It’s Here! The First Supernatural S9 Promo Photo
The CW today on Twitter (@cw_spn) released as a teaser the first Supernatural Season Nine promo photo today! There are just no words. Just enjoy the pretty and wonder why October 8th is 57 days away.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
There’s Sam in short sleeves (and tighter jeans…hehe), weapons, Cas without his trenchcoat, seriously unimpressed looks on their faces – which makes you wonder who they’re dealing with…not to mention the great lighting. Everybody wins. I wonder if this will be a scene in S9, or it’s all staged for the promo shot.
Best promo shot ever!
What a fabulous promo shot. Definitely one of the best. Now if only Sam could wear that t-shirt in every episode next season…
Ouf, I don’t know who they’re looking at, but my oh my! I’m a total Dean girl, but Sam is looking mighty fine indeedy! 😳 Can’t wait for the new season.
Oh, my! They certainly look hot. Can’t help but notice how snug Sam and Dean’s pants are, and I’m also lovin’ the short sleeve shirt on Sam. Oh, and I just wanted to ask….Does anyone else get turned on by Sam’s grunts and exertion noises when he’s fighting or out of breath? 🙂
Yummy scrummy goodness.
Anyone want to help crowd-fund my cloning project? We all need a Jared, Jensen or Misha of our own 😀
I thought the lighting was poor like its been taken through a window. Is Jensen wearing a leather jacket as it looks new. Jared is frowning I wonder why. I think Metatron could be close by, or some peed off angels. Still 57 days to go ….