The WFB Admins’ Top 15 “Supernatural” Episodes List: #1
Ardeospina’s #1:
“The End”
Why: Because no other episode stayed with me after watching it as long as this one did. It’s been, what, three years since it aired, and I’m STILL not over this episode. I may never be. It’s absolutely brilliant.
The most brilliant thing about this episode to me is the world it created. In less than 45 minutes (because a little time was devoted to the present) Ben Edlund was able to present an entire post Apocalyptic future, and it was terrifying. Bringing back Croatoan was inspired, and I for one am glad the show didn’t use it between “Croatoan” and this episode because the effect was perfect. “Hey, remember that little demonic disease that popped up three seasons ago? Bam, demonic endgame. Didn’t think it was that important, did you?” It was a brilliant callback, and suddenly explained why it was important for the demons to test Sam Winchester: better make sure Lucifer’s vessel is immune, after all.
The Crotes were just as scary this time around, perhaps even moreso because there were so many more of them. And can we talk about how intense the chase scene was where Dean is baited by the Crote little girl, chased down a ruined street by a Crote crowd, and then narrowly misses getting his head blown off by troops blasting Golden Oldies? Because it was intense! And awesome.
“The End” also gave Jared, Misha, and especially Jensen the chance to show off their impressive acting chops. And show them off they did. Hippie Castiel is so bitter and angry underneath his devil-may-care attitude. The Dean he tethered himself to no longer exists, but he just can’t let go. Samifer was inspired. What a creepy version of the devil, no? You can see why so many people bought into his nonsense because it sounds so plausible, makes so much sense. Jared nailed it. I know there were people who were upset he wasn’t in more of the episode, but if Sam had been in it, I think the effect of seeing him as Lucifer wouldn’t have been as powerful. And Jensen… Damn, that man was brilliant in this episode. Dean!14 was so cold and calculating, and yet, you could absolutely see our Dean in him. It was so plausible that separating from Sam, watching him become Lucifer, watching his brother start destroying the world would turn Dean into that “fearless leader,” wasn’t it? It was bone-chilling. Just top notch all around.
Sweetondean covered this episode for her #3, and since I am basically agreeing with everything she said, I’ll just say that “Supernatural” is going to have a very tough time ever topping this episode for me. Also, do you think Dean steered Sam well clear of the white suits the next time they needed to grab an FBI getup? “Dean, what do you think about this one?” Sam holds up a white suit. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE.” “But, Dean, I kind of like –“ “NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE.”
Favorite Quote: There are a number of really good ones to choose from, but for me, the most chilling was this:
Lucifer: Whatever you do, you will always end up here. Whatever choices you make, whatever details you alter, we will always end up””here. I win. So, I win.
I win. So, I win. DAMN. In that moment, it was so hard to remember that Sam, Dean, and Cass were going to rail against that destiny crap with every bone in their bodies.
Favorite Scene: Sweetondean already chose the epic Dean/Lucifer confrontation in the garden, so I’m going to go with the epic chase scene in the beginning. I love a good chase scene, and to me, a foot chase always seems like there’s more at stake than a car chase. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m not a fast runner, heh. But Dean being chased by the Crotes was super tense and awesome.
And there you have it! Our lists are complete. What did you think of them? Whose list was the closest to your own personal list? Whose was the farthest away? And the fun isn’t over because on the next page, Ardeospina’s put together some graphical analysis of our list choices. (Yes, this is fun for me, okay? Graphs are fun! ~Ardeospina)
On page 4, graphs!
Thanks so much, ladies. Fabulous lists – and great highlights of each episode. Alice – thanks for sharing that story. Could you repost that article (How a show manages to succeed despite its network) or post a link to it? I would love to read it.
Oops! I thought I had that in there. Here you go!
Thanks Alice. Great article! As I read it, I was thinking that the CW seems to be giving the show a lot more love in season 8 than it did in 3. Quite an accomplishment dor you and others like you!
Yes, thank you for your lists! I’m a little ashamed to say I don’t have any of your #1 picks in my top 15. Ashamed, because I love all three episodes, especially “The End”. I kind of want to put it on my list now. But what would I take off?! Narrowing it down is such a tough task, and probably one that would change with my mood. What’s done is done, I suppose!
My top episode of Supernatural is “Bad Day at Black Rock”. It just gets better every time I watch it! Probably helps that I always enjoyed Bela as a foil to the boys. Oh, but cursed Sam was adorable! I usually have more of a soft spot for Dean, but seeing Sam just sitting there as the hotel room catches on fire… good stuff. Not much to say that hasn’t been said, so I’ll just leave it with this:
“I lost my shoe.” – Sam
I also wanted to thank Alice for sharing her origin story with us! I’ve been to a few other fan sites looking for interesting discussions, and I’ve seen some of the hate that you saw on livejournal. I don’t understand it, personally, because I have to really love something before I’m willing to spend my time and energy sharing my thoughts with the internet. Who would bother posting just to hate? Thoughtful criticism or debate is great, but a lot of what’s out there seems to be vicious attacks on the people who are working so hard to make the show or the fans who are still enjoying it. Ultimately, I’m so glad I found this site, because you all do a marvelous job moderating it and keeping the discussions positive and thoughtful. So thanks for that!
Sweetondean-I watched season 1 for the first time on DVD so I watched a string of episodes at once, and I think Faith was defintely the first time I got the sense that SPN could be epic. They were actually toying with questions like “Is there a God?” I loved that since there’s no other show I can think of that I’ve watched that has inspired so much philosophical thought in me.
Alice, I must admit I’m not at all surprised at your number 1 pick. I’ve been hanging around here long enough that I know your feelings toward Mystery Spot, and figured your mind wouldn’t have changed. How A Show Manages to Succeed Despite Its Network was the first article of yours I ever read, back when I was trolling the Internet for a place to read about this show, since no one knew anything about it here until I’d been a fan for about two years. It did take me a while to get up the courage to start commenting, and now I’m pretty much addicted. Mystery Spot is still a go-to episode for me, one of those that I like to call a great example of how good this show is at balancing horror, humour and drama.
Ardeospina-Oh, The End. I pretty much adore that episode too. I was utterly mesmerized by the scene between Samifer and Dean, and man, watching Jensen play off himself, how the differences between Dean and Dean14 were subtle, yet in your face. I think a little part of me may have died when Dean14 said he and Sam hadn’t spoken in 5 years, then the scene right at the end brought it right back to life. “We keep each other human”, indeed.
Thanks for these lists, ladies, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them. I have been starting the inklings of my own, so we’ll see how that goes, and if I can get it down to 15!
Thanks ladies for the epic undertaking. I didn’t always agree, but I enjoyed reading.
Alice, thanks for this last choice. For me, Mystery Spot will always be one the best hours of television ever. I can’t even think about it without tearing up. I loved it from beginning to end, but the last shot of Sam staring at the unmade bed with that devestated look had me sobbing.
And can I just add how glad I am that this episode led you to where we are today.
Thank you for your wonderful list. I don’t know how you were able to do it. I love them all.
Thank you ladies for this great list, I enjoyed every one of your choices, and your number ones certainly deserve all the praises you’ve given them.
Alice, I loved your story on how you started this site, because this very site is the reason I found the great fandom that is the Supernatural family. I’m not big on checking out websites about television shows, but when I heard about yours, I just had to check it out and I’ve been hooked ever since. I always felt alone in loving this show, never having managed to get any of my friends or family to even want to watch it, let alone become fans. I do on occasion force (yes, force) my big sister to watch one of my favourites with me, but no go. It’s because of this site that I started checking out the conventions on Youtube and falling more in love (if that’s even possible) with all the people involved with the show. And thanks to this site, I’m going to my first convention in Toronto. Sorry for gushing so much, but I felt I finally had a chance to thank you for everything you’ve done and keep doing for this wonderful show. 🙂
Sweetondean’s list is closest to mine because she had the most of seasons 1 – 3 and those are my favourite seasons.
Alice comes second for the same reason. Sorry, Ardeo, I loved your choices but nothing from 1-2?
I think sweetondean has helped me to make my difficult choice of number one with her review of “Faith”. Of all the episodes ever, this one has my heart and soul completely. I love it and it is just the epitome of the reasons I love this show and still do, in spite of missing out lately on the love between the boys, and will keep me enslaved until the finale! Oh, how awful that day will be! 😥
Mystery Spot and The End are both in my inflated top five! I think my top five is just about 50 episodes over the top. 😮
Hi Alice, Ardeospina and Sweetondean,
Thanks so much for this wonderful, wonderful series. I wish I could tell you my top 15 episodes, but I can’t. It would change every day! But I’m pretty sure almost all your top picks would be on my list. (Okay, that would make my list about 35 episodes long.)
Part 2…
Well that’s embarassing. I pushed some random button on my computer and posted my comments too soon. Who knew?
Thank you for all the personal stories you shared. I was especially interested to hear Alice’s stories of how she started the-little-website-that-could for the-little-show-that-could.
So, in a little twist on Dean’s line from The End… Thank you Supernatural and WFB…
We keep each other sane.
We keep each other supported.
We keep each other motivated.
We keep each other connected.
We keep each other happy, sad and really, really REALLY looking forward to Wednesdays!
Gracias! 😆
Love all 3 of these. I think everyone has 1 episode that holds a special place in their hearts. For some it is the 1st one they ever saw. For me personally, it is the 1st time I ever cried over a TV show. That is when I realized just how amazng this show (and Jensen Ackles) really is.
All Hell Breaks Loose 2. Of course I mean the Dean talking to dead Sam scene. I mean this episode has everything. Sam’s dead; Dean’s speech to him. Dean selling his soul. Sam coming back. Bobby when Sam comes back. Bobby and Dean’s junkyard talk. Ellen comes back. The 100 mile devil’s trap. Killing Jake. The devil’s gate opening. John is back (for a second anyway). And the biggest thing of all–Dean KILLS YELLOW EYES!!
Most shows are afraid to kill off he big bad,but not this show. They just make another big bad.
But for me, that scene did it. I didn’t cry over imaginary people. Not real. Why should I cry? All that went out the window with Jensen’s first tear and quiver in his voice. I had to stop the dvd. I was sobbing.Now, they all get me. Every time that man sheds a tear, I cry. And sometimes when he doesn’t!!
Thanks so much for sharing your top 15 episodes. It was a great idea and inspired me to look back & attempt the same… it was so hard! Kudos to the brilliant ‘little show that could’, which has delivered so many great episodes. One thing it confirmed for me was that season 4 was my definitely my favourite (as after my initial cull, I still had 11 episodes from season 4). Doh!
I also really enjoyed reading about those episodes that impacted personally on you… this gave me new insight to some episodes that I wouldn’t have expected to see on the lists… very moving. Thanks especially to Alice for sharing her story about how ‘The Winchester Family Business’ website came to be… I’ve only discovered it recently and I really enjoy coming here to read the blogs and comments.
I will list my top 15 on your other blog… but I will say that I have the Pilot and Swan Song in my top 5. They are the perfect book-ends to an incredible story created by Eric Kripke and I loved both of them. I watched Supernatural from the beginning and the first episode had me completely hooked. Then, when I watched Swan Song, I thought I was watching the final episode. I was so proud of Sam & Dean and, at the same time, devastated at the thought of Sam forever in the cage with Lucifer. It had such an impact on me.
A few days later, I found out that there was going to be a season 6… and Sammy was not done for… I can’t begin to tell you how happy that made me 😀
Thanks again girls! It’s been a lot of fun filling the final days of the hiatus 😆