Picture of Jared Padalecki and son Thomas in Father’s Day Issue of People
Here's a nice treat on the same day we get exciting Comic Con news. In the upcoming June 18th Father's Day edition of People Magazine, there's a nice photo and blurb featuring Jared and his new son Thomas. This is the first known public photo of Jared and Gen's new son, and it's adorable! Just waiting for little baby to get in some of his Dad's hair. 🙂

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Ok I have to buy this. That is adorable picture.
when does this come out
It’s the June 18th edition, so I assume it’s on newstands now.
i couldnt find it 🙁 all the ones i looked at didnt have it
Finally! It’s hard to tell at this age, but it appears he looks like Gen. I wonder if he has Jared’s dimples.
Great picture-happy all over Jared’s face, and the little one looks pretty content.
Love to see the next picture with Genevieve, Jared and Thomas Colton.
Cute baby.If there is auditions for the part of Jesus Christ Jared should audition
Yeah, Jared’s rockin’ the New Testament look, but it suits him. He’s beautiful and how cute is Thomas!
Thanks for posting this.
That is just so sweet. I’m sure Thomas will break some hearts when his time comes, especially if he has dad’s dimples! Thanks for sharing.
That is an adorable picture!
On another note – I really wish they would quit straightening Jared’s hair for the show or whatever they do to it. It looks great here!
handsome, handsome boy, and proud daddy.