The Supernatural Season Ten Happiness Thread
It happens this time every year; new spoilers come out because of Comic Con, not to mention shooting for the new season has started. Fans get all excited, and the comments start to fly. Except this is the Internet, where negativity rules! Next thing you know, all the comments about the new season sound like this is the most hated and absolutely awful show in the world, even though the majority of fans are happy ones. I mean, a hated show doesn’t keep going up in ratings, right?
Well not here. This discussion is for all of you who are actually happy about the new season!
What we know isn’t much, but it’s enough to fuel the imagination and excitement. Or, maybe you’re just happy about any movement because we’re stuck smack dab in a long and painful Hellatus. What makes you excited about “Supernatural” season ten? What story lines intrigue you? What are your hopes for your favorite characters?
The rules are pretty strict in this discussion. Positive thoughts only. Sure you’re allowed to express a concern or two, but the tone must be positive and hopeful! Fine, positive will do. If you’re doing cartwheels, we definitely want to hear about it.
I’ll start. I’m very hopeful for season ten. For starters, episode five is the 200th episode! For those of us that have been around since the early seasons, who’d have thunk this show would ever get that far? I remember the days when even 100 didn’t seem like a reality. Second, the story line setup is far more personal now. That makes the stakes higher, and the potential for Winchester and Castiel angst is huge! Plus Mark Sheppard is a regular cast member now. What’s Crowley got in store for everyone? It’s probably not good, but it’s going to be great to watch!
I wasn’t a huge fan of season nine at all, but at least my judgements were based on a finished product. It’s all good until I actually see the episode because I love my show, for better or worse.
Your turn! All negative comments and bashing will be removed immediately. It’s only us happy fans here. Let’s show everyone involved with the show that we exist too and we appreciate all that they’re doing. It’ll makes somebody’s day, trust me.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I’ll start….I am very excited for the DD story line. Jensen’s interview confirmed what I thought might happen so I can hardly wait. Sounds like we open with Sam discovering Dean isn’t where he left him (also what I wanted) and starts a quest to save his brother. New little twists have also been teased that sound ominous. Mark Shepard and Misha are regulars. My only little hiccup is the musical-ish episode. I was hoping for something different for the 200th but hopefully in RT’s hands it will at least be fun. So yes very excited for the season to begin.
Thanks for doing this! The overload of negativity was starting to wear on me. I of course and am just super excited for another season of SPN. I think so far, I’m most excited about the “special” the will air the day before the finale. I can’t wait to see what they’ve put together to honor the show and the fans. Also, the 200th episode sounds like it’s going to be hilarious. 🙂
Jensen’s interview left me very encouraged. I am looking forward to Demon Dean and how he acts. If Crowley has to ally with Sam that could be very interesting. I’m taking a wait and see attitude for the musical. I’m hoping that like the Buffy episode it will bring insights into the characters in a new format. I’m glad Jensen and Jared are so excited about the season.
That’s a great little snippet of an interview with Jensen ( and it sounds like maybe they are going to go where I speculated that they might, which is Dean becomes Crowley’s Frankenstein’s Monster. That could be very cool and interesting; I like where this part of the story seems to be heading. For those trying to avoid spoilers, you may want to give this little 1 1/2 minute interview a pass.
I cant wait to see DEMON DEAN, especially since he will be like no other per Carver.
I have always Loved Crowley, so its a win/win for Miss. Nola.
Cas and Crowley are regulars. win/win again.
CROWLEY and DEAN making mischief together. w/w
Sam and CAS trying to right the wrong. W/W.
I love all 4 of my boys and cant wait to play in their sandbox.:D
Demon Dean, Demon Dean! I’m so happy to read he’ll be demon-y in more than just one episode. I’m just happy in general that this show is still alive [i]and[/i] kicking. This might sound silly, but I’d like Supernatural to be like Law & Order – make it to 20 seasons!
it could be done with giving the boys breaks for movies or other short series’. :p
I am feeling very hopeful for S10 and after reading some of the articles and watching Jensen’s interview about S10 I am starting to get excited for S10.
I will be honest and say I wasn’t happy about the Demon Dean story, but based on what I have heard and read, I think it will be different than what I originally thought and I will give it a chance. I usually don’t pay much attention to articles, spoilers and interviews because I think they are edited in a way to make fans crazy, but I think Jensen is more honest in his interviews and I will give it a chance.
I am happy that Misha and Mark are both signed for S10, and I think it could be interesting to see where Crowley goes this year and what he will do to manipulate his way to the top again. lol
I also hope Cas can find a resolution to his failing grace situation fairly quickly, I don’t want to worry about Cas all year.
As Dean said [b]Bring It!
What am I happy about…. EVERYTHING! Here is a short list:
Season 10!!….(happy feet)
DD story line…sounding really interesting
200th episode – AND a “musical-ish” episode at that!
Mark is a season regular….LOVE me some Crowley!
We are getting closer to the end of this painful Hellatus everyday but in the meantime get funny hellatus tweets from RT
It sounds like Season 10 may not be the end….waiting to see what they all say at SDCC but thinking we are going to at least get an abbreviated S11 at this point.
Love this show and the cast and crew! 😀
Demon Dean especially after Jensen’s interview which e has linked.
I’m super exited for season 10 and it was awesome to read all of your positive points and comments!!!!;)
the story line of Demon-Dean is encouraging me more and more each day and I’m so glad that Jensen said in his interview that DD is more powerful than Crowley and their relationship is not as pretty as C hope it would be!The strong and bad ass DD would be great!
I’m also really exited to watch Sam trying hard to fight his way to save Dean!I’ll be so glad to see Cass alongside him,too.
and of course like every other Supernatural fan,200th episode is a big event for me and the fact that RT is the writer of this important episode is a really good news cause I have loved all his episodes since season 7!
with these great fans,brilliant actors,creative writers and devoted crew I’m counting seconds for the start of a great 10th season!!!!!
Thanks dear Alice!!!
Demon Dean looks like it could be a really cool storyline for Jensen. I hope they give him enough to work with and make him not too much like regular Dean. A fair amount of real evil is called for when a person becomes a demon.
I also like Castiel having his own storyline and becoming a real person on his own terms.
It is always great fun watching Mark Sheppard playing the Crowley that is written and the one that is playing in his head (who seem to be two different characters).
Next season should be great for the action / adventure.
Alice, is spoilers allowed here? I mean talking about them etc. so I won’t make anyone to jump ship?
I will make this at least in general. Aaaanyway, I am really waiting for season 10. This is my very first hellatus because I am one of those that really was able to watch Supernatural for the first time from Netflix. I was meant to do it for a long long time because I saw few episodes on the tv but I never picked it up. Until Netflix and now I am hooked and sunk to love the series as is my husband. Luckily we are watching it together. 😛
I am really waiting where they will go with Demon!Dean but also I am scared at the same time. If you know what I mean. Also I am exited to see what Sam, Cas and Crowley will be up to. Seems that Dean might give the trio some work to do. Also the thought of Sam, Crowley and Cas working maybe together? Even the thought is hilarious. I don’t know should I say poor Sam, poor Cas or poor Crowley if they get to this situation. I can imagine though some death threats against Crowley along the way, krhm…
the 200th episode seems to be celebration so I am exited how they make it. Classic rock can’t be bad. I welcome the happier episodes as it might be that the season otherwise might be dark in general.
And tremendous thank you for Ackles and Padalecki that speak so positively and eagerly still everything about the show. If you are down, just listen to those two and the excitement they give out. If someone can lift your spirits it is those two. 🙂
– Lilah
It’s allowed since I didn’t state it in the rules. However, this is a good reminder that I need to get a spoiler tag on here. I’ll work on getting that in.
So glad to hear they’re “going there” with Demon Dean. Always thought they should have done that with Sam in S3/S4 so it’s great they’re finally doing this with one of the brothers. Crowley’s in for a rude awakening if he thinks he’ll be able to reign in Demon Dean for long. Crowley working with Sam to stop/cure Dean? Very intriguing. Mixed feelings on how long the Demon Dean story line plays out; the show works best when the brothers are together but I think they really need to explore this and don’t want them to wrap it up too quickly. I’m optimistic that Sam will finally get the big win and be able to save his brother.
Speaking of Crowley, great to have Mark Sheppard on board as a regular for the season; curious how Gavin and the change in the timeline impact Season 10. Heard mention of a new recurring Scottish female character for the season; maybe a relative of Crowley and Gavin’s?
Great to have Misha Collins back as a regular, too. Things are looking pretty bleak for him and I have no inkling of how it’s going to play out this season.
A musical-ish 200th episode? Hey, Buffy pulled it off so maybe Supernatural can too. And congratulations to the cast and crew; JA and JP sound excited/stoked for Season 10, and 200 episodes is something they should all take a tremendous amount of pride in.
NJspnfan you are giving me AGITA just thinking about the space/time continuum :p
The Scottish lass has to be connected to Gavin and Crowley. Hope the timeline is not messed up for to long, I LOVE how Crowley just does not give a damn. HA
Excited about the Demon Dean sl. Excited to learn how Sam finds out about DD and how he goes about looking for him. Just plain EXCITED! Oh, and love Jensen’s longer hair! Thanks TCA interviewers and the J’s for the great interviews.
I am very excited about the Demon Dean angle, especially after seeing Jensen’s short video where he discusses what he knows thus far (which is three episodes worth of material at a minimum). This makes me quite happy. I’m also very happy to read about how Sam is searching high and low for Dean — it is after all about the brothers. 🙂 Love that Mark Shephard is a regular — he is awesome! Have concerns about the musical-ish episode for the 200th only because there have been so many misfires of late, but hopefully JC and Co. are paying attention. Jensen and Jared seem especially excited for this new season, which usually bodes well when both are enthused.
Yes, this is an exciting time in hellatus as spoilers appear, photos surface, teasers abound, and hints bubble forth. It does also make the remainder of hellatus seem interminable though as this crush of goodies will abate over the next couple of weeks and then the wait continues. Must get to some writing…must!
Thank you for assuring a happy sounding board. Lately I have accidentally stumbled across lots of mean posts about Supernatural. It makes me very sad. But, I grab my 8 seasons of DVDs and watch a few episodes to cheer me or cry to vent. Supernatural is much cheaper than a psych. So keep it comming. Think I’d watch even if the boys were twice their ages. Having said that — Demon Dean sounds intense with a chance for Jensen to show his tallents — Sam helping/caring for/respecting his brother, yes please — Castiel we need because he is Cas.and has become so diverse — and Crowley tell us more about his soft side and son, can’t help loving that shifty guy. But bottom line a small amount of flirting and romance relieves stress and our boys are stressed. Are there any beach monsters, shirt ripping off monsters, or haunted hot tubs out there? The boys work hard to stay fit let them show off some. Mark Sheppard worked hard to drop 20 pounds for us let’s give him a chance to show it off a little. Now back to season who cares episode it doesn’t matter. I love this show, these characters, the monsters, the angst, the joy and all of the actors and crew working so hard to entertain us.
Thank you for this site. I don’t even go on an article if the comments start being mean. I just don’t want to see that. So, this is great. So far, I have agreed with all that has been said. Demon Dean-yes. The interpretation I got from Jensen’s interview is that DD winds up not howling at the moon with Crowley-or at least not as Crowley wants. Ha Ha on Crowley-he can be so evil and yet so charming. But, bottom line, he is a demon. And deserves to be killed like all other demons. Just that he adds so much to the show, it would be a shame to kill him.
If Cass loses his grace he will die. Is that the facts? Or will he just turn into a human again?
I also hope that Sam is able to save his brother-help to redeem himself in his own mind. That would be great. He is a great character and he lost so much faith in his brothers esteem in the last half of Season 8, then he was hit with Season 9. So he needs the win of finding and saving Dean.
I think that what Jensen said about not only is this Demon Dean but it is Dean Winchester and the two of them, I assume, will make their own plans. Will Sam de-demonize Dean like he attempted to do with Crowley??
I agree that the Scottish lady is connected to Crowley and Gavin. Just so curious on what is going to happen in this season.
And I would like a musical episode-there is certainly a lot of talent in that show. I am sure they will come up with something-if there is singing, it may not be on key but I’m sure it will be fun.
I am very happy that my first thoughts about Sam going to find Dean and that he wouldn’t be there were just what I wanted to happen. I so wanted this last season and we didn’t get it. I think Sam needs to do this and bring Dean back. He’s messed up in the past and I think this season he is trying to do it right. I just don’t want a female love interest again which will be my only disappointment.
I love demon Dean and the MOC and Crowley will sure have his hands full and I hope Dean gives him a run for his money. I hope they give us a few episodes of Deamon Dean and not end it too soon, and give it a chance to warm up and go some where. I am finding this hellatus difficult and need my fix. Roll on Comic Con so we can at least find something new out.
I’m so glad that demon dean will be a diabolical one, at least that’s how it’s sounding. I figured as much since he was born from the moc/blade. I look forward to dean being more than Crowley bargained for. the very idea of Crowley and sam forced to work together tickles my toes. the first time sam met Crowley he shot him, albeit with an empy colt…and not too long after he tried to stab him…I think sam and Crowley begrudgingly working together will make for much needed levity in what will be a very dark situation. Crowley and cas working together again…that’s just the icing on the cake. looking forward to sam making the big save and I really think that we’ll be getting sam pov this season. he’ll be a lot more proactive. hoping dean’s little problem will be resolved by mid season and carver has a new story to follow for the second half that can lead us into next season. 😉
intrigued by the 200th eppy….I know it’s fan fic, so I hope in this eppy we get to see the boys interacting…before we get back to the problem at hand.
I might be in the minority, but metatron is still alive and kicking and i’m hoping to get more of him as well.
very excited for October….so glad to know that the boys are just as excited as I am. 😀
I agree with you. I hope we get much of Sam’s POV because the Demon Dean story is his too. Also hoping Dean’s “little problem” of lost humanity is fixed in enough time to get us into a new storyline leading to season 11 ( Yes I am hopeful for that too).
I like Metatron too! Maybe you and I are the only ones who want to see him some more, but I’ve loved him. He’s so diabolical and so insecure at the same time. Curtis Armstrong is brilliant.
I am excited about season 10 generally because THERE IS a season 10 and the story continues. Season 10 may shape up as a huge, awesome answer and change to season 9. From a love of character level, I was horrified that Dean became a demon, but I can see how the story can become intriguing, exciting, and (hopefully) redemptive. Jensen’s brief statement in re DD was refreshing. Looks like Demon Dean is going to cause some mayhem and I suspect charge everyone into some action. Love to see many characters respond to the DD situation. Love to see Demon Dean give Crowley a run and compel him to get some help. Crowley may be in touch with his humanity but I think he is always on the edge and in for the long con which entails maintaining his survival and now that of his son. Look forward to Castiel’s role in the DD story. Although I love the warrior angel Cas who gripped Dean tight and pulled him from Perdition, I think it is good he will not be powered up due to his waning grace because he will have to give some other type of aid to the situation and will leave Sam, our brother hero to figure out how to save his brother’s humanity. I am hoping for the payoff of Sam being the one who manages to return Dean to his humanity. Looks like Sam is in for one hell of ride- older brother is a demon nuke. One of my favorite characters is Death and I would love to see him be called upon or come forward with some added wisdom for Dean about the nature and power of souls. I also would like to see the reaction of friends Jodi and Charlie. This may even be an opportunity to pull someone back from the past since Dean’s situation is quite dire; that would be cool.
Also excited for Season 10 because of the awesome achievement of all persons involved in having the show hit the big 10. lTHANKS!!!!
One final note, I cannot wait to see what Jensen Ackles does with Demon Dean. JA excels at his craft and he seems quite excited about the twist in the story.
I wonder which of the boys are going to drive Impala? Dean can’t, or can he?
Hey Novi, I have been thinking of a variation of this question for a while. My thought is what if Dean is in a car and he drives over a demon trap – what happens?
So now with your question I have thought of a pre-retcon for SPN. Dean HAS to drive the Impala. If he drives an ordinary car then Demon!Dean becomes Splat!Dean as the car continues moving and the demon stays within the trap.
But the Impala is such a part of Dean that when he is driving it if they get caught in a demon-trap both he and the car stop dead (caught) … I hope he isn’t going too fast, physics isn’t going to like that either…
And in the meantime Sam gets one of those gorgeous antique cars from the garage. It’s a win-win!
(Dean is gonna be very cross when he realizes a demon has been driving his car, I hope Demon!Dean gets a hellhound, Dean’s reaction will be priceless … 😀 )
ETA: Dean can drive the Impala but he can’t get at the weapons in the trunk! No flame-thrower for YOU Demon!Dean.
Well, demon!Dean shouldn’t need weapons at all right? *wink-wink*
Demon powers for the win. 😀
But now I am going to have nightmares of him going over a demon trap or… Well, if he is sort of a knight of hell wasn’t it that Abaddon didn’t get caught on those either? Anyway, just the image of splat makes me cringe. 😛
Hellhound would be awesome. 😀
– Lilah
there’s a demon trap in the trunk
Yeah, remember that.
I guess we just have to see if Dean is affected by them or not. Or what even effects him. 😉
– Lilah
Does DD need to drive a car? Couldn’t Cain zap around? Crowley can. Hmm….Dean without Baby? That would be truly demonic. 😉
dean most likely took off with Crowley and Crowley just has to snap his fingers… i’m thinking sam has the car
Hi Alice
I’m very excited and anxious for Season 10.
So many questions running in my head. I haven’t read any spoilers as yet, so I’m quite in the dark.
What will become of Dean now that he is a demon. How they will play it out. Will they be able to restore him to human. Will he kill Cain as he promised or will he give back the Mark to him.
How will Sam deal with all of this. Will he be the one to save Dean.
I do believe it will be him, being the big sap that I am. I can’t help but believe the brothers bond and love will prevail and get them through this ordeal.
Maybe with a little help from their Angel friend Castiel.
And what of Castiel, will he recover his own grace before time runs out, I’m sure Metatron had it stored somewhere. Or will he have to take on someone else’s again or succumb (can’t see that happening…No they won’t kill off Cass).
As for Crowley, what is his end game. Was having Dean turn and join his team his plan from the start. Did he want Dean as his right hand man because of his fighting abilities or was it to break up the Winchester’s, as they always seemed to be a thorn in his side. Or is he needing some form of human contact as a result of having his human side tapped into. I wonder if he will try to have Dean transfer the Mark to him.
Anyways will continue to cross of the day of my calendar in wait for my all time favourite show to return.
So, new news and spoilers.
Here’s the link:
and from Carver:
Jensen and Jared have both been very exited about what they will do on season 10. I am a Dean leaning girl mostly but I am very glad what Jared tells about Sam. I am actually very happy about it. And also I am eager to see what they will show in the flashbacks because I thought first that they would start immediately after the “eye opener” but now we find out it has been two months.
Also I think Crowley should start running? I think he is just going to have very very very bad luck with the Winchesters but is that a surprise? Anyway, really happy about the story both boys are getting.
– Lilah
Jeremy Carver or Mrs. Ackles [either one :)] or Jim Michaels [Mr.Mike to me ;)]
If this is the last FULL TIME SEASON for Our Boys, please Please PLEASE let them come to NEW ORLEANS. They have gone to every major city I can think of, Chicago, Boston, New York, LA, Frisco, and that’s just off the top of my head. I know you went to MISSISSIPPI in theory with ROUTE 666, but it ended up being the north because of the SNOW. HA. COME TO New Orleans, we have the BLACK INDIANS OR MARDI GRAS INDIANS, THE CREOLE’S yes I am one, THE CAJUNS, THE MARDI GRAS BALLS and what they really signify. Come one and ALL :D:):p MISS WILMA HAS SPOKEN 😉
Hi NOLANOLA and agree – the boys should make it to New Orlean or at least to somewhere with the seashore. Beaches, storms, beautiful boats! New interviews get me more n more excited. Ha, badboy Sam is my favourite. Jared is so good playing bad! I wonder how long the boys will be apart and for what reason? I can’t imagine Dean, demon or not, not wanting come back to Sammy. Samless Dean is impossible and even odder a concept than Soulless Sam.
I would love, love, love an episode or two in New Orleans. If they can fly to Chicago for a back door pilot, why not New Orleans for our show?!
I am very excited about season 10 because there IS a season 10. I love the show and I love the brothers. I love Crowley and Cas. I love Jodi and Charlie. But I have to say I prefer Charlie LARPING so the boys can “play” and Dean can help with troop movements and be pleased with himself in period costumes. So cute. But I digress.
I love that there is a Season 10. I want more and more and more… Supernatural, I love you! Sam, please save Dean and make him human soon. Those black eyes are just so awful!
Sending (you guessed it) love your way,
I’m gonna preface this by saying ever since the awesome season 9 finale, I had been… pretty ambivalent about season 10 initially. While the finale was a solid episode and set up season 10 in such a great way, I couldn’t help but be bitter about some things that happened in this season, particularly what they did to Sam’s character. Knocking him out almost every episode? Denying him an emotional point-of-view? I could almost barely recognize Sam for a few episodes until he showed himself again the finale. His characterization was just all over the place in the second half of the season, so it left me a little bit low on hope for the new season.
That being said, now that I’ve read interviews about Sam’s storyline as well as Dean’s storyline, I am really excited for both of their arcs this year. (Cass, not so much. It just doesn’t really measure up as well. I kinda hoped we could move on from Heaven’s problems after the chaos of last season. But I am interested in seeing how he spends his time as a dying angel.) We’re gonna be having Demon Dean for multiple episodes, which is gonna be great. I’m excited to see his dynamic with Crowley as well as how he’s adjusting to his new kind of life. And on the other hand, we’re getting Sam the resolved hunter this season, which I couldn’t be more excited about. I’m also glad he’s gonna be a little edgier and rougher around the edges, just because it kinda feels right for this particular circumstance, and true to his character. I’m also pretty excited about the fact that Sam and Dean are gonna be separated for mulitple episodes. It seems like a refreshing change, and I hope they make good use of it instead of waste the potential and make it drag out in the worst possible way.
I really hope Jared, Jensen, Jeremy, and the rest of the crew make good on their promises and deliver us a good season ten, because I’m now anxiously waiting for October to come.
Cannot wait for Demon Dean! Hanging on the edge of my seat. Dean is a friggen Demon~!!! I am so excited.
I hope Dean is a disgustingly bad Demon. I hope he kills heaps of people and makes heaps of mayhem. Because when Sam saves him, it will be all the more sweeter to have normal Dean back. I will cry and cry and cry whilst watching Dean be bad, but I will cry and cry and cry watching him come good again. I hope the powers that be will not let Dean remember too much of him being bad.
(hmmm…. notice how I did not say that “I hope Dean retains enough of himself to try to turn being a demon to the Winchester advantage”. I think this storyline is all or nothing. Dean is bad. Let him be bad. Don’t let him be fighting on the side of good whilst he is being bad.)
Actually, …. maybe that might make for an interesting storyline…..
Thank you so much to those who said yes to Season 10. I hope the show has at least a season 11.
I went through the whole “show finishing” thing with Buffy and I don’t want to go through that again. (Although if they make another storyline like the Leviathans then I will probably leave myself – Worst Supernatural season ever, season 7).
Can’t wait for Season 10 – bring it on!