Eric Kripke’s Latest Project Gets Pilot Order At NBC
Here’s some very exciting news from within our “Supernatural” family. ”Supernatural” Creator and Executive Producer Eric Kripke just had his latest project, “Revolution” get a pilot order from NBC! The series is in collaboration with J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk. Kripke is the writer for the pilot and has the title of Executive Producer for the series.
According to Variety:
“Revolution” follows a group of characters struggling to survive and reunite with loved ones in a world where all forms of energy have mysteriously ceased to exist. The hour was a put pilot with a hefty penalty attached if the Peacock didn’t order it.
Fingers crossed that another Eric Kripke creation makes it to the airwaves. This looks very promising, since NBC has plenty of holes in their schedule to fill. What to you think? Does the premise interest you?

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
It looks promising and interesting. I’d be willing to check it out.
JJ Abrams and Eric Kripke? I’m definately gonna check this one out!
I’m afraid EK and I parted company with Swan Song. Athough I wish him success, his attention span is too short for me to get invested in another one of his projects.
I will check this project out for sure. I think both of these men are very talented and tend to do things that are right up my alley. I wish them luck and will always be grateful to Eric Kripke for bringing us Supernatural!!