sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.16 – “Remember the Titans”
I’m usually not as big a fan of the Monster of the Week episodes as I am of the mythology episodes. I love the mythology of this show and I’ve been more excited by the myth arc this season than I have for a couple of seasons. Not that there aren’t great MOTW episodes, there’s been some corkers, but you know, I just kind of dig getting into the big arc during the season, especially the back end of the season. I tend to dig the MOTW episodes more on rewatch, after the season, when I’m semi-relaxed, when I’m not waiting for the next big disaster to befall the boys!
I’ve also not been particularly enamoured with the gods episodes and there’s been quite a few! Apart from the Pagan gods the Carrigans, who were as delightfully nutty as fruitcake, they’ve all been pretty bland. Chronos, Osiris, Veritas, Leshii, the plethora of gods in “Hammer of the Gods”. Meh. I understand they’re weakened because they no longer have the strength of devotion as the wind beneath their wings, but still, meh.
So, colour me pleasantly surprised by this week’s “Remember the Titans”. It was a solid hour of “Supernatural” with a good story, zippy dialogue, nice pacing, gods who I would’ve been cool seeing again, subtly handled parallels in themes, nice throwback references and some awesome brother interaction. In fact Dan Loflin’s tight script and the brother’s banter elevated this one beyond a simple MOTW episode, which I found thoroughly engaging.
To be honest, I’m gods illiterate. I studied modern history. Ancient history, well I’ve pretty much learnt that from watching TV. Geesh, I really need to read more, if only I had time around watching TV. So I had to Google Prometheus and Artemis to get their back-story (and yes I did just use the term back-story in reference to Greek mythology). I knew who Zeus was. Are you proud? Not that I think this episode was so much about these gods as it was about the parallels they reflected in the Winchester’s lives. The themes of “Supernatural” were well represented in this episode.
We had Prometheus, cursed to a life of torment because he chose to help humanity, for which he died over and over. We had Prometheus’ son, destined to live a cursed life because of the choices of his father. We had Artemis, exhibiting freewill and choosing to do what was right over following a father she no longer had faith in. And we had Prometheus declaring that nothing was worthwhile unless you have your family. If he couldn’t save his son, what was the point of saving the world?
I must admit I got a bit antsy watching the conversation between Sam and Prometheus unfold. Was this simply recognition of what the brothers have done for each other in the past and once again reinforcing the central theme of family, or was this foreshadowing of what will happen in the future. We know these trials are taking one hell of a toll on Sam and we’ve got to assume it’s only going to get worse. Will Dean end up putting his life on the line to save Sam from the outcome of the trials? Or will it be Sam that realises none of this is worth it if he can’t save Dean? Is the cost of closing the gates of Hell simply going to be too high for the Winchester brothers?
This is something I’ve enjoyed this season, especially in these recent episodes, recognising the themes of “Supernatural” and honouring them via parallels within the story. We saw it clearly here and clearly with Adam and his Golem, but it’s been something the show has touched on again and again in season 8. Family has become a strong focus once more. Through the MoL legacy, the legacy of the Judah Initiative and now Prometheus and his son, we see the importance of family as a theme in “Supernatural”, which reinforces the importance of family to Sam and Dean and Sam and Dean to each other. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that this theme has been revisited so strongly since Sam and Dean decided to recommit to each other and their mission at the end of “Torn and Frayed”. I definitely feel like this season, we’re reigniting this central theme of the show.
The other thing the show’s touched on this season, is allowing the brothers to remember. Little references have been cropping up to past cases. Like here in “Remember the Titans” we heard about Bobby and his wife, Bobby and the woodchipper and then Bobby and Rufus as referenced by Sam. I’ll admit it’s not been consistent and sometimes poorly used as in hurtful, irrational rants that I wish we never had to hear, but it’s certainly been more prevalent this season than in recent years and I’m appreciating the continuity to the larger story.
But the MOTW and gods aside, it was the banter and interaction between the brothers, which was the heart and soul of “Remember the Titans”, of course.
Sam’s coughing up more blood and he looks scared. I totally get why he’s not talking about it. I think it’s a bunch of stuff, he’s scared because he doesn’t know what’s going on and he’s feeling shaken by it, he doesn’t want to worry Dean or risk Dean wanting to take over the trials which would then put Dean in danger, he wants to prove to himself and his brother he can do this, and the big thing, he doesn’t know what lies ahead, there’d be so much bubbling away inside of him, all rising from fear of the unknown.
Dean to his credit, can see something is going on, sees Sam is being “cagey”, that he’s “hurting” but he isn’t pushing his brother, isn’t showing any displays of anger, isn’t adding to his brother’s anxiety. Instead, he’s keeping an eye on Sam, giving him a pep talk when needed and keeping his own fears to himself. I don’t think Dean thinks Sam’s not capable of performing the trials I think he’s worried that Sam’s not capable of surviving the trials and that’s a big difference. Sam knows Dean knows something’s up and it’s got to help, at least a little, to not have his brother on his case about it. Sam’s asked for Dean to believe in him and Dean, for the time being at least, is giving that belief to Sam, even if he’s harbouring his own doubts internally.
When Prometheus died (presumably taking Zeus with him, really?), it obviously impacted Sam. The blood thing, the arm thing, all of this would be weighing on his mind. If an immortal like Prometheus who at one point saved the whole of humanity can die, maybe Sam is being foolhardy to think he’ll make it through these trials? It was almost like he was thinking out loud or finally saying what he’d been thinking. Dean of course would hear none of it, but back at the bunker, behind closed doors,
“Cass, you got your ears on? Listen, you know I’m not one for praying ’cause in my book it’s the, it’s the same as begging. But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me. We are going into this deal blind, and I don’t know what’s ahead or what it’s going to bring for Sam. Now he’s covering pretty good, but I know that he is hurting. And this one was supposed to be on me. So for all that we’ve been through… I’m asking you, you keep a lookout for my little brother, okay?”
I must admit Dean’s prayer made me ugly cry. A lot. It was raw and everything I love about Dean, because everything I love about Dean is in his heart and in his heart is Sam. This was Dean at his most vulnerable. Shutting the door and praying to a friend, a friend he’s been through a lot with. I know Cass has hurt Sam in the past, but I at least feel like he has genuine remorse for his past actions and I think Dean can see that too. I also think Cass and Dean probably ‘fixed’ a lot of their friendship during their time in Purgatory together, fighting side by side. Look at how Dean was when he finally found Cass by the river, relieved and happy that Cass was ok. But beyond all that and the not knowing what’s going on with Cass and whether he can be trusted, which Dean obviously hopes he can, what’s left to do? Who else could possibly help? If there’s just a chance, wouldn’t you take it?
Dean doesn’t pray often. Dean prayed in “The Monster at the End of this Book” when Sam was about to face off with Lilith, he prayed at the end of “My Bloody Valentine” when Sam was detoxing after killing Famine, and he prayed now, because he doesn’t know what else to do. Dean prays for Sam. The brothers are once again alone in this fight, it’s on them, specifically it’s on Sam and I think Dean’s feeling that isolation and he’s scared for his brother, scared he’s not going to make it. They have no clue what they’re facing, what’s coming next, what it will cost. So Dean prayed to someone he’s had faith in in the past, eliciting a little hope from the air. I really don’t know how anyone could think Dean doesn’t love Sam with all his heart. I know a lot of fans doubt it, but me, never for one second. Vica versa by the way. Even in their anger their love is apparent. No-one pisses you off more than the people you love the most. We tend to hold those people to a higher standard.
I thought the prayer was awesome. A highlight of the season. It spoke to Dean’s heart. It made me feel equal parts terrified and hopeful. I’m hopeful Castiel will help in someway. I’m hopeful neither brother will have to die, or disappear to parts unknown. But I’m terrified of what lies ahead.
I was interested to read that Dan Loflin was on set when they did this scene and Jensen and him worked a few kinks out of the dialogue before they shot it. I’d love to know what those kinks were. What was changed, what Jensen saw in the original words that didn’t feel true to Dean. Jensen nailed it. They guy is a master at conveying emotion. He monologues so beautifully. I kid you not on my crying. It really hit me hard.
I liked that the brothers were back to having their brains about them this week. Sam was all over the mythology, which Dean recalled, knew what a Titan was, knew Prometheus stole fire, but didn’t have the details and Sam filled in all the gaps in his Sammy way.
I absolutely loved that Sam in this ep. I loved that he picked up on Artemis feeling conflicted about Prometheus. That was Smart Sam. Smart and focused Sam. I love Smart Sam! The whole “trash talking” scene was fantastic. I loved how Sam just kept on going and Dean’s face was perfection, his “Yep, good Sammy doing great!” was freakin’ hilarious! I have so much love for this scene. (Hee these screencaps work ridiculously well together!)
In fact there were a bunch fab moments, like when Sam and Dean discussed whether there was a case or not, as on the other side of the window their John Doe got up and walked away!
The Jason Bourne line was one of the best lines of dialogue ever! “Who do we know that has Jason Bourne fighting skills, dies a lot and has a history with violent women?” Dean: “I don’t know. You?” Gold!
Dean geeking out over being a legacy and the silent stares of confusion that followed. I’m so happy Dean is embracing the MoL within. I was very pleased to see that and I’m so glad we returned to the bunker, even if they took people there, I’m loving the boys having that base (just hide the cars guys)!
I, errr, appreciated Dean’s bravado up against Zeus “Don’t be that guy”. I love tough Dean (yeah, yeah…I know). The “Let’s roll”, Damn!
I really liked that Dean wrapped his arm around Hayley. I thought that was a nice moment. It reminded me of a couple of similar moments, like in “The Mentalists” when he held Melanie after her friend was killed, or even way back in “Scarecrow” when he held Emily when her aunt and uncle were killed.
I liked Sam offering to help shelter the kid from a sad situation and take him for ice-cream, poor kid, already exposed to way too much, kind of like Sam and Dean at his age.
It was a good move to have Daniel Loflin and Andrew Dabb start writing independently of each other. Loflin did such a nice job with “Remember the Titans”. The funny and the tragic were well-balanced and little moments like the zombie believing sheriff added charm. I’d also like to say welcome back to Steve Boyum who hasn’t directed an episode since “Swan Song”. The construction on this one was excellent, I hope he sticks around again. And to top it off, both the Js were in killer form. They bounced off each other with grace and ease. A total pleasure to watch…err, obvious statement is obvious!
“Remember the Titans” may not have been the best filler episode, but it was certainly an enjoyable one.
So now we wait! Until the 20th. Booooo! When I have a feeling this season is going to explode! In the meantime, I’m off to Vegascon! So the next thing from me will probably be my write up on Jensen’s Q&A! (Squee!) For those of you off to Vegascon, see you there! For those of you not, I’ll see you back here soon with photos and stuff!
As always, thanks for reading!
Fantastic review! Loved your analysis of what is going on inside Sam’s head. And Dean’s too. That prayer was amazing. He is such an incredible actor. I love the since of family they have going on right now. It is why I fell in love with the show and why I keep coming back.
Kelly you do notice the red bull ad above you. Such a traitor to Dr Pepper.
Some posters have a problem with Dean praying to Cas. I am so glad that he still sees Cas as family, and I just know that is what he is appealing to when he was praying. Well that and “eliciting a little hope from the air” as amy says. How do you feel. Sorry if I am rehashing any discussions, I have been off and came home to bunches of emails, so forgive
Hey kaz, I know some posters believe Dean never should have prayed to Cas because of them suspecting something is going on with him. I just think he was opening up to a friend about things he couldn’t talk to Sammy about, and just asking him to keep an eye out for his little brother.
Besides, I couldn’t help thinking that Cas is pretty much the only person they know who can do the magical healing hand thing, so I’m sure if Sam got really hurt doing a trial or on a hunt because of what’s happening to him, and Dean couldn’t get him to a hospital, I think he would most certainly call Cas for help. Plus, even if he couldn’t heal Sam, he could zap them somewhere for help. I saw it less as Dean putting Sam’s life in Cas’ hands and more just asking for help if they needed it.
Then again, I do feel Cas has done enough to earn Dean’s forgiveness. Even if not as a friend, just as an ally.
In short, IMO, I’m okay with it.
Nice review. Yep, ugly cry. Pretty sure I never used that term until this show. I’m just hoping that with my Win mom complex I don’t ugly cry just seeing the J’s in Vegas. Total fail! Especially since I am missing my own boys, having not seen any of them since Xmas. Yes, Sam and Dean have helped fill my empty next, I admit it. But with season gr8 having so much emotion lately it has become much worse! God give me strength to hold it together and not be a cry baby! 🙂
Can’t wait to meet you!
Oh, one last thing in the shallow pool. Wonder if the wardrobe people decided that after seeing the guys in purple at the PCA’s they should beef up the color in Sam and Dean’s closet! So love Dean in the purple/maroon or whatever, shirt!!!
I will put in a plug for the Vanir, the first god the boys ever encountered. He was creepy, scary partly because we saw how far his followers were willing to go to placate him, but mostly because he didn’t talk.
This was a pretty good episode. For filler I enjoyed it.
Oh yes, that one was as creepy as hell. And fugly!
I am shallow to. I LOVED that shirt on Jensen.
OK, that out of the way. Boy, oh boy!! That prayer caught me off guard. I bawled. You are so right. Jensen NAILED it. Just the tone in his voice, everything. Best moment in 3 seasons.
The Bourne comment. I was in the floor laughing. Had to pause the tv. Those two.
I loved the eagle on Prometheus corpse. I said out loud to the tv, “Nice touch!”. I have alwas loved Greek mythology. Studied it in high school (I’m 50 if that tells you anything). All of Greek culture revolved around their gods. It is a rich history. Unfortunately it was all fantasy, but they didn’t know that!
Can hardly wait until the 20th!!!
Sweetondean, have fun in Vegas. We all wish we could be there with you.
[quote]I really don’t know how anyone could think Dean doesn’t love Sam with all his heart. I know a lot of fans doubt it, but me, never for one second. Vica versa by the way. Even in their anger their love is apparent. No-one pisses you off more than the people you love the most. We tend to hold those people to a higher standard.[/quote]
Amen! Bloody fantastic recap as always Amy!
I sat here for 1/2 hour trying to articulate everything I feel after watching this episode but in the end all I can say is: everything is perfect. From the writing to the directing, from the acting to the VFX. This is a show that [i]deserves[/i] to be renewed and I am so proud of the cast and crew for that (even if all I do is watch it)!
Also is it just me or are not only the VFX this season amazing but the deaths are also consistently more gruesome? Love that things are getting more ‘scary’ after a couple of what I call ‘bright’ seasons (FYI by bright I mean the opposite of dark and scary)!
If this season continues the way it is going I might just have a new favourite season. We’ll see I guess!
[quote]This is something I’ve enjoyed this season, especially in these recent episodes, recognising the themes of “Supernatural†and honouring them via parallels within the story…I definitely feel like this season, we’re reigniting this central theme of the show.[/quote]
Writing stories with themes that are parallel to the brothers’ situations, thoughts, and feelings is what I watch SPN for. It’s the storytelling. When they do it right – which they often do – it’s so damn compelling. Sweetondean, you have a knack for catching the theme of each episode, and this review hit all the right notes. Made me want to watch the episode again. (And I probably will). Thanks 🙂
Loved you review and really liked this ep. And since we’re diving into the shallow end a bit, I can’t believe nobody has mentioned Dean in his underwear and the Dead Guy robe. I think he was even wearing old man slippers. Oh yes, the leg flash and . . and . . and I’m either embarrassing myself or having a hot flash. I’m not sure I have the nerve to send this …..
BeccaB. That just made me laugh. I know EXACTLY what you mean. I hope I don’t have too many hot flashes in Vegas! 🙂
Nice review Amy.
On my first watch I was a bit underwhelmed by this episode; mostly because when I think of Zeus, I think of a very powerful God, and I just couldn’t switch off how blase they all seemed about summoning him… even though I know in SPN the Gods have lost their power. It just took me out of the moment, which is a very rare thing to happen when I’m watching SPN.
But on the second watch, I enjoyed it so much more, particularly because I looked at it with a fresh perspective after having read some of the comments (similar to your thought below, Amy).
[quote]Not that I think this episode was so much about these gods as it was about the parallels they reflected in the Winchester’s lives.[/quote]
What I loved immediately though (as always) were the brother interactions including the Jason Bourne line and Smart Sam with his trash talking (and Dean’s bewildered expressions lol). The final scene was heartbreaking… and I really wonder if Cas would’ve been able to hear this prayer anyhow… given that the bunker is meant to be warded against the supernatural. I’m not sure if Dean really expected Cas to appear, or if he was just saying out loud what he feared (to get it off his chest). Although he did look around, just in case Cas appeared. 🙁
I also wonder if the boys are collecting the various items that the MOTW are leaving behind. The ring from the Nazi necromancer, and now, the bow & arrow. They might be useful later, don’t you think?
Thanks for the review Amy… and enjoy Vegas (as if I have to say that). I’ll be eagerly looking forward to hearing about it (especially as I’m going to my first Creation Convention later in the year). 😀
[quote]I’m not sure if Dean really expected Cas to appear, or if he was just saying out loud what he feared (to get it off his chest). Although he did look around, just in case Cas appeared.[/quote]
That moment was just heartbreaking. There is a lot of comments regarding Cas at the moment, but I feel with Dean, no matter what has gone down, he sees Cas as family, period. That is good enough for me!
One of the commenters listed Cas’s past transgressions and I was shocked to realise how much pain and torment he has inflicted over the years. But I don’t feel this is any different to the chaos the brothers have caused. They DID start the apocalypse after all, and let out tons of demons, not to mention killing bunches of demon hosts. Sam and Dean have done just as many hurtful things to each other as Cas has, so wanting Cas to apologise again is IMO rehashing old dramas. I don’t think TPTB are going to get the brothers to apologise, so I hardly think Cas’s apology is coming any time soon.
Sweetondean you lucky thing you!!!! Try hold on to your dignity girl!…as you look into those beautiful luminous green eyes now 😆
(Cant believe you haven’t mentioned his green eyes in this ep, they were mesmerising JUST in case you didn’t notice)… Green VERY green
[quote]Not that I think this episode was so much about these gods as it was about the parallels they reflected in the Winchester’s lives. The themes of “Supernatural†were well represented in this episode.[/quote]
I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. I have watched the episode twice now (it’s even better on re-watch IMO) and there was something important that I missed the first time around that I caught on re-watch. That we are supposed to find parallels between Sam and Prometheus was pretty evident, but I hadn’t really caught on to the parallel between Dean and Haley until the second time around. There was a lot of discussion about Haley acting stupidly by letting Zeus out of the seal, or that she didn’t understand the plan that was being put into play to get Zeus to do what was right. But on re-watch I realized that Haley knew exactly what the plan was (Dean told her about it in the car), and decided to go against it anyway. She decided to risk letting Zeus out because he was the only one who could help her son. Right before she released him, he even said to her, “he needs me, and you know it” playing on her affections as a mother and insinuating that he would help her son, and it worked to get her to abandon the plan and release Zeus from the seal. It was only after she had done so that she realized that Zeus had no intention of helping Oliver, but planned to use him as a replacement to extract even more punishment from Prometheus.
Dean is in the same boat as Haley and basically took the same risk when he called on Cas to watch over Sam. There has been an equal amount of discussion in the threads about how Dean wouldn’t appeal to Cas on Sam’s behalf right now because he is suspicious of what is going on with Cas and feels that he may be compromised. If we are supposed to be drawing the parallel between Dean and Haley, then I think that Dean is willing to take the risk just as much as Haley was willing to risk letting Zeus free because of what powers they hold. To me it made perfect sense that Dean would pray to Cas despite his suspicions. Only time will tell if appealing to Cas will be as bad as appealing to Zeus. Poor Haley, Dean tired to tell her that Zeus wouldn’t help, and even knowing this, as a mother she still couldn’t let the opportunity pass her by without trying. I think Dean is in the exact same position. I wonder how far he’ll go to save Sam? and I’ll be interested to see if Cas can or will help or if he’ll be forced by Naomi to make things even worse.
Jensens monologue was good. But it never touched my heart becasue all i could think is Dean is once again talking to someone else about Sam instead of ..you know..talking TO SAM. Dean talks to Cas, he talks to Benny and we get their thoughts and feelings. How else are we supposed to get what Sam is feeling/thinking if Sam doesn’t reveal them? Getting them by possible Sam recogtnising himself through other charectors has gotten old and once again other people telling Sam (and us) what Sam thinks/feels. It s frustrating.
Something you said about the Gods…wanting to see one come back….gave me an awesome idea. I’d totally love to see an old God make an appaearance….as a Hunter. I think it woulds be cool if a God tried to change with the times, make himself/herself relevant and useful. he!! maybe Hercules?
[quote][b]Jensens monologue was good. But it never touched my heart becasue all i could think is Dean is once again talking to someone else about Sam instead of ..you know..talking TO SAM.[/b] Dean talks to Cas, he talks to Benny and we get their thoughts and feelings. How else are we supposed to get what Sam is feeling/thinking if Sam doesn’t reveal them? Getting them by possible Sam recogtnising himself through other charectors has gotten old and once again other people telling Sam (and us) what Sam thinks/feels. It s frustrating.
Something you said about the Gods…wanting to see one come back….gave me an awesome idea. I’d totally love to see an old God make an appaearance….as a Hunter. I think it woulds be cool if a God tried to change with the times, make himself/herself relevant and useful. he!! maybe Hercules?[/quote]
Respectfully disagree. The prayer was heartbreaking because it was so realistic…Why would Dean pray to Sam about Sam..prayers are supposed to be private and honest…Dean did the right thing by giving Sam a pep talk instead of wallow in Sam’s wavering strenght…they are soldiers about to enter battle and the last thing Dean wanted to do was further weaken Sam’s resolve…Dean’s private fears was perfectly portrayed and definitely in character…
As for the intended recepient-Cass, it is also perfectly in character for a desperate man who has issues with God to call on the closest being he believes can help. Also for those doggin on Cass, he helped the bros and even gave up his own orders from heaven for the sake of the boys. Cass chose the boys over heaven a long time ago. Sure he has made mistakes but so has Sam so it would be highly hypocritical of Dean to continue a grudge against Cass…Also I think Dean is worried about Cass because he identifies with what he is going through being both suicidal at some point.
[quote][quote][b]Jensens monologue was good. But it never touched my heart becasue all i could think is Dean is once again talking to someone else about Sam instead of ..you know..talking TO SAM.[/b] Dean talks to Cas, he talks to Benny and we get their thoughts and feelings. How else are we supposed to get what Sam is feeling/thinking if Sam doesn’t reveal them? Getting them by possible Sam recogtnising himself through other charectors has gotten old and once again other people telling Sam (and us) what Sam thinks/feels. It s frustrating.
Something you said about the Gods…wanting to see one come back….gave me an awesome idea. I’d totally love to see an old God make an appaearance….as a Hunter. I think it woulds be cool if a God tried to change with the times, make himself/herself relevant and useful. he!! maybe Hercules?[/quote]
Respectfully disagree. The prayer was heartbreaking because it was so realistic…Why would Dean pray to Sam about Sam..prayers are supposed to be private and honest…Dean did the right thing by giving Sam a pep talk instead of wallow in Sam’s wavering strenght…they are soldiers about to enter battle and the last thing Dean wanted to do was further weaken Sam’s resolve…Dean’s private fears was perfectly portrayed and definitely in character…
As for the intended recepient-Cass, it is also perfectly in character for a desperate man who has issues with God to call on the closest being he believes can help. Also for those doggin on Cass, he helped the bros and even gave up his own orders from heaven for the sake of the boys. Cass chose the boys over heaven a long time ago. Sure he has made mistakes but so has Sam so it would be highly hypocritical of Dean to continue a grudge against Cass…Also I think Dean is worried about Cass because he identifies with what he is going through being both suicidal at some point.[/quote]
I think you misunderstood me. I dont think Dean should ‘pray’ too Sam…i thought perhaps Dean should TALK to Sam. They need to talk to each other. And yes, Sam needs to talk too, not just Dean. And yes they are soldiers but supposedly they are family and brothers first.
Far as I can tell the only problem people have with Dean praying to Cass is Dean and Sam have decided that Cass is compromised somehow; maybe being controlled by an unknown enemy. So tellling Cass that Sam is hurt and compromised a bit himself is practically giving the enemy information Dean or Sam wouldn’t want them to have. Its letting the enemy know the good guys have a weakness that can be exploited and used against them.
Emotionally I get it due to Dean adn Cas’ friendship but tactically – they ARE bacisally in a war….or at least a battle – tactically its a poor choice and a bad strategy…unless Dean and Sam agreed to strategically use theiir situation to purposely feed info to the bad guys via Cas as a way to to get the bad guys to reveal themselves.
But then…as much as I would love this…I cant see Carver or the writers writing the guys as so smart and proactive.
Exactly, Amy. I’m one who has difficulty with the writing of the scene (NOT with Jensen’s delivery, which was incredible). The last scene regarding Cas the guys had was one where they felt the need the ward the cabin against Cas to discuss their suspicions about Samandriel’s death and who may be messing with Cas. There’s been no development since then–but it feels safe to Dean to bring Cas to the batcave and further to put Sam’s safety in his care? How well did that work out for Samandriel?
Dean’s gut has been pinging since Cas returned from Purgatory that something is very off about his friend. He’s not blaming him, but the sigils showed he knows he can’t trust him right now, either. Because Cas is not just Cas, he’s also whoever or whatever is affecting him.
I think Dean listens to his gut when it shouts at him. Jensen sold that scene beautifully if you only look at this episode as a stand alone. But in connection to the over all arc that’s been established, it’s an odd thing for Dean to do–and that’s on the writer.
I think it was equally odd for Sam and Dean to open up the Batcave to a random case of the week they rustled up. The only reason I can come up with for why they are leaving Kevin in a grungy boat without wards or food half the time is they feel a need to keep the bunker secret even from their allies–and the MOL story line would support that.
But if they can bring Prometheus and his civilian ex-girlfriend in and then have Dean explain all about MOL and how secret they are, then secrecy is obviously not that big a concern. So, why have they left Kevin on that boat instead of bringing him to a safer place where they don’t have to drive four hours to find out how he’s doing?
As a stand alone, the story was OK. I had issues with the plan or lack thereof with Zeus, and the boys leaving the mother behind when they were walking away instead of making sure she was onboard with their plan, but it was a much better plot than the week before, no question.
But in terms of how it connects to Cas and to the MOL, I thought it was very weak.
[quote]even gave up his own orders from heaven for the sake of the boys.[/quote]Not really .He gave up orders from heaven not because of boys but because he came to know how rotten Zach and other angels were.Cas at that time had a wonderful notion that he was giving up those orders for the brothers..but that was not what was shown IMO.[quote]Sure he has made mistakes but so has Sam so it would be highly hypocritical of Dean to continue a grudge against Cass[/quote]Dean has made mistakes himself so was Dean to Sam so rude in almost the first half season 5.[quote] hypocritical of Dean to continue a grudge against Cass[/quote]Not actually .There should be atleast some benefit to being Dean’s only alive brother.
Also Cas did not look suicidal to me.
When Sam and Dean were in the car and Sam was saying that maybe he was naive etc… I thought that WAS Sam talking to Dean about what he’s going through. It may have been indirect (because that’s what Sam does) but he was revealing things about himself in that scene, his fears, his concerns etc. And Dean got it too, which is what prompted the prayer.
Yes that is completely how I see it. He didn’t need to say ‘I am in pain’ Dean understood – and Sam knew he did.
Also it seems clear that in the graveyard Sam is having trouble digging so it isn’t that there is no evidence that he is ‘hurting’.
I saw it like that too…Sam was letting Dean know, Dean heard him and responded with that pep talk, not adding to Sam’s anxiety and keeping his own fears to himself until he was alone.
I noticed Sam struggling with the digging and I actually wondered if it was because Jared has a broken rib.
Yes that was my other guess, but watching him in that episode he was covering up pretty well the rest of the time if his rib was hurting him!
😀 when you consider how much complaining Dean did over the SINGLE shovel full of horse manure he moved in the stables episode (Sam’s count? Zero!) I am pretty sure that they could have pretended Sam was grave digging without actually making him do it …
[quote]When Sam and Dean were in the car and Sam was saying that maybe he was naive etc… I thought that WAS Sam talking to Dean about what he’s going through. It may have been indirect (because that’s what Sam does) but he was revealing things about himself in that scene, his fears, his concerns etc. And Dean got it too, which is what prompted the prayer.[/quote]
YES. Thank you E. I honestly don’t know what more could be said or how much more clear it could be.
[quote]Dean talks to Cas, he talks to Benny[/quote]
I don’t remember Dean talking to Benny about his feelings… I only saw him listen to Benny talking about Benny.
Great review. I’m surprised you didn’t mention Dean wearing the bathrobe with his undies showing. 😳 Other than that, I have nothing to add…cause I’ve already posted everywhere else! 😉
Have a great time in Vegas, and remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except for SPN, that you have to share with the rest of us. 😛
Wow, thanks for the great review Sweetondean! Yes, yes to everything. I really liked your analysis of how Sam and Dean must be feeling right now. I loved the way they communicated the typical Winchester way, how they just knew what the other was saying and feeling without too many words.
Dean’s prayer was so emotional, so full of his love for Sam it was breathtaking. It was so evident in this episode how much they both mean to each other… And that’s really the heart and soul of the Show. 🙂
Thanks for your review Sweetondean! I too was concerned when Sam and Dean brought them back to the bunker. And while Dean’s prayer was awesome I do hope that his prayer can go out and Cas could hear it but Cas is not able to get in–only because he is being manipulated by Naiome…
Have a great time in Vagas and yes that rule does not apply to anything Supernatural related! Cheers! -RG
Thank you for saying everything I think. And I would love to be able to communicate my thoughts so I am always so glad you are able. 🙂 It is such a pleasure to read your reviews. I have just arrived in Vegas…still on holiday so thought I would come early and am eagerly awaiting the con.
First of all i wanna say i just Love ur reviews,U gets everything covered up perefectly,In dean’s voice -“Ur reviews are awesome” 🙂
Its been hell of a ride with S8 till now,Well when it comes down to SPN everything seems Amazing,Ain’t it 🙂
Coming back to this epi -Greek mythology aha..So much all together..As u mentioned its love to see when boys life runs parallel to the epi story..Im gettin this feelin dat soon situation is goin to get worse-With cass being controlled by naomi n sam+Trials..Dean gonna be stuck in the middle of all it …….Jensen is one hell of an actor – He know how to display emotions n he deserves appreciation award for all of it..Im feeling sorry for cass ..Gosh! Where is he? How he hv been? ..and then What next trials gonna be about..First one made sam to loose his physical strength so May be next one -sumhow will be related to his dark side (Demon’s blood) or They will revive his hell memories..all i know they gonna be emotional..Writers are cooking sumthin…We gotta remember THIS SEASON THEME-“PERCEPTION”
I know gotta hv patience in order to know all of it :p 🙂
I can’t remember if it was here or elsewhere that we were discussing the wisdom of Dean’s prayer to Castiel. I didn’t think that Castiel would be able to hear him from the bunker, but the discussion was ‘why would he reach out to Castiel if they thought he was being manipulated’.
Well, I’ve just seen the sneak peek for the next episode and I think they might address this. No spoilers, other than to say it’s interesting and I’m very excited that the hellatus is almost over 😀