Unicorns, Soulmates and Sacrifices – Part 1
Sam and Amelia
As a character, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with Amelia per se. Nice enough girl, likes animals, sad back story (when we meet her). Granted, she has a bit of nasty approach to Sam that doesn’t endear her at all and I don’t like her dad too much either. Overall Amelia was never an awful person ““ despite how long it felt like we were waiting for that shoe to drop at times or that whole bit with Sam after her husband came back ““ but she was never especially engaging either. Meeting her dad, learning her history, watching her interact with Sam; none of it served to fill out a character that was likeable, charming and more importantly, a significant long-term partner for Sam. When you then focus on Sam and Amelia as a couple, there is one glaring fundamental thing that, for me, shines at the heart of this “unicorn” issue.
It is a totally reasonable and entirely relatable situation of two people establishing some sort of relationship in the wake of substantial loss such that they had both endured. Having said that, nothing of what we were shown about the progression of that relationship suggested it would have been lasting, enduring, and Heaven-forging love – regardless of whether or not either of their loved ones returned. Why? The depth of the connection just wasn’t there, at least from where I’m standing. We’ve seen Sam in a long term impactful relationship before ““ Jessica ““ and even in the brief (as in, blink and you’d miss it) glimpse we had at that, there was more connection, sweetness and demonstrable love between the two. Yes, Sam was younger and both were less scarred, for lack of a better word, by life. But Sam and Jess had a relationship as opposed to, to paraphrase Amelia’s father, two people clinging to one another while adrift in their own sea of grief.
Far be it from me to spark debate about Sam’s failure to look for Dean during the Purgatory year and the implications therein, but couldn’t fully present my arguments without a brief mention of that time. When Meg suggests Amelia is Sam’s “unicorn” part of this is premised on the fact that Amelia was able to get Sam to give up the hunter life. Well, this isn’t technically true, is it? Sam was already working as a maintenance man in the motel and not hunting before he and Amelia hooked up. Personally, I believe Sam was too grief stricken to do much more than survive and go through the motions of life and when Amelia came along as, well, an attractive life raft. Something true for both of them. One that would have eventually popped with or without benefit of the returning dead.
So, Amelia is not now, nor was she ever a unicorn. Sam didn’t give up hunting for her ““ he just happened to not be hunting upon their meeting. Their relationship was necessity. I’m not saying they didn’t care about each other; rather the foundation was never truly there. And without a foundation ““ the house that “love” builds, just won’t last.
So, what does this have to do with Sacrifice and why was that my “aha!” moment?
Lisa and Dean
We’ll get to Sacrifice, but first let’s talk about Dean for a moment. Much like his brother, Dean stopped hunting (or at least made a valiant effort to) for an extended period of time after losing Sam. Also like Sam, during this time Dean found extended companionship with a partner and set up house with a lovely young lady and her son: Lisa and Ben Braeden. By Meg’s definition, a woman who Dean apparently stopped hunting for, Lisa would be Dean’s unicorn then, yes? Let’s examine this.
Lisa was a far more appealing character than Amelia; most likely because she was developed over a prolonged period with careful thought as to fitting her into the Winchester world, as well as the special connection between Dean and Ben. Unlike with Sam and Amelia, I believe absolutely that Dean truly loved Lisa and Ben. Dean left Ben and Lisa; he elected to let them go because it was safer for them despite what he wanted. And Dean even did this before Crowley kidnapped Lisa and Ben. After this event, though it physically pained him, Dean removed his impact from their lives entirely because again ““ it was the best thing for them.
In the final scene at the hospital he explains to a memory-wiped Lisa and Ben: “I’m the guy who hit you”¦I just”¦I lost control for a minute and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I’m real happy you two are both okay and uh, I’m just glad you’re life can get back to normal now”¦.anyway, I’ll leave you two alone.” Not only is this a beautifully written and delivered scene, but the pain Dean is in makes it clear how much he loves these two and how hard it is to walk away. All of this is underscored when he threatens to punch Sam is his brother ever mentions them again.
This is not to say, however, that Lisa was his soulmate. To start with, let’s go back to Meg’s point about a “unicorn” being the one person who is capable of getting a Winchester to give up their hunting lifestyle. Well, Dean goes back to Lisa at Sam’s behest, actually. In fact, this is Sam’s dying wish for Dean. Knowing Dean as we do otherwise, it’s hard to imagine he would have spent his time mowing the lawn and barbequing willingly without that outright request from his baby brother.
The Real Unicorns
So by my count, neither Sam nor Dean have given up hunting for a woman but have instead only given up the hunting lifestyle for each other in one way or another. Overcome with grief or the last request of a condemned little brother. Whatever way you choose to look at it, they quit for love alright ““ just not romantic love.
And truly, that is the heart of what Supernatural is about ““ two brothers who love each other above and beyond all else. Sam and Dean pull each other back from the brink; they sacrifice immense and untold amounts for one another and are set adrift without the other. Is there someone who Sam would give up hunting for? Yes, his brother. And visa versa. They don’t, though, because in truth they keep each other strong and grounded in “fighting the good fight” – because in the gloom and struggle that doggedly pursues every day the Winchesters live, be it the big days where they are pushing the leviathan back from consuming the world as we know it or the (relatively) smaller days of a less complex salt-and-burn, Sam and Dean keep each other going. Nearly every episode of every season, or at the very least the big moments contained therein, are a running laundry list of examples be they dialogue, flashbacks, touches, defenses or simple exchanges of glances between the boys that prove this point over and over again. Consider Dean’s conversation with Bobby in All Hell Breaks Loose II:
“”¦something good can come out it; it’s like my life can mean something”¦I couldn’t let him die, Bobby. I couldn’t. He’s my brother.”
Without Sam, Dean is a half person. And without Dean, Sam is loses parts of himself too. This was witnessed in Mystery Spot and of course in the entirety of season four, the repercussions of losing Dean having such a profound effect on Sam overall.
When it comes right down to it, Amelia and Lisa aren’t the unicorns in this equation and never could be. The profound and unbreakable bond between Sam and Dean has been proven time and time again, they shared a Heaven Darkside of the Moon and now they’ve chosen each other over the world, is there really any doubt? Sam and Dean are the only unicorns at this party.
(Stay tuned for Part 2 – Examing the key role soulmates have played in this series since its inception!)
Elle, so well written and I agree with you 100%. I too have always read between the lines and unspoken words to see that what the writers were trying to tell us all along was that Sam felt Dean had died and he said so in so many different ways through the beginning episodes. I agree that he was grieving and lost and I never felt the connection between him and Amelia. I did however feel the connection between Lisa and Dean but even then, there was this hole that he could not fill and it was the loss of Sam. I never liked the unicorn reference either to Meg and never felt it deserving but it sure fits after reading your viewpoint that Sam and Dean are the true unicorns. Again, what an awesome read and thank you so eliquently putting what I have always thought. I can hardly wait for part 2.
[quote]I never liked the unicorn reference either to Meg….[/quote]
Sorry, I should have proofed myself, it should say ….reference either from Meg…..
Thanks for the article.
I was thinking about this topic, too, a while back and thinking how the term soul mate is so tied to romantic love that it is somehow doesn’t fit the Sam and Dean relationship unless you are a Wincest fan.
I was thinking more along the lines of soul friend, but in the way Morgan Llewellyn describes it is her novel, Druids. The main character becomes a powerful Druid leader who recognizes that the heroic leader of the Gaul resistance against the Roman Empire is a soul friend. As the author describes it, the Druids believed that the soul was immortal and could be re-born again and again and during those different life spans, souls were surrounded by their soul friends. Soul friends are people who are drawn together and despite any differences in race, age, gender, religious belief, etc. feel an immediate connection and bond – like they’ve known each other all their lives, even though they’ve never met before. Soul friends have the deepest relationships. As the author said, there is a recognition that soul friends can be much greater together than they are able to be apart. They guide, support, protect, and are responsible for the well-being of the other as they go through their lives. Time, distance, and even death cannot break that bond. In other lives they will find each other and continue their “great unfinished conversation” as the author puts it. Since these relationships have to do with souls, they are not about sex or romance. But, a soul friend can be a spouse, lover or romantic partner in one life span and not in another; they can also be brothers, cousins, parents, etc. I think of a soul friend as a person who just gets another person. There’s a deep understanding, appreciation and respect without a lot of explanations or words.
I hope I’m making sense.
So, whether Sam and Dean are called soul mates, unicorns, or soul friends, Supernatural fans appreciate the depth of that relationship. It’s what makes the show so special to us. And, the same goes for Jared and Jensen.
In response to Trucklady’s comment about Meg and
if we go with the premise I talked about above –
Wouldn’t it be interesting to consider that Meg could have recognized Cas as a sort of soul friend to her? She said he was her unicorn.
It seems to me that Cas, as an angel, sees souls, not persons. It could explain why he wasn’t bothered by Meg’s remarks about their relationship. And, it could also explain why he was so angered by religious leaders preaching hate against other people – for whatever reason. He is the servant of a God who cares deeply about souls above all else. And, sorry to disappoint Destiel fans, but it would certainly explain his love of Dean’s beautiful soul.
I am torn by your article. I certainly agree that Sam and Dean have a bond that surpasses any romantic relationship either has had to date. But, I still hope for further generations of Winchesters. Think of the great spin off series: Hunters & Sons. Even better, imagine the brothers with hunting daughters or picking up kids from daycare covered in monster goo.
I suggest there are female counterparts to Sam & Dean. They wouldn’t have to be actual sisters but female hunters who can’t meet the right guys because they are likewise unicorns. Too much???
[quote]I am torn by your article. I certainly agree that Sam and Dean have a bond that surpasses any romantic relationship either has had to date. But, I still hope for further generations of Winchesters. Think of the great spin off series: Hunters & Sons. Even better, imagine the brothers with hunting daughters or picking up kids from daycare covered in monster goo.
I suggest there are female counterparts to Sam & Dean. They wouldn’t have to be actual sisters but female hunters who can’t meet the right guys because they are likewise unicorns. Too much???[/quote]
I certainly don’t mean to suggest that Sam and Dean won’t, don’t or can’t have romantic relationships. From my perspective, Dean and Lisa did have a very real, deep and loving relationship. However – she was not a soul mate in the sense that Sam is.
The female hunters/counterparts is a good theory too.
Trucklady – thanks for your kind words! For whatever reason, that line from Meg stuck out and haunted me for ages until I finally started to write. Though I’m not a proponent of wincest, I do believe Sam and Dean are true soul mates, which isn’t necessarily tied to romantic love.
BookLady – I really like your idea of soul friend as well. It’s a really good concept that fits in with Sam and Dean very well – and also with Cas and Meg. I agree with you that Cas sees the soul, the true person, and it’s why he reacts as he does sometimes. I also think it’s because he touched Dean’s soul in it’s pure form when he was also in his true angel form that is part of the reason for their deep, intense connection.
I love the ideas youve written about and wish i can beleive them. But how can two people be soul mates or even soul friends if they can’t even talk to each other? Or they try to talk but as Garth said neither is listening to the other.
I’m sicked at the thought that these two guys may spend eons being reincarnated into people who simply can’t be bothered to even TRY to see the others POV. THat they are SO QUICK to see the other in a negative light and so QUICK to declare the others actions as an INTENTIONAL betrayal.
I can actually see Lisa and Dean as actual soulmates. They alwasy seem to find each other….are always drawn to each other. Having her mind wiped doesn’t end this…just prolongs their next meeting. I can see at the end of the show Dean bumps into Lisa and like everytime before…she is drawn to him.
I can’t see Ameila ever being that for Sam simply because he never told her about a HUGE chunk of his life…of who he is. As you said …there was never that connection. sarah would have been Sam’s perfect soulmate if she hadn’t been used as a last minute kill shot. She got Sam and she knew him and about his life.
Too bad Crowley couldn’t have killed Ameila.
Great and interesting view. I was never bothered by the unicorn nor did I dislike Amelia. I guess I took the whole “unicorn” thing as the reason Sam chose to continue living, the person that turned him around after such a great loss, not a soul-mate. The theme of the season was more about Realizing personal worth based upon Sam’s perception that she needed him. It was Amelia’s need of Sam that made him realize he still had value outside of hunting. I think that the same is true for Dean with Lisa & Ben. And, recall that Dean did not want to return to hunting once he knew Sam was back, a readjustment was required for him as well. Eventually (IMO) they each came to realize their worth to eachother at the end of season 8. We’ll see.
Thanks for this Elle, I agree with you 100%. I never felt that either Amelia or Lisa were Sam & Dean’s soulmates, that doesn’t mean that they will never find happiness with a female companion though. That could still be in their future (if they have one 😥 ). But as Ash said in “Dark Side of the Moon”, only special cases ended up in Heaven together, soulmates being one of those special cases, and that’s exactly what Sam & Dean are. Whether you call it soul friends or soulmates, same/same in my book. I’m not one of those who thinks that the term soulmate equals romance necessarily. To me a soulmate is a person you will always find through any life you have, whether it’s a sister, a brother, father, mother, lover, whatever. That’s what Sam & Dean are to me.
I kind of viewed Meg’s statement about unicorn as in the context of unicorn being the unobtainable. After all, she did refer to Castiel as her unicorn and I viewed that as meaning this was something she wanted but could never have.
When Meg was talking to Sam, she said [i]”So, some chick actually got you off hunting, huh? That’s one rare creature. Tell me — how’d you meet this unicorn?”[/i] In Sam’s case, doesn’t unicorn also represent what has proven to be the unobtainable – a normal/safe life away from hunting?
As far as soulmates, wasn’t it established in 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon, when Sam and Dean were shot and went to heaven, that they were soulmates because the were allowed to share the same heaven (I think Ash called it their own Private Idaho)?
Firstly I really liked this article, it makes a lot of great points. Second, I am going to reveal my deep shallowness by saying that although I did like Lisa more than Amelia the main thing that bothered me was that they were both sort of boring. I know that is a spectator viewpoint, but it seems like going from hunting to a boring life… meh. My wife is awesome and I would want her to join me if I was a hunter, and I know she would, esp if something tried to hurt me. It would be nice to see more women like Jo and Ellen again, and Charlie who are willing to join in the fray.
Elle and Booklady, I love your take on Cas. I think sometimes society makes everything about physical love and forgets other deep loves. I am sure we all have people we care for, might even die for, that we aren’t having a physical relationship with. Although Cas is prob my fav daydream 😉
Good article. Agree with all of it.
Have to admit, never liked Amelia. One episode with Sarah Blake had tons more charisma between her and Sam than half a season with boring Amelia. And what a character, who’ll keep her husband in case her romance with Sam fizzles! Felt sorry for her husband. The dog was great though! 😛
After ‘Clip Show’ I was so disappointed that Crowley hadn’t offed Amelia instead of Sarah. It would have been so satisfying because it was so recent a romance. (I think most of the fans would have been quite pleased with that outcome) :-*
Loved Lisa and Ben and still do. The ideal gal for Dean would have been Jo and they could have hunted together in the future, but no, kill off the girls who might attract either of the boys. Look to the future TPTB! I don’t want it to happen, but when the show ends I’d like to know they are both with lovely ladies who share their lives happily with them. Lisa and Ben could fill that bill eventually, but you”ve gone and killed off the best one for Sam! You’ll have a hard time getting another as great as Sarah Blake! 😕
And the boys’ unicorns are each other. It can be no other way! It is and always shall be, and that’s the biggest reason we are still watching and loving this show! 😉
While I agree Sam and Dean have a uniquely strong bond with each other that’s not replaceable, I think the point of S8 was that there are many unicorns in play here. Maybe Sam and Dean are each other’s unicorns in that despite their closeness, there’s often conflict and cracks between them, they always come back together, they always try to fix it, but the unicorn is them being in step, not losing each other, working together–they want this, but they struggle. Amelia was Sam’s unicorn in that she was someone Sam connected with who was completely outside the world of hunting, Lisa was Dean’s unicorn in that they connecting, and she knew about the hunting, and it seemed like she accepted Dean for who he was. In both cases they couldn’t overcome the differences and challenges. There’s also Castiel as Meg’s unicorn, and I think this both had to do with the connection between them and something more practical, because of all the unicorns I’m listing, Castiel is the one who is actually a mystical/magical being; Meg’s primary interest in him is a weapon against Crowley, but she develops a soft spot. Also, whether seen as romantic or friendship, Dean and Cas are each other’s unicorns, they’re the impossible friendship that wasn’t supposed to be, and like Sam and Dean, they seek each other out, keep finding each other despite the separations and misunderstandings, but what they want keeps being just out of reach.
So Meg’s reference to unicorns I thought thematically pointed to this larger theme of something to shoot for, but elusive.
I think both Sam and Dean could maybe manage to have long-term romantic relationships, or maybe couldn’t. It would be difficult, but we’ve seen hunting families that weren’t itinerant. Any relationships/other bonds they formed wouldn’t change the unique connection between them, and to some extent, they’ve managed to find the unicorn because this relationship is so enduring and they will always find each other again.
Thank you so so much for this article. it was crying out to the heavens to be written!
I agree with just about everything you say. The brothers are soul-mates. They have proved it over and over again, by their sacrifices big and small, and for their day to day caring for each other.
You can see it in every glance, touch and action, that they share a profound bond and so much brotherly love.
I don’t believe that anyone else exists for whom either could ever feel such an all-encompassing love.
Having said that, it doesn’t mean that they can’t have meaningful relationships with women. I’m sure Sam felt true love for Jess, and perhaps if she hadn’t died he might have married her, or maybe not; we will never know.! Perhaps she would have reacted as Cassie did, if Sam had told her about his past hunting life and decided to leave him.
As for Lisa and Ben, I liked them but I don’t think Dean would have ever gone to live wth her if Sam hadn’t pushed him.
In any case as soon as Sam came back, Lisa herself understands that she can’t compete with Sam in Dean’s heart.
Then there’s Amelia.
This is the most unconvincing love story of them all. There was nothing In Amelia, in my opinion, to attract a man like Sam.
She wasn’t in the least sympathetic and rather bitchy, all in all..
I won’t go into the horrid ‘Sam not looking for Dean’ affair; suffice to say that Sam was on the road for an unspecified time before he had the misfortune to run into Amelia, so she certainly had no influence on his ‘not-looking’..
It wasn’t the great ‘love’ he felt for Amelia that kept him from looking his brother. ( Truly it was Carver! )
In any case, there is no way i could ever see Amelia as that special woman who would be a true love for Sam. Madison and Sarah had bags more chemistry with him in one episode than Amelia in the entire half-season.
I don’t think the brothers will ever find a meaningful long-term relationship with a woman for they have just been through too much together, and truly are the only two people on the planet that can understand each other and what their life has been since they were little children. Despite the bad moments they are at their happiest in each other’s company.
I hope they end up either going off into the sunset together in the Impala ,or dying together and making that last journey, maybe with Tessa to accompany them, to the gleaming Impala in the sky.
Thank you again for writing this. 🙂
It is interesting, Bevie, that Crowley did not offer Amelia. Perhaps that’s another big indicator of the lack of passion or connection or whatever, in that relationship – especially once Sam had stepped away from it. Besides, Sarah was a fan favourite. Or at least, she was for me!
njspnfan – I did find Ash hinted at Sam and Dean being soulmates, though it was explicit in [i]Dark Side of the Moon[/i]. I did enjoy the concept of shared heavens quite a bit though. It’s something I plan to talk a little about in Part 2. Your point of the unicorn as unattainable is interesting – maybe that was the intended message. For me it seemed more of a point about Amelia being so beloved to Sam that she was able to get him off hunting and that was the implied tone of it all that bothered me enough to prompt this essay – for all above reasons.
Dot – you make some good comments about the themes of season eight overall and how the unicorn idea plays in. For me, however, I believe that Sam and Dean are each other’s stalwarts and that it the enduring thread of the show ultimately and what makes them each others soul mates. This isn’t to the exclusion of a long-term, monogamous romantic relationship or independent family life for each of them later on necessarily – but at this point the fundamental key is each other and that will always be. It’s a unicorn thing, because not many people can have a bond that deep and everlasting like Sam and Dean.
Thanks for all the comments and discussion points, all. Glad the article was well received!
Food for thought. Hmmm. Soulmates. Are they made or born? Sam and Dean do certainly seem to fall into that category. Would they still be so close and bound together if their life had gone differently? If the YED had not entered, if they had another “destiny”. I think their hardships fused them in ways that might not have happened otherwise. Like battlefield bonds.
[quote]It is interesting, Bevie, that Crowley did not offer Amelia. Perhaps that’s another big indicator of the lack of passion or connection or whatever, in that relationship – especially once Sam had stepped away from it.
Well, to be fair… Crowley had no way of even knowing about Amelia. All of the victims were from very early episodes with the exception of Jenny Klein, and she was only from season 6, two whole years prior. I think Crowley absolutely would have offered up Amelia as victim if he had known about her. Even tho Sarah was a better character it would have been more painful for Sam if Amelia had been used. Amelia was never a part of the hunt, therefore she was not and probably won’t be part of the books making her out of Crowleys reach, at least for now.
Elle, This was a great article. But though I do absolutely agree that Sam and Dean are each others soulmates (I don’t soulmates are necessarily sexual either), I agree with njspnfan, that that the unicorn was meant to be something desired by never obtainable and not real (referring to Amelia and life outside of hunting). Whereas his relationship with all his brother is all too real (well in the context of a fictional show 😀 ). They hurt each other, die for each other and really can’t function completely without the other.
Though I hate to lump Lisa and Ben in with Amelia (who I have extremely strong distaste for), I feel they both were ports in the storm for men who’d lost everything, I don’t think Dean went to Lisa because he loved her but because she represented a different life and gave love and comfort to a devastated man. I will agree though that I think Dean came to love her and Ben a lot and was heart broken to leave them. While I don’t feel like we ever saw anything to make us believe that Amelia really meant that much to Sam. Jared was doing his best but they gave him nothing to work with. We saw Lisa caring for Dean and supporting him and Dean as part of that family unit. We saw Sam listening to Amelia and supporting her and almost nothing else of their lives. IMO we can obviously see why she would love Sam but not vice versa.
And although I can see E’s point, I wished they’d messed with canon (they’d mangled all season anyway) and killed on Amelia and kept Sarah. That’s the kind of girl Sam needs, someone who doesn’t allow to remain all in his head and doesn’t mind a bit danger. I loved Jo but I never saw her either of the boys, she seemed more like a sister to me (though I thought she had better chemistry with Jared). But someone more like her or Annie or Charlie, who at least knows about the supernatural stuff and accepts it or becomes part of the fight. I have to admit, if Charlie was bi I would totally ship her and Dean. They are so cute and funny together. Actually I could see someone quirky like her working with Sam too. They both need someone to pull out their playful, lighter side.
BUT as much as I would like them to end up EVENTUALLY with families, I still don’t think a huge love interest story will work on this show (I was hoping they’d prove me wrong with Amelia but EEK), for severally reasons. Logistically, it’s the 2 of them and a car, I don’t know how they are even going to make Cas work. Thematically, since not just Sam and Dean but Sam-n-Dean are the focus and the heart of the story, a large focus on another relationship could change the tone of the show (again was hoping to be proven wrong, but….freaking soap opera). The show hasn’t ever been romance oriented and switch over to that feels wrong.
And I’ve gotten completely off topic so I’m going to stop now.
[quote]Food for thought. Hmmm. Soulmates. Are they made or born? Sam and Dean do certainly seem to fall into that category. Would they still be so close and bound together if their life had gone differently? If the YED had not entered, if they had another “destiny”. I think their hardships fused them in ways that might not have happened otherwise. Like battlefield bonds.[/quote]
I think if soulmates exist then they simply are and would find eachother no matter the circomstances. JAred and/or Jensen once said at a con that they would have become friends no matter what. SPN is simply what brought them together sooner rather then later.
If Hunting is the only reason for Sam and Deans bond…then no they are not soulmates. They are simply two people thrown together due to ciircomstaznces. MAybe Dean was right in What is and what never will be. The two would never have been close if it wasn’t for hunting.The two would never have been brothers if the Angels hadn’t felt the need to have a Micheasl/Lucifer throw down.
I think the last 4 – 5 seasons have been proof. I certainly can’t see a soulmate using intimate knolwdge of their soulmates weakness to manipulate and intentionally hurt to acheive their own ulterier ends.
And if that is something a soulmate does…then Ruby is Sams soulmate. Azazel was Sams soulmate. Lucifer was Sam’s soulmate.
Maybe Sam should cut out the soulmates and just get himself a friend. His friends haveproven to be better then any soulmate.
[quote][quote]It is interesting, Bevie, that Crowley did not offer Amelia. Perhaps that’s another big indicator of the lack of passion or connection or whatever, in that relationship – especially once Sam had stepped away from it.
Well, to be fair… Crowley had no way of even knowing about Amelia. All of the victims were from very early episodes with the exception of Jenny Klein, and she was only from season 6, two whole years prior. I think Crowley absolutely would have offered up Amelia as victim if he had known about her. Even tho Sarah was a better character it would have been more painful for Sam if Amelia had been used. Amelia was never a part of the hunt, therefore she was not and probably won’t be part of the books making her out of Crowleys reach, at least for now.[/quote]
[quote][quote]It is interesting, Bevie, that Crowley did not offer Amelia. Perhaps that’s another big indicator of the lack of passion or connection or whatever, in that relationship – especially once Sam had stepped away from it.
Well, to be fair… Crowley had no way of even knowing about Amelia. All of the victims were from very early episodes with the exception of Jenny Klein, and she was only from season 6, two whole years prior. I think Crowley absolutely would have offered up Amelia as victim if he had known about her. Even tho Sarah was a better character it would have been more painful for Sam if Amelia had been used. Amelia was never a part of the hunt, therefore she was not and probably won’t be part of the books making her out of Crowleys reach, at least for now.[/quote]
So are you saying that Crowlys ONLY source of information about the boys is the SPN books? If thats true then Sam could EASILY combine hunting with a normal life. Nothing touched Ameila or Sam while he wasn’t hunting. Nothing SN touched her in the year Sam went back to hunting.
So it seems silly and selfish for Dean to issue the ultimatum to Sam about being all in or all out.
After reading everyone’s comments, I’m more doubtful but still hopeful the boys will find lasting romantic happiness. I would hate them to settle for something so inferior to their brotherly bond. Likewise I don’t want them with someone who would tolerate being a very far second to a brother. Lastly, I worry what it would do to the dynamics of the show.
In my idyllic visions, I see Dean with a female hunter. I’d love to see a Mulan type storyline where he gets close to another hunter initially unaware it’s a female. Then I’d match Sam with one of the newly homeless angels- a Samandriel/Castiel likable one. The writers could spend time laying the groundwork next season and leave us with a happy wrap up to the series at the end of season 10.
I would hate to see the boys end like Thelma & Louise driving off a cliff in the Impala regardless of how poetic it sounds 🙁
[i]”Without Sam, Dean is a half person. And without Dean, Sam is loses parts of himself too. This was witnessed in Mystery Spot and of course in the entirety of season four, the repercussions of losing Dean having such a profound effect on Sam overall. “[/i]
I couldn’t agree more!!!!