Jeremy Carver of Supernatural talks about Sam, Cas, Dean and the Mark of Cain and other spoilers
TVLine has an interview with Jeremy Carver.
“Dean’s Mark of Cain will test Sam’s value system” says Jeremy Carver. He also discusses Cain, Metatron and the relationship between Claire and Cas. The interview is here
And from EOnline
amberspectre:Â can we have some hints on how claire’s storyline is going to develop? and her relationship with cas?
Expect to see things with Castiel and his vessel’s orphaned daughter Claire to get worse before they can get better on Supernatural. “Claire does not understand why Dean killed her surrogate father Randy,” executive producer Jeremy Carver says. “So Claire is very much a live wire still. How to deal with her and how to be a father to her is very much Castiel’s story right now. There is more to be seen with their story.”
Spoilers for other shows can be found here
So what do you think? Will Sam trash his value system to save Dean? If he does, will Dean forgive him? What about Cas and Claire? Can they become a real family? Will Cain and Metatron help remove the Mark of Cain? Or will they make things worse? Give us your thoughts.
Will Sam trash his value system to save Dean? -Carver will do anything to make Sam look like the bad guy so I guess we’re in for Sam doing bad wrong things at some point this season. I so look forward to Carver trashing Sam some more. On the other hand Jared plays these kinds of roles brilliantly, I hope they take Sam really dark if they’re going there anyway may as well go whole hog. I would love to see sexy badass Sam make Demon Dean look like a kitten.
If he does, will Dean forgive him? -I dont care what Dean thinks of whatever Sam does to try and save Dean, he doesnt get to judge. If anything after two years of telling Sam what a useless disappointment of a brother he is Dean had better be damned well grateful for whatever Sam does to save him. If he doesnt like it then thats just too bad. He can hunt with someone else if he’s that bothered by it.
What about Cas and Claire? Can they become a real family? -I could care less, I’ll wont be watching any of those scenes (thank god for the fast forward button) hopefully they become a family and then ride of into the sunset together so we never have to see them again.
Will Cain and Metatron help remove the Mark of Cain? Or will they make things worse? -they’ll both probably end up telling us what we mostly already know thanks to spoilers, the MOC aint going anywhere. Dean is going to have to learn to control it. Which means we’re probably going to be hearing Dean mangst about it for the rest of the series. Both Cain and Metatron will be dead by the end of the season I recon.
Sams knows how to walk a very thin line – I trust he and Cas will find the best answer to the problem. They’ve both learned a lot over the years. They will help Dean get through this.
I love that Dean is finally getting his own thread in the arc – it makes for great storytelling! Plus he’s not just there to rescue Sam, he’s his own person and deserves to be saved just like Sam was. This was a long way for him to come from Season 4 when he didn’t think he was worthy of being saved.
Cas and Claire – I can’t wait. I like seeing how Cas learns about humanity and its nice seeing Claire and what happened after The Rapture. Cas is my favorite character, there is something about him that I feel rather connected to.
As for Metatron and Cain – hard to say. Metatron makes for a very good baddie. Cain has a very sympathetic story if you really pay attention to it. They may muddy the waters first before anything can become clear.
But should Cain have a sympathetic story just to mirror Dean .
Well of course Cain has to be sympathetic. We must never, ever have Dean do something that can be seen as being actually BAD! No, we must suddenly have murdering your brother be an act of caring and compassion. A sacrifice to brotherly love from a worthy brother to an unworthy, disgusting, unappreciative one. /sarcasm
I like a lot that Cas and Sam has been and will work together to solve this with Dean. How ever it may go of course.
I have enjoyed the Moc storyline too and I’m not too religious but I like well, the archaeological point of view/myths concerning bible. As you can guess I love Indiana Jones movies. I also like the twists they put to the stories and write them out the Supernatural way.
Cas and Claire… that I need to chew a bit and see where the story is going. It is sort of snack before the whole cuisine.
Metatron is trouble and he deserves a 1000 and one stabs with a spoon. He is definitely trouble like you said and even worse than demons with deals…
Cain has a good story and I like it as a good character but he is a killer too and have done pretty bad things. So morally he is pretty bad and also what he is at the moment. But he is still a complex character and that is what I like. Can’t wait to find out more. 🙂
– Lilah
I second your comment, Paradise Heat, on poor Sam and how Carver, et al., perceive him. They use Sam to accent and mirror and underline Dean’s actions and mental states; what I wouldn’t give for just one clear storyline in S10 that has to do with Sam and how Sam feels about and acts on….anything.
I have to differ a bit on Dean, though. I feel that although they have theoretically given him the main, most important storyline with the MoC they just don’t do anything with it or take it anywhere. Demon!Dean was a huge disappointment and the massive, emotionally devastating mid-season cliffhanger was 30 seconds of Dean killing a room full of child rapists and murderers then looking vacant while Sam chanted “Tell me you had to do it!” Well, that was a massive 30 seconds of the 50 minute episode.
I feel as if Sam and Dean have become guest stars on the show about them. I could not care less about what happens to the angels. At all. Ever. Cas and Claire and Metatron and Hannah and whoever else still is around should just go back to heaven and stay to clean up. Crowley and his mum stir up a jot of interest merely because they haven’t been overused to death. So, use them a bit Supernatural writers, but let’s get back to Sam and Dean and them dealing with MoL leftovers or something.
I’m tired of the “Dean runs through the back of a scene while Sam holds a lampshade in the corner” episodes of Supernatural.
[quote]I have to differ a bit on Dean, though. I feel that although they have theoretically given him the main, most important storyline with the MoC they just don’t do anything with it or take it anywhere. Demon!Dean was a huge disappointment and the massive, emotionally devastating mid-season cliffhanger was 30 seconds of Dean killing a room full of child rapists and murderers then looking vacant while Sam chanted “Tell me you had to do it!” Well, that was a massive 30 seconds of the 50 minute episode. [/quote]
I do agree completely. I think part of the problem is that the writers don’t want Dean to do anything that he can’t come back from. They don’t want him to be virtually nonredeemable, so as a demon he sleeps with Anne Marie and makes it clear he’s not the marrying kind. In season two Dean was pretending to be a Hollywood director to get laid, but as a demon he’s upright an honest. Dean kills other demons, which is no different from when he wasn’t a demon. When he a human, well the guy sold his soul and otherwise he would have had to kill a more innocent woman, so we can’t blame him for that. When he massacres a house of humans, they were scum of the earth and deserve to die, so again, what’s the big deal?
I wish they were willing to go as far with Dean as they did with Sam in season four. I want to say they learned they pushed Sam to far, but really I just think they want to protect Dean at all costs.
To mirror Dean? Not really, I don’t see it as a mirror. Dean & Sam are descendants of Cain & Able bloodlines it doesn’t mean they have to follow the same path. That’s why they are 2/3 of Team Free Will.
That is not what I meant when I say mirror. Was Cain originally a sympathetic brother who had to make a choice about his brother? not really , in my view he became sympathetic in the show not only because of his connection to Dean but to mirror Dean’s role as a brother making decisions for Sam .
I am not a TFW person I am afraid I know others are but for me it was a phrase coined in season 5 that has had little baring since then .
Ah – I think chose what he did to say his brother, that’s what he told Dean and Crowley. He believed his brother was being corrupted by a demon, to save his soul he took his place. I don’t think that same fate will befall Dean and Sam – they are far more cynical about heaven and hell and the players in the game.
Not what I mean. Dean has already made choices for Sam I am not talking about Dean doing a Cain on Sam .
Hi WickedM
I think Sharon is referring to the fact that the show manipulated the Cain and Abel story as it appears in the bible to turn Cain from a petty person who kills his brother out of simple jealousy into some kind of sacrificial hero so that he could mirror hero Dean. It’s kind of nauseating really the change they made and a real slight to Sam. It’s almost like a character that is going to reflect Dean in any way must be noble and self sacrificing, so hey, let’s just change the BIBLE. Blech.
To be fair the show has played it fast and loose with other biblical aspects. Heaven, hell, angels ,God. They just take stuff and put their own SPN spin on it. 🙂
Let’s keep in mind that we only got one side of the story, Cain’s, and are taking it for granted that he was telling the truth.
True enough. I want to see it play out a little.
omg NJ – That is an interesting notion! We know Dean didn’t let Cain give him any details cause he was driven to kill Abaddon. But you’re right what if there is more to the story? I like this possibility.
Oh, oh, see I didn’t even thing to try and relate it to the Bible. The writers play fast and loose with all these stories we’ve heard for ages.
The show has played fast and loose with stories as the pertain to lore NOT as they pertain to the brothers at least not until now. There was simply no canonical reason to alter this story whatsoever. If Cain had been the person he was in the bible, killing Abel from jealousy, it would have mattered to how the MoC story unfolded not one iota; there was simply no valid story reason for the alteration. Dean could have still told Cain that he’d failed his brother, he would have still looked like the better man for not doing what Cain did and the story would still be what it is. The ONLY reason that the original bible story was changed was because the show wanted to make a connection to Dean through Cain and decided that the original Cain story was too unflattering to be related to Dean…. so they changed it to the improbable idea that everyone was wrong all along throughout thousands of years of history and that Cain is actually the noble and self sacrificing hero who SAVED a foolish and oblivious Abel….and they damned Sam in the same breath simply by association. It’s always been this way… they won’t do with Dean what they do with Sam CONSTANTLY. Sam kills a nurse (whose got a demon in her BTW) and he’s flambĂ©ed by fans because she begged for her life… he kills an innocent waitress while soulless and he’s irredeemable forever. Does Dean, when he’s a demon do things just as bad? Not on your nelly… he only kills people who are so reprehensible (child rapists? baby pimps? drug dealers?) that we want to sit up and cheer when he goes all MoC on their ass. I hate the double standard that the writers play with their two leads. What if, when Dean had been going on his murder spree one of those ass hats who ‘deserved to die’ begged Dean for his life? What if he asked Dean to spare him because he had a young son? What if he vowed to change his ways and then Dean just went ahead and killed him anyway and we had to watch that? Notice how all of Sam’s questionable acts are on screen and Dean’s far less questionable acts are OFF? Why wasn’t it written for Dean’s kills the same way that Sam’s were written with us having to listen to them beg for their lives? Because the writers and show runner will not take ANY risks at all with Dean. That’s why the Demon Dean story has been such a colossal bore so far.
Ign had a longer article and more thorough as an interview for the rest of the season.
Among other things the angel politics wont show this season at all and probably not so many angels. I dislike politics in real life so that is music to my ears. the MoC story seems to move forward and it sounds like there will be many tries before they get that bugger off. Also, I liked the Cain episode a lot so if the episode is in as good standards then bring it on. Big credit goes to Omundson and his portrayal of Cain. Can’t wait to see what happens when we meet him next.
Not sure about Claire. It depends a lot how the story goes. I am not that interest about her yer as an individual but that is a minor hiccup. At this moment I just want to see the new episode to just get even few answers and see where the story goes. 🙂
– Lilah
[quote] Sam is doing everything he can. That’s going to mean a Sam who is really taking stock of the declarations he’s made in the last couple of years. He came out pretty strongly [against the idea of] preserving their lives if it meant losing the life of others. It’s like Dean is put to the test by the Mark. Sam’s value system is put to the test by what is happening to Dean. Over the second half of the season, we’re going to see these guys, along with Castiel, really [searching] for a solution here. That’s going to mean pairing up with folks you might not think they’d pair up with and, frankly, taking some pretty strong risks on behalf of ridding Dean of this Mark. [/quote]
Hopefully, that simply refers to Sam being willing to go to the ends of the earth for his brother. Right now Dean doesn’t have full control of his deadly powers so more people could get hurt and trying to find a way to get rid of the mark but keep Dean alive could cause collateral damage. If it had been anyone else with the mark of Cain, the Winchesters would have likely decided that they can’t justify the risks.
[quote] Nor are we done with the Claire and Dean story. [/quote]
Why the f– is there a Claire and Dean story? Why is that needed? Dean has a lot going on as it is. I suppose the show is just continuing the trend of every side character having a story that relates to Dean specifically.
[quote] We do have an idea where it’s going in Season 11. To be perfectly honest, once we realized we were going even further along in the seasons, we stretched out certain things about that arc. [/quote]
What sort of arc is Sam supposed to have? Something about not looking for Dean, saying he wouldn’t have done what Dean did if Dean had been dying but then doing morally questionable things to save his brother? It’s like whatever Sam decides is always wrong according to the show.
[quote] What begins to overtake both Dean and Sam, and Castiel to a certain extent, is how do we keep what happened in episode nine from happening again. How do we keep Dean from getting even worse and keep the Mark from overtaking him once again? That’s going to lead both brothers — together and separately — going down a lot of roads, associating with a lot of people that they might rather not be associating with, and, to be very frank, taking a lot of risks and chances and maybe doing some unsavory things all in the pursuit of getting rid of this mark. [/quote]
I don’t like the part about “unsavory things” at all because you just know that Sam is the one who is going to get called out [i] again [/i] for doing those things.
[quote] Well, I would say her story is not finished. There was actually a lot hanging in the air so I don’t know that we’ll see her on a regular basis, but you definitely see her again because her and Castiel’s story is far from over. [/quote]
It’s good that Claire won’t hang around much. There is no need for Dean to become a father figure or a mentor or a big brother to Claire.
[quote] But yes, in terms of the good, old Dean and Castiel being buds, yes. Those moments are there as well. [/quote]
Apparently, no one cares to write Sam interacting with a friend.
[quote] And for Rowena, it’s certainly getting to the heart of trying to get her son to be this thing he’s supposed to be. We all know over the last couple of seasons ever since he took that human blood, he’s been, I would say, a not quite as ruthless King of Hell that we’ve known and she just wants him to be who he is. [/quote]
Does that mean that she doesn’t want Crowley to be all demon-y even though she seems to like the King of Hell part?
[quote] And it’s a wonderful episode, and it’s very emotional. What transpires between him and Cain will absolutely have a major, major impact on Dean. [/quote]
Sounds good.