A Look Back at Supernatural Season 8: Musings From Bamboo24

A Look Back at Supernatural Season 8: Musings From Bamboo24

Author’s Note: I usually don’t write this kind of thing, but after that phenomenal finale I was compelled to write up something that connected the dots of the journey through season eight as I saw them.  Not everyone liked season eight and not everyone connected the dots the way I did, and that’s okay.  I…

The Audacity of Supernatural: Top Ten Most Shocking Moments – Part Deux!

The Audacity of Supernatural: Top Ten Most Shocking Moments – Part Deux!

The Audacity of Supernatural – Top Ten Most Shocking Moments – Part Deux! I’m back with more shocking moments from Supernatural, because the first 10 just wouldn’t do.  So consider this a supplement – part two, if you will.   10.  “Fortunate Son” In “Sympathy for the Devil,” we find out, quite surprisingly, that Dean…

“I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost!”: Top Ten Scariest Episodes of Supernatural

“I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost!”: Top Ten Scariest Episodes of Supernatural

 [Spoilers for Seasons 1-7] Picking the top ten scariest episodes of a sci-fi/horror genre TV show is no easy feat, especially when you consider that not everyone is afraid of the same things.  For example, if you suffer from Coulrophobia (that is, the fear of clowns) like Sam Winchester, you’re probably going to think “Everybody…

The Audacity of Supernatural: Top Ten Most Shocking Moments

It was the winter of 2011/2012, and I was suffering through law school finals (and I do mean suffering).  Desperate for distraction and thoroughly bored with my current tastes in television, I began looking through the folders of my favorite fanfiction authors to see what other shows they were writing about.  I had been an…