The First Supernatural Season Nine Spoiler!
Shooting begins on the very first episode of Supernatural season nine on July 11th, and we’ve found out a few little (and I do mean little) facts about the episode.
But first, thanks to Ardeospina, we’re unveiling our season nine spoilers motivational poster! Actually, we have two this year. Ardeospina got on a roll, and couldn’t stop.
You like? Now, for the spoiler! A casting call went out for Episode 9.01, which has been confirmed by Jim Michaels on Twitter not the be the season premiere. They are filming out of order again. The great news is the director of this episode is none other than our most favorite guest director ever, Guy Norman Bee. He’s been in Vancouver the last week doing prep for the episode.
The title may or may not be “Devil May Care.” That’s what’s on the casting call, but Jim Michaels said that wasn’t the title. Unless he meant that wasn’t the title of the season premiere, which in that case is right. It’s written by Andrew Dabb. Anyway, what we do know is they are casting two guest actors for the episode. One is a female badass hunter by the name of Tracy, and the other is a male “old friend” of Sam and Dean’s named Irv. Another old friend? I thought they were all dead? Ah well, take it however you see it.
Yeah, that’s it. The posters were a bit more exciting, right? I will be at Comic Con in a few weeks and will be attending the Supernatural press room and hopefully the panel (fingers crossed). More season nine spoilers (or teasers really since this is Jeremy Carver) will be surfacing for sure, so as soon as we hear them we’ll have them here.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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