sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview – “Supernatural” 8.10 “Torn and Frayed”
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Guess what? The HELLATUS IS OVER! Hazzah!
And, hi, .how have you all been?
OK.. enough of the niceties, we have an episode to discuss!
Oh, .my, .
Yeah so,
Sam hired Crazy Martin to spy on Benny.
Martin thought Benny was eating people.
Sam told Dean.
Dean was remarkable restrained.
Sam gave Dean time to go see Benny.
Benny told Dean it was some other vampire dude.
Sam didn’t believe Benny, or at least, didn’t trust him.
Sam and Dean got all cross with each other…again.
Martin clonked Dean on the head.
Dean, handcuffs, handcuffs, .handcuffs, . oh, errrr.
Sam and Martin go off to kill Benny.
Dean manages to warn Benny and they go off to kill that other vampire dude.
(ok, here’s where it all starts to go really pear-shaped, )
Dean, to protect both Sam and Benny from offing each other and to ensure that he doesn’t lose either a brother or a friend (yes, my interpretation), sends Sam a fake S.O.S. text from Amelia.
Sam jumps in his car and races towards Kermit (the place not the frog).
Crazy Martin, left behind, finds a picture of Benny’s grand-daughter Elizabeth.
– FLASHBACK , we find out Don comes back and Sam steps out of the picture to give Amelia a chance with her ex, END FLASHBACK –
Crazy Martin holds Elizabeth hostage and calls Benny.
Benny races to her rescue.
Benny tries to talk Martin out of killing Elizabeth, but you know, Martin’s a tad crazy, so,
Meanwhile, in Kermit, Sam arrives at Amelia’s and sees her cozying up on the couch with her hubby Don (whom you never take a joint from apparently).
Meanwhile, in the Impala, Dean gets a call, rushes back to the diner where Benny worked only to find, .Elizabeth sitting on the steps looking a little shell-shocked and BLOOD EVERYWHERE, is it, could it be, .phew, it’s Martin. Benny’s in the wind.
Meanwhile, in Kermit, D’oh! The penny drops, Sam goes to a bar and rings Dean, yeah, not the happiest of phone calls, I’m not going to relive it,
Hang up, Sam cranky. Dean, “Damn it.”
Then Sam is just finishing up his drink, gets up, turns around and, AMELIA!
Fade to black…
Will Sam ever speak to Dean again (errr…)
Will Dean apologise to Sam (hmmm, )
Will Sam stay in Kermit with Amelia or hit the road with his bro (ummm, )
What’s going on with Cass? Where’s Kevin? The tablet? Crowley?
Heee! Well, we’re about to find out! Because… we’re back, people!
First up let’s look at the synopsis for this week’s episode.
“Supernatural” Episode 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”
CASTIEL MUST SAVE A FELLOW ANGEL – Naomi tells Castiel that Crowley is holding an angel captive and Castiel must rescue him before Crowley finds out their secrets. Castiel turns to Dean for help.
Meanwhile Sam meets with Amelia, who asks him to make a choice: stay with her or leave and never contact her again.
Robert Singer directed the episode written by Jenny Klein.
Well Sammy, stay, or go. What’s it going to be? (Not that I’m liking Amelia to a reaper or anything, .). Ugh. I hate ultimatums, . Either way, it’s a no win for Sam, no brother or no Amelia, What’s he going to say do you think? Errr… Yeah. I mean in the short term, because long term we know what the answer will be. Unless this show goes a completely unexpected direction!
So one must assume, Naomi is sending Cass to rescue Alfie. I’m guessing it’s Alfie anyway. I hope Cass can save that cute as a button, ex bug loving angel. But Alfie’s already spilled the beans on the potential prophets, so I wonder what else Naomi is covering up? Is it about what she’s up to in Heaven, or maybe something to do with the tablets?
Let’s look at the promo, I’m doing it a bit different now, I’ll post it right here,
I need both of you to stow your crap! Bahahaha! Yes. This. Exactly. Listen to the angel.
So it looks like Sam tries to slam the door in Dean’s face…who I’m assuming has gone to find his brother… *sigh* ok, I’ll be honest… I need some happy. No more the war of the Winchesters…I know it’s coming…I know that we’re in for better times…(I think anyway)…but, just hurry already, I’m getting impatient. It’s probably just this hellatus with the S.O.S. call and the hanging up and the angsty anger over all their blah blah blah blah… But, come on boys…stow your crap. Actually no, get your crap out in the open, talk about it, deal with it, hug it out and move on. Pl-ease! Ok, I feel better.
Anyhoo… Looks like Naomi is performing some kind of surgery on Cass with a drill or a sonic screwdriver (one for the Doctor Who fans) or something! Eeeep. Why exactly would she need to use some kind of tool do you think? When normally they just use their zapping hands. I’m intrigued to know what’s going on here. I bet you it’s not what it looks like.
What’s Cass’ “What did you do to me?” about? Is he starting to realise something’s amiss? And is Cass hearing weird noises or voices or remembering something or what…he’s pretty freaked out and he’s holding an angel killing blade! So maybe Naomi says…rescue to Cass…but actually brainwashes him to kill Alfie (if it is Alfie)?
And if it is Alfie that Crowley has held hostage…well, he’s got some kind of torture contraption on his head…it must be torture because Crowley is wearing his torturer’s apron. We know how he dislikes blood splatter on his suits! And who the hell is that behind Crowley in what looks like a lab coat? Crowley’s side-kick? Any ideas?
This promo is pretty cutty and doesn’t show a lot, but it does give us a fair bit of mystery.
What are your thoughts…wait…let’s look at the preview clip first…
Umm talk about change of pace! Kevin looks worse for wear…looking at half a tablet. He’s totally fed-up. Poor guy. Being a prophet really sucks.
Okay…here’s the thing that’s always worried me about the angel storyline… They can’t get what they need for the demon bomb, but just give Cass the shopping list and they’re sorted. It’s the one thing that troubled me before Cass ‘died’ and left the Winchesters to their own devices in season 7. If you have an angel buddy at your beck and call…well, is there anything you can’t achieve? Because, if you need his help, chances are he’ll be there for you and he’s pretty damn powerful. So, then, where’s the drama, where’s the tension, where the peril? If you can just get Cass to whip all over the world to get you what you need….. I’m not saying I don’t want Cass about, but, it’s the one thing that worries me…I like the Winchesters to be their own men, to be self sufficient, to be smart, I like it when they have to scramble and figure it all out themselves. I think the writers need to be really careful with things like this in regards to Cass’. How do you guys feel about it? Am I the only one that feels this way?
Anyway…yeah, I guess they couldn’t get all those bits and pieces without Cass (which is kind of my point) and I guess they need them…or maybe when Cass zips off, something happens. Who knows. This clip gives us next to nothing. The CW making us wait…how frustrating!
I couldn’t find a CHCH promo…I’m so sorry, I know how you like them.
Ahhh…and she ends on a low-note…
So what are your thoughts…theories…crazy ideas? Are you excited. I’m excited. I am really, really excited!
And don’t forget…for spoilers for upcoming episodes visit our spoilers page.
Ok…hit me in the comments…and…I’ll see you in reviewland! Enjoy the episode. THE HELLATUS IS OVER! Yay!
HOLD THE PRESSES! This just in…Carver’s preview.
I’m not going to say anything other than…a couple of questions answered…a big one hanging in the air…eeeep….*wibble*…that is all.
We’re Baaa…aaack! 😀
I only have 2 comments:
1) on Carvers preview…. Oh S**T! 😥 😮
2) on the Australian preview… (Thank you for including this.. Cheered me up a touch…) 🙂 Yay for lost T-shirts! ….And unshaven manly chests :-*
Ok, 3 comments… I agree with you on how easy it would be to overuse Cas.. In some cases, I think he’s already been overused as the quick-fix. Not quite sure what they can do about that, as long as he stays around… Maybe that’s the purpose of the sonic screwdriver?
Ok, obviously I lied about the comment count…… 4 comments…. Can it be Wednesday now? And can we please get a proper Winchester hug soon?
Thanks Sweetondean. I gotta say – I love your previews for the simple LOL lines before even getting to substance – Kermit, the place, not the frog – Martin will forever be known as Crazy Martin now – and Don who you never take a joint from. I agree with you on Cass – I like the character, but they should not overuse him. Sam and Dean are best when they are on their own, working together with their smarts to solve problems.
As for tomorrow night’s episode – cannot wait!!
Well sweetondean, another great preview and oh the JC preview makes me want the next 28 hours to go by quickly. This has been the longest 6 weeks ever.
I’m with you on the boys. Time for them to get all this crap out in the open, discuss, deal and then move on. I don’t like them at odds with each other. I still don’t believe Sam is going to leave Dean out there hunting alone. Besides, he did see Amelia all lovey dovey with Don so that does not seem to be a done deal there either.
Alfie looks like he is in a world of hurt but then Crowley did hang onto him for a reason. He wants more info on the other tablets that are out there. I always thought the angels could just orb away so why does Alfie never orb? That questions been at the back of my mind since A Little Slice of Kevin.
As for them getting all the ingredients for the demon destroying potion, well the witch Delta even had trouble getting the ingredients since some came from demons so maybe it is better this time for Cass to do the dirty work but the boys should be taking notes for the future. Good entry material for the old Winchester journal.
Kevin has been put through the wringer and did you notice that Cass came through and fixed Kevin’s missing pinky? Where was or is Tiger Mommy at this time also?
This Naomi angel is a real piece of work and I don’t think I like her very well. How dare she hurt our Cass and why would they need to probe him? (Oh what a horrible term, sorry I went there.) They are angels and can read minds and thoughts so why even go there? I don’t trust her one bit.
I’m very excited for a new episode. My comments:
1. Mama Tran gave Sam Kevin’s notebook with the formula, so I see no need for a visit to Kevin; but, yes, Cas can get the obscure ingredients. Like you, I hope they don’t start overusing Cas again. His character, IMO, takes a lot of suspense away from the show (although I do love the Dean/Cas scenes.
2. Looks like Sam is continuing his passive-aggressive dickisness. I certainly hope Carver has a plan to clean this character up before the season is over.
3. I’m betting Sam chooses Amelia for the short term, and I’m betting Dean lets Sam do that w/o complaint. I think Dean is pretty much over Sam’s drama moods at this point. Obviously, the brother drama will be fixed sometime this season (so I guess I’m wondering why they are, once again, spending so much time on it).
4. Alfie is the most adorable angel in Heaven, but I am disappointed that his character is simply being used as a stage prop to tell us that Crowley is evil. I hope that story moves along now that the hiatus is over.
5. I would be okay if Kevin went away again for a good long while. I’m finding his character rather tedious now.
And lastly, I am so glad this hiatus is over. I hope they don’t have a lot of breaks now, like three new episodes and skip a couple of weeks like they did last year. And I hope the viewership is really good for this new episode.
Dean has been the passive-aggressive one for years now. Maybe he’s rubbing off on Sam! 🙂
The only reason Sam even has a choice to make right now is because Dean sent him right to Amelia. I hope Carver has a plan to clean up Dean too. They’re both dicks right now.
Of course when Sam reacts or feels it’s a ‘drama’ and it isnt like Dean actually does anything is it to contribute.
The Jeremy Carver brothers angst this season is as fake as plywood but they are both involved not just Sam.
Sweetondean! Martin was not crazy…He was mostly OK! 😉
So excited for tomorrows episode! Gosh – the wait just never gets any easier does it?! Looks like some things are coming to a head and I’m really ready for it. Question for all you twitter folks..a little while back,Suzanne Gomez tweeted about previewing an upcoming episode where she mentioned really good stuff between the boys. I can’t recall which episode she mentioned but I don’t feel like it was this one. I’m thinking the big drama is still down the road. Does anyone recall what I’m talking about?
Happy viewing everyone! We made it!
Yep, it was 8.13…so we have a bit of waiting to go!
Jeremy Carver said that it will be in this episode that Sam and Dean have to decide whats most important to them, where they stand with their own lives and in each others. He also said he was pretty confident that they chose each other (well he would know wouldnt he?).
I deffinaltey think they on some level chose to stick together in this episode even just for the bigger picture which is the hunt, the tablet, closing the hell gates but I think they wont understand each other untill they have that talk in episode 13?
[quote]Yep, it was 8.13…so we have a bit of waiting to go![/quote]
I sure hope this episode is all everyone is hoping for, and that the wait is fudgin’ worth it!
I am excited tooooo!!!!!! It seems like forever since the last epie. For me though, it will have to wait just a little bit longer; I am going to the opera tomorrow night instead of watching the show. I KNOW! Don’t make me choose between my two great loves. Oh, the pain. I’ll probably be avoiding the site here until I see the episode (at like 6:30am on Thurday morning if Hulu can load it that fast). Seems like there is going to be a lot of movement on all the major story lines which is a good thing.
I agree about Cas as well…. I love him, I love Misha, but Cas takes all the drama, all the tension created by the boy’s peril and just collapses it. One of the boys in danger? Call Cas. One of the boys at death’s door? Call Cas. Need ingredients to a Demon bomb, Call Cas. Need to revisit your past to re-write your history? Call Cas. It’s a major problem IMO. I’d like Cas to revert to his season 5 status, where he had diminished power and could only really help the boys the way in which any other normal person could help. He had his knowledge, but not his ‘fix all problems, read minds, zap people to and fro’ powers. I though that this worked well, it allowed his character to participate, for the fans to root for him, for him to struggle and not be able to fix everything with a snap of his fingers. I thought it gave layers to his character to have these frustrations and also kept the dramatic tension in place.
Hi sweetondean, just wanted to say that I agree with you in wanting the boys to be self-sufficient. I think that was a minor, tiny little quibble I had with Bobby, too. Awesome that he was and as much as the boys need him to tell them to sort their crap out, I felt like the writers got to a point where they overused him. Not an episode went by that they didn’t call him. He did basically all their research and at times it felt like he was one step away from giving them flash cards. So yeah, that is a bit of an issue with Cas, if he can just zap everything away with his angel-jedi mind tricks, you’re right, there’s not a lot of suspense. I preferred it in season 5 where he could help with a few things, but not everything. Oh well, guess we’ll see how they go!
Wow, your preview was much better than the US preview. I want Aussie TV 😆
I am in the minority, I enjoy the guys when they are at odds w/each other. It is more realistic.So I have enjoyed this season very much. No way two brothers that are together as much as these two brothers are not going to hit rough spots.
Yes, I do love a good Winchester hug scene. I would love to see the guys really get a chance to talk and yell and even cry (who does not love a Winchester crying scene?).
But lets not trivialize the pain they are both going thru and the dysfunctional manner in which they have to work it out. There is no way one conversation is going to make it all better for either of them. The healing processes must happen over time or it will feel forced and fake.
Does anyone know how many times in all the episodes either brother has actually said the words I am sorry to the other brother? Not many
I will be ready at 9 PM EST, watching the best show on TV.
My Reaction to the previews:
“Oh, Dean come crawling… good for you”
“Cas, what´s wrong?!”
“Oh Gooooooood! Samandriel! BABY! Oh poor baby!”
“Wow, Sam.. you grew a spine!”
“Hey Dean, is that a hint of empathy there? Good for you!”
“Oh Shit, Naomi, you evil bitch!”
It´s only 20 hours here! yay!
So, my thoughts:
Oh God, Samandriel! And Oh god, Dean, when he understands “Heaven´s cutest Angel” is tortured by the King of Hell.
Look at his face!
How all fake humor drains out of him, he´s taking a breath, looks at Cas and you SEE the weight of memory on him and how something wordlessly passes between them.
like the words: “I´m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition”
I guess, Samandriel just gained one very strong and very stubborn protector.
But god, Samandriel… Baby *cry*
Who until now hasn´t guessed, I have a huge weak spot for the little ones? Like Adam.
Ok, Dean and Sam…
That confrontation was a few years in the making.
I love how you can see Sam has to fight to hold onto his bravado in confronting his big brother. He´s wearing his anger like a blanket, or otherwise, he just couldn´t do it.
Because, lets face it… Sam is usually not the one to go at Dean like this. He usually pulls back and hides.
Confrontation is not his strong suit.
Hasn´t been since… hrm… I think since he freed Lucifer.
After that the angry, stubborn Sammy, that stood up for his opinions, that thought, he was allowed to HAVE his opinions, somehow vanished.
Even with Amy… he didn´t really go in confrontation mode. He didn´t even fight Dean. He just said: Guess you are right. I need a few days.
COmpared to Sammy from earlier seasons…
In Freeing Lucifer, I guess, he lost something. Like the trust in himself and his own right for decision making, dunno.
But heck, I can see where he´s coming from, with all that passive aggressive CRAP Dean has pulled since he´s back.
Problem is: once Sam gets this far… he tends to overdo it.
Oh the joy!
In the beginning, I said, Dean needs to come down from fight mode and recover his empathy, like, knowing when he hurt someone and not trying to kill the prophet’s mom (anyone remembers that?)
And Sam needs to get back some of his fighting spirit?
in short: they need to level each other out.
And it looks, like they are getting there.
When I look at the scene in Carver´s preview, they feel alot less ALOT less apart, than they have been most of the season.
They may be pissed at each other, but at least, they are dealing WITH each other again!
That gets a yay from me and I hope, I´m not mistaken.
But still: Oh god, Samandriel. Oh, Baby.
Get him out boys and please please please, don´t hand him back to Naomi!
Save him and keep him save.
Pretty please?
This should be an amazing episode, and it seems like there is an enormous amount of things going on! I know that Sam will probably go with his brother, but what is Dean going to do for Sam?
(Edited by Alice – As I said before, if DISH wants to pay us for this little plug, I’ll keep any comments you make about their service. Until then, they aren’t welcome on this site).
Apparently Dean is going to tell Sam that one of them should be happy in episode 13? According to Jensen.
He’s basically going to let Sam go his own way after they’ve closed the hell gate. He himself has accepted that he was born to be a hunter and cant have anything other than what he has but Sam is different.
I cannot express how excited I am to see what is in store for all of us! I anxiously await when it is 9 pm and these questions are mostly answered. Because we all know they’re going to keep us guessing as long as possible.
I just really hope poor baby Samandriel survives and heals. He needs all the hugs. And if Naomi would want to punish him for giving away information, well I’d like to see how long the bitch would last under Crowley’s treatment.
Also please Cas be okay :'(
And Amelia can GTFO and hang out with Talisa from Game of Thrones, they are about the same level of annoying and boring.
I’m not entirely sure of how much I should say, I don’t want to spoil things for anyone. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. It got us where we need to be. I was surprised by Dean’s phone call to Bennie, truly not what I expected. I also enjoyed the conversation Sam and Dean had with each other towards the end. They were honest, with no anger, talking about real feelings. That was nice. The end did leave me feeling sad for both of them even though it wasn’t a surprise. When Amelia opened the door I knew Sam wouldn’t be there. I hope people can move forward and try to leave the Amelia hate behind. At least Sam now knows that he can be happy if he ever chooses to pursue that life. Oh oh, I think I just spoiled, sorry. I’m already looking forward to next week, it’s so nice to have the show back. And I loved Charlie so bring her on! 🙂
It’s great to have our little show back! As always I was totally impressed with this deeply intense episode, a lot of important decisions made. A few goodbyes. A few more secrets divulged. I felt sorry for Benny, but I can understand why Dean had to cut his ties.
I loved Dean’s line to Sam about being jealous of him because he could always separate hunting from his normal life. I felt for Dean, remembering that even when he was with Lisa & Ben he was always in hunter mode.
Can’t wait for the story to keep unfolding.
So good to have Supernatural back!!