’re reviewing here its called being honest. I appreciate your honesty in your writings.
Looking forward to your interview with the cast 😀
I am going to butt in here too, cause that’s what I do… butt in. :p I for one appreciate your honest (if somewhat snarky) opinion and insightful critical analysis. Its not all rainbows and candy canes on the show these days, and I for one don’t want to hear sugar coated, glowing praise that ignores flaws in basic dramatic construction, plot holes, writer inconsistency and inconsistent plotting just because we enjoy the show and want it to do well. I DO enjoy the show, as I know you do as well, but for me, that is no excuse to ignore obvious issues and pretend that everything is fine because we feel that this is the only way to be supportive. And quite frankly, your voice ISN’T that snarky or negative compared to some of the writers/reviewers (see The Gripe Review on Spoiler TV as an example) out there and I think that you are always fair. The loss of your voice on this site as a reviewer who really “tells it like it is” would be a huge loss IMO. It’s your site, write the way you want and tell everyone else to stuff it. People who feel you are too “negative” can skip over your reviews if they find them offensive, but I don’t want to be deprived of reading them; how is that fair? For you to feel like you should remove your reviews from this site because of pressure from outside sources sounds a bit too much like censorship for my liking. I’m sure that this is just fanning the flames, but that’s how I feel.
E, we were writing our comments at the same time, but I completely agree with you. I especially agree with your point that those who object to Alice’s opinions/style can just skip her reviews.
Yes, we do agree!
Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that because I love reading your reviews here. Will you continue to do episode reviews at TVFTROU? Also, when you say that you violate the content policies, is that merely because your reviews are often critical, or is it because of how you phrase the criticism? I agree with YellowEyedSam about appreciating your honesty.
I completely agree as well and hope this decision is reconsidered. I despise the thought of making this a site approved by the PC police. A diversity of opinions, attitudes, and styles should be welcome as long as it’s not done to be derisive or nasty to other participants. I always enjoy Alice’s reviews, especially when she’s about to blow a gasket when an episode is particularly bad and, let’s be honest… while there have been plenty of good episodes over the past two seasons, there have been plenty of mediocre and awful episodes as well.
[quote] I always enjoy Alice’s reviews, especially when she’s about to blow a gasket when an episode is particularly bad[/quote]
Agreed! The best thing about the really bad episodes this year was reading Alice’s reviews.
Me too. Makes me happy to know I am not completely alone in the world. Also snark and humour is an entertaining type of writing 😉 I miss the likes of Tim for that as well.
WFB has lost way too many great posters over the last year or so. One of those sadly missed is Tim.
Losing alice from her own site…. I have no words.
Miss you, too, girl. Glad you are not entirely gone! 🙂
Do you know if those posters have abandoned SPN or just this site? And for what reasons?
I think there are as many reasons as there are individual posters, so I wouldn’t dream of speaking for any one. This is also probably not the place for that discussion. Sorry.
To my knowledge, none of the ones I’m still in contact with has totally abandoned SPN, although in many cases, it’s not “must see live” TV any more.
We’ve lost so many good posters. The funny thing is, our staff members used to be active on this site too in the comments. They aren’t anymore either. I’m not sure why other than we’re too busy or the show doesn’t generate the kind of excitement it used to. You used to see everyone involved with the site very active with our community.
Perhaps I just need to open up an explanation on the discussion page and we can talk there. This isn’t the proper place and I probably shouldn’t have opened that can of worms! I just seem to be doing off the cuff replies without any sort of thought today.
I really would be interested in hearing more about this, if you have the time to open up a discussion. You must get very little sleep!
[quote]the diverse voices and opinions on the writing staff.[/quote]
do you go here? this place is run by Samgals, wincesters and tinhatters like …(Edited by Alice – we are so not opening that debate here. However, I’ll let part of your comment stand, because your overall opinion of the site can be expressed. Honestly, I partially agree. We are not anywhere near as diverse as we once were. It saddens me. But you won’t find any Wincesters here! I’m quite against that myself).
The question is, do YOU go here and actually bother to read the episode reviews? I neither know nor give a crap about what a tinhatter is, I’ve never seen Wincest referenced in a review, and I think an even moderately discerning person would see a great deal of variety in tone and opinion in the episode reviews. They are thoughtful, balanced reviews of the episodes which I enjoy reading even when I’m in complete disagreement with the opinions. The only hateful ranting I’ve seen on this site has been in the occasional comment, such as yours. Get a life and some REAL problems Clair, and leave the discussion to the mature adults.
Hi Samandean I highly recommend that you ignore the ‘there should be nowhere for Samgirls to have an opinion’ type posters. TBH they have the entire rest of the internet to go to. That is the real reason why there is such a limited range of posters on here. It is much easier for them to have an unfiltered opinion elsewhere, here everyone has to play by the same rules. Those who like to start off abrasive, get upset when they get told (as basically EVERYONE does at some point) that they need to tone it down.
I DO know what a tin-hatter is and a Wincester and there has never once been a tinhat or wincest post on here since I have been posting. Most people who post here are basically ONLY interested in show, canon, and potential plotlines that can reasonably be seen to occur – so there are almost no shipping posts of any variety. Since the ships are not going to happen. None of them.
I know, I responded to the post against my better judgment, but I was feeling bummed about Alice’s news so I couldn’t help it. I agree that this site is much more Sam friendly as far as the commenters go (which is why I landed here, for all of the reasons you indicated), but I just don’t see pro-Sam bias in the reviews, and I thought that was what the accusation was. The reviewers all give equal consideration to both brothers. I’ve only been posting here for less than a year, so maybe was it different in the past? Or do Dean fans think the reviewers are biased? I’m just not seeing it.
Well all I will say about that is that the majority of Deangirls are perfectly reasonable people. And are entitled to their opinion (particularly) if it is actually upheld by what happens in the show. In other words the exact same rights that Samgirls should have.
– They are not entitled NOT to be argued with (particularly if their opinion is no borne out by what happened in the show, or if they think that rules should apply to Dean that are different to those that apply to Sam). Samgirls are also not entitled not to be argued with. That is what a discussion is for. Argument’ meaning “an exchange of diverging or opposite views” in this case.
– They are not entitled to be offensive about Jared or any other actor on the show. And that includes implying that any actor has any influence on how the storylines are written. They have all always said that they have no effect on the story. This should apply to all other posters about ALL actors (personally I think this applies to describing guest actors as being ‘terrible actors’ but that is just my opinion).
I can’t remember the last time I saw a regular Deangirl poster who had a specific complaint about bias by a specific reviewer. And it isn’t like the Deangirls who post on here are afraid to make their point. 😉
ETA: Of course all these points take into account that it is the mod’s way or the highway. This is just how I see it. I wouldn’t post in a review article where I thought that the writer’s opinion would be problematical due to bias.
Here here samandean. Clearly this poster is a troll; I’ve never read a single constructive thing in any of her posts. It’s best to ignore her muckraking.
I love that description of the post: “muckraking”. You don’t hear that word used too often, but it’s such a vividly descriptive word. Kudos E!
Thanks! It should be noted every year (and the results I’m seeing so far are no exception), the winning options do not reflect what was popular during the nomination process. We tend not to get too many people submitting nominations, which ends up resulting in comments from people like “Why didn’t you include this?” No one asked for it! But it is interesting how the vocal part of this site doesn’t reflect what the majority out there votes.
In retrospect, I should have left the worst quotes off the list. Someone suggested it, we got two submissions, and I thought it would be fun to throw in a fan choice one. However, I had no time to research quotes (I guess one of the ones submitted was wrong), and I threw in a couple that I personally hated so there would be some choices. Ah well, sometimes when we try new things it works.
Just curious, what were your pics for best and worst episodes if you don’t mind my asking?
I had a few gripes about the Prisoner, but there were some parts that I loved. The entire Sam/Crowley scene was fantastic and I liked the end until the part where Dean kicked Cas’s butt. That didn’t make sense to me then and still doesn’t make sense to me now. I was not wild about GGG, but it was OK. I really liked the beginning bro scene and the Dean/Cole scene. I actually liked Soul Survivor a lot. I had some big issues with parts of it but the scene with Dean stalking Sam was so fantastic it made up for the shortcomings IMO. That really was excellent direction. I did not like There’s No Place Like Home. Almost nothing about that episode worked for me. I’ll be curious to read your review of it.
I just realized Wednesday that when you said “what about you” you were probably asking about my most/least favorite episodes. so I will belatedly answer you. My three favorites were Brothers Keeper, Inside Man, and Werther. My least favorites were Paint It Black, The Things They Left Behind and the Hunter Games. I know you were holding your breath waiting for my reply!
Thanks for these, alice. No matter how I feel about the season as a whole, I always enjoy the fan awards.
I may not feel the same as the majority, but I appreciate being heard – and seeing the (often surprising) results afterwards.
And I thought that the story showed us much about Sam’s humanity and frailties in various settings as opposed to Dean as a demon in 3 episodes. Didn’t think Sam was not part of the focus or sidelined. The Cas/Hannah looking for rogues and trying to do the correct choice without out distractions fell flat for me. Yes, the year was about being accepting of ones self, but it just lacked development other than a device to regain Cas’ grace and keep Metatron roaming as a mortal with a powerful tablet in the SPN universe. Erica Carroll did a good job with what she was given but her costume did nothing for the role whereas Cas’ trench coat and crooked tie always make a point for me. Found the Rowena/Crowley a bit slow until the end…yes another plot device but at least it had a delicious spice by Mr. Sheppard.
The worst ending depends on the definition of worst. Charile’s death was the worst because we lost her and for some she was a favorite recurring character who was useful. That end got you in the feels even if it was to see how Dean looked when he discovered her. The ending that was the worst as far as an end to an episode… Claire saying goodbye to Cas. It was flat. So this is a tough question. Know the administrators did the best they could,d with nominations and categories. Maybe most shocking or unexpected ending as a separate category— there is season 11. Thanks for your hard work.
Hi Alice, I wanted to comment on your announcement on the Discussion Page but it appears to have disappeared. Has it been moved or is it gone for good? Thx
Yes, I took it down. Honestly, I don’t know the whole plan yet. Things took a left turn. I’m not ready to say more until after Comic Con. If you’d like to leave a comment, putting it here will be fine!
Dear Alice, you are also on twitter.:D
Just check your mentions/notifications.
That’s MOSTLY what I do.