Promo Pictures: Supernatural 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”
Courtesy of The CW, here are the promo pictures for next week’s Supernatural episode, “Heaven Can’t Wait.” Castiel is back! It looks like the gang is all in this one. Here are 16 really nice photos that tell us nothing! Other than Cas’ new alias is “Steve.”
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Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Hmmmm…. it looks like Sam and Dean will be spending some time apart in this next one; hopefully its not for the entire episode. I also wonder if picture 8 is indicating that Sam and Crowley are going to have some ‘alone time’ and if Crowley will reveal that he knows something about Zeke; and i wonder what that syringe is for? A spell of some kind?….. pure speculation on my part!! And look! It’s SUPER, GIANT Sam!. Jared looks about ten feet tall in some of these photos. 😆
Hey, Kevin, Crowley and Castiel in the same episode? I am totally there, with bells on. 😉
[quote]Hmmmm…. it looks like Sam and Dean will be spending some time apart in this next one; hopefully its not for the entire episode. I also wonder if picture 8 is indicating that Sam and Crowley are going to have some ‘alone time’ and if Crowley will reveal that he knows something about Zeke; and i wonder what that syringe is for? A spell of some kind?….. pure speculation on my part!! And look! It’s SUPER, GIANT Sam!. Jared looks about ten feet tall in some of these photos. :lol:[/quote]
If you want to know what the syringe is probably for, read the synopsis.