Voting Now Open! The WFB Supernatural Season Nine Fan Awards
ETA: Voting is now closed. Thank you so much for your participation. Look for the official results very soon in an article, along with the Editor’s choices for the category.
Thank you everyone for your nominations! The lists have been compiled and now it’s time to vote in our annual
WFB Supernatural season end awards, season nine edition.
Vote in our 16 chosen categories of the best and worst of Supernatural’s season 9. Voting goes from now until midnight on June 20th. You can vote as many times as you like, there’s no limit.
When you select the vote button for a category, it’ll take you to the results page. You have the option to go through the rest of the categories in the results section by selecting them via the drop down box, or hit the back button to get back to the article and select categories that way.
I’m always stunned by these votes, for the results tend not to turn out the way I would have guessed. I’m very curious to see the choices this year. Happy voting!
Best Supernatural Season Nine Episode
Worst Supernatural Season Nine Episode
Funniest Season Nine Scene
You need another option for several of these categories: “All of the above” :D:D:D
Best guest star was the hardest category for me. How do you not vote for Gabriel, or Kevin, or Jody or…..;)
Buffsgirl, I actually feel the same. If you look at the list. All of them deserve the first spot. Some different reasons than others but still as valid. 😀
– Lilah
and speaking of Season 9. This is how trailers should be made. Fits the reward section. 😉
– Lilah
Who needs coffee…just watch the video.
This poll has brought home to me, as if I didn’t realise it already, what slim pickings there were for the good categories and that the bad stuff was like shooting fish in a barrel;
– Best brotherly moment? You picked the ONLY brotherly moments in the [b]entire season[/b] an if you added up the screen time of all of them it wouldn’t add up to more than a minute.
– Best ep? I disliked all of the options you included. In fact the only decent ep in the season that I have any interest in watching again is Bad Boys which wasn’t on your list
– worst end to an ep? Too many to mention. I’d have ticked all of your options and added a few more
– worst ep? Too many to mention again. The angel mytharc was dull. The quality of the MOTW eps was very poor indeed. The brotherly bond was trashed, stomped on and set on fire. Then the ashes were fed to a hellhound. Then the hellhound was stabbed. The pacing and characterisation were awful. The MoC was a decent idea poorly set up, poorly paced and poorly executed. Eg why would Dean accept a deal like that without checking the small print? Very ooc. Plus why did Dean hate Abbadon so much that he’d take on that burden just to kill her? Did he have any reason to believe she’d be a worse ruler of hell than Crowley? He had fewer personal reasons for hating her than he did Crowley who had murdered many of their friends yet he is now an ally? Odd. The Samreel story was nothing more than a stupid device to create unconvincing angst between the brothers. It required both brothers to act ooc – particularly in Sam’s reaction. Sam was NOT suicidal in Sacrifice, yet suddenly we are expected to believe he was? He accepted Dean’s solution no questions asked, then gets angry with him? The words he says to him in The Purge were laughably ooc – except that I love this show too much to find its descent into poor quality funny.
Sigh. I could go on but it makes me too sad. I know this is meant to be a bit of fun, but even thinking about s9 just makes me sad.