Supernatural Moments in 2011 That Make Me Smile, Part One
It’s that time of year again! It’s late December, I’m woefully out of ideas for articles, so I look at what I did this time in previous years and make a past idea an annual tradition.
In both 2009 and 2010, I went through all the episodes that aired the current year and picked from each episode the moments that made me smile. These weren’t necessarily the howingly funniest bits, the most heart wrenching, or the most action packed. They were just quick little bits thrown into the ep that innocently triggered those facial muscles of mine and lifted my heart, offering a subtle reminder as to why I love this show so much.
Like last year, I’ve broken these moments that make me smile into two parts. Part one is the last half of season six and part two is the first half of season seven. Here’s part one!
Like A Virgin
This part didn’t just make me smile. It got Dean too. They are working on their first case since Sam’s soul was returned, and it’s no longer the unfeeling, jerky Sam doing the questioning. It’s sympathetic, puppy dog Sam. The one who can convince anyone to open up through one look in those dewy eyes and a simple earnest plea. Sam pulls the “puppy dog” on a woman who was reluctant to answer questions, and when she agrees, Dean can’t help but be happy. Old Sammy is back. Life is good again.
This was a very intense episode. One of my favorites from season six, but it every bit about it makes me cry, not smile. However, one part gets me grinning.
This episode has the best exchange from a married couple I’ve ever seen on this show. Probably because I’ve been there numerous times myself. Debbie (aka “cuff me” lady doing it with Robo-Sam in the bathroom earlier) is draining the 16 liter (4.23 gallons!) wine box in the fridge. As her husband looks at her with scorn, her retort is perfect. “The boxed stuff doesn’t get better with age Don!” Hee, that’s exactly why I keep plenty of box wine handy. I just need to figure out how to get those big sizes from Canada.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Nice list Alice, and I’m curious to see part two.
Those bittersweet moments from “The Man Who Would Be King” are what I remember most, to be sure. Though I did enjoy, Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Cas all sitting at a table together 🙂
Awesome choices! I would just add Sam’s “You know me. You know why. I’m not leaving my brother alone out there” on The Man Who Knew Too Much, just ’cause it truly reminds me of why I love this show so much and of why I love those boys the way I do. Never fails to make me and my heart smile :-).
Oh, and I wouldn’t have the strength to choose just one scene from either The French Mistake or Frontierland cause there isn’t a second of those episodes that [i]doesn’t[/i] make me smile, but I really like the ones you picked.
On another subject, which is the limit date to donate to St Jude’s fundraiser in honor to Padababy?
Hope you enjoyed your time in Cleveland! Did you get to the Botanical gardens? Sam and Dean think they are heavenly;)
(and so do I!)
Regarding Mommy Dearest – I’m not sure why but I kept going back to the part in the booth when Bobby said he asked for a computer. Sam says with a mouthful – “it is a computer”. Bobby’s reply – “a computer has buttons!”
I have no idea why, but I found that exchange adorable!
“Its an alpaca, Dumbass!” is my absolute favorite line from all of last season. I smile at the word ‘alpaca’ in any context now. 🙂
I would have to add this from “The French Mistake”:
[i]”You’ve never even been to our house.”
“Well, now that I know there’s an alpaca out back, I’m definitely coming back.”
“Well, alpacas are the greenest animal.”
“Right. Right. That is so important.” [/i]
I just giggle everytime.
In Frontierland when Sam and Dean are geeking out over finding Samuel Colt’s journal. Their smiles alone make me very very happy.
Hi Alice,
Loved all your picks. I’ll add a few more, off the top of my head.
Like A Virgin: Dean pulling the sword, or rather NOT pulling the sword from the stone. I love the slapstick, physical comedy aspect of it. It always cracks me up, partly because we do a lot of goofy moves like that in my house.
The French Mistake: Like you all of it makes me smile, but I really love when they’re figuring out their names.. [i]”You’re Jensen Ackles, and I’m something called a Jared Padalecki” [/i]and [i]”Padaleski?.. Padalecki, pretty sure.”[/i]. And I always smile when they’re exploring Jensen’s trailer. The excitement at the remote-controlled helicopter, and the discomfort at the YouTube video of “Days of our Lives”.
And Then There Were None: When they all stick their fingers in their ears, looking for black goo.
My Heart Will Go On: The delightfully sarcastic, warm, witty exchanges between Bobby & Ellen. And the looks on the boys faces as they try avoid dying (running past the knife throwing street performers for instance).
Frontierland: [i]”Posse magnet.. I’m gonna get a T-shirt”[/i].. The way Dean can barely contain his own laughter at his really bad pun. It’s just so, so.. my house again! Sometimes you just gotta laugh at your own wit, because no one else will!
Mommy Dearest: I loved the BadAss!Dean in Let It Bleed. I loved the BadAss!Dean in Mommy Dearest when he tells Eve [i]”Bite me!”[/i] and she does, and she dies because he has mixed the phoenix ash with the whiskey.
The Man Who Would Be King: Most of this episode just makes me want to cry, but I really appreciate the sarcasm at the start from Castiel at the start. But this episode also gave us one of the all-time best descriptions of the Winchesters, and it comes from the snarky mouth of Crowley, [i]”Don’t worry about — what, like Lucifer didn’t worry? Or Michael? Or Lilith or Alistair or Azazel didn’t worry?! Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?!”
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Pragmatic Dreamer
Well said!
Great choices Alice. Anything from “French Mistake” & “Frontierland” make me giggle with pure joy. I love all the little double entendres that this show throws out to its fans. I have to explain most of them to a friend of mine who only watches the show sporadically. What a waste! She knows not what she misses.
Things that make me smile:
Like a Virgin –
Dean: “I think it just goes to show that being easy is pretty much all up side.”
Sam: “So what kind of thing likes virgins & gold?”
Dean: “P-Diddy?”
Sam: “You know it’s comforting.”
Dean: “What’s that?”
Sam: “I died for a year, came back and you’re still not funny.”
Dean: “Shut up! I’m hilarious.”
Unforgiven –
Dean: “So Agent Roarke came by here?”
Girl: “Oh, he came by here a few times.”
Dean: “Did he? And how would you characterize their relationship?”
Girl: “Relationship? No they weren’t
having a . . .”
Dean: “Just the tone or the nature of their conversations then.”
Girl: “Well . . . loud, and athletic.”
Mannequin 3 –
(Dean’s phone rings and it’s Lisa calling.)
Sam: “Who is it?”
(Dean rejects the call.)
Sam: “So . . . Lisa?”
Dean: “Maybe you should mind your own business.”
Sam: “What’s wrong with just talking to her, Dean?”
Dean: “Thanks, Dr. Laura, that’s very insightful. Look at that, time’s up.”
…And Then There Were None –
(After Sam kills Samuel.)
Sam: “I can’t help but think, what would Mom say?”
Dean: “You know what I think Mom would say? She’d say just ‘cuz you’re blood doesn’t make you family. You gotta earn that.”
Frontierland –
(The Phoenix pulls a gun and shoots through the jail bars.)
Dean: “Wow! I should have seen that coming.”
(After shooting the Phoenix.)
Dean: “Yipee ky yay, mother . . .”
Mommy Dearest –
(Sitting in a booth in the cafe.)
Dean: “Oh that’s great because without your powers you’re just a baby in a trench coat.”
(Then later.)
Castiel: “I am fairly unpracticed with firearms.”
Dean: “You know who whines? Babies.”
Let It Bleed –
Sam: “H.P. Lovecraft?”
Dean: “Am I supposed to know who that is?”
Bobby: “Horror writer? At the Mountains of Madness? The Call of Czthulu?”
Dean: “No. I was too busy having sex with women.”
The Man Who Knew Too Much –
(Sam has amnesia.)
Girl Bartender: “Is there any way I can convince you to go to a hospital?”
Sam: “No. Apparently I’m stubborn.”
I could go on and on . . .
I loved all the ones you mentioned Alice and that others mentioned in the comments too. They all make me smile. 😀
Great choices! I’m going to be thinking about these & reminiscing about those scenes all evening. I’d add the look on Dean’s face in Frontierland when he realized he was going to be the new sheriff.