“The Born-Again Identity” and Why I’m Really Excited
-by sweetondean
Warning….ahead be spoilers…
I’m always excited about a new episode of “Supernatural,” but sometimes an episode comes along that has me REALLY excited. Whether it’s the opening of the season, or the almighty season finale, or something with cowboys, invariable there are a few moments throughout a season where I can literally feel my heart beating faster and faster as we head towards the weekend and a brand new “Supernatural.”
Like this week. I’m practically having palpitations.
When it comes to “Supernatural,” my favourite episodes are always the emotionally fraught ones. Sure, I love a good Unicorn-farting-out-a-rainbow moment as much as the next fan, but give me high stakes, give me brother worried for brother, give me great big dollops of Dean angst and I’m the happiest/saddest/happiest gal in the world.
And “The Born-Again Identity” looks like it’s going to deliver angst….lots of beautiful, beautiful Winchestery angst. Yay!
I’m excited about the return of ‘Cas’. Mostly because we’re not sure what to expect! Misha teased in an interview released today:
“A lot of people are just going to be excited to see ‘Cas’ again. And of course, as things twist and turn, there’s going to be a lot of people who are really disappointed that it’s not exactly how they want it.”
And that right there has me clapping my hands and making “ooooooo” noises! Interesting.

But the main reason I’m excited about the return of ‘Cas’ is to see how Dean deals with it. How will he deal with seeing his friend, who he believes betrayed him and who he knows broke his brother’s head. I want to see Dean’s face. I want to experience his confusion and his anger and his happiness and his disbelief and his relief and the myriad of emotions that will run through Dean when he claps eyes on the resurrected ‘Castiel’.
The fact that ‘Castiel’ remembers nothing. Wow. That’s going to make for some very interesting conversations right there! And I can’t wait to witness every one of them.

Of course, the other reason I’m champing at the bit for “The Born-Again Identity” is that Dean’s going to be in full-on big-brother mode. Sam is dying. Sam is giving up. Dean can’t have that. Dean can’t lose Sam. Dean has to find a way to save him because that’s what Dean does and I’m cool with it. For me, Dean is most glorious when putting every ounce of his being into finding a way to help Sam (I’d say the same for Sam by the way, but of course, about Dean). I know a lot of other people think it’s passé, that Dean hasn’t got a storyline outside of this, or whatever, but me, I don’t think like this, because this is Dean and this is why I love him. This is who he is. Sam keeps Dean moving forward. Sam keeps Dean human. Sam is his heart and soul. They’re each other’s heart and soul. That’s never going to change. At least I hope it doesn’t.
It’s not that I don’t want the brothers to be happy, I do. But I love this show for their journey and let’s face it, their journey will always be a struggle. I dig watching them try to beat and overcome everything that the Universe throws at them. I love watching them triumph, only to fall again and then pick themselves up and dust themselves off and give it another shot. It’s inspiring.
My favourite thing in the whole world is when the brothers are looking out for each other and supporting each other and backing each other up (and of course, teasing each other)…hence my joy at the direction season seven has taken. Even through all the loss, there’s been so much gained. At least for me.
My favourite episodes are all about the brothers. “Faith,” “The End,” “Swan Song”… These all have moments when Sam and Dean realise, above everything else, what they mean to each other. And that right there is what the show means to me.
So I’m excited about “The Born-Again Identity” because it looks like that relationship will be front and centre. But not only that, it looks like it’ll put Dean’s love front and centre, that it’ll bring to a head all that Sam’s been struggling with and of course, bring back an old friend, one who’s been sorely missed, and who’ll add to the overwhelming confusion and angstiness of the whole schbang. For Sam and Dean…and for us. Big episode sounds big. I’m sure I’ll be in tears throughout. I can’t wait. What is wrong with me? Oh right…I’m a “Supernatural” fan. I love pain. Obviously.
I’m so excited for the end of this season. How do we solve a problem like Lucifer (go on, sing it like the Sound Of Music), will Sammy recover, will Dean finally fall in a heap, what is the deal with ‘Castiel’, what twists and turns will that character take, how will the brothers deal with ‘Cas’ being back, is he really ‘Cas’, will we ever see Bobby again (meep), when will the Impala come back (meep meep)…oh yeah and then there’s that Leviathan thing!
So much. Seven episodes. BRING.IT.ON.
I couldn’t have said a single word better. It’s like you stepped right inside my brain. 🙂 So, yeah I relate girl. All the same feelings!
Pretty sure I’m going to hyperventilate while watching this episode and I’m cool with that. 😉
Thankyou, THANKYOU Sweetondean!! As a fellow Aussie, I can FEEL your excitement cos I too am really excited to this episode (and perhaps cos we both downunder… 😀 .
I wish all fans could be this happy and excited about this episode, because it is DEFINITELY going to be EPIC! 😮
Sweetondean and Joyful, I too am an Aussie with a Dean fetish…I am having internet dramas and havent watched it yet…help…desperate…I HAVE TO WATCH IT NOW!!!! 😥
[quote]because this is Dean and this is why I love him. This is who he is. Sam keeps Dean moving forward. Sam keeps Dean human. Sam is his heart and soul. They’re each other’s heart and soul. That’s never going to change. At least I hope it doesn’t.[/quote]
No one could’ve said it better, And this is exactly why I fell in love with the show in the first place. For me it was all the brotherly bond and everything else came out as a bonus. I really can’t wait for the next episode to air.
This is why I too love this show. Sam and Dean, the bond, the love, and everything else as a bonus. 😛
Wonderful preview! I too am excited to see how this plays out. I have loved this season in so many ways but mainly because so much has been left to our imaginations. The last episode was full of that; Dean in ballet slippers, Sam’s memories of hell, Leviathans curing cancer, Frank missing. I love how I am given so much to think about & imagine. And, yes I love the pain it gives me, this brotherly bond. Now I am anxious for the final 7 to see if my imagination was wild enough to see the reality. I love the passion it inspires in me without totally knowing why. And I love listening to other passionate fans, whether they agree with me or not. This Old Bag is getting way too much enjoyment from this great show.
Spot on, you put into words everything I love about what the show is about. Brotherly love, first and foremost. Cannot wait for tonight’s episode.
Loved this article. I was quietly squeeing through the whole thing. (Can’t let my co-workers know I’m more of a head-case than they already suspect). I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. I was invited to go on a ghost hunting tour at a local haunted theatre tonight, and I absurdly almost agreed to it. But I can’t miss Supernatural. I just can’t. My friend pointed out that I could always watch the episode online later, and while he might have a point, my universe stops for angsty, ass-kicking Winchesters and brotherly love. No exceptions. I have no social life on Friday nights. But as Ash put it, I’m cool with it.
You nailed it, sweetondean. They need each other and that is what makes the show. They keep each other human, as we’ve seen so many times with Sam keeping Dean in check for seasons and Dean doing the same when Sam was tired or soulless or fed up or whatever. They are each other’s heart and soul and that whole conjoined twins thing from Tall Tales? Yeah. That fits. Separate them if you want but neither of them is fully alive without the other and I think it’s sweet, if not codependent. Who cares if its codependent! Bring it on! 😆
So true. I don’t know if it is because I have two sons, but I always love those parts best as well. It IS the whole point to the show (even though it wasn’t what they intended). I raised my sons to be best friends. Told them all their lives no matter what, the only person they could be sure to count on was each other. to see a show with that theme, all these years later. Well, you can guess how that makes me feel (My boys are 27 & 29)
Precisely, Penny. I only have the one brother and I’m thankful for that. I had 9 years as an only child before he came along and as kids we were in 2 different worlds, but as adults we’re all evened out and it’s good to have someone else who gets my parents and thinks about things like I do. I only have 2 kids and I tell them all the time, “Your brother/sister may be a pain in the butt sometimes but when your father and I are gone, the only person you will ever have in your life who has been there the WHOLE time is each other. Cherish that and protect it.”
I’M SO DAMN EXCITED ABT THIS EPI!!!!! I can’t literally wait!!1 … I could not have said a single word different… you’re a Dean girl.. I’m a Dean girl, You love THOSE episodes cuz of what they represent for the bros… so do I. Damn.. I’ll be on tears tonight!!! …. **take it easy… breath breath!!**