Supernatural Bingo – “Party On Garth”
According to Supernatural Executive Producer Robert Singer, “Party On Garth” will feature as much drinking as allowed by The CW standards and practices.
Why not turn this week’s bingo into a drinking game? Take a sip for every square you fill. By the end, you’ll be as sloshed as the Winchester brothers and their goofy friend Garth are supposed to be. I wouldn’t advise getting out a Katana and trying to kill the monster though. Leave that to the professionals. Drunken dancing over a bingo will do just fine.
As usual, all guesses are based on pure speculation from previews and don’t contain any secret intel. Have a drink (or several) on us!. You might want to not take on five bingo cards at once though. Drink responsibly. Save the other cards for the rewatch!
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Garth goes undercover
Dean uses the word “Douche”
Garth gets into trouble |
Brothers stay at a Motel
A summoning ritual is used
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Dean is concerned or worries about Sam
Brothers have a heart to heart
Any form of alcohol is consumed
A death shown with mere blood splatter
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A body is salted and burned
A special weapon is used
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Staggering and or slurring of words occur |
A brother gets tossed by a angry spirit |
Research is done on a laptop
An EMF Reader is used |
Garth offers HUGS
Crowley and or Meg is referenced
A Brother open/drinks a coffee |
Brothers suffer from a hangover
A Brother says “Dude”
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A Brother open/drinks a coffee
Brothers stay at a Motel
A Brother says “Dude” |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Dean uses the word “Douche”
Brothers suffer from a hangover
Crowley and or Meg is referenced
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Garth goes undercover |
Garth gets into trouble |
An EMF Reader is used |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Dean is concerned or worries about Sam
A body is salted and burned
Research is done on a laptop
Garth offers HUGS
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
Brothers have a heart to heart
A summoning ritual is used
Any form of alcohol is consumed
Staggering and or slurring of words occur |
A brother gets tossed by a angry spirit |
A special weapon is used
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Staggering and or slurring of words occur
A death shown with mere blood splatter
A special weapon is used
Garth goes undercover |
A body is salted and burned
Brothers stay at a Motel
A brother gets tossed by a angry spirit
Any form of alcohol is consumed
Dean uses the word “Douche”
A Brother open/drinks a coffee |
A Brother says “Dude” |
Brothers have a heart to heart
An EMF Reader is used |
Brothers suffer from a hangover
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
A summoning ritual is used
Garth gets into trouble
Crowley and or Meg is referenced
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Research is done on a laptop
Garth offers HUGS
Dean is concerned or worries about Sam
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Research is done on a laptop
Garth goes undercover |
Dean is concerned or worries about Sam
A Brother open/drinks a coffee |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Garth offers HUGS
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Brothers stay at a Motel
Staggering and or slurring of words occur |
A special weapon is used
Crowley and or Meg is referenced
Brothers have a heart to heart
A brother gets tossed by a angry spirit |
An EMF Reader is used |
Garth gets into trouble |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
A Brother says “Dude”
Any form of alcohol is consumed
A body is salted and burned
Dean uses the word “Douche”
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
A summoning ritual is used
Brothers suffer from a hangover
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
A Brother open/drinks a coffee |
Brothers suffer from a hangover
Staggering and or slurring of words occur |
An EMF Reader is used |
Garth goes undercover |
A summoning ritual is used
Dean uses the word “Douche”
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Research is done on a laptop
Dean is concerned or worries about Sam
Any form of alcohol is consumed
Crowley and or Meg is referenced
Garth offers HUGS
Brothers have a heart to heart
A Brother says “Dude” |
A body is salted and burned
A special weapon is used
Brothers pretend to be FBI agents
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Brothers stay at a Motel
Garth gets into trouble |
Castiel is referenced and or makes an appearance |
A brother gets tossed by a angry spirit
Here’s the .pdf attachment so you can print these out and have them right in front of you come showtime.
Supernatural Bingo – Party On Garth
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