Promo Clip: Supernatural Episode 8.20 – “Pac-Man Fever”
I have no flipping idea what’s going on. And we have to wait until April 24th to find out. Speculate away on this one!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Okay . . . I’m going to be the first one to throw this out . . . it definitely has the vibes of the Trickster/Gabriel . . . I have always been one of those that hoped he isn’t really dead. I know we saw the wings but . . .
Definitely intrigued!
My guess they have Sam incapacitated so they can have Dean bonding with Charlie in some weird live action video game.
My guess is the same.
Back to the Dean show.
What…we have to wait until 4/24? No SPN til then? I thought we were done with hiatuses!
Agreed.Too many breaks. 🙁
Does Anyone else think that sounds like Sam saying “Game Over Kiddo?”
It is him saying it.
It seems like him.
so what if this eppy ties into the mytharc? i’m of the belief that sam did look for dean and he’s been messed with…my guess is by naomi….she really has a thing for mind control….i still think it’s possible that while sam was trying to find dean or possibly even kevin, he was getting too close to finding about the angel tablet…i think naomi messed with sam’s head…consciously he has no memory of looking or anything he may have discovered, like say a reverse exorcism….but subsconsciously…….
so maybe sam just won’t be lying around in a coma while dean does his thing with charlie….
maybe sam starts having weird dreams ….memories…..what if in his comalike state he remembers things…
now i’m not saying all the mystery would be solved…but perhaps sam gets spooked by what he feels are crazy dreams and that chips away at his mental wall…
it’s not out of the realm of possibility…..
I wonder how Sam ended up on a coma in this ep? I can think of three different ways that explain how he ended up like this:
1. He played he game that is at the basis of this epppie while he was convalescing from the trials and it made him even worse.
2. He has been in a coma since episode one, and we just find out about it in this episode and this is where Dean finds out too… (I personally love this one the best, but it isn’t my idea originally, just using it here)
3. The trial took more out of Sam than anyone realized it would and the backlash has put him in a coma.
Which one do you think it is? Does anyone else have any other ideas? I really hope that Sam doesn’t spend the whole episode like that, unless of course, they want to do an angst filled hospital bedside confessional. I guess I could take some ComaSam if they go in that direction. Looking forward to it!
OMG! Tron, Supernatural style! How cool is that?