Misha Collins Talks Castiel in Supernatural
Misha Collins gave an interview to enstarz about Cas’s upcoming story.
 A sense of guilt lead the angel to check in on his vessel’s daughter during “The Things We Left Behind,” but Cas (Misha Collins) may have bitten off more than he can chew. However, the midseason finale proved that Castiel will keep going back until Claire is safe.
Misha indicates that Cas will remain involved in Claire’s life and learn to parent her so that he can protect her.
The interview is here LINK:Â http://t.co/AHcNXVTvYp
Thanks to Vanessa Frith for the heads up.
Well I hope that comes off better than it sounds. I was pretty confident that the future wasn’t going to be the Cas and Claire show. Seems like I was wrong.
The spinoff?
I admit I’m not happy with any of the suggested stories for Cas this season. I’m done with the angels politics storyline. The only thing I want for the angels is for them to go to heaven and not come back. I’m even more leery of Cas’s involvement in the save Dean storyline. After making it crystal clear that Sam was not capable of saving Dean from being a demon on his own, Cas had to rescue Sam for Dean to be saved and then making damned sure that the actual curing of Dean happened off screen so Sam did not get a solo win, I’m not looking forward to saving Dean part 2, “Cas does it all on his own!” The writers already have had Dean say that if Sam gets in the way and you KNOW Sam will get in the way to start moving Sam off the save Dean from the Mark track. Then we have Misha going on about how important Cas will be saving Dean from the Mark; add to that, the fact that the writers don’t seem able to write Sam with Cas at all and all I see is Sam being sidelined, once again, in the save Dean storyline. That makes me very unhappy.
So of the various storylines, Cas working with Claire is the least objectionable to me. She was a hanging thread from Cas’s origin story, so I can accept her. I live in fear that she will be killed and with her dying breath she will give Cas the little bit of his Grace that he left in her all while telling him how wonderful he is and how she HAD NO REASON to ever be mad that he used her to get her father back as a vessel and she had NO REASON to be mad that he got her father killed. I do think that is where the Claire storyline will end up, however. I really hope I’m wrong.
Now, to be honest, I’m not interested in the way they seem to be taking Crowley’s storyline either. I understand the Js want more time off and that means that other characters need a separate story line, but Crowley and Cas’s proposed stories aren’t cutting it for me.
I gotta admit, Percysowner, I’m with you here in regards to the angels. I remember how bummed I was at the possible loss of Cas post-Season 5, but now I’m really done with him. I adore Misha, but the angel storyline appears all played out. I hope that is Carver’s endgame here: Send the angels to heaven and never bring them back. It does kind of point in that direction. Or, humanize Cas completely and release him and Claire from the hunting life to go be dad and daughter — well, sort of — safely to live happily ever after, off screen. They better not be the spinoff…’cause just no. I can’t even.
While I’m sorta okay with Cas helping with Dean and the MoC, as in finding Cain and whatnot, I want it to be Sam who does the ultimate saving. Soul Survivor got part way there, but it really needed more Sam to carry the ball across the goal line — as in his blood or him and Dean having earnest back and forths that were emotionally draining and humanizing of Dean (akin to Sam and Crowley.) But again, the least effective writers on the team got the script, and they just can’t write depth. I was actually surprised at how good they did do — and the bar was set pretty low there.
I’m going to hang on to the fact that both Js have stated that the brothers are working out the MoC together…I’m going to hold real tight to that.
I don’t really have much of an interest in cas…I like him..but if he wasn’t on, it wouldn’t bother me. I understand cas has been on for as long as he has to give jared and Jensen their much deserved days off. I can say the same for Crowley, though I do enjoy watching Crowley much more….
i’m not worried about sam being sidelined at all. of course cas will be an integral part of helping sam and dean, most likely because he’s their access to those who can help…such as metatron perhaps? who might know where to find cain? the only one who can save dean from himself truly, is dean….he has to want to. the only person who dean is willing to fight for…since he really doesn’t fight for himself…is sam…so that being said…..if dean lives and returns to himself…it’s because of the love he has for his brother and the love his brother has for him….because the only one who never gives up on dean….is sam…. see point of no return if you need to be reassured of that. đ
Castiel and Claire’s storyline for the rest of the season pretty much writes itself. Castiels stolen grace is still an issue and as we saw from that ridiculous ‘residual grace after possession’ story from last season (something not worth mentioning after Lucifer possessed Sam), Claire still has some of Castiels grace which he will need. However, Castiel will not be able to simply take the grace without Claires explicit consent. Violating the body of a teenage girl so that a man can get something he wants is too risque. (Violating the body of a grown man so that another grown man can get what he wants is perfectly acceptable though.) So Claire will need to be kept onside so that, after she is told about the residual grace, she will volunteer to give it to Castiel. Castiel will, of course, be reluctant to take it but will because it will be necessary to save Dean from the MOC. Once the grace is gone then that will be the last we will see of Claire on the show.
Castiel will be the one to save Dean from the MOC, everything so far points towards that. Sam has already served his purpose this season, Castiel is now supposedly interested in the welfare of humans again and as much as the writers etc deny they write it, they play up Destiel constantly. The stage is set for them to do it again, and on a grander scale. Whether Castiel will end up permanently dead as a result is still up in the air, a lot will depend how many seasons the show will be renewed for. However, Castiel is in for an action packed second half of season 10.
As much as I wish you were wrong, I think you are dead on the money as far as Claire, Cas, Cas’s Grace and the MOC is concerned. I also think that Sam has served his purpose for this season, although they can always do flashbacks to the horrible, awful things Sam did trying to find Dean that make him more of a monster than Dean was. I hope we are both wrong.
Sam had a purpose this season?
Sorry for the sarcasm but I couldn’t help myself đ From my POV, Sam has done absolutely nothing this season just as I feared would happen if he was deprived of the mytharc. Regardless of what’s happening, Sam rarely gets any POV so w/o the mytharc, he literally, IMO, has no point or purpose on the show this season. He’s just there to look worried every once in a while. Aside from tracking down DD, what else has he done this year? I guess he cured DD in one of the show’s most anti-climatic, boring episodes so I guess he has that.
The actress who played Claire retweeted:
[quote] Dean and cas need to adopt Claire #ClaireNovak #castiel #SupernaturaI #ProfoundBond [/quote]
She is probably trying to get more fans but that was a turn-off.
Apparently, Claire is in the next episode. The character had a lot of potential because of her background but I donât have a real interest to see her again.
Hi, SanSummer,
That is a turnoff for the actress to tweet what she did. It does sound like she’s simply trying to get more followers; it’s the old marketing ploy of bait-n-switch. It’s annoying in retail and annoying here.
As for me, I have no interest in Destiel on the show — leave it for the fandom and fanficiton, my personal taste there. But, the way the show ever since Season 1 has played with the whole gay idea (with people misinterpreting Sam and Dean as something and them having to clarify that they’re brothers (Bugs, Something Wicked, Playthings — just three that rapidly come to mind from the first two seasons, but it was rampant) was juvenile then and continues to be now. I live in the real world and most people don’t immediately make assumptions about a person’s sexuality upon initial encounter. First off, it’s none of their business; second, it’s just plain rude; and third, it’s stereotypical: All women with short hair must be lesbians, or two men can’t possible hug each other without being gay. It’s just silly, cruel, and frankly kindergarten-like behavior.
Ah, well, admittedly I’m the person wanting to vent a thought and I decided that since you spoke about the actress’s tweet as being a turnoff, I’d use your comment to piggyback my frustration. It’s all about respect, frankly. Those fans who ship Destiel don’t deserve to be teased by insensitive tweets or even the behind the scenes tomfoolery that makes it on the Gag Reels. I don’t care what they do on set (well, actually I adore BTS moments) but have some sensitivity that there are fans out there ardently looking for and hoping for and rallying for Destiel and DON”T LEAD THEM ON WITH JOKES. It’s cruel. I don’t need relationships on SPN, be it Sam/Dean, Dean/Cas, Dean/Jo, Sam/Ruby or whatever, so I’d prefer the sexual jokes (like the profanity, thankfully absent) stay locked in a drawer.
All right. I’m done. Thank you SanSummer for allowing me (as if you had a choice) to piggyback on your comment. I hope you don’t mind.
Hi, elle2. I donât mind at all that you replied to my post!
In general, I like the instances of people comparing Sam and Dean to couples because it shows that they see that the Winchesters are closer than regular brothers.
Yes, one could say that it was presumptuous to assume that Sam and Dean were a gay couple but I think that the circumstances played into the people getting the wrong idea. In [i] Bugs[/i], Sam and Dean show up together and seem to be interested in buying a house. Mostly couples do that sort of thing. The kid in [i] Something Wicked [/i] was a smartass and the motel appeared to be on the cheaper side so he was probably used to a lot of the guests getting a room to hook up with someone in secret. And young guys donât usually book a single room in a place like the one in [i] Playthings [/i] if they are just two dudes travelling. Apparently, âantiquersâ were indeed more likely customers.
I was just watching The Rapture on TNT this morning and I didn’t realize that Carver had written that episode. Probably why we are revisiting Claire?
misha said cas was an important part of saving dean. he didn’t say he saves him. Jared’s interviews lean more towards him saving his brother. whatever dean has to do to rid the mark…I have no doubt that it will be sam by his side when the time comes…and it’s sam’s never ending perseverance and faith that will get dean to reach that goal. of course cas will help….do you take away the fact that sam got control of Lucifer because of his love for dean? even though cas was there on the battlefield to get rid of Michael? do you think cas saved sam? no it was dean.
well cas may help sam and dean on the path to getting rid of the mark…but in the end, it’ll be sam that saves dean…it’s going to be sam by dean’s side…as always, it’s going to be sam and his neverending faith and perseverance that will get dean through this.
Nice thoughts but are you sure about that ? the Lucifer situation was different in where it was Dean pulling Sam back and judging from the great blood save I would not count on Sam’s faith and perserverance being a huge factor.
That’s a nice idea, but it requires that Sam has dialog AND be in the same room as the action, something these writers have not been doing for a long while. I’m somewhat worried that Cas and “the profound bond” will save Dean because that will satisfy a loud section of the fandom. My real bet is that Dean triumphs over the Mark due to his inherent goodness and strength while Sam goes out for coffee. But I’m fairly disenchanted with the role Sam has been playing for a while.
I have zero interest in seeing Claire again and a boring story of Cas learning to parent an angst ridden teenager. Any part of Sam and Dean in this story line helping Cas be a Dad is ridiculous. This is melodrama soap opera, baby food that is so below the standard fare of Supernatural. Please spin it off to ABC Family.
You read my mind spnlit. I was thinking that the description above sounded like an episode of The Fosters or the equally wretched and manipulative Red Band Society, were angst ridden and troubled teens have meaningful conversations with overly concerned adults who are far too understanding to be considered even remotely real. UghâŚ.it’s nauseating tripe and has no business being on a horror show especially this one.
Do you think the CW is pressuring SPN to start adding younger characters to appeal to a younger audience? There doesn’t seem to be any other explanation for this story line I can see.
The CW may be doing that, although the show is doing well with young viewers who find it on Netflix and TNT reruns. I think they are scrambling to find something for Cas to do that isn’t tied to Sam and Dean. Part of Misha’s role on the show is to give Jared and Jensen time off from shooting, which only works if he’s got a storyline of his own. Plus, at the end of the season the writers can talk about how this season was all about family, not only brother, but father and child (Cas) and mother and child (Crowley).
What I am hoping is that they are introducing younger characters who can later be brought together in a Sheriffs Jody and Donna take in kids traumatized by the supernatural who decide to fight back and make that the spinoff. It’s a better plan than introduce totally new characters and make all hunters look like idiots because they don’t realize that there are TONS and TONS of monsters in Chicago. If it works they get a show with young leads that can run for a few years.