Sneak Peek for Supernatural 10.01
TV Line has published a sneak peek for 10.01
And we have an embedded version
So what do you think? Does it make you more excited for the new season?
Here’s a look at next week’s episode. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
The description of Supernatural season 13 episode 15. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
We have a new spoiler from Ask Ausiello on TV Line Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
The CW has posted the Sneak Peek for Wednesday’s Supernatural, Paint It Black. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
The promo for Supernatural season 15 episode 6 Â Â Â Cas is back. Does that look like Eileen in the tub? Sam is tangling with witches and it’s not going well. What do you think? Let us know in the comments or in the discussion thread for episode 6 Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
The promotional pictures for the penultimate episode of Supernatural Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Just wanting to know what comes before and after that scene. It looks intense for sure.
Only nine/eight more days and the season starts. Can’t wait. 🙂
– Lilah
More excited? Uh….yeah and then some. 😮
He wasn’t using Ruby’s knife. So I don’t think she’s a demon. So what does the ones of us refer to, do you think? A monster? But which kind? And monsters don’t refer to themselves as one big group do they? US would usually refer to a specific type of monster. And why would “monsters” know where Crowley is? I’m thinking witch because Crowley was a witch and that would make her human. Which is pretty dark.
Hmmm…. the previous clip made it look like Dean was the one who was roughing up the ?demon? now it’s revealed to be Sam. Clever, promo guys.
Not sure if she’s a demon cause as Kelly says Sam wasn’t using the demon knife on her, and yet he catches her blood in a cup and tells her to “make the call” which is the way demons communicate with hell… so, curious. I was thinking for a moment that Sam was going to drink that blood. I for one would LOVE to see a return of Sam’s powers as the whole issue was kind of swept under the carpet in season 5.
Very curious indeed. Just because it’s not the Ruby knife doesn’t mean it’s not a demon. His goal is torture, right? I sort of went deaf after I saw the cup and missed the “make the call” the first time through. I thought Sam was going to drink it too! I am not sure I want Sam to go through that all again. Not even for his brother. It was bad.:(
Those are the demon handcuffs from the bunker. You can see the sigils on them for just a flash. So, yes probably a demon. Just the look Sam gave the bloody knife made me think he was thinking about licking it. Can’t wait for next Tuesday!
I think she’s a demon too. the way she was talking, especially about dean being one of us.. and I’ve never seen any other monster come in contact with Crowley or even mention him. only dick roman had contact with Crowley and that was on Crowley’s part. Plus it’s what she was saying that makes me believe her a demon. demons mess with your head. and that’s exactly what she was doing…..
first off just to say, sam torturing a demon….still don’t think him or ever will think him a monster. as I recall there has been many a demon tortured on this show…hell, what do you think an exorcism is? demon’s have been tortured since s1…meg….all for information. now granted, most of the torturing has been done by dean, while sam stood by his side….but even sam tortured Alistair before he killed him in othoap. hell dean tortured souls, ripped them apart while in hell and enjoyed it and I still never thought him a monster. sam isn’t torturing this demon for pleasure and he sure as hell isn’t enjoying himself. he’s doing what he needs to do to find his brother and save his life. it’s been done before by the boys and I never thought ill of them for doing it. torturing this demon to find his brother if you think about it serves the greater good, because the longer dean is a demon, the more humans that are dying and dying for the simple pleasure of it. 😉
now the demon is right though….it’s often sam sitting on the side while dean does the torturing and this does go against his usual nature, which it seems most demons know. this demon is using that against sam, trying to mess with his head…but that’s what demons do, especially in a situation such as this. sam’s tough, she rattled him, but he still was able to press on….demon dean will do the same thing to sam….he’s going to mess with sam’s head in sam’s attempt to save him…we heard demon dean at the bunker…..and if anyone knows how to rattle sam….it’s dean….whether human or demon:D I have no doubt in my mind that human dean will not feel the same in regards to sam’s methods to find or save him. I think we will learn that soon enough as they “try to heal ea. other”. 😉
i’m very excited now. jared is amazing and even scary here…..but scary in a good and loving way…..this is the sam that’s been on hiatus for awhile….the determined one… the fierce one…he is a hunter after all and he is a Winchester….demons and monsters beware because you don’t mess with a Winchester. I still don’t doubt sam will keep his moral code and he will be the sam we’ve come to love over the years…but he’s also dean’s brother and he loves when it’s necessary, sam will do what it takes to save his brother. that doesn’t nor will it ever make him a monster….;)
Oh, I can’t wait! That first episode is going to be great, I feel it in my bones. 😉 Sam was definitely scary in that clip, and I agree, I do think she’s a demon. Sam has always gone very dark when he’s looking for Dean. Just look at what he became in “Mystery Spot”, scary. I’m so excited for this new season, I can’t even stand myself anymore! 😀
That woman is a demon; she’s in demon handcuffs; was interesting that when she was referring to rumors that one of the Winchesters was one of them, I think she was referring to Sam and not to Dean. If this is the reason they’re referring to why Sam is a monster, there will need to be more to the story than just Sam going hard core on torturing a demon; both of the brothers have done worse.
Quoting nappi: [quote]I think she’s a demon too. the way she was talking, especially about dean being one of us.[/quote]
I wondered if she was talking about Sam there as well. They’ve got us all turned around! Is she talking about Dean being “one of us” or Sam? Interesting. I agree with njspnfan; Sam can’t really enter monster status simply by torturing demons, he’s done so before, and so has Dean and every other hunter out there, it comes with the job. Hell, they even tortured Sam when he had Meg in him, so torturing a demon? Meh, no biggie. He’ll have to do something else much more morally questionable…. like kill a nurse and drink her dry questionable to even come close to “monster” status. That’s why I was wondering if he might go back to his demon blood ways it would give him power over all the demons he’s trying to get information from and make him even scarier then he is right now, which is pretty scary. I’d actually like to see that because it was dropped in season 5 like the proverbial problem plot that it became. Sam has to make a real sacrifice for Dean, has to really risk something, especially after seasons 8 and 9 where his commitment level was called into question so often and where he’s been called a ‘bad brother’ for so much of the last two years. Saving Dean is going to have to really cost him something.
E and njspnfan, yeah that’s way I thought it must be something other than a demon because they’ve torture lots of demons. And while I don’t really like it’s not shocking enough for Sam to be a human “monster”. Drinking demon blood maybe. But then why wouldn’t he be using his power to torture? It was more effective on Alastair than Dean’s torture. And I didn’t think regular knifes cause the demon’s pain. Because these most the ever do is go ouch when shot. So why would he be using Ruby’s knife and salt and holy water?
Good point Kelly. Maybe he dipped the knife in holy water? My take on the “monster” thing is that Sam will go all Terminator, like he did in MS to save Dean. I think it is an exaggeration to generate buzz and interest. Demon torture is not new or shocking for the show or the brothers. I doubt Sam will severely compromise his moral standards. We’ll soon see I guess. Hey Kelly there is a SPN con in Seattle in March! I am going to this one, come hell or high water!
I will emAil you when I get home but I’m definitely going
dean is a demon…humans don’t know demons exist…unless they are hunters….who else but demons know about or fear Crowley because he will kill them if they tell…..sam doesn’t want to kill the demon, he just wants to torture it….it’s a human vessel…can’t the vessel feel pain? meg seemed to be in pain when the demon shot her to see if the colt was real…I think she said ouch….they may not die from an ordinary blade, but they bleed and feel from one….and who’s to say that knife hasn’t been dipped in salt and holy water …
If they really want us to question who the “monster” is, they’ll have to have Sam do something way worse than torture a few demons… Since they’ve gone out on a limb far enough to say that they are playing with these themes then they’d better push the envelope more than that. Demon blood Sam killed nurse who was fully aware and human at the time of her death. Mystery Spot Sam risked killing Bobby in his fantasy world because he was fairly sure it wasn’t Bobby, but not completely sure, and he was willing to take the risk. Killing a few demons won’t’ cut it. Since TPTB are ‘going there’ with the story by their own admission, I don’t want to see a watered down “Sam thinks he’s a monster, but he isn’t really” cop out type of thing. Same with demon Dean, I don’t want to see ingesting, “I feel so guilty for being a demon” either. I want to see some commitment to the material in a solid way. Here’s hoping.
nappi815, I’m not saying she definitely isn’t a demon, just that those were reasons I think she might not be. Ruby 1 when shot by the Colt (before she made more bullets) said something like ow that kind of stung. So unless like Leah said it was dipped in something I don’t see that making her scream or cry out when it looked like he was going to slit her throat or actually cry when he kept pushing. So I’m still leaning not demon.
I don’t know…I can see Sam torturing a demon as far as they go but we will see. Don’t think they will have Sam drinking demon blood. It took 31 years for him to get purified and be just a normal person…in his eyes not mine….besides for demon cure to work he needs purified blood. Besides, the blood didn’t make Sams powers stronger….he never needed the feather to fly…the db was to make his vessel strong enough to hold lucifer. If they wanted Sam dark…they could have him use his powers again….but don’t see that happening either
Nappi815 – agreed, can’t see them revisiting Sam’s “drinking problem” or the whole psychic thing. My thoughts on that have always been that, since the objective was to make Sam strong enough to be Lucifer’s vessel, and that played out in S5, those abilities are gone now.
I think I agree..though Sam did accidentally use his powers in nightmare when he moved the cabinet. Really think since there are just 3 eps of Sam looking for dean…I think torture might be as dark as Sam gets….unless we are told he did more or get a flashback…..
So off topic….what’s your take on s10 opener song……running with the devil?…..bad to the bone?……Tnt?…. That’s what I’m curious about:D
Hadn’t thought about it too much but Running with the Devil would be my choice; I wonder how expensive Van Halen is?
Huh…. probably really expensive; really, REALLY expensive. At one point I’d heard that they were looking into AC/DC (not sure which song, but something epic like Back in Black) the cost to use it for that one time in that one episode was 100K. YIKES!!! I’d imagine that Van Halen is on that level. Probably why we got the fake version of The Who’s We Won’t Get Fooled Again in Changing Channels because they couldn’t’ afford the real thing. At least since that episode was a spoof the spoofed version of the song worked.