The WFB Admins’ Top 15 “Supernatural” Episodes List: #13
Alice’s #13:
Devil’s Trap
Why?: I know this one usually ranks higher on most people’s list, easily making top ten. However, for me, the story telling and production quality of the episodes got so much better in the later seasons, so this one falls behind in terms of those others. That doesn’t take away from the fact this is a thrilling, nail biting, deeply emotional season closer of family coming first above all else, including killing the yellow eyed demon. It also shows how much Supernatural had improved from early in season one to the end.
Dean’s interrogation and exorcism of Meg is edgy, jaw dropping, very shocking and just plain bad ass. It goes to show what lengths he’ll go to keep his family together and it’s scary as Hell. Sam gets to latinate (drool) and basically gets the crap beat out of him, so we spend the next few episodes wondering how he still manages to look so pretty despite the hamburger face. We meet for the very first time someone very dear to our hearts, Bobby Singer. But the scene stealer is John Winchester possessed by Yellow Eyes (we don’t learn he’s Azazel until season three). Out of all the people who played the Yellow Eyed demon (aside from Fred Lehne) this is the best.
The part that breaks my heart every time is that Dean figures out John is possessed because John actually told him he was proud of him. That is just so sad. No wonder to this day Dean still has daddy issues. However, it’s a gravely injured Dean that convinces Sam not to shoot John, even if it’ll kill the demon, because family comes first no matter what. It was a good time for that finally to sink in for Sam.
If you’re going to keep people screaming all summer (especially when this aired “Supernatural” hadn’t been renewed for season two yet), a come from nowhere semi truck broadsiding the Impala, leaving all three Winchester men very unconscious and one barely alive, will do the trick. Considering I saw this for the first time on DVD during season three, I got to cheat and put in “In My Time of Dying” next. Trust me when I say, it was better that way. 🙂
Favorite Quote: It’s actually one of the best Dean Winchester lines ever on the show. It came when Yellow Eyes was taunting Sammy, whose face was now puffed up like an ugly balloon.
Dean: Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can’t stand the monologuing.
Favorite Scene: Every second of the interrogation of Meg. It was the first time we saw a demon trapped by a Devil’s Trap (on Bobby’s ceiling nonetheless!) and that let Dean push limits. Meg’s smart mouth and denials that John was alive just set Dean off more, and watching Sam and Bobby’s apprehension over Dean’s behavior just told us how even they were very bothered by this side of the older Winchester brother. The scene was long, slow, incredibly tense, and the outcome ended up being bittersweet and very tragic. The real Meg Masters was finally free from the demon, but she paid for that with her life. She was at least able to give Dean and Sam one clue about John’s whereabouts before she tragically slipped away. I swear everytime I see this scene, I stop breathing.
I didn’t really like Exile on Main Street on first viewing – especially since I didn’t know Sam was soulless and I wasn’t sure whether we were supposed to like the Campbells. But now I think its a very, very good episode and one of the better “quiet” episodes.
I am also a fan of this episode. It gave us the the info need to fill in the blanks of what the guys were doing during that year.
Beautiful Loser was a perfect song for the montage of Deans old and new life. Jensen says so much with just facial expressions it breaks your heart to see him trying to fulfill his promise to Sam and being heartbroken.
That little hand wave at the end kills me every time I see it.
I totally agree with you on all points. Exile on Main Street is a stand out for Season 6 which held so much promise, but sadly didn’t quite deliver. Still, there were a few episodes from that season that made it on to my must watch list.
Aw, sweetondean, I too love “Exile on Main Street”, the almost wave at the end, Fred Lehne’s Yellow Eyed Demon (my favourite so far), the contrast with construction and hunting etc. I so hurt along with Dean regarding cold cold Sammy.
It was almost impossible to find any review or opinion that agreed with mine when it first was shown. You’ve shown why it is a favourite! Thank you! 🙂
“Devil’s Trap” IMO is an episode than fits into my number 1 episodes. (I have many number ones, so sue me!) 😛
There hasn’t been very much to beat its emotional impact for me in the past 4 years. It had so much family angst, great dialogue, great great acting from the 4 J’s and Nicki Aycox and absolutely the most heart busting cliff hanger ever!!!!
I love and admire it every single time I re-watch it and that has been many many times! To me it is a masterpiece by all! I worship Mr. Kripke for giving me this gift.
I should read all 3 before commenting! 😀 Next time!
Sorry, just wanted to say I love all your choices though they would all be much higher on my list. Can’t wait for yours still to come. What a relief from the doom and gloom lately! 🙂
god bless you Sweetondean… I loved Exile on Mainstreet too… I was a little… concerned that not many others loved this one as well… well, I loved it just cuz it was so perfectly made… the montage, the references… everything you mentioned was perfect. 🙂
Wow, none of your #13 episodes made it on my list, but they are all good ones! Just goes to show you how many quality episodes there have been over the years. “Devil’s Trap” is a classic and suspenseful episode, but I agree that the production quality is not as high. Plus I thought the “holy water doesn’t work on a thing like Yellow Eyes” was a bit of a cop-out. I will say, though, that when Dean says he is bothered by the fact that he didn’t hesitate to kill those possessed people, it is a bit haunting when you know how much it does not bother him this season.
My #13 episode is “What Is and What Should Never Be”. I found it telling that Dean’s wish didn’t necessarily result in a perfect life for himself, as he had no relationship with Sam, but he wanted to keep it for Sam and their mother. Also, I was stoked that they were able to save the girl! It punctuated how much they are needed, and at the same time added a win to an otherwise bittersweet episode.
“Why’d you call me a bitch?” – Alternate Sam
I loved the montage in Exile on Mainstreet, and Beautiful Loser is favourite on my playlist now.
I already suspected that Mary might have been a hunter before In The Beginning aired, but I loved it anyway, and I adored that Dean was the one who convinced John to buy the Impala. Could you imagine Sam and Dean driving around in the Mystery Machine??
Devil’s Trap-I’ve mentioned this a couple times here before, but Devil’s Trap was the first ep I ever watched. And I watched it live, which means no benefit of being able to pop the next DVD in, so I was, in fact, screaming at the TV when it ended. Also, your pick, Alice, for the best scene, Meg’s interrogation, was actually the first [i]scene[/i] of SPN I ever watched (heh, my introduction to this show was a blond woman tied to a chair and a tall, hot guy speaking latin-no wonder I stuck around for more 😉 ). In short, Devil’s Trap will always hold a special place in my heart.