The WFB Spoilery Lite/Speculative Preview: Supernatural Episode 10.15 Updated
Hellatus is finally over! What do we know about the next episode?
We have the official description from the Press Release.
“The Things They Carried” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) COLE PAYS A VISIT TO THE WINCHESTERS — Despite Dean’s (Jensen Ackles) directive to forget about looking for a cure for the Mark of Cain, Sam (Jared Padalecki) continues to do research. Dean suspects Sam is hiding something but decides to focus on a new murder case where they run into Cole (guest star Travis Aaron Wade). The three team up and learn a Khan worm is infecting men and turning them into murderers. Unfortunately, the worm makes it’s way into Cole. John Badham directed this episode written by Jenny Klein (#1015). Original airdate 3/18/2015.
Then we have the promo that reminds of us the schedule change and has scenes from several upcoming episodes.
Sneak peek:
And finally the promotional pictures
From Give Me My Remote
The CW has teased that Cole gets infected in tonight’s episode. What can you preview about that, and how was it for you to play it as an actor? TAW: Really, really hard. This worm, anyone who takes on a worm of this size, it’s not going to do very well, and it makes you really ill, and it dehydrates you — it takes fluid out of your body and is potentially trying to kill you; it will. The only thing to do to survive could be potentially hurting other people…I gain strength and power with this worm. And playing that as an actor is hard, because it’s coughing, choking, being ill, playing sick to the point where you physically feel like you have pneumonia. It got me pretty sick for a good two or three days at the end of filming, I did not feel well. I think I essentially made my body become sick, because it took me a week to recover from it. It was hard; it was hard work, it was long hours, hard days on the set.
And I filmed most of my scenes with Jensen [Ackles (Dean)], and boy, did me and him really get along. We work really well together. And what a class-act; I got to know him really well. I absolutely love working with him, like I’ve gotten to work with Jared [Padalecki (Sam)]. Both of those guys — it’s just great to work with guys who have been on a show for so long. They’re such pros.
From EW
As for Cole’s relationship with Sam, Wade described it as a bit “softer.” “I think [Sam] is a little bit more sympathetic. There’s a bonding that happens when you beat and torture someone. There is an actual scientific name behind it. It is an interesting phenomenon. So many people I know that have been through that in the military end up having some connection with their torturer.” [Editor’s note: He’s referring to Stockholm Syndrome.]
So Cole returns and doesn’t believe that his former friend should be hunted by Sam and Dean. Sam has qualms about hunting, but Dean obviously prevails about this. Sam looks to be working with a potential victim while Dean works with Cole.
Are you glad to have a MOTW episode? What do you think about the Khan worm coming back? Is partnering with Cole a good idea? What do yout think about what we know about this episode? Do these new interviews make you more excited for the episode? Let us know in the comments.
Glad to see them mixing things up on a MOTW episode as well as acknowledging the underrated Sera Gamble years; nice change of pace from the usual vampires and werewolves. The brothers do appear to split up this week; not sure what’s up with Cole – would be strange if they killed him off now; they appeared to be grooming him as a recurring character for S11 and beyond. Then again, they were able to kill the Khan worm that affected Bobby without killing Bobby so you never know. Still not sure why Sam would hide the fact that he’s researching the MoC. Given what Cain told Dean about ultimately killing Sam, it’s kind of self preservation for Sam, isn’t it?
I agree njspnfan… why would Sam bother to hide his research? Dean must know that Sam knows that the MoC was originally given out for and what Dean might be compelled to do; it simply not in Sam’s best interest to ‘drop it’ and to do so is just plain dumb. And why shouldn’t Sam just say… “you don’t’ like me continuing my research… well tough, I’m doing it anyway.” Why would he hide it, he’s a grown man and can do what he wants, Dean’s disapproval or no, hiding it just makes him look weak and kowtowed by his brother, something that Sam as never been until now anyway.
You’re overlooking the excellent reason why Sam is hiding his research from Dean. I think the writers were sitting around a little while ago and one of them gasped and said, “Holy crap! We haven’t had one of the brothers hide something from the other one for awhile now! Let’s have Sam appear weak and foolish and hide his MOC research from Dean!” After loud cheers from the other writers, one of them piped up, “Also that means most of Sam’s story can happen off-camera or with him sitting silently in front of his laptop. It’ll SEEM like he has a plot, but we don’t have to bother writing any lines or action for him.” At that point yet another writer was heard whispering “Who’s Sam?” THE END
I am afraid that this is probably EXACTLY what happened.
What I find funny is that Cole is willingly laying there subjecting himself to the electrocution. Hell, he even helped with the battery. Compared to how Bobby acted back then, this is one chill Khan Worm!!!
Silly observation, but in none of those pictures does Cole have a blanket on or near him, save that one. Speculation… Cole doesn’t survive Deans shrimp-on-the-barbie-Q, dies and Dean throws a blanket over him to cover Coles dead body. Then…Cole sits up, reanimated by the Khan Worm that is still in there alive and kicking!?! Nah. I know, grasping at straws. I have to do something to keep my brain occupied until tomorrow!!!!! Maybe Cole just felt a little chill in the air and when Dean came in Cole cast it aside. He’s looking pretty rough in the shots where he’s possessed… And really Dean, coffee tables aren’t meant to be sat on. Manners boy!!! If Missouri were here… Maybe that’s why Cole looks so angry? Trying to kill a man is one thing, but blatantly disrespecting his furniture? That’s cold.
The apparent blanket anomaly actually makes sense. I believe you feel warm and toasty WHILE you’re being electrocuted, and the chill only really sets in a few minutes later. Also, I was more fixated on the enormous wooden spoon in Cole’s mouth. They could use that to beat the Khan worm to death after it scampers out of Cole’s body during the electrocution.
LOL! Now that’s some visual!!!
All I can think of looking at the dark haired actress in the stills is “man, that looks like Tessa”. I know it isn’t, but it is distracting.:) Looking forward to the new episode. Have no notions about it, looks like a straightforward MOTW. Cole has a 50/50 chance of living. I agree njspnfan, not having it be a werewolf, vamp or shapeshifter is a nice change of pace.
Ah poor foolish Leah! How do you know it’s not a werewolf, vampire or shapeshifter Khan Worm! Hmmmmm?
The monsters we need back are the Jefferson Starships. You know some survived because ‘they were horrible and hard to kill!’
If for no other reason for the fun of saying their names! Ha!
Hush you! There will be no vampire, werewolf or shapeshifter Khan worms! They won’t fit in the ear (or any other orifice). Jeez. Now if there were mini vamp Khan worms I could get behind that. Tiny little fangs.:D
Tiny little fangs gnawing away at you from the inside out. Now THATS a monster!!
or a tiny little werewolf eating your heart from the inside.:o I guess that would be a wereworm. That has a ring to it!
Yes!!! They need to get more creative about their monsters. Geez, if the writers are hard up for ideas all they have to do is read some fan fiction, I’ve seen GREAT ideas there.
Now admit it Leah! OUR version would’ve been a lot more exciting than Kleins!!! Sheesh! As I said elsewhere, THIS is what they aired after NOT JUST the epic Cain episode but coming off of a mini hiatus as well?!? Way to not ride that wave of enthusiasm, Show!!! I felt the episode was mediocre. I was expecting much more. Note to self: “Stop expecting much more!”
Mental images –> trying to avoid –> is now afraid of werewolf, vampire or shapeshifter Khan Worm… Nasty little buggers.
Conclusion, no, no way, nuh uh, I don’t want those in the show. I have a phobia against nasty things crawling under the skin. 😛
– Lilah
Hi Leah!!
Yeah… because after the excellent buildup of Executioners Song we really need to ignore the main plot and have another MOTW episode… I can’t understand why they aren’t building on what they so beautifully put into place recently… it makes no sense to me and seems like a poor choice.
Interview with Travis. Mild spoilers:
[quote] Even on set, I’m like, ‘Do I really have to punch him?’ Because if I hit these boys, if I touch their faces, these female fans come at me, personally. [/quote]
Are we that bad? He might be scared of fans. 😀
– Lilah
Kind of sounds like he survives this episode but maybe not a future one? Doesn’t sound like the show has plans for a future yet though.
Yay Cole lives to annoy the Winchesters another day!!!
Reading that interview now I’m 50/50 on Coles chance of survival. You can read it both ways. I’d like to think his storyline is done for the season and he’s not sure if his character will be back next year. Kinda like Krissy or Kate. We never know when they may be back just that there is always that possibility… the difference is I want Cole to return! 😉
Also found an interview about Jared. He is very cryptic in this but it is a good interview. I guess, there might be spoilers. Anyway, read at your own risk. 🙂
– Lilah
PS. I am thinking 50/50 chance too about Cole. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Reading that interview now I’m 50/50 on Coles chance of survival. You can read it both ways. I’d like to think his storyline is done for the season and he’s not sure if his character will be back next year. Kinda like Krissy or Kate. We never know when they may be back just that there is always that possibility… the difference is I want Cole to return! 😉
Kristy can stay gone forever
I agree about Krissy. I would love to have her come back as long as they kill her off in some horrific way- maybe one of those mini vamp Khan worms. I really despised her character.
Heh! Yes, a gruesome death… that would be fun can it be a monster that only attacks super annoying, smart mouthed teen girls? We could get rid of Claire that way too, their brains eaten from the inside out. Hmmm yes! I realize I even got her name wrong. Krissy. She’s in the lead of Supernatural characters that I loathe most…… trying to decide if I dislike her or Claire more, but quite frankly they are nearly indistinguishable from one another in their Mary-Sueish, troubled teen, smart mouthed PITA’ednes. I don’t even hate Rowena as much as I hate those two. At least Rowena seems to have some kind of actual purpose on the show whereas Krissy and Claire are merely device characters of the worst sort… introduced to “get” to Dean and tug on his heart strings and have him get all parental with them. Ugh.. nauseating.
😀 You really need to learn how to speak your mind E! Love it.
Heh! Too much? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for characters who “get” to Dean and bring out his parental, nurturing side. I loved little ever changing Bobby-John and lucas and Michael and even Delilah in H&CF. Chrissy and Claire tho.are a whole other brand of annoying.
No it’s fine, you just make me laugh sometimes. Like your fondness for a certain soda that shall remain nameless. How you must miss the green nauseous face. 😀
I DO miss those green faces they were so expressive of my absolute disgust of a certain soda. Hehe!
Agreed. I threw up a little in my mouth when Dean and Krissy fist bumped. It’s too bad that Krissy isn’t the one getting electrocuted by Dean tonight. now THAT I can get on board with.
Oooh the dean angst or D’angst as I like to call it, would be exquisite!! And I’d get to revel in the demise of a much loathed irritant. Win, win!:D
It’s true. If The writers love D’angst so much they should go all in. Have him slaughter Krissy, Claire, Cole, Charlie, Garth, Sheriff Hanscom- hell, have him slaughter EVERYONE, except maybe Jody. Not only would they then get to write the mother of all D’angst scenes, but with virtually no recurring characters left they’d have to give Sam more to do. Now that’s what I call a win, win. Although if he kills Claire, I guess it would be more Destiangst.:)
Yes a zombie virus that only attacks teenage girls… one that even Glass couldn’t mess up!!! A zombie virus mini Khan Worm… Call Ben Edlund, maybe he would want to get in on this!
We should submit our MVKW idea for a Season 11 ep!!! Sounding pretty good now, isn’t it?!? Maybe we should all collaberate on a fan fic! “I’ll see your Mini Vamp Khan Worm and raise you a vampiric shapeshifting Kh…”