Thoughts on Supernatural 9×12: “Sharp Teeth”
So much to say about this episode and yet not much to talk about at the same time. This episode served largely as a pallet cleanser after the heart-stopping, mind-numbing dramatic roller coasters of late and didn’t do a bad job over all. The general plot was satisfying and didn’t stray too far away from where things were left last week such that we were left in more or less the same emotional place. Sharp Teeth gave a good window into the total lack of synchronicity between Sam and Dean without a word spoken between them about it, until the final moments, when we were left with a reunion in name only. But hey, at least they’re in the Impala right? So let’s dive into Sharp Teeth.
Icabod the Popular
We open on Garth (presumably, given that he was such a prominent figure in the Then segment) fleeing from cattle and farmer who knows his way around a rifle, only to see him struck by a car. Garth, a.k.a. that “Icabod Crane looking guy” gets some pop-ins to his hospital room, Sam and Dean whose mutual presence in the room does wonders for the tension even before a word is exchanged. Neither of the Winchesters is looking especially at ease with life, both sporting the “I’m working, tense and tired” face shadow that is attractive and telling. After smacking Garth awaking and while listening to Garth retch, the two engage in some terse catch up.
This conversation between Sam and Dean is perhaps one of the flattest conversations these two have ever had. Next to no emotion throughout the entire discussion, save for Sam’s incredulousness at the idea of Dean hunting with Crowley. There is some half-hearted sarcasm and aside from a query about the mark of Cain, the boys are wholly disengaged. Short a scene though it is, it was very telling – and depressing.
In the meantime, Garth takes the opportunity to escape out the window. After a game of investigation in which Dean tries to cut Sam, which does wonders for their already icy relationship, the boys finally stumble on Garth’s apartment, his wife and, oh yes – he’s a werewolf going on six months now. Garth’s storyline this episode has its ups and downs for me. For one thing, I’ve always been a fan of the werewolf as Supernatural portrayed it – largely because of the Madison storyline way back when. Supernatural has done a supreme job, from day one, of dabbling in the world of gray where there is never just good or evil and the werewolves were always one of those elements. Garth’s pack was presented not unlike some of the non-human blood drinking vampires that have been presented from time to time. Only animal organs. Co-exist with human. No harm. Peace loving. Of course, we the audience know it can’t be that simple and Dean, per his norm, could never take that at face value.
“Family of Friendly Monsters”
Dean, who could start a fight in an empty house, spends some time with Garth’s new family who is also a spiritual family. In fact, Garth’s father in law is a preacher. Through this we discover that they all wear silver bullets to remind themselves of their mortality and Bess’ step mother is a fourth generation werewolf. While the family seems nice and peace loving, there is clearly something not right about them – just a tad too peace and love. All the more evident when Dean is confronted at the fridge by cousins Russ and Jobah attempting to “subtly” intimidate him.
It’s here that Dean and Garth have a rather open and frank conversation. Garth says he’s finally found family and love with these people and he couldn’t just call and say he was a werewolf, that it was better to let them go. Dean reveals Kevin’s death and again takes this death onto his shoulders, saying Kevin died because Dean wasn’t around when Kevin needed him. And isn’t that what’s driving Dean here to keep digging so hard? His determination not to leave another friend to die or to be hurt who might need him? I’m not commenting one way or another about Kevin – but we know full and well how Dean operates and it’s about 90% guilt in times like this.
While Dean is trying not to gag at fresh hearts, livers and pie with Garth and Bess, Sam a.k.a the insecure teddy bear talks to the sheriff who reassures Sam that the good Reverend and his family are a bit hippy but pillars of the community. For his part, Sam asks to be notified of anything weird. Immediately this sheriff seemed off and of course, he later calls Sam and Dean to investigate a slaughtered deer. Naturally it turns out the sheriff is a baddie and his bullet is engraved with a Norse god “Ragnorek” which leads the boys to discover a plan to eradicate humans that the poor reverend knew nothing about involving killing Beth, Garth and, because it wouldn’t be a day that ends in Y if one didn’t almost get tied up and killed, Sammy. And truly, what’s a story with a step-mother be without her trying to kill her stepdaughter?
Ultimately the werewolf cult storyline was a decent one. It had some humour, was clearly and neatly laid out and didn’t introduce anymore complications into anyone’s life – by anyone, of course, we mean Sam and Dean. In fact, Dean and Garth end with a brief heart-to-heart in which Dean tells Garth to hold on to family and love when he finds and reveals he wishes he had. It’s nostalgia and regret, unquestionably, but what exactly he’s referencing here is unclear because there are just so many moments to choose from.
“Man Destroys”
Final Thoughts
Wow. The final moments between Sam and Dean were incredibly defeating. Dean is too quiet. Too beaten – his usual Dean energy is completely gone. And not in the way we’ve seen before, in a dark but driven way. This is a different, sadder Dean that’s hard to name. Perhaps it’s not guilt weighing on Dean but absolute regret leaving him so trodden. Sam seems to have gathered an inner strength and is standing strong – he firmly believes in the argument he’s made and is absolute in his follow through. Of course, how can they not be family? The definition of who they are, what they do comes down to the fact that they are brothers? Love drives them and ultimately has driven them to save the world on more than one occasion. Cain’s story of how he got the Mark was one of brotherly love – in fact, it’s the same story of how much of this began: one brother sold their soul for the other. Family is family, after all.
Thanks Elle. I’ve heard other interpretations but I agree that Sam was saying something about not being brothers. My concern is that he no longer wants to hunt like brothers not that he has disowned Dean. I also agree that being brothers is what gave them that extra umph to stand up to destiny, Lucifer, the apocalypse.
I can’t help but wonder if Sam will be put in a position of choosing Dean over their mission. Dean is now experiencing what is was like for Sam when he didn’t feel trusted. As with most relationships, all the blame is rarely on one person. They both have some work to do.
Thanks Elle. I’ve heard other interpretations but I agree that Sam was saying something about not being brothers. My concern is that he no longer wants to hunt like brothers not that he has disowned Dean. I also agree that being brothers is what gave them that extra umph to stand up to destiny, Lucifer, the apocalypse.
I can’t help but wonder if Sam will be put in a position of choosing Dean over their mission. Dean is now experiencing what is was like for Sam when he didn’t feel trusted. As with most relationships, all the blame is rarely on one person. They both have some work to do.
I JUST rewatched that scene. Sam says “You want to work…lets work. You want to be brothers….”
Wouldnt it stand to reason that if you finished the sentence Sam would have said .. “…l lets be brothers.”
Maybe i dont have a grasp on what the writers are trying to have Sam say…lord knows i have to depend on reviewers far too much of the time to tell me what i just watched some days.
BUT…. it seems t me that Dean has the brother/parent thing so intertwined that really Sam probably doesn’t kbow if he’s coming or going with Dean. The two are very different roles…just as son/brother is.
Maybe Sam is asking Dean to choose to be his brother. And Sam WANTS a brotherhood – a real brotherhood with Dean. Not that mixed up mess of parent/child.
And if this is true…then Sam will know what he needs from Dean to make their relationship a brotherhood. But he will also need Dean to tell SAM what DEAN needs from Sam to make their relationhip a brotherhood.
I think Sam has ideas on how to fix their relationship, make it stronger, mature…but their relationship is between two people and Dean needs to give his imput as well. he will neeed to telll Sam what he expects, what he wants, wjat he needs.
The guys may think they know what the other needs/wants but unless Sam/Dean voice their needs/wants the other wont know…..and then they have to figure out how to get to that destination. … communication is key.
or hell…maybe i have it all wrong. Only time will tell.
I JUST rewatched that scene. Sam says “You want to work…lets work. You want to be brothers….”
Wouldnt it stand to reason that if you finished the sentence Sam would have said .. “…l lets be brothers.”
Maybe i dont have a grasp on what the writers are trying to have Sam say…lord knows i have to depend on reviewers far too much of the time to tell me what i just watched some days.
BUT…. it seems t me that Dean has the brother/parent thing so intertwined that really Sam probably doesn’t kbow if he’s coming or going with Dean. The two are very different roles…just as son/brother is.
Maybe Sam is asking Dean to choose to be his brother. And Sam WANTS a brotherhood – a real brotherhood with Dean. Not that mixed up mess of parent/child.
And if this is true…then Sam will know what he needs from Dean to make their relationship a brotherhood. But he will also need Dean to tell SAM what DEAN needs from Sam to make their relationhip a brotherhood.
I think Sam has ideas on how to fix their relationship, make it stronger, mature…but their relationship is between two people and Dean needs to give his imput as well. he will neeed to telll Sam what he expects, what he wants, wjat he needs.
The guys may think they know what the other needs/wants but unless Sam/Dean voice their needs/wants the other wont know…..and then they have to figure out how to get to that destination. … communication is key.
or hell…maybe i have it all wrong. Only time will tell.
Nice review. I took the reason for Sam to bring up the trials was that line from Sam “what happens when you’ve decided that I can’t be trusted again. Who are you going to turn to next time instead of me.” And as it turns out, Sam finds out at the beginning of the episode, that Dean turned to a demon this time instead of Sam. I always thought that what Dean said to Sam in the church was I love you above all others. I think what Sam heard is I trust you above all others. I don’t think that Sam wanted to die, he thought that finally Dean trusted him. They were going to be equal partners in their crappy lives. And immediately Dean makes a choice for Sam and doesn’t trust Sam to tell him what is going on. Anyway that is my interpretation of why Sam brought up the trials. As for the brothers line I thought that what Sam meant was you can’t keep putting my life above others. If that is what it means to Dean than it is not working for Sam. He told Cas that his life wasn’t any more important than anyone else’s. Sam is angry about Kevin and just as sick about it as Dean. I don’t think Sam wants anything like that to happen again. If that means they can’t hunt as brothers than so be it. Now I agree what will happen when it’s Dean’s life on the line. What decision will Sam make?
Nice review. I took the reason for Sam to bring up the trials was that line from Sam “what happens when you’ve decided that I can’t be trusted again. Who are you going to turn to next time instead of me.” And as it turns out, Sam finds out at the beginning of the episode, that Dean turned to a demon this time instead of Sam. I always thought that what Dean said to Sam in the church was I love you above all others. I think what Sam heard is I trust you above all others. I don’t think that Sam wanted to die, he thought that finally Dean trusted him. They were going to be equal partners in their crappy lives. And immediately Dean makes a choice for Sam and doesn’t trust Sam to tell him what is going on. Anyway that is my interpretation of why Sam brought up the trials. As for the brothers line I thought that what Sam meant was you can’t keep putting my life above others. If that is what it means to Dean than it is not working for Sam. He told Cas that his life wasn’t any more important than anyone else’s. Sam is angry about Kevin and just as sick about it as Dean. I don’t think Sam wants anything like that to happen again. If that means they can’t hunt as brothers than so be it. Now I agree what will happen when it’s Dean’s life on the line. What decision will Sam make?
The line about being brothers is about Sam saying that the brotherhood is broken IMO. They can’t be brothers without trust.
I also think that Sam is angry about Dean taking his choice away regarding Gadreel and if the shoe ends up being on the other foot, I don’t think that Sam would betray Dean like that.
The line about being brothers is about Sam saying that the brotherhood is broken IMO. They can’t be brothers without trust.
I also think that Sam is angry about Dean taking his choice away regarding Gadreel and if the shoe ends up being on the other foot, I don’t think that Sam would betray Dean like that.
#4 JuliaG I agree about the brothers. I think that is what I meant. They can’t hunt as brothers if Dean can’t trust Sam to make his own decisions and if Dean is constantly putting Sam’s life above others. Sam doesn’t want that. I thought that is what Sam meant by there was something broken in their relationship.
#4 JuliaG I agree about the brothers. I think that is what I meant. They can’t hunt as brothers if Dean can’t trust Sam to make his own decisions and if Dean is constantly putting Sam’s life above others. Sam doesn’t want that. I thought that is what Sam meant by there was something broken in their relationship.