The WFB Admins’ Top 15 “Supernatural” Episodes List: #8
Ardeospina’s #8:
“Monster Movie”
Why: This episode is like comfort food for me. I just adore it so much. Anytime I’m in a bad mood or feeling down and I need to watch something that will cheer me up, it’s “Monster Movie” time. This episode is just so hilarious and ludicrous and ridiculous and amazing, and I want to hug it and squeeze it and never let it go. It’s Ben Edlund zaniness at its finest, and I love every minute of it. It’s just such a fun episode!
All the nods to classic monster movies in this episode are tremendous, from the monsters the shapeshifter turns himself into to the lighting to the episode being in black in white to the opening credits to the intermission. (Intermission! YES!) And the episode looked amazing. The black-and-white film and old-school lighting really worked well for everyone. Think Sam and Dean can’t possibly look any hotter? BAM! Black and white.
This episode is chock full of little moments that are really funny, and when you put them together, they’re even funnier as a whole. To jog your memory, here are some of them: the witnesses drinking gigantic beverages while Sam and Dean interview them, the bucket of dry ice in the mummy’s casket, giant pretzel!, Sam kicking down the fake heavy door like the gigantor he is, Ed Brewer playing the Casio in his underwear, Dean being saved by the doorbell (again), Dean in lederhosen! I mean, the shifter took the time to change Dean’s clothes! Why? Who cares. It’s funny.
This episode also features one of the more memorable one-episode women the show’s had in Jamie. She was so great. She was strong and confident and self-assured, witty and sweet. She didn’t freak out about monsters, and she even ended up saving the day when the killed the shifter with Sam’s gun. We need more characters like Jamie!
The episode also took place in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, where I used to work! They do have a big Oktoberfest, and also a really huge 4th of July Parade, the second-biggest in the state, despite only having 8,000 or so residents. And it’s the birthplace of Perry Como and Yenko Chevrolet, for you muscle-car enthusiasts.
Favorite Quote: It’s more of a scene, but this whole conversation is just so amazing, I’m going to include it.
Dracula: Ah, you’ve brought a repast. Excellent. Continue to be of such service and your life will be spared.
Delivery Boy: Uh-Huh. That’ll be $15.50.
Dracula: Tell me…is there garlic on this pizza?
Delivery Boy: I don’t know. Did you order garlic?
Dracula: *recoils in horror* NO!
Delivery Boy: Then no. Look, mister, I got four other deliveries to make. You want to just pay me the money so I can go?
Dracula: Of course, yes. But I have a coupon.
Favorite Scene: The above scene that I quoted is pretty amazing, but my favorite is actually the part where the shifter tries to attack Jamie and she maces him and then runs into Dean, who has a fight with the shifter and tears off his medallion and his ear (gross!) And then Dean chases the shifter, who makes his getaway…on a SCOOTER! Epic. It makes me laugh every time. What an image, the Dracula’s cape flying behind his scooter. Talk about anti-Impala.
Love your picks for # 8. “The Monster at the End of this Book” was also the episode for me where I learned what a slashfan was, yuk! 😡
“Monster Movie”, I have always been a fan of the old b&w monster movies, 2 for 35 cents on Saturdays (yes, I am not young). It was just so beautifully shot, the black and white was pristine and the guys looked so freaking good! 🙂
And “Changing Channels”, I was floored when we found out the the Trickster was Gabriel. We need him back, stat! 😀
Three more that are not on my favorites list, but I like them all and want to watch them again now. I laugh out loud every time I watch that laundromat scene. Dean’s line about reading about himself kills me – and then Sam saying the guy is good is just classic! Thanks so much again for doing these lists!
Sylvia – I am with you – I had never heard of that before this episode and I had the same reaction. I am sure (or I hope) I am missing something, because I cannot imagine that people are actually advocating incest.
I have been inspired and have now ranked my favorite 30 episodes, so I actually have a top 15 now too. Of course, every time I read one of the favorites here, I want to add more.
Going with Monster at the End of This Book. There are 4 episodes I always keep on my DVR and this is one of them.
( Mystery Spot, The End, French Mistake)
I just started watching SPN durning season 4 and this epi gave me an inside into the madness that is SPN fandom.
My fav scene is in the publishers office. Every minute of that scene cracks me up every time I watch it. The total disgust on Deans face when he has to show her the tattoo is just priceless. Deans face when Sam starts what looks like is going to be a strip tease 😆 and then shows her his tattoo to prove he is a fan, again is just perfect. Then she drops her pants to show them her tattoo.
I do agree the discussion in the laundry mat is one of the best! Carver Edlund (real life) are two of the most talented writers on TV.
As soon as I saw MATEOTB I was wondering if your favorite line would be the same as mine and it absolutely was!
Sometimes I just picture Rob giving that line reading and it makes me laugh out loud.
OMG, I love ALL of these episodes! Actually, that will probably be my reaction from here on out. But oh, I had actually forgotten about the VD commercial! Brilliant. Bit of a spoiler perhaps, but I picked “Tell me… is there garlic on this pizza?” as my favorite quote too.
My #8 episode is “A Very Supernatural Christmas”. It strikes the balance between horrifying and hilarious; it is both heartwarming to heartbreaking. That poor kid watching Santa get ripped apart is authentically creepy, as is the Basement of Gore. The guys getting called out for coming to “Santa’s Village” with no kids is my favorite laugh of the episode, though the Winchester rendition of “Silent Night” to drunk Santa was close! Some of the best brother moments here in both flashback and present day. I could go on, but I’m already repeating what you’ve said in your lists, so I’ll stop now.
“You fudgin’ touch me again, I’ll fudgin’ kill ya!” – Dean