Robin’s Rambles – “Supernatural” 7.21 , “Reading is Fundamental”
“Reading is Fundamental”
Season 7 Episode 21
Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel
Now, Neighbor, MI – National Scholastic Society winner Kevin Tran plays his cello in his room.
South Chicago, IL – Sam and Dean and their newly acquired suitcase find a new hiding place.
As his beautiful music fills his prize-filled bedroom, Kevin receives a message on his computer notifying him that his cello practice is complete. He answers his ringing phone and tells the girl on the other end that Princeton just sent him an acceptance. Breathe, Kevin, the girl on the other end urges him, are you studying? I’m talking to you, he says rapidly, I’ll start a probability in statistics in 14 minutes. I hate probability, she says. Tomorrow is my last chance to get a perfect math score, he says. Your SAT’s are great, she chides him. Everyone’s are, he says, I have to do perfect. Who knows, the essays are at least as important, she says. A blank page labeled COLLEGE ADMISSION ESSAY seems to terrify him. I’ve got absolutely nothing to say, he says.I know, she says, I read one by a kid who got into Cornell, he didn’t have arms or legs or anything–he had to type the whole thing with his mouth–it was beautiful. I am so screwed, frets Kevin. One day, college isn’t going to matter anymore, she soothes him. You’re out of your mind, he tells her.
Sam unwraps the weird Leviathan brick and places it on the table. A lot of fuss over a caveman Lego, remarks Dean. Whatever Dick wants is bricked up inside there, says Sam. Both brothers don protective eye-wear. Dean takes a hammer and bangs it. They hear thunder and look at each other.
Kevin takes a libation break as the storm hits.
Dean hits the block again. More thunder. That sound like somebody saying ‘No, wait, stop!’ to you? asks Dean. Yeah, Sam agrees. This doesn’t stop Dean; who continues to hammer away at the block.
Kevin looks around nervously as the storm picks up intensity.
Dean hammers. A lightning bolt strikes Kevin, lifting him from the ground, making him cry out.
Dean lifts from the rubble a weird black stone.
Kevin falls to the floor, his eyes glowing with fire, twitching.
Castiel lies in a hospital bed; Meg, feet up on the bed, so busy reading a celeb mag and listening to her headphones, she doesn’t even realize he’s sitting up at first. He turns his head and looks at her.
Edgar the leviathan and another man are working over some plans for a new place that uses a blade assembly. Edgar receives a phone call and remarks that it’s strange that someone would choose to be named Dick. “Yes?” he answers menacingly.
Kevin’s ringing phone picks up next to his unconscious body. It’s his mom, who knows he’s at school about to take the test. Kevin sits up in horror–the test!! He’s running around getting ready when his eyes suddenly flash.
Dean awakens to find Sam listening to a news report about the freak lightning display of the previous evening. The meteorological guy is complaining this isn’t the way weather behaves. When the pan of water Dean is using moves, he assumes it’s Bobby and calls to him. The EMF reader is weakly showing signs, but Sam says the whole incident with Roman seems to have drained Bobby’s batteries. Dean asks if they started the storm heard round the world. Every woman in the last month of her pregnancy went into labor, reports Sam. Picking up the stone, Dean says this one goes out to all the ladies–so, heavyweight signs, omens, what do we got? Sam assumes it’s writing–I’ve never seen anything like it–and it doesn’t match anything in any book or online. Why the archeological digs, wonders Dean. No clue, admits Sam–we do know he’ll be tearing new ones until he gets it back–they need to put it somewhere safe until they find out what they’ve got. Rufus/ cabin, then? says Dean–this time, I’ll do the shopping, then. Meg calls, referring to Sam as Bullwinkle–our boy’s awake, she says. When!? yells Dean into the phone. Last night about 8, she says. And you waited till now to tell us? demands Dean, miffed. I’ve been busy, with Cas, she says, just a bit different than when he dozed off. How? asks Dean. Hey, Seacrest, not a nurse, she says, just playing one on TV–want answers, start driving. Great, says Sam sarcastically–so, Indiana. Eight o’clock last night, realizes Dean. Yeah, says Sam, same time we opened up that thing–and he looks at the stone.
Kevin is recklessly driving an SUV down the road, eyes glowing, when his phone rings, nearly causing him to have an accident. Kevin?–where were you today, you missed the test! exclaims his friend–and Student Council, and quartet! I had to take my mom’s car, I think I had a seizure or something he stammers. His eyes glow. I’ve been chosen, he adds weirdly, it’s my birthright. Oh my God, all the pressure you’ve been under, she laments, this isn’t one of those over-issue teen meltdowns, is it? I’m supposed to keep going, he says robotically, I’m not allowed to stop. What do you mean, not allowed? she demands, but he doesn’t respond. Is someone with you? she asks–they didn’t make you take your mother’s car, did they?–KEVIN? He heads west on Junction 30.
Castiel stands at the window, staring out. Dean is telling Sam he isn’t fired up to seeing what’s left of Cas. Do you think he remembers it all? asks Sam. That and whatever hell baggage he lifted off your plate, says Dean, it’s not gonna be pretty. The brothers are stopped by an orderly who says it’s way past visiting hours, but Meg comes out and vouches for them. They follow her into Cas’ room.
Hey, Cas, says Dean. Hello, Dean, says Cas, wearing his ratty trench coat over his hospital gown–Sam. Hey, Castiel, says Sam, smiling. Look at you, walkin and talkin, says Dean, that’s great, right? Cas sticks out his forefinger. Pull my finger, he says. What? asks Dean, perplexed. My finger, pull it, says Cas. Dean does so; the light blows above them out. Cas laughs. Meg replaces the bulb in the nightstand lamp. Hold on, Cas, cautions Dean, let me catch up here. You’re saying you remember who and what you are, says Sam. Yes, of course, says Cas, outside today, in the garden, I followed a honeybee–I SAW the route of flowers–it’s all right there, the whole plan, there’s nothing to add! He’s been like the naked guy at the rave ever since he woke up, reports Meg, totally useless. Look at her, says Cas, my caretaker, all of that thorny pain, so beautiful. We’ve been over this, says Meg, I don’t like poetry, put up or shut up. You said you woke up last night? asks Sam. I heard a ping, says Cas, it pierced me, well, you wouldn’t have heard it unless you were an angel at the time. It’s also when we opened this, says Sam, showing Cas the stone. Of course, says the angel, now I understand, you were the ones–I guess that makes sense–if someone was going to free the word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you two–oh, I love you guys–and he proves it by hugging them together. You said something about the word, says Sam, do you know what’s written there. Did you know a cat’s penis is barbed along the shaft? asks Cas–I know for a fact females were NOT consulted about that. The brothers exchange glances of exasperation. Cas, please, says Dean, we’re losing ground out there, we need your help–you don’t see that? This is the handwriting of Metatron, says Cas, examining the stone. Are you saying a Transformer wrote that? asks Sam, incredulous. No, that’s Megatron, says Dean quietly. What? asks Sam. The Transformer is Megatron, says Dean. Metatron, corrects Cas, he’s an angel, he’s the scribe of God, he took down dictation when Creation was being formed. That’s the word of God? asks Sam. One of them, yes, says Cas. What’s it say, then? asks Sam. Tree, says Cas–horse, fiddler, crab–it wasn’t meant for angels. Okay, says Meg, this all sounds bad, what are you two jackasses doing with the word of God?–lemmee see that thing. Back off, Meg, orders Dean. Come on, it’s my ass, too, she says. Back off, warns Dean. Damn it, enough with this demons are second class citizens crap, she insists. Don’t like conflict, says Cas, and disappears, leaving the stone in pieces on the floor. What the hell was that? cries Dean. You heard him, says Meg, he doesn’t like conflict–he’s down in the day room now, I guarantee it. I’ll go handle Cas, says Dean, Sam, will you please pick up the word of God. Sam agrees. As Sam places the broken pieces into his bag, Meg asks, What are you guys caught up in now?–I deserve to know, Sam. He doesn’t reply. Okay, fine, she says, I’ll hit the road, then, let me just go get my angel. Sam chases after her, leaving the stone on the floor in the bag the room. Meg, what are you talkin about? he asks–stop! We both call, who do you think Cas’ll come to? she asks–I’m guessing ME-you heard him, thorny beauty, blah blah–I’m the saint who stayed with him, he owes me, his words. What about what he owes us? demands Sam. I’ll work on him, maybe he’ll start crushing on you two too, hot stuff, she says sarcastically. What are you gonna do with a broken angel? asks Sam–don’t be stupid. I’ll take my power where I can get it, she says, I’ve got myself to look out for. Hearing a beeping sound, they race back to Cas’ room. What the hell? says Sam–the stone is gone!
Tran has taken it, and is racing wildly across the campus with the duffel containing the stone in his arms, Sam in close pursuit. Meg knocks him down. Not a demon or a chomper, she says, what the hell are you? Kevin Tran, he gasps, I’m in Advanced Placement, please don’t kill me! I’m not gonna kill you, promises Sam, pulling the stone from the kid’s arms. The stone won’t budge. I’m sorry, the boy says, I don’t know why, but I can’t let go of it.
You realize you just broke God’s word, Dean reminds Cas, who says nothing. It’s Sam’s thing, isn’t it, says Dean, you taking on his cage-mark scars–I’m guessing that’s what broke your back, right? It took everything to get me here, says Cas with a huge smile. What are you talkin’ about? asks Dean. Dean, says Cas gently, I know you want different answers. No, I want you to button up your coat and help us take down the Leviathans, says Dean–do you remember what you did? Cas holds up the board game SORRY!, shakes it once so it’s arranged on the table before them, and asks Dean, “Do you want to go first?”
Kevin sits on the bed in Cas’ room, flanked by Meg and Sam. You really stepped in it, didn’t you, kid? says Meg. All I know is, this is for me, the student insists, I’m supposed to keep it. Good luck, says Meg. But you don’t know what it is, says Sam. Kevin shakes his head. Open it, says Sam. Kevin complies, putting together the broken pieces of stone. They reassemble themselves with an audible click and a flash of light.
Playing SORRY! with Cas, Dean picks up a card and reads it. We weren’t sure which monkeys were going to make it, explains Cas; No offense, but I was backing the Neanderthals because their poetry was just amazing; it’s in perfect tune with the spheres, but in the end it was you, the Homosapien Sapiens–you guys ate the apple, invented pants. Where can I find this Metatron, is he still alive? asks Dean. Sorry, I think you have to go back to start, says Cas. This is important, says Dean. Cas points to the board, telling Dean to pick a card. He does, and sends another of his pieces back to start. I think Metatron could stop a lot of bad, you understand that? asks Dean. We live in a sorry universe, says Cas, showing Dean a card for emphasis, it’s engineered to create conflict, I mean, why should I prosper from your misfortune?–but these are the rules–I didn’t make ’em. You made some of ’em, Dean reminds him. Why did you try to become God when you cut that hole into that wall? demands Dean angrily. Dean, says Cas, it’s your move. Dean shoves the board onto the floor. Forget the damn game! shouts Dean–then, more gently, forget the game, Cas. I’m sorry, says the angel. No, says Dean regretfully, you’re PLAYING SORRY!
[quote]1. What did you think of Kevin of a character? Did you feel that, given his high intelligence level, he shouldn’t have been so terrified of what he encountered?[/quote] Yearrah, Kevin was grand. He kinda reminded me of a male Rachel Berry from [i]Glee[/i] in the way he acted, especially at the start when he quoted the statistic about Princeton. I do think that given his high level of intelligence, his reaction was totally understandable. If he has compartmentalised his life down to rigid time slots I don’t think there’s be space in his brain for thinking about angels, demons and prophets of the Lord etc. (Though I do wonder what he was reading in his limited free time if, when he saw, blades and knives and crap, he immediately thought of sex torture dungeons.)
[quote]2. Are you happy with the brothers’ current relationship? Why or why not?[/quote] To be honest, I haven’t thought about it. They didn’t have a whole lot of interaction in this episode. I’m not going to put a huge amount of faith in the brothers relationship until they are both in good places because the past few seasons have shown us how damn shaky the relationship is.
Even at the moment, for me, Sam and Dean are still too raw and too troubled to be able to focus energy into their relationship. Just because they’re not having words with each other doesn’t automatically equate to a strong relationship because the damage done to each other goes deep. I think that Dean has been too burned to fully trust Sam and Sam is too damaged to trust himself. I don’t think Dean’s head is in the right place and this prohibits him from trusting anyone. Maybe in time, but not this season because everything is still too fresh and there has been zero time to process.
[quote]3. How do you feel about Meg at this point in the storyline? Were you surprised when Sam opened up the Devil’s Trap to let her in? Do you trust her?[/quote]I like her. I don’t know why and I know I shouldn’t but I do. She is, and always has been very singular minded and I dare say she will burn or bed anyone she needs to in order to get what she wants. She needs the Winchesters at the moment and they, like it or not, need her so I wasn’t surprised that Sam opened the Devil’s Trap (I keep forgetting that Meg possessed Sam for a time. I wonder if, deep down, he knows something about her or that affected him, especially later when it came to Ruby), Sam is quite pragmatic in that regard. He might not like it but he knows it has to be done. The Winchesters don’t trust her, and never will, and she knows it too. I doubt she cares though.
One thing Castiel said about Meg got me thinking. He mentioned something along the lines of ‘All that thorny pain, so beautiful’. As an angel he should be able to see her true face, the whole time. Perhaps he can see deep inside Meg, the ‘before the decades of torture turned her into a demon Meg’. We keep forgetting that were it not for the grace of God that could have been Dean, or Sam or John. Castiel did seem to genuinely care about her in this episode so maybe he doesn’t see her as a ‘second class citizen’ but what she was and maybe could be again.
Plus the way Meg reacted when Sam and Castiel were having ‘the talk’ was strange. She seemed almost upset. I kinda think there’s something deeper going on there. Not a ‘Mestiel’ thing but more of an understanding and acceptance. Dunno.
[quote]4. What do you think about the new task facing the Winchesters? Hard? Easy? Will Cas/Meg/Bobby be hindrance or aid in helping them achieve it?[/quote] I think it will be a typical day at the office for the Winchesters! They’re going to need Castiel and Meg and Bobby and Kevin and whoever else they can get their hands on to get the job done. I do think though, that while Bobby etc will be players in solving the Leviathan problem, the Winchesters will be the orchestrators.
[quote]5. Do you think Crowley is going to be a help or hindrance to the brothers in getting rid of the Leviathan?[/quote] I know that Crowley would sell the Winchesters out for a turnip (and probably has) but given that the Leviathans, as with Lucifer, are a threat to his power, he’s going to side with the Winchesters. Now whether that be by giving blood (though I don’t really know how Crowley will be one of the bloods of the fallen. Unless he’s a fallen demon?) or providing intel, he’ll do what he can to keep his ass in power. The Leviathans would eat Crowley for breakfast and he knows it. Like Meg, Crowley needs the Winchesters.
[quote]6. Grade the episode. Love it/like it/hate it?[/quote] About an 8. I did like it. I thought the boys (I really need to start calling them ‘the men’) were much more in character this week than they were last week so that helps. Apart from Sam leaving the Word of God behind (and I’ve got to thinking that maybe Sam’s hair and sideburns are actually diverting energy from his giant brain) there weren’t too many ‘wtf’ moments. Edgar tops Dick in the creepy factor for me so again, that helped.
[quote]7. Are you happy that SUPERNATURAL received the go-ahead for an eighth season or do you think it should have gone out after season 5 or even earlier?[/quote] While the announcement wasn’t unexpected, it’s always a relief to hear the official words. There’s always that tiny fear factor that comes into play when waiting for it. Still, as has been shown on the site, the numbers for it are always good, overseas markets, DVD sales etc etc are very strong so it would have been illogical for it to not be renewed.
Thanks Robin
[quote]Playing SORRY! with Cas, Dean picks up a card and reads it. We weren’t sure which monkeys were going to make it, explains Cas; No offense, but I was backing the Neanderthals because their poetry was just amazing; it’s in perfect tune with the spheres, but in the end it was you, the Homosapien Sapiens–you guys ate the apple, invented pants. Where can I find this Metatron, is he still alive? asks Dean. Sorry, I think you have to go back to start, says Cas.[/quote]
Just something I thought on while reading that I didn’t notice before. When Cas talks about the creation and then says to Dean, I think you have to go back to the start, I thought this might have to do do with what the Bible says, In the beginning was The Word (of God)…that was the start of everything. Is this a clue, or something that we are supposed to guess?? hmmmm
[quote]1. What did you think of Kevin of a character? Did you feel that, given his high intelligence level, he shouldn’t have been so terrified of what he encountered?[/quote]
i think he was in character , i mean considering that his life is very orginised in every minute of it , so he wouldn’t think about the supernatural as real stuffs. these people believe only what they can see and all that , so yeah , he did great .
[quote]2. Are you happy with the brothers’ current relationship? Why or why not?[/quote]
i don’t know how to feel about it , i mean , these last epiosdes are very big and everything is on the edge and its more than wincheester’s personal matters , you know , not that mean i like it but , im saying that they don’t have time to have cotact with each other , but i hope in the next episodes we see them get involve in the big finale somehow.
[quote]3. How do you feel about Meg at this point in the storyline? Were you surprised when Sam opened up the Devil’s Trap to let her in? Do you trust her?[/quote]
well , i don’t like meg , she is real a pain in the ass , but i would say im curoios about her actions right now , i thik she is up to something , she always have been , she is a demon!!! so i don’t buy that “doing this becuase of crowely blah blah crap”.
[quote]4. What do you think about the new task facing the Winchesters? Hard? Easy? Will Cas/Meg/Bobby be hindrance or aid in helping them achieve it?[/quote]
things were never easy for the Winchesters! and considering we have a season 8 , it wont end easy in this season finale , i think cas and bobby will help , becuase they’re the winchester’s sidekick friends. but meg? i dont thik so , she better not! 🙂
[quote]5. Do you think Crowley is going to be a help or hindrance to the brothers in getting rid of the Leviathan?[/quote]
i like crowely , somehow , but he doesn’t really show his actual slef in any seasons before and we don’t exactly know what is going on with him m but i would guess , if the task is bringing down his number 1 enemy , well , why not? maybe he will help!
[quote]6. Grade the episode. Love it/like it/hate it?[/quote]
at frist i had too many feelings , but now , i loved it. obviously one of the best of season 7 so far which we didn’t have so many this year… a lot of double sides meaning , fun moments and heart-breaking too. so i give 9!
[quote]7. Are you happy that SUPERNATURAL received the go-ahead for an eighth season or do you think it should have gone out after season 5 or even earlier?[/quote]
I AM DAMN HAPPY! but i want it to have a strong and good story line , not as much big as leviathans ,( which im wondering how they can bring up something bigger than them in the show!) , i love this show so much , im living this show everyday and it effected me in many ways , so i’ll be so happy to have a new season . but please let be good , horror , and full of brotherly moments , plus , cas and bobby!! 😉
Perhaps we were not clear on the “No, wait! Stop!” angle.
Bobby had a nice quiet role in this too. I dunno if asking Cas for help was the best of plans either, he’s clearly not dealing with a full deck here.
Here’s hoping we see Baby in the final episodes anyways.
I’m surprised the boys don’t pull a Constantine and put borax in the sprinkler system, that would be a start….