Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 8.06 – ‘Southern Comfort”
Season 8 Episode 6
Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel
On to the episode!
Dean and Sam have their long-delayed “talk” about what’s bothering them. Sam wants to know why Benny is still breathing–remember Amy? They let Kate go. “People do change,” Dean says, “look at you, you turned your phone off for a year.” Sam angrily tells him not to turn this back on him.
A woman murders Chester, her husband, by dropping a car on top of him in a jealous rage, but she doesn’t remember anything about it except blind rage. To the brothers’ dismay, they arrive at the crime scene to find their long lost cohort, aka Texas ranger, aka bugger Garth already on the job. He answers one of three phones in his pocket, doing Bobby’s job. “Shut your mouth,” says Dean, not liking this at all, or the idea that Garth has taken up Bobby’s slack with green hunters needing help.
As for this case, according to the couple’s son, there were no marital problems, Mom wasn’t hearing voices. Sam finds no EMF or trace of sulfur, but they DID find green ectoplasm, which Garth tastes. Alcott was carved into the deceased’s chest with wife’s fingernails; the wife blanked out, remembering only bits and pieces. This makes Garth giggle. Rage is all she remembers. Turns out Alcott was hubby’s prom date.
They grab a bite first. Over food, Dean reveals he was in Purgatory. Garth confesses he was a dentist for a hot minute and ganked the tooth fairy.
Scott, sitting in his truck, takes a hit of his inhaler, and when he enters a store, green ectoplasm is running from his ear. He runs into Jeff, a guy who owes him money, tosses hot coffee in his face, and kills him with a shovel, demanding his money back. In the store’s security mirror, we see a ghost, wearing an ancient uniform, appear, his face ugly and angry.
Sam and Dean stand over the corpse. So first mom goes Natural Born Killer, and now the son? observes Dean. Written in blood on the freezer case is SUSSEX. Dean yanks Bobby’s cap off Garth’s head, “That’s not how you wear it!” All Scott remembers is rage, and, oddly, his whole head is obliterated on the security tape.
Sam goes to question Sarah Alcott Brown. They did go to prom, she wasn’t a “good” girl, and she thought she and Chester were going to be hot and heavy, but that didn’t happen–he eloped with Mary, who kept him on a pretty short leash. In Mary’s mind, I was a reminder of Chester’s betrayal, says Sarah.
Flashback: Sam and Amelia are in bed in her apartment. They confess to each other that it’s been a long time since they let each other go like that. Her husband enlisted without telling her and was killed. She was a mess–“…and then you hit a dog.”
Garth and Dean are doing computer research. Garth reaches for a beer, but Dean stops him, reminding him that he had to pick him up off the floor last time he drank beer. Garth fondly calls him idjit, but Dean says that’s supposed to be used in anger–butch it! Garth notes how tense Sam and Dean are around each other and offers to help–like Bobby. Dean goes off on him, “You’re not and never will be Bobby!” Getting teary-eyed, Garth reminds Dean that Bobby belonged to all of them, and he’s trying to use what Bobby taught him. Dean finds that Sussex is a business owned by Jeff and Scott. Garth digs up in Bobby’s journal that they are dealing with a spectre, an avenging ghost that possesses you and finds out what betrayals you’re feeling and forces you to act on them.
They go to the Confederate Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Garth knows this stuff because he performs in Civil War re-enactments. “Don’t hate,” he says. The guard is ceremonial and will leave at dusk. “Burning Confederate bones in a town full of rednecks?” Sam asks, “Sure!”
They return at night, flashlights in hand, and enter the tomb. Garth marvels over the worth of the hardware, and Dean wonders why those who broke in didn’t take it. Garth feels obligated to say something before they salt and burn, so Dean jibes, “We won,” and throws in the match. (Bwah!)
At the police station, Scott has an asthma attack and gasps a request for his inhaler. Unfortunately, just handling the inhaler gets the deputy possessed by the spectre, and he grabs a shotgun, points it at his boss, and sneers, “Why don’t you write your own reports, Sheriff!”
At the crime scene, where green ecto trails over the tape dispenser on the Sheriff’s desk, Dean wonders if they torched the wrong redneck. “Maybe the kids who robbed the grave took a cursed object from it?” They question the deputy, who said the guy who stopped him after the shooting went to the hospital, which is where Dean is going. He sends Sam and Garth back to the tomb.
The armed man, reflected in a side view mirror, is definitely a Confederate soldier now.
Garth assures Sam he’s here to talk to him, about life, Dean, you. “I’m ok,” thanks, says Sam. “Seems like you’re both talkin, but nobody’s listenin,” Garth says.
Flashback: Sam is still in bed, Amelia, dressed, tells him to lock up when he leaves. She doesn’t want him to get the wrong idea. “I know I said a lot of things last night, and I know I can’t ask you to forget them, just do–I don’t need your pity.” Sam is glad she told him about Don, it helps him to know her better, but he doesn’t pity her. Amelia doesn’t believe him and leaves him sitting alone in her bed.
Sam and Garth go to do research, despite a gal reminding them there’s a reason it’s the UNKNOWN soldier.
The deputy tries to gun down a doctor in a hospital for calling him out when he was an umpire years ago, but, as Dean says, “Looks like you’re shootin blanks.” Dean punches him, but the deputy punches him back, seemingly a lot stronger.
Sam and Garth learn about a pair of brothers, the Collins’, who fought on opposite sides in the Civil War. Vance swore vengeance on his brother with his dying breath. Years later, consumed by guilt, the Corporal dug his brother up where he buried him on the battlefield and brought him home. One theory is that this Vance guy is the Unknown Soldier.
While the deputy (the spectre likes Dean) is beating the crap out of Dean, Sam and Garth learn from the librarian that many soldiers wore a penny around their necks. Sam calls Dean’s cell and leaves a message to report this just as the deputy presses something into the palm of Dean’s hand.
When Sam and Garth find Dean, he’s sitting in a chair, ectoplasm running from his ear. He rises and points a gun at Sam. “You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory,” he says angrily.
Three days ago, a montage shows coin’s trail of terror, all to “Fell on Black Days” by Soundgarden. “You never wanted this life, always blamed me for pulling you back into it.” “Not true,” Sam insists. “Everything you’e done since you climbed into my ride has been to deceive me,” accuses Dean. “I’ve made mistakes,” admits Sam. Dean totes up Sammy’s greatest hits of mistakes. “Drinking demon blood, in cahoots with Ruby, not telling me that you lost your soul, or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year lettin’ me think that you were dead while you were doin all kinds of crazy–those aren’t mistakes, Sam, those are choices!” “All right,” agrees Sam, “you said it, we both played a little fast and loose.” “I never once betrayed you,” says Dean, “never once left you to die–and for what?–you left me to die for a girl?”
Sam takes the opportunity to grab hold of Dean’s hand holding the gun and punch him. They battle, punching each other, but Sam ends up sprawled on the floor, nose bleeding, Dean still holding the gun. Garth gets between them. “Garth, don’t!” protests Sam. “He won’t kill me,”Garth says, “his beef isn’t with me–you aren’t going to shoot me, are you, Dean? Come on, Dean, you do not want to kill your brother; you’ve been protecting him your whole life.” “He left me to rot in Purgatory!” Dean explodes. Garth is sure he had his reasons. “Just like you had your reasons for Benny,” says Sam. (low blow, but deserved). “Who?” Asks Garth. “Benny’s been more of a brother to me this past year than you’ve EVER been!” Dean cries, “That’s right, Cas let me down, you let me down, the only person who hasn’t let me down is Benny.” Garth begs Dean to fight this thing, to let it go. “Goodbye, Sam,” says Dean, about to shoot his brother. Garth punches Dean, forcing him to drop both the gun and the penny. Garth nurses his injured hand from the punch and picks up the coin and the gun. I’m cool, he assures the brothers. Dean, dazed, wipes green ectoplasm from his ear.
Garth tells Dean it took forever to melt the penny, but it’s finally gone. Dean doesn’t understand why the penny didn’t affect Garth like it did everyone else. Garth let’s everything go, thanks to his Yogi and Sega Genesis. “Stop bein an idjit,” Garth orders, “With Bobby dead, you and Sam are all each other has, and that’s not so bad, man.” He hugs him, and Dean returns Bobby’s cap and tells him to keep on truckin’. When his ride won’t start, Garth slams on the steering wheel and yells “BALLS!” in a Bobby-like manner then it does, and he takes off.
Flashback: Sam knocks on Amelia’s door and tells her, “We’re a lot of things, but we’re not to be pitied. I lost my brother, Dean, a few months ago. It felt like my world imploded, and I ran, just like you.” “Is that supposed to be a pep talk? Amelia asks, “because now I pity you.” She invites him in. “That wasn’t my point,”says Sam. “Bell’s rang on that one,” she says, “so…” They sit on the sofa and she pours booze for them. “So what now?” he asks. She doesn’t know–“You wanna talk about it?” “Last night? Sam asks. “Dean, you pervert,” she teases. “Yeah, I’d like that,” he says, “do you want to talk about Don?” he covers her hand and says, “Hey, I’d like that, too.” she covers his hand with hers.
Outside, in a stern voice, Sam tells Dean, “For the record, it’s a girl, her name’s Amelia, Amelia Richardson–she and I had a place together in Kermit, Texas.” Dean doesn’t even remember what he said. “Please,” says Sam, “you know damn well you didn’t need a penny to say those things. I told you from the jump where I was coming from, why I didn’t look for you, you had secrets, you had Benny, you got on your high and mighty and you’ve been kicking me ever since you got back–but that’s over–so move on or I will. I just might be that hunter that runs into Benny one day and ices him.” “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, won’t we?” says Dean. “You keep sayin that,” says Sam.
So, we learned more about how Sam and Amelia got together. She lost Don and Sam lost Dean, they were sad and lonely and needed companionship and love. It almost seems as if his hitting the dog and her being a vet was kismet, huh? Like Riot played matchmaker for them? I liked the way he told her he didn’t think either of them are pitiable, then she told him she was pitying him, but invited him in for a drink and it seems as if they stayed together from then on. Two wounded animals who found each other and healed together. I sure wish Dean would cut Sam some slack. And I wish Sam would do the same for Dean as far as Benny is concerned. Of course, I understand Sam being wary, Benny being a vamp and all.
I liked this episode. It wasn’t fantastic. I don’t like Garth all that much and doubt I ever will. I’m warming up to him, but doubt I’ll ever be a big Garth fan. I give this ep a 6.
1. Yay or nay on this ep?
2. How are you feeling about Amelia now? Did they go from fooling around to falling in love? Pity sex to love? I like her. She’s sassy and a vet. As an animal lover, I love her for that alone.
3. This ep reminded me of the one with the siren, when Sam and Dean both told how they felt about each other and were willing to kill each other for the love of the siren. Except this time, only Dean was affected, and he was more than willing to kill Sam while that coin was in his hand.
4. Are you a Garth fan? How did you like him in this ep? I thought he did a great job of saving Sam’s life from Dean’s murderous rage, but he’s such a nebbish.
5. What’s your opinion of our Monster of the Week? I was also reminded of the brothers in the land drowning episodes and the ghost ship while watching this one.
Some personal information about me, folks, skip if you would prefer not to know.
A few weeks ago, I learned why my back has been hurting so badly for the last few years, and why the pain has been getting worse.
I consulted with a spinal deformity surgeon recommended by my neurosurgeon. I’ve had a bad back since I was 15 and slipped a disc in my lower back helping my mom carry a console TV set upstairs. I had surgery when I was 20, but the surgeon kind of screwed it up, so not only did I continue having pain in my lower back, I slipped a disc in my neck, too.
Fast forward to now. I have a condition called Flat Back Syndrome. On 11/30, I will get part one of a two part, massive surgical procedure to correct it. There will be rods and other titanium implements inserted into my spine. Part two of my surgery takes part on 12/5.
I’m scared, friends. Terrified! I might be paralyzed. I might die. I might end up in more pain than I’m in now. The thing is, I’m in so much pain now, and relying on powerful painkillers to get through my days, I know I must do SOMETHING. I’ve tried chiropractors, physical therapy, pain management clinics, shots in my back–all the alternatives–and nothing has alleviated my pain. The spinal deformity doctor told me that my condition is in a vicious cycle and will only worsen with time if I don’t get the surgery.
If you believe in prayer, please pray for me. If not, send good thoughts. I’m going to be laid up for quite a while.
Thank you!
Dear Robin!
I wish you the best and that it all will turn out good for you. I will include you in my positive thoughts I myself had a hard time in my life once, and didn’t know if I would survive, now its already 14 years ago and I am still here! I tried back then very hard to connect with my inner self, searching for an inner peace! (I can’t describe it really good!)
Looking forward to your next review if all is done and better! I always have to read your recaps because I don’t understand all of the words in the episodes.
But the most important is that when you go into this “trial” to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that it is all not dark. I hope you have friends at your side to supprt you, real persons you can feel physically and your virtual friends from the internet!!!
I wish you inner strength to go through this all!!!
Thank you so much for your good thoughts. When people tell me they went through a hard time and survived, as you did here, it gives me hope for my own situation. From the bottom of my toe-tips, I appreciate your kind words.
[quote]1. Yay or nay on this ep? [/quote] Kind of an ‘ay’ (Do you see what I did there! ) T’was grand out. Not sure where some of Dean’s issues came from but I guess if they’ve been hanging around in his head it’s better to get them out of his system. It’d be interesting to see what Sam would have said had he had the coin in his hand and who he’d hold a grudge against (cos it might not be Dean….)
[quote]2. How are you feeling about Amelia now? Did they go from fooling around to falling in love? Pity sex to love? I like her. She’s sassy and a vet. As an animal lover, I love her for that alone. [/quote] I like her but I’ve liked her from the beginning. The little wascal has spiwit. (‘Has what, Sir?’ ‘Spiwit’ ‘Yes, he did, Sir’ ‘No, no, spiwit, siw… uh. Bwavado, a touch of dewwing-do.’ ‘Oh, Ah… About eleven, sir.’)
Sorry……. Like I said, she has [i]spirit[/i]. Sam wouldn’t fall for a fawning, simpering twit of a woman, and Amelia certainly isn’t fawning or simpering or a twit. She is a woman though. (Except maybe in fanfiction…..)
I’ve never had an issue with what she said to Sam to get him to take the dog. The guy obviously cares enough about animals to bring Dog to the vet in the first place instead of just leaving him to die on the side of the road like many people would do. He cared enough to stay and enquire about the dog and pay for its surgery (which would probably be considerable and again, something not many people would do for a stray animal). He felt responsible for the dog and given the amount of abandoned, stray and abused animals that vets would deal with I dare say they’ve seen the ugly side of how some people consider animals, Sam and his actions epitomised the good side of it. I guess she’d rather leave the dog with Sam, who she felt if he couldn’t take it then he’d find a home for it, than just put it in the pound where there would be only a slim chance of it being homed. (Did we get a gender for the dog yet? I hate calling it ‘it’.)
I don’t have a problem with the drifter serial killer comment because honestly, huge, strange guy with a bag of metal tools, hunkered down behind a door when you enter your room, my first thought would be ‘Oh balls, I’m dead’ too. Blame Law & Order for that! It’s the same with the ‘Now I feel sorry for you’ comment, it wasn’t said maliciously or to hurt. Amelia seems to have a really droll, teasing sense of humour and if you take the things she said merely at face value they can come off as abrasive but if you look at [i]how[/i] and [i]when[/i] she said them they’re much more friendly than first thought. I thought of it more as kind of like primary school flirting when you show you’re interested in someone by pulling their hair or calling them names.
I dunno, maybe it’s an Irish thing but we (as a people) generally throw mildly deprecating comments, insults, jibes and teases at each other about [i]everything[/i], especially if we know the person, even if we only [i]barely[/i] know them. Last week myself and another poster found out that we come from pretty near each other back home so since then it’s almost been open season with the ‘insults’! (I realise this isn’t the best advertisement for the country but you know, we have really good weather…..) It’s why I like Amelia, she’s different to the usual love interests out there. She’s very different to Sam in terms of personality but they’ve a lot in common. I think Sam needs to be challenged, whether that be in terms of hunts, or schools or in relationships so yeah, I can see why they got together.
[quote]3. This ep reminded me of the one with the siren, when Sam and Dean both told how they felt about each other and were willing to kill each other for the love of the siren. Except this time, only Dean was affected, and he was more than willing to kill Sam while that coin was in his hand. [/quote] It was like the siren without the saliva and spitting. Thank God, because spitting is disgusting. Killing and torture I’m grand with, spitting no. (Okay, I might want to reassess what I think is socially acceptable behaviour…..)
[quote]4. Are you a Garth fan? How did you like him in this ep? I thought he did a great job of saving Sam’s life from Dean’s murderous rage, but he’s such a nebbish. [/quote] I’ve no idea what a nebbish is….. I wasn’t overly a Garth fan but I do like Garth a bit more after this episode though. He went from being annoying to being sincere so it’s hard not to like him. I didn’t mind him trying to take on Bobby’s role. Dude is remembering Bobby in his own way, fair play to him. Isn’t it better than not remembering at all? Says a lot about the type of person Garth is and the impact Bobby had. And I don’t have an issue with him trying to get the Winchesters to talk because God knows, someone has to do it and I’d rather it be without the push of something supernatural next time.
He appears to have been untouched by the darker side of hunting which is rare though lovely. It kinda gives me hope that maybe Sam and Dean will see it through untainted (fat chance!!) It’d almost make one think about taking up yoga.
[quote]5. What’s your opinion of our Monster of the Week? I was also reminded of the brothers in the land drowning episodes and the ghost ship while watching this one.[/quote] Seems I need a rewatch because I can’t remember that one. MOTW was grand, simple out. I guess if you put in a really complicated monster in a really complicated hunt then it might take away from the impact of the really complicated aftermath.
Re your health issues. My mother needed major back surgery back in 1988 so I know how debilitating back pain can be. She’d one disc removed and another pared down which was huge surgery for the time (surgery in Ireland in 1988 pretty much involved a guy with a mini chainsaw and a DIY manual) so with the huge advances in medicine, and the unbelievable skill of doctors and surgeons nowadays I’d be far more confident about spinal surgery. I do believe in prayer so I’ll offer one or two up for you if you don’t mind! Back in May we found out that, whether it was the magic of the doctors or the power of prayer but miracles do happen; there are two of them in the family right now so have faith.
I can only imagine how scary it must be for you, thinking about what might happen but start to believe that it [i]won’t [/i]happen. Start planning for the life you’ll have without pain and before you know it you’ll be out dancing free and easy or doing mad bendy yoga….
Robin, I’ve no doubt you’ll sail through it. You’re definitely stronger than you think you are. You’ve put up with it for this long and from what I can see from your writings on here, you’ve still manged to maintain good spirits. And really, if you can put up with the likes of us on this site then anything else will be a breeze!
I’ll be thinking of you, missus.
Ha! You may have hit upon why I like Amelia, too. Our family has always had that “primary school I like you type of teasing”. We drive people crazy with it, but we all have rather dry senses of humour, and love to kid each other.
Hmm. Maybe that’s why I “get” her, and really like Amelia.
Thinking of you, Robin! I’m sure recovery will be hard, but I give you all the credit for what you’ve gone through already and your strength in facing the future.
You’ll come through this stronger than ever!
All good thoughts, prayers, fingers crossed, etc….
Your kind words and encouragement are more welcome than I can say. I am afraid, yes, because the doctors are forced to be very candid to cover their butts. I’m hoping for the best. Putting up with you guys is pleasure! All I want is to walk, sit, and sleep pain-free. That would be my birthday miracle on December 14th.
Thank you again, Enchanting Tim, for being such a great friend.
I am sad that you are in such pain.I pray to god that your surgery be successful and you recover to the fullest.What if i am not there,I will pray for your health.
Thank you, anonymousN, for your good wishes and prayers. I appreciate your kindness.
I am so very sorry Robin. I will pray for your recovery certainly. I can understand how tiring and disabling your pain is as I have unremitting severe osteo arthritis in five joints. Not nearly as serious as yours of course, but I can relate a bit. You’ve always seemed so upbeat in your reviews, and I thank you for them again. It’s good that our show helps a bit to get through the days.
1. Yay or nay on this ep?
Yay, definitely!
2. How are you feeling about Amelia now? Did they go from fooling around to falling in love? Pity sex to love? I like her. She’s sassy and a vet. As an animal lover, I love her for that alone.
Haven’t taken to Amelia. Just can’t feel any reason to yet. Can’t believe this is a great love for Sam. She gets a bonus though for the animal lover thing.
3. This ep reminded me of the one with the siren, when Sam and Dean both told how they felt about each other and were willing to kill each other for the love of the siren. Except this time, only Dean was affected, and he was more than willing to kill Sam while that coin was in his hand.
Reminded me of that, and also Sam in ‘Asylum’. That’s why I couldn’t understand Sam’s attitude to Dean after he was possessed. Dean didn’t remember what he said, but Sam remembered the other two times when it was himself. Why threaten again to leave when Dean never left him the other two times? Pot meet Kettle! Sam should have been able to relate!
4. Are you a Garth fan? How did you like him in this ep? I thought he did a great job of saving Sam’s life from Dean’s murderous rage, but he’s such a nebbish.
Yes, I’m a Garth fan now. Sorta liked him at first, but now I think I love the guy. What a sweetheart, really! Reminds me about another nice fella named Andy Gallagher. Hope the same thing doesn’t happen to him.
5. What’s your opinion of our Monster of the Week? I was also reminded of the brothers in the land drowning episodes and the ghost ship while watching this one.
Between the angst of the brothers, I almost forget about the MOTW! 😆 It was gruesome and bloody enough and got the brothers “talking”? 😮
[quote]Reminded me of that, and also Sam in ‘Asylum’. That’s why I couldn’t understand Sam’s attitude to Dean after he was possessed. Dean didn’t remember what he said, but Sam remembered the other two times when it was himself. Why threaten again to leave when Dean never left him the other two times? Pot meet Kettle! Sam should have been able to relate![/quote]
I’m in the camp that believes that Sam wasn’t saying this in response to Dean’s rant. Dean has been dinging and dinging and dinging Sam about his “taking a year off” in several episodes. Dean started in this episode before he was ever affected by the coin. I have no problem with Sam saying that he doesn’t intend to be TREATED badly by Dean anymore. Dean can resent him, but he has to stop blaming Sam and reminding Sam that he failed Dean. Sam can’t turn back time. He can’t change what he did. If Dean can’t get over it enough to stop condemning Sam for what he did then Sam should leave. It doesn’t help either one of them to be together with Dean resenting Sam for not looking for him and repeatedly bashing Sam over the head with his failure. I thought Sam was acting properly. There is only so much you can take when someone won’t let something go and Sam had reached his limit, at the beginning of the episode. Finding out that Dean has never let go of ANYTHING Sam has done wrong just made Sam realize that nothing Sam does will ever be enough for Dean to forgive him for stuff that happened years ago.
There is also a slight difference between Asylum and S&V and this. During both of those Sam (and Dean in S&V) were angry about behaviors that were still happening. In Asylum Sam was angry about Dean still deferring to John and telling Sam what to do, current behaviors. In S&V Sam was expressing his feelings that Dean was weak and unwilling to take on Lilith again, based on ways Dean was behaving at the time. Dean is still holding onto things that Sam did years ago and things that he tried to rectify going so far as to sacrifice himself and Dean makes it clear that he still blames Sam. If jumping into the Cage to make amends isn’t enough, then Dean is never, ever going to forgive him. And Dean has been making his anger clear for the entire season.
Hi Bevie,
My take on the Sam threatening to leave part of the confrontation wasn’t about what Dean said while he was possessed; to me it was Sam saying to Dean that if he didn’t stop with the daily jabs at him, the passive aggressive little digs that he was going to walk. Dean may not have remembered what he said during the possession, but he clearly remembered digging into Sam every day for not looking for him, so to me that “move on, or I will” comment was about that.
Yeah, I agree with that. I think Sam’s anger and aggressiveness in that last confrontation were certainly related to what he’d heard from possessed Dean, but the specific topics he brought up (Dean getting on his high horse and riding him since he got back, the possibility that some hunter might have to take Benny out if he backslid and that hunter might therefore be Sam) were both related to conversations they’d been having before Dean’s run in with the spectre.
Bevie, you share my Mother’s name, and that alone comforts me. I’m so sorry to hear of your own pain. I hope you get relief somehow. SPN and it’s handsome stars help me get through my pain, that’s true. My hope, after I’m better, is to be able to scrounge up enough money to see them at another convention someday.
Thank you, Bevie, for your generous words and caring.
See my reply below, Bevie.
1. More yay than nay, I’d say. Hihiiii! I’m a poet, who knew?! Did it again, see? 🙂 Okay, gonna stop now.
2. She’s complicated. There are things that I like about her and then things that I don’t. I do like that she’s not this perfect little missus. I like that she has spunk and is a damaged soul. I just wish that it was she opening Sam up and not vise versa. I’d *love* to see Sam through her eyes. And I’d like to not wait 5 episodes to get there. But at the moment, she also is more yay than nay. 🙂
3. It reminded me of Sex and Violence aswell. Allthough Dean had waaay less issues back then. And they were more understandable back then, than here. But hey, atleast theyäre talking 🙂
4.I didn’t like Garth before, but I do like him now. I like him a lot actually! He was very zen and kind. I appreciate his tribute to Bobby by being a hunters helper. You’re okay Garth.
5. It was fine. Liked the use of Fell on Black Days (very reminicent of season 2) on that montage of the coin. It also reminded me of Red Sky at Morning with the dueling brothers. Also, there were some great oneliners in this one, they also reminded me of older seasons!
Regarding your healt issues, I’m sending you happy thoughts and strength to over come the coming trials. I hope everything goes well for you and that the surgery is a success!
My husband also has back issues which are inoperable at the moment, and who knows what will happen in the future, so I can relate a little bit. Back operations are always risky, but I agree with others, that you should concentrate on the positive things in life, as much as you can. Little optimism never hurt anyone 🙂
So, thank you for this review and all the best to you, Robin.
With warm fuzzy thoughts,
Thanks so much, Supernattu! Best wishes to your husband, too!
Busy week (I work in the floral industry and am hosting Thanksgiving dinner)for me but I had to pop in and wish you the best. I will be praying for the best possible outcome! Have a speedy recovery and get back to writing these wonderfully detailed reviews.
If you enjoy reading, I’ve recently discovered the “Jack Reacher” books by Lee Child. Very entertaining and time will fly during your recuperation.
I’ll send you happy thoughts. I hope the surgery goes well and that it works and makes you feel better.
Do you read Terry Pratchett? If not, give me an address and I can send you a couple of my favorite books by him. He’s funny and very insightful and it may help you while away the time.
Take care and let us know how you are doing.
YAY for Terry Pratchett!
Love his writings! Definitely second that recommendation. 🙂
Hi, Percysowner! I’ve never read Terry Pratchett, but he sounds perfect for someone recuperating from surgery like mine. I will send you my home address.
From Alice – If you want Robin’s address, just send a message through “Contact Us” and I’ll pass it along to you! We have a policy here of not sharing personal information through the comments. Thanks!
Best of luck with the surgery, Robin, and I hope it all goes really well and that you have a quick recovery. Sending good vibes your way!
Thanks so much, Ardeospina! I’m working on being optimistic and hoping for the best.
Robin, I am also sending you positive vibes and good wishes. Will be thinking of you on your surgery days, wishing you a fast and safe recovery.
percysowner is right about Terry Pratchett – always a great read and booster of positive feelings.
Thanks very much, eilf, with all my great friends here sending me prayers and good wishes, I should be up and walking, pain-free, in no time at all!
Your surgery will go well robin. I’ll remember you in my thoughts and prayers.
you’ll be up an about and free from pain soon.
Good Luck with your surgery
Spookysam, thank you so much! From your lips to God’s ears!
It is very difficult to meet the right one in this world
People are mostly liars and hide their real intention
I think i am a little bit lucky, because i met my hero on an
online dating site do not be hopeless,
there are still nice and honest people who can give you the love you deserve
Life is short and it has no meaning without love.
Thanks to god we have internet dating sites
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It is very difficult to meet the right one in this world
People are mostly liars and hide their real intention
I think i am a little bit lucky, because i met my hero on an
online dating site do not be hopeless,
there are still nice and honest people who can give you the love you deserve
Life is short and it has no meaning without love.
Thanks to god we have internet dating sites
So you can try them as last resort to find your soulmate…