Vote Now! The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Fan Choice Awards
Your nominations have been processed, and now we're proud to open up official voting for the Supernatural Season 7 Fan Choice Awards. As revealed in our nominations article, there are 15 categories. Choices were narrowed down based on the top nominations received in each category. Most categories have five entries, but there was a couple categories where even five couldn't be mustered. There were also a couple where we couldn't narrow it to five if we tried.
Voting will remain open until June 18th. On June 19th, we will reveal the winners as part of our grand Supernatural Season 7 awards presentation. That will be in three parts and will feature fan awards, editor's choice awards, and the special mention awards. Vote as often as you like, but results are being held back until the winners are announced.
You may begin. Happy voting!!
Voting is now closed. Thank you so much to all that voted! Come back here tomorrow, June 19th, for the announcement of the winners!
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Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Man, so many great guest stars on this show, I wanted to vote for all of them.
I love all the quotes…. I can’t choose one 🙁
I want to vote for ALL the guest stars!! All of them are amazing!
Agreed. This has definitely been one of the strengths of s7. There have been loads of great new characters. I loved Don Stark. Shame he wasn’t on the list.
I know. I wasn’t even thinking recurring characters when I voted guest stars. I was REALLY hard to pick just one. I ended going with Jody Mills, mainly because she threatened to use her mom voice on Sam and I found that too cute.
This was great fun… lets do this again!
Very telling (and sad) that there are only 3 options for best brotherly moment.
Thanks for this though. Reminded me, despite the slim pickings in terms of the brothers relationship, how much good stuff there has been this season.
I just cant count Dean cruelly mocking Sam’s fear of clowns…especially after Sam snagged the giant slinky…as a brotherly moment.
Stone #1 WOULD have been perfect if they had actually used it as a foundation…instead it went nowhere and it showed how truely alone sam was and has been for a long time.
I agree stone#1 was a potential great foundation that never real emerged but it was a great scene none the less.To be honest the show missed the boat with Sam’s wall sl and now it is quick fixed .It is difficult to return to something like that esp after having Sam walk around so fine .
This great picspam by ash made me feel a lot better about the brotherly moments this season:
Jeremy Carver was great at writing brotherly moments–his episodes like A Very Supernatural Christmas, Mystery Spot and Changing Channels were basically hour-long broments. So I think we’ll be well-served in S8. 🙂
Actually making me too feel better. But most of these scenes really didn’t look that significant when we were watching the episode, probably because they all are washed away because of something else in the episode.
Absolutely Nothing. IMO, Mytharc is at its worst this season. I didn’t really enjoy this season except for a few episodes here and there.
I invested in this show, only for one reason – Brotherly love (NO SLASH REFERENCES PLEASE) right from the beginning. It is the Brotherly love that changed the course of events and made the story line run forward in the show all the time except [i]season 7[/i]. This is what made me emotionally attached to the show. The brotherly love even averted the mighty apocalypse.
I just love the concept, “It is easier to die than to watch your family die” and the way it is brilliantly portrayed in the show.
According to me, “Sam and Dean” are what we call commonman in “our universe”. And, “Demons” are “Terrorists, Mafia and underworld dons” who doesn’t have any shreds of humanity and try to loot the entire world, but they can’t because love is still existent in this world. And “Angels” in “Supernatural universe” are “Politicians” in “our universe”, who try to grab every possible penny from common man and see that they always rule. And “Monsters” in “Supernatural world” are “money, diseases,etc” in our world. “Brotherly love” in “Supernatural Universe” is the “only weapon that humans has” in “our universe” to protect the world.
I don’t see this show as a mere entertainment for viewers and a money maker for producers and actors. It tries to teach something good to the viewers. It highlights how much love and humanity are necessary in this “Cruel World”. Shows and Movies like this, I believe are few in number, and Supernatural is the only one with this great moral values, I have watched so far. I am very sad it has become just like any other show on TV, loosing its very heart – Brotherly love.
The absense of Rick Worthy is a travesty! 🙂
We got a lot of great nominations for guest star and his name didn’t get enough mentions. I do agree though, he was great!
How come you put The Mentalists in the list of Worst Episodes? IMO, its the best monster of the week episode.
As I mentioned, I based these selections on nomrinations we received in the nominations article. There were several I guess that didn’t like the Mentalists. Wouldn’t be my choice for worst, but I have to go by what’s chosen by people.
Okay. I didn’t actually read the matter above the poll 😀