Preview Supernatural Episode 7.18 “Party On, Garth”
What has Garth (guest star DJ Qualls) gotten the boys into?!
“Party On, Garth,” brings back a fellow hunter for what is sure to be some fun, comedy and much-needed laughs. And laughs are ALWAYS needed in SPNverse!
One of the few people still alive after working with the Winchesters, Garth is the bumbling scrawny hunter that helped Dean free Sam from the bonds of matrimony in “Season 7, Time for a Wedding.” It was entertaining to watch Dean hunt with Garth, and that big hug he gave Dean at the end was sweet. However, the best part this week is that Sam is fully recovered, thanks to Castiel’s actions in “The Born-Again Identity.” I can’t wait till Cass is also back on his feet.
This time Garth has found a very interesting monster. It’s a Shoji, a kind of Japanese sea spirit with red face and hair and a fondness for least according to Wikipedia. But apparently not to Adam Glass, this week’s writer, who’s monster has long black haired and a white-face, (much scary I think), and is summoned to take revenge on enemies. Question is; who is doing the summoning, and whose enemies are they. Good thing Glass kept the alcohol part. LOL
The worst part about fighting it, it can only be seen when you’re drunk. So Dean, Sam and Garth go on a booze-fueled ghost hunting escapade which ends with Dean, armed with a samurai, fighting the ghost while he’s under the influence of alcohol.
Hmmm.think the guy behind Dean is the ghost’s handler?
Anyway, Dean and Sam are seen getting into some major crazy action. And all this fun starts when Dean gets a surprise call from Garth.
Seems Garth has came upon what he thought was the vengeful spirit of Jenny Greentree, a homeless person whose ghost is rumored to roam the woods at night in her town. When a gutted corpus is found there, Garth digs up her bones and, in typical hunter fashion, salts and burns them.
Problem is that doesn’t stop the killings, so he puts in the call to Dean. Little does he know just how much fun he are going to have.
As always the sneak peak the CW releases gives out the most coherent information and background for the episode.
The promo opens with Dean and Sam, in full FBI attire, following a doctor into the morgue. While Dean looks around the area, Sam looks straight ahead and is the first to see Garth in full camouflage dress.
Once the morgue attendant introduces Corporal Brown, Dean notices him too, and the funny faces start.
I’m guessing Garth didn’t follow the advice Dean would have given him during the call.which is usually to wait for the brothers to get there before he does anything else. Uh huh, yeah, sure, of course that didn’t happen. Garth is every bit the hunter Dean and Sam are just with out a lot of bulk to back him up. Got to give the guy credit. To go chasing vampires, ghosts, werewolves and such, without backup, and weighing all of 120# soaking wet, takes a lot of courage and dedication. Here’s hoping Garth doesn’t succumb to the Winchester curse and end up dead like all their other friends have.
Anyway Sam has already locked Garth in a death stare, but Dean soon joins him.
I don’t know people, but if I was looking at theses faces on the Winchester brothers, I might think it vary advantageous to slowly slink away. (Smile)
But not so Garth, he fully introduces himself as Corporal JAMES Brown, claiming he is paying his last respects to his cousin (of course he is) before shipping out. When the doctor mentions the terrible effect the family must be suffering losing two brothers so close together, the ire toward Garth changes.
Garth kind of gets caught up in his charade when Sam cuts in and asked to see the other brother’s file. Once out of earshot, Garth has some explaining to do. Seems Garth had left out the part about the murder victims being brothers. That is a twist the boys don’t like. (Me either!)
Garth, having just heard about the other corpse, had started moving quickly, and picked up info as he went. He continues his story and the whole time Dean has been eyeing Garth’s attire and finally just has to deliver one of his smart ass remarks. “What are you. allergic to a suit?” Garth’s very sincere, and totally hilarious reply, “No, I just look good in a uniform.” That gets an eye roll from Dean. (Smile)
All the while, Sam has been focusing on the files and realizes that the brothers died from the same cause. Sam drops the files and heads for the computer, as Garth goes into the ghost theory.
At the word ‘ghost’, Dean pulls out his EMF reader and while Garth is saying he’s already done that, Dean’s EMF reader goes off the scale, a reading Garth didn’t get. He reckons his meter must be broken again. (LOL) That gets us another eye roll from Dean as he prods Garth for the rest of the legend.
Garth says that *is* the legend and the problem, since he had already torched her bones after the first victim. Taking a closer look at the body, the condition it’s in doesn’t appeal to Dean. LOL
Garth’s question,” Is this me or is this less evil spirit, more monster chow?”.continuing that, according to witnesses, whatever chased the first victim was invisible. Hence the reason Garth called the boys.
By this time Sam’s computer search has lead him to Thighslapper ale… (Oh, I can see that making the convention circuit!)
..asking if either Garth or Dean had heard of it. Garth, no, Dean, yes. (Of course) “A beverage for douchbags,” he says. Sam continues reading,”Number one microbrew for the Pacific Northwest.” Only problem with that, they are in Kansas.
In one photo of the stills released, Sam is driving which could be on the way to see Garth, or on the way to the brewery, because we know that is where they end up. Here though it seems the boys are having a serious heart to heart and I’m guessing it’s about Cass, Meg, the leviathans or all of the above. Dean is not too happy either.
Just doesn’t seem the same when they are not in the impala though
The trailer starts with Garth also driving and blissfully talking about the need to be drunk to see the monster. It works for him! And we are going to have fun with it too.
After a brief glimpse of the death of one of the victims in typical SPN fashion (woods, night, mist, sound, blur in distance, victim shoots and ends up thrown skyward, dead), the groups gets on with the task at hand.getting drunk. With a “Party on, Garth” from Dean, the three hunters hunker down with some beer, but, as that probably takes too long, they eventually turn to hard liquor that we see in the CHCH promo.
Garth even manages to get his EMF reader working again. Hehehe
And the binging looks like it works, because Garth, in one scene calls Dean to tell him the Shojo’s with him. Too bad the woman the Shojo’s standing behind is oblivious to the danger.and therefore dead.
They do take care of the Shojo, eventually, however the monster isn’t so easy to kill. We get a few gasps from Garth (gotta love that) and lots of throwing hunters around first. Sam is thrown into a wall, and collapses on the floor (poor guy.and he just got back on his feet), and Garth gets tossed into a rack of shelving.
Dean seems to be the only one standing and he is swinging aimlessly at a moving target.
The maintenance man is in a lot of frames too.squeezing a window the monster is behind, being shut in a room, and Sam finding him behind a curtain. He must be tied to the monster someway and working at a brewery, he’d have plenty of sauce available to see her all the time.
We also see him in one of the photo stills where Sam is protecting him. Have to wondering if Sam is protecting him from the monster or an inebriated Dean with a huge, sharp sword! LOL
CHCH promo repeats clips we already saw in the trailer and promo, but does add a few more scenes.
Dean and Sam generously imbibing hard alcoholic beverages,
a quick frame of a Japanese head master, who I’m guessing, is the one who gives the trio the low-down on the monster, and then shots of Dean, Sam and the Shojo in the Pacific Northwester Brewery they eventually break into. (At this point I suspect they are all very inebriated.)
We do see Dean finally kill the monster, and while the photo stills seem to give away the whole story by themselves, I’m guessing that is not all there is to the episode.
Interestingly, one actor we know is in the episode is Terry David Mulligan guest starring as Randy Baxter. He tweeted that he gets tasered by Garth and then he lies on floor forever. At one point he was lying on the floor with his head under a desk and the guys were riffling the script above it. One has to wonder if he’s part of the rest of the episode. the part with the twist that we find out about on Friday. Maybe a leviathan!
While the episode has all the earmarks of a filler, overall it should be fun and light-hearted; just we need after all the recent events. Plus, Garth’s back, and that mean some fun times, never mind the case itself. And so far, at least, this doesn’t look like a case where Dean and Sam can lose another fellow hunter. Which is good, because quite frankly they’ve lost enough already.
After this episode, the show will be on hiatus for two weeks, returning on April 20 for an uninterrupted run to the season finale.
Official Synopsis: Dean is surprised when he gets a call from Garth (guest star DJ Qualls) asking for the brothers’ help on a case. Sam and Dean discover they are battling a Shojo, a Japanese creature sent to seek revenge on enemies. The worst part about fighting a Shojo? You can only see it when you’re drunk. Written by CW Publicity
Executive Producer Phil Sgriccia is the director of his 25th “Supernatural” episode. He has been with the series since it began, making his directorial debut with “Nightmare” in 2006. Since then he has directed such episodes as “Provenance,” “Nightshifter,” “Yellow Fever” (one of my absolute favorites), “Abandon All Hope,” and more recently “Time After Time,” “Shut Up, Dr. Phil” and “Meet the New Boss” to mention a few.
The episode was penned by Adam Glass who started writing for the series in 2010 with “Two and a Half Men.” He has penned six Supernatural episodes since then, among them, “Adventures in Babysitting,” “Defending Your Life,” “Mommy Dearest,” “Like a Virgin,” and “All Dogs Go to Heaven.”
Cast (IMDb) includes Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins (Castiel), DJ Qualls (Garth), Julia Rhodes (Marie McAnn), Sarah Dugdale (Chloe), Megan Charpentier (Tess), Terry David Mulligan (Randy Baxter)
Interesting side note: According to IMDb, Julia Rhodes was also in the “Supernatural” episode “Live free or Twihard” as one of the vampire girls Dean killed.
BTS photos from Susan Gittins:
DJ Qualls Back on Supernatural Filming at Burger Heaven In New Westminster Near Vancouver on February 10th
Supernatural’s Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki about to break into North Vancouver’s Red Truck Brewery on location February 14th.
The photos stills can be found here.
Promo Trailer:
Sneak Peak:
CHCH promo:
Producer’s Promo:
For spoiler updates, follow me on Twitter at @sblgrn
Hey, at least Dean will get to drink and no one will be able to fault him on it! And on the plus side, drunk Winchesters! It will be nice to have some laughs after the heavyness of the last episode.
It does lend one to envision a lot of stumbling around…but Dean drunk with a very big sharp sword! That’s just scary! 😀
Can you say [i]The Ring[/i] and every [i]Grudge[/i] movie ever made? The Japanese know how to do some horror! Love that stuff! Can’t wait!